• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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The Running Q&A Responses!

Blue Angel The Running Q&A

Wow, I got a LOAD of questions this time, so let's get started! 8D

-Will Volare ever have a chance of getting back to Earth?—He’s already expressed some interest in it, so it can be assumed that he’ll look for a way to go back at some point, if only to tie up loose ends
-Will he tell us what happened to Aggie?—That will be revealed in the future…though not in a way you expect…
-Was it fun typing this up?—The Q&A or the story itself?
The Q&A is always a great way to get focused reader feedback, and the story itself has been a heap of fun so far

-Will Volare find out that Rainbow Dash caused him to crash?—Maybe…
-Does Twilight have feelings for Volare like Rainbow has?—What makes you think Dash also has those particular feelings for him? She already stated that she’s only been teasing him because she kinda gets her jollies from making guys weak in the knees…the bigger question is WHY, though? Then again, her pride could be keeping her from admitting something... As for Twilight…well, you’ll see very soon

-Will Twilight ever stop jumping to conclusions?--Hopefully after this she will

-Will that patch of Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark ever have a significant role?—Yes, very much so
-Will Rainbow Dash ever tell Volare of her feelings?—What feelings? That she thinks he’s halfway between being fun to mess with and hang out with, but at the same time she feels guilty for his shortcomings cuz it’s mostly her fault? For now, she feels mostly guilty, but she’s too proud to admit it, because that’ll mean she’s accepting that she was wrong…and that’ll basically mean she lost, and she HATES losing above all else.

-Will Volare ever tell the Mane 6 (and the other ponies) about his being a brony?—For now, it’s best if he didn’t…I mean how the hell WOULD he explain it without them thinking he’s gone crazy?
-Will other humans appear?—There’s a strong possibility of that happening, yes
-Will Volare ever regain his ability to fly? Of course. Why did I ask?—What kind of story about a pegasus would this be if he didn’t?
-Will any other background/one-shot characters appear in the series? (Gilda, Trixie, etc) I’m considering it, yep. And Trixie is already in it…
-Will the Princess Sisters meet Volare in person (and maybe also develop feelings for him)? Luna already met him and will meet him again multiple times.
-Who does Volare have his eyes on? Right now, his main focus is getting healthy and possibly getting back to Earth to tie things up there. His second focus is being a big brother to Scoots and getting a job because he wants to help fix the café for Bon-Bon and Lyra. Beyond that…well, you’ll see…
-Who has their eyes on Volare?—That’d be telling
-What is Volare's last name?—That IS his last name…you mean what is his FIRST name?
-Will/does anyone in the human dimension miss Volare?—Possibly…
-Will/does anyone in the human dimension find out/see the flying blue blob that is Rainbow Dash?—You’ll see…
-What will happen at Volare's "funeral" on Earth, and what will they bury? (assuming that it hasn't happened it)—Hard to bury a body when there is no body to bury. SOP would be to list him as MIA until a sufficient incident investigation can be completed. Hard to pronounce a soldier as KIA without physical evidence (body, uniform, something)
-Did Volare have a crush on anyone back on Earth?—He was a little too obsessed with his job (for reasons as yet unrevealed) to worry much about that. In truth, his love was for flight and the joy that it gave him (he's a dork like that XD )
-Will Twilight get Rainbow Dash to collect some of Volare's old stuff and some anatomy books to turn him back to the human he used to be?—That’s unlikely. As stated, even if she got it CLOSE, he still wouldn’t be the same person. Scars from past accidents, reminders of his failures, a tweak in a limb causing a certain gait, a certain irregularity in his hairline…all those unique features combined (along with his experiences) made him who he was. Without all of those together…he wouldn’t be whole, and Twilight has already stated that wouldn’t be fair to do that to him
-Was Volare part of the fandom (listened to Tombstone, Mic the Microphone, etc), or did he just watch the show?—A little of both (he wasn’t HEAVILY into the fandom, as evidenced by his lack of intimate knowledge of background characters, but he was rather familiar with the main characters-especially Rainbow Dash). He did listen to brony music though.
-Will Volare show Vinyl more music?—Abso-frickin-lutely!
-Will Volare accidentally slip up and play brony music for Vinyl?—that’d be funny…maybe…
-Will this become another “Background Pony” type fic?—how so?
-Does he miss any of the technology he has at home?—What guy wouldn’t? However, that situation may be somewhat rectified soon.

-Will you ever stop torturing the poor guy?—Oh don’t worry…he’ll get what he deserves pretty soon…but what’s a story without conflict?

-Will you add events from Season 3 in your story?—Depending on how important they’d be to the story, I’ll see what I can do. Beyond two released songs, there’s not much info out on S3 yet…but if a random background character shouts something silly, I might make Volare responsible for it or something
Volare: YEAH!!!!
Dash: Shut up, you idiot!
Volare: :P

-When will you give the guy a special somepony-he deserves one at least.—For now, he’s got bigger things to worry about like recovering from his injuries, but once he gets settled…perhaps somepony will find him…

Beyond the Horizon:
-What does Volare miss the most about Earth?—At this point…more than likely flying, in all honesty. In regards to family…well, old wounds tend to scar over and hurt less over time. You’ll see…

And the reward for most Q&A questions goes to: Bobtehnoob! :P
I’m working on the next chapter as we speak, so expect it soon! (this break won’t be as long as I thought) ^^;

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