• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,194 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Meeting with More Royalty

I stood their with my mouth almost touching the floor I couldn't believe that I was standing in front of Ignitus! The orange dragon chuckled as I got an elbow in the side from Sam snapping me from my trance. Man I must look dumb ass in front him right now.

"H-hello," I stutter, "I'm-"

Ignitus held up a claw cutting me off,"There is no need for that, I already know who you are....Mr.James."

I blink in shock, "So....you know that-"

"You are really a human? Yes I do."

"But how?"

"You can thank Miss Sam, she was the first to come here."

I glance at Sam with a another surprised expression as she gave me a wink. Man, this is almost more shocking than when I arrived first arrived in Equestria. I wonder if she ended up in Equestria like I did? Or did she end up somewhere else? I'm going to have save that for later.

"Does any other dragon's know about us?" I asked.

Ignitus shook his head, "Only a few, that being the dragons in this mansion and the two rulers here. I have been told that you've ended up in Equestria and lived with the ponies for quite sometime."

"Yeah, that's right. Me and the ponies were pretty chill, but-"

"The turned against you."

"Yeah, but that's the thing I don't know why? But believe me not all the ponies are that way."

"Don't worry," Ignitus replied as he turned and eyed the books on the shelves behind him, "Sam and Drobot here has been watching your stay in Equestria and has reported back to me with everything that has happened. I must say though I am interested in this darker half of yourself or Malefor."

I let out a quiet growl at the mentioning of that name, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been in this mess, but at the same time I wouldn't of known that Sam was still alive. Damn, life sure works in mysterious ways. "Yeah I got my ass kicked pretty bad."

"Indeed but enough of me, I'm sure you want to how came to be here and expect me to have the answers." I nod, "I'm afraid that I do not know how you or Sam came to be on this world. But I can tell you about where you are right now."

"It's better than nothing."

"You have a...strange personality, but putting that aside, you reside not in Equestria now but the country home to the dragons called, Thedas. I'm sure you probably heard from the ponies that we are aggressive creatures meant to hoard gems out of greed, which is only partially true. Like the ponies there are three kinds of dragons, there are the brutes who uses their greed for power which they control when they are younglings, the wyrms who have no wings and could either work become commoners or guards for the royal eternals, and the lastly the elementals who are the rare kinds that can use magic to control one of the six elements."

"So kind of like the Elements of Harmony?"

"In a way, but these elements consist of fire, water, earth, tech, darkness, and lastly magic. Sam here is an elemental of darkness while Drobot is an elemental of tech. But you James are special."

"But I'm not special, I've never been special."

"And you are okay with this?"

"Well, kind of. It's just that I was always the guy who was invisible to everyone else ya' know."

"I understand where you are going James. But Here you are special, because unlike Sam and Drobot here who can only control one elements you can control all of them."

"Yeah, I kind of saw that coming."

"But your element of darkness has somehow been separated from yourself taking a form of itself calling itself Malefor." I watched as Ignitus stroked his chin. I myself was trying to process the news I have been given, so it turned out just like the Spyro games or Skylanders I am some important dragon destined to do....something. Until a thought came into my head.

"Hey Ignitus."


"Can I transform?"

Ignitus pondered on this, I looked to Drobot and Sam who had curious looks as well, "Yes, you can, but as you are now, I'm afraid you are not well experienced to achieve that ability yet."

"And Malefor, if I fuse back with him-"

"You'll become even more powerful."

"Oracle," stepped in Drobot, "I think it will be optimistic if James would be introduced with the others. Maybe they could train him to use his elements better."

"I agree," added Sam, "James needs help controlling the elements or all of our work would be for nothing."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, kind of offended.

"Do you want a repeat of your.....fight, in Canterlot."

"Good point."

"We are going to have to do that once we return," commented Ignitus, "I already sent a message to the royal eternals of his arrival and they are both eager to meet him. I will tell the others to get ready for his training while you two take James to the royal eternals, but before you leave James do you have an alternative name?"

"Why can't I use my own?"

"Like I said only the royal eternal and the dragons in the mansion know who you really are for a reason. I f the public knew they would all ask questions and one wrong answer could turn into conflict. Which is why Sam took the name Cynder."

"What about Spyro?"

"Perfect, I suggest you leave now."

The three of us nod and give our thanks before walking out of the library, as I followed the two elementals a worried thought crept in to my mind. How are the others back in Equestria? How was Bolt? Did they even miss him or were they set out looking for me? And if so did they work things out with the guards?

As we walked out the mansion, my assumptions were correct we were on a plateau of some sort overlooking a large city with a giant palace in its center. Now that we were actually outside, I could actually see other dragons flying above the city or going about their day down below. I wonder what these royal eternals looked like? So far every dragon, excluding Spike, I met was a fictional character from Earth. Maybe it's Akatosh and Alduin from the Elder Scrolls series, or maybe even....

"Spyro are you ready to proceed?" asked Drobot snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yeah," I answer, "just thinking about some things."

I felt Sam put a hand on my shoulder as I stare into those familiar green eyes, "Just try to keep up." she says with a smile.

I give a loud laugh and wave her off, "Yeah right you know I dominated track and the football team back in high school."

"Yeah, but this is flying."

"Oh, shit."

"Just stay close to us, you do know how to fly right?"

"Of course! What you think I sat on my ass the whole time I was here?"

She gave out a cute giggle and gave a light punch on my shoulder, "Let's just go before the royal eternals get impatient."

With a nod I look in shock as the boosters on Drobot's wings ignited causing him to shoot off in the air , Sam spread her wings and followed behind with me doing the same with my wings and following behind Sam. I had to admit I was squealing like a fangirl on the inside for me flying with some of my favorite characters, plus one of them was Sam.

I looked in amazement as we soared over the city, passing and greeting other dragons that flew by and also observing the wyrms down below. I noticed though that their wasn't that many brutes, maybe because most of them is in Equestria. The city kind of reminded me of Washington D.C back home. Which reminds me what was this city called?

"Het Drobot." I called out.

"Yes?" he answered.

"What's the name of the city?"

"It is called Denerim, the capital of Thedas, this was the first city to be established by dragon kind and has never been taken over. Out of all the wars we've been in Denerim is always the last city to stand and the one to finish the battle."

"Oh, you know I only asked of the name right?"

"I assumed you wanted to know about the history of Denerim?"

"Well, yeah that's cool, but I could just read that in a book."

"Fair enough," replied Drobot, "We've arrived at our destination."

I simply gawk at the palace's size, this thing was easily three or four times bigger that the one in Canterlot. With four towers at each corner and one taller one in the middle. There were also platforms on each side with dragons landing or taking off( If you guys want a description just think of the Jedi Temple). The three of us land on one of the platforms leading inside the temple and the first thing I notice were the guards advancing on our position, they had no wings but were definitely bigger than us and were wearing what looked like scale like armor. These must be wyrms ignitus was telling us about.

"State your business." ordered one of them.

"We request an audience with the royal eternals." stated Sam, "The oracle, sent a message alerting our arrival."

The guard looked at us for a good minute before nodding, "Alright, you two," he ordered as two guards gave a salute,"escort them to the their highnesses."

"Yes sir!"

With that said the two guards motioned us to follow them as we complied without hesitation, I glanced around the platform to see a couple of other dragons giving me weird looks. I try not to make contact but I had to admit it was making me feel uncomfortable. As we walked across the guards opened two doors leading into the palace.

We walked the halls for several minutes until we were met with two giant golden doors, what is it these doors? I put the thought behind me as one of the guards gave a loud cough gaining our attention. "The royal majesties have been very stressed lately and is not in the mood for things that might anger them." said one of them.

"So try not to get them pissed." said the other as we nodded and walked through the doors. As we walked through I could only gawk at the two large dragons we slowly approached. For starters they were both gigantic and, probably the size of a large building back on Earth, the one on the left had a green upper body like a human with a muscular build and sharp black horns coming out of his shoulders with two antenna on his head, while the other was also green but his build was more like a ancient chinese dragon with long whiskers and antler like horns.

I swore I seen these two from somewhere before but I couldn't put my finger on it, a slight cough caught me from my thoughts as I turned to see Drobot and Cynder bowing. After feeling like an idiot I quickly bowed with them.

"You may rise." said the bulky dragon in a booming voice as we all did as he commanded.

"You must be the one known as James, am I correct?" said the other.

Building up my confidence of not trying to screw this up I stepped forward, "Yes."

"Ignitus, has told us of your arrival and that you are of the same origin as Sam here. Allow us to introduce ourselves I am Porunga and this is my little brother and co-ruler Shenron." said the one known as Porunga...wait....Porunga? Shenron? I knew these guys looked familiar! I can't believe I didn't even notice the snake like appearance they had and the dragon ball necklaces they both had......wait dragon ball necklaces!

"Ahem." coughed Shenron snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh! Sorry...sirs....I was just deep in thought."

"That is understandable, but back to the matter at hand Ignitus already discussed about where you are and about our culture?"

I nod.

"Then it is only a matter of your training."

"You might not know it yet,"started Porunga, "But you are really important and have unimaginable power, and without your darker half Malefor you won't be able to fulfill your full potential."

"So that means I have to find Malefor, but he's somewhere in Equestria?"

Shenron shook his head, "You are not ready to face Malefor yet, you are too inexperienced and would surely be killed as to finding him you will know."

"For now you will stay with Ignitus and his group,", said Porunga, "I'm sure you'll get to use to what they do."

"What do they do?" I ask turning to Sam and Drobot, "Are you guys some kind of special group?"

"You could say that," started Sam. "We technically go around Equestria and bring back any intel that is important to the royal eternals. Either it being threatening or useful to Thedas."

"So you are like a special ops team?"

"You could go with that option." stated Drobot.

"So that means I can go back to Equestria if I wanted to? That's great! I could go see if the girls are alright! And try to sort this mess out-"

"What are you talking about, James?" suddenly said Shenron.

"Well, I don't know if you already know, but I made friends, close friends, with some ponies back in Equestria. Hell, I even have dog, but I just..... don't know what went wrong. Me and Celestia was cool when we first met, her sister..uh..Luna wasn't too fond of me, but the guard just attacked me while I was trying to help them."

"This was during your battle with Malefor, correct?" asked Porunga.

I nod.

"And you said the alicorn known as Luna was not taking a liking to you when you arrived" added Shenron as I nodded again, "Then I see why the guards would attack you."

"What? You do?!"

"It's only an idea yes, long ago me and the Princess of the Night were.....close. Porunga didn't approve of her at the time but me being young I didn't listen."

"What happened?"

"During those times, problems were at every corner. Conflicts with uurks threatening and invading dragon villages while our economy started to dwindle and so did our forces. I decided since I had a strong relationship with Princess Luna then she would give our nation support in those dire times. The Equestrians obviously being the peaceful nation as they are agreed."

"So....what went wrong?"

"I did. After a while our nation was able to push back the invading uurks and strengthen our forces, signaling Equestria that their help was no longer needed. But that was when I got a message from Luna looking for help against a spirit named Discord."

"This is probably not the best time to mention that I'm also friends with Discord." I thought as I shifted uncomfortably.

But I turned her and her sister down, even though yes our military force was getting stronger, it was not enough to face another deity like Discord. The risks were too high, but that was when me and Luna became distant and she began to change. She would never come to royal meetings if me and Porunga were there. When she became the dark being known as Nightmare Moon she had threatened us to join her or our country would be wiped off the map. So we had no choice, but to stand against her and help Celestia banish her to the moon, she came back as the Luna you saw in Canterlot, but she still had a growing....dislike...towards most dragons especially me."

"It is not your fault little brother," comforted Porunga as he put his hand on Shenron's shoulder,"You did what you had to do, if not we wouldn't be standing here today."

"So the only reason why the guards attacked me was because Luna had a personal vendetta!?"

"It does make logical sense," commented Drobot, "If I am correct, since you and Malefor are the same being; if something.....happens it affects the other, am I correct?"

"Yeah," I answered, "Which is probably why he saved me from the guards to keep me alive."

"Affirmative, my theory is she probably somehow figured out if one dies so does the other and took action. But it doesn't make sense I studied Equestrian government, one sister must always gain the approval of the other before committing an order that serious, unless..."

"Celestia approved it. Damn."

"I'm apologize but we are going to have to cut this meeting short," said Porunga,"Me and Shenron have other meetings to get ready for."

The three of us give our thanks to the royal eternals and exit the throne room. As we walked through the halls of the palace my mind was on why would Celestia approve of something like that? Maybe she just wanted Malefor captured and the guards took me as him? No that can't be it, they were just fine when I entered the palace and me and Malefor are two completely different colors.

"James," said Sam, "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah," I answer, "It's just been a long day with me trying to process all this new information."

"Well, when we get back to the mansion I suggest you get some rest, because tomorrow we are heading straight into your training."

"That's sounds like a good idea...hey Sam?"


"Can you really make a wish with those dragon balls?"

Malefor watched from a distant as Trixie performed her show, after escaping the guards from the Whitetail Woods they managed to end up in a town called Appleloosa. It reminded him of a Western village, they had parked the wagon near by until Trixie decided that they needed more money or bits as the ponies call their currency.

Now here he was, in a cloak far behind a crowd of ponies as Trixie performed her so called tricks, he didn't see what the problem was when she told him that most towns drove her off. Most of her acts was actually pretty impressive, plus this was the first time of him actually seeing her perform out of the two weeks of staying with her.

Luckily during that time most of his wounds and injuries had been healed, but he didn't know why he decided to stay with the mare. They should've went their separate ways when he was back to full strength. Malefor was snapped from his thoughts as a stray guard walked passed him, luckily with the hood over his head the guard didn't notice him.

"Shit," muttered Malefor, "I totally forgot those two bitches has the guard spread out throughout Equestria looking for me and James."

Malefor heard the sounds of applause as he glanced toward the stage to see Trixie bowing, he couldn't help but chuckle at how dramatic the showmare was. To his surprise also, he and Trixie actually managed to get along, maybe that's why he decided to stay with her? She was a powerful ally and could be useful if he ran into a situation, which would be rare.

Once the crowd dispersed, Malefor for took the opportunity to walk to the stage to rendezvous with Trixie who had just used her magic to transform the stage back into the wagon. She had a successful grin on her face as she hummed a polite tone.

"Someone's in a good mood." commented Malefor making Trixie jump in surprise.

"Don't scare Trixie like that!" complained Trixie.

Malefor rolled his eyes, "Nice to see you too."

"We assumed you enjoyed Trixie's show?"

"Meh it was alright."

Trixie face flustered in anger, "Alright!? That was the best performance Trixie put on in Celestia knows how long and all you can say is 'alright'!?"

"Hey don't get mad at me for stating my opinion."

"Hmpf, fine since you think my shows are 'alright' you get to be my assistant the next town we arrive too."

"What!? Fuck no!"

"Trixie demands an assistant or she'll call you Male for the rest of the trip to the next town!"

Malefor growled under his teeth, he hated that nickname she came up for him and she would always use it to get under his skin. "Fine I'll be your stupid assistant." he muttered as Trixie gave a grin in triumph.

"Perfect, now come inside Trixie will make lunch and please hurry before one of the guards notices you." stated Trixie as she walked inside the carriage. Malefor was about to follow when he swore he saw green light flash behind him, he turned around and got in a defensive stance and was met with two royal guards, a mare and a stallion. Malefor was about to blast them into dust until one of them put up a surrendering hoof.

"Hold on! We are not what you think we are dragon." said the mare guard as Malefor's stance didn't change a bit.

"Fade," said the stallion guard, "I don't think he going to listen to us looking like this."

The mare guard nodded in agreement as Malefor not looked at the two in confusion, he was surprised when they were both engulfed in a green flame. Malefor watched as the guards that was just standing there in front of him a second of go were now replaced with bug-like ponies with holes in their legs wings, and a horn, he assumed the mare was the one with the long green mane flowing down her shoulders as the stallion didn't have one at all.

"What the fuck?" was all Malefor could say.

"Sorry for the scare," said the mare, "The ponies don't welcome our kind so we had to take disguises in the meantime, my name is Fade and this is my brother Shift."

"Malefor, if you don't mind me asking, why don't the ponies like having you around."

"We're called changelings," stated Shift, "And the reason why is that we our food source is mostly love."

"You feed on love?"

"Yes, but when food started to go low that's when we started to get desperate."

"We tried to ask Celestia for help," added Shift, "but she said that we were too much of a danger toward her subjects and denied our request, so we attacked Canterlot."

"You're kidding?"

"No, but sadly we failed and were literally flung out of Canterlot, with half of us surviving the blast, while the rest are starving."

"So why come here?"

"It's better we talk inside," stated Shift, "Before somepony notices us."

Malefor nods and motions them inside the wagon, before checking his surrounding making sure no other pony or guard saw what was going on. He heard a scream from Trixie from inside the wagon signaling that Trixie had discovered the undisguised changelings enter the wagon. He sighed and rubbed his temples as he walked in the wagon, feeling a migraine rush to his head.

"I don't have time for this shit."

Author's Note:

What do the changelings want with Malefor? Why is James so important to the dragons and what would his training consist of?

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I really like how this is coming along! Also for those who don't know what Shenron and Porunga looks like because I suck at descriptions here they are...



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