• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,224 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Reunion Part 2


I could only watch helplessly and gulp as I watch Flashwing stomp toward the three of us with a murderous intent. Applejack has the same look in her eyes while Rarity as a look of concern and confusion. As Flashwing comes closer, i place a claw on Applejack's shoulder, and gently place her behind me with Rarity, She shows little resistance but I give her a look telling her that i'll be fine and she finally submits and backs off.

"Flashwing i can explain.." I say as the angry white dragoness stops in front of me with the same glare.

She cuts me off with a punch to the shoulder, "James, have you any idea what you just done! We specifically said to stay away from the elements!"

"Yeah and I'm sorry," I started rubbing my now sore arm, "but I couldn't do that...I just needed to know if they were fine. Come on what would you do if you haven't seen someone you care for in a long period of time and finally get a chance to meet them again."

"That's not the point! The point is that you could not only get yourself captured and killed, but put them in danger as well!"

"That is not going to happen! Not while I a still here."

Flashwing and stood staring at each other both of us having a glare, until she gave out a defeated sigh, "You're lucky that I have a soft spot for family, but Bash isn't going to like this."

"I'll handle Bash, it's Sam that I'm worried about."

I noticed that Flashwing had calmed down as she placed a claw on my shoulder with a sympathetic look on her face,"I'll make sure to bring flowers to your funeral."

I roll my eyes, "Oh, haha."

She lets out a cute giggle, then turns towards Rarity and Applejack, "So these are the elements? I'm sorry for my attitude earlier it was...unladylike of me."

"That's mighty fine," stepped in Applejack, "but I gotta' admit you did give us a scare for a sec."

"So, you are the Flashwing James been telling us about?" asked Rarity as Flashwing nodded.

"That's me and judging for what James told me you two must be Rarity and Applejack."

"Applejack smiled, "Ya' got that right! But if ya' don't mind me asking, why wouldn't ya' let James see us?"

"Like I said before, we were just trying to protect him and you guys. The guards have eyes and ears everywhere and we weren't taking any risks of being discovered."

Rarity took a worried and confused glance toward my direction, "But why was the Princesses trying to kill you! This is certainly not like them."

I shrug as a response, "I honestly don't know, well...Luna kind of has a grudge against dragons so I kind of get that, but Celestia is the one that has me stumped."

It was the truth, I didn't know why Celestia would let this happen, didn't she know that I was trying to save them back in Canterlot? Hell, I literally stopped Malefor from blasting both her AND her sister into oblivion. So why? I can't just go to Canterlot and ask that would be suicide, because A. It is probably flooded with guards and B. I'm not strong enough yet.

That's when it hit me, what if I have someone on the inside? It couldn't be the girls though, they will make it too obvious, wait didn't Twilight say that she had a brother in the Crystal Empire? He could work...if I remember correctly about Twi' is that she loves to send new information to her close friends and family.

I let out a chuckle gaining the three girls attention, I noticed their gazes a I clear my throat, "Sorry, I just thought of something."

"Like what?" asked Flashwing.

"Applejack, Rarity..Twi has a brother and sister-in-law right?"

They both nodded, "Yeah, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence both run the Crystal Empire." answered Applejack.

"Perfect, I was thinking that we could go there and see the both of them and get this mess straightened out. Maybe they could talk to Luna and Celestia."

"That's not actually a bad idea,"commented Flashwing, "It would make finding Malefor easier."

"But what about the other dragon's?" asked Rarity.

I waved a claw, "Don't worry Rares, I'm sure Bash, Drobot, and, Sam will be just fine."

Coco's Apartment

"You stupid son of a bitch!" screamed Bash as a clenched claw found it's way across my face forcing me to the ground. I watched at the corner of my eye as Rarity, Applejack, and Coco tried to step in but was stopped by Flashwing who shook her head. Drobot had his usual blank expression and Sam was silent with a disappointing look on her face.

I spat out some blood and came to my feet and kept a stern gaze, "Do you have any idea what you've done?" asked Bash.

"Yeah," I answer, "I saw a chance to be reunited with my friends! And I took it!"

"And because of that you risked of blowing our cover! For some ponies!"

"Now hold it right there," stepped in Applejack, "Ah' din't know who you think ya' are but ah' don't appreciate you talkin' to our friend like that."

Bash laughed," And what are you going to do?"

"Protect your friend, you wingless brute!" added Rarity, I could tell that struck a nerve in Bash as he growled and stepped forward.

"Bash! That's enough." exclaimed Sam as the earth elemental stopped in his tracks, before glaring at the purple dragoness and letting out a snort and backing off toward the couch away from the group. I instantly feel a shiver as I watch Sam give me one of those 'looks'.

"W-what were you thinking?" choked Sam as I stayed silent, "D-Do you know wh-what I'll do if I l-lose you again."

I instantly pulled Sam into a hug, she squirms a bit but then hugs me back as she cries into my shoulder,"Sam, I didn't mean to hurt you...but I'm not leaving you ever again."

She broke the embrace and nodded, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye,"So what now?"

"Now we leave," Stepped in Bash, "We can't stay here, so I hope James here have a plan."

I nod, "Actually I do, and if it works it will make our jobs a helluva lot easier."

"So what is this objective?"asked Drobot.

"The Crystal Empire, if we can somehow convince Princess Cadence and Shining Armor that we are not the bad guys, then maybe we could also patch up things with Luna and Celestia."

"How do you know if they will even believe you?" asked Coco who just came into the room.

"Me and Applejack here are good friends with them," commented Rarity.

"Yeah," added Applejack, "All we have ta' do is get back to Ponyville and explain ta' Twi' what's goin' on. Then she'll send a message through Spike to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor."

Flashwing nodded,"Then it sounds like a plan, the two elements will return to Ponyville while the rest of us will go to the Crystal Emp-"

Everything seemed to slow down, we didn't know why Flashwing had suddenly stopped mid sentence, until we heard the sound of the window breaking and the white dragoness' screams echoing through the room. Flashwing fell to the ground with an arrow that had pierced her shoulder. As time seemed to speed back up I watched as Bash instantly moved Flashwing out of the way from another incoming arrow.

Drobot activated his thrusters and flipped the couch and barricaded the window, before landing back on his feet. Our attention then turned to Bash who was trying to take the arrow out of Flashwing's shoulder but she winced and motioned him to leave it alone. "How did a simple arrow pierce her scales?" asked Sam with worry.

Bash growled and gave me a death glare, "The arrow is infused with magic, this wouldn't have happened if you just listened and stayed low!"

I looked down in shame, this was all my fault. If I hadn't of reunited with Applejack and Rarity none of this would be happening right now. I could feel Rarity and Applejack trying to comfort me but I pay them no heed. It was Canterlot all over again, but this time even more of the ones he cares for are going to get caught in the crossfire.

But I won't let that happen again.

"Bash-" started Sam.

"Leave." I say gaining everyone's attention in the room.


"All of you get out of here. The guards are here for me and me alone."

Sam shook her head,"Not in a chance in hell I'm doing that!"

"Well, you have to. I know this sounds cheesy but Bash is right. I'm only bringing harm to the rest of you if you're around me. I can probably hold them off for you guys to sneak out the building."

"My scanners are showing royal guard entering the building as we speak." commented Drobot.

"Then we don't have time to argue, you guys hurry up and go. I'll hold of those bastards."

"James! i'm with Sam on this," exclaimed Rarity, "You can't take on the royal guard alone."

"Rarity here is right!" added Applejack, "This is suicide, what 'bout the girls and Spike? What 'bout Twi', Flutters, and Derpy?"

I flashed the two ponies a sad smile, the girls and Spike back in Ponyville had crossed my mind. Pinkie, Rainbow, Applicable, Scootaloo, Spike, Sweetie Belle, Dinky, Twilight, Derpy, and Fluttershy. The chances of me surviving this are a million to one but it was the only way for the others to get out of here.

Rarity and Applejack will be fine, if anything the guards would just assume that they we're being held captive. I watched the sad looks on their faces as tears threaten to escape from their eyes. "I'll try to make it back," I say softly, "But I can't make any promises."

"Th-This ain't fair! We just found ya'!" I pulled the two ponies n an embrace trying to fight my own tears as well.

I broke the embrace and turned toward Drobot, "Drobot, change of plans take these two with you guys to the Crystal Empire. I'll try to catch up as soon as I can. Coco I suggest you go with them as well because shits about to hit the fan."

Coco shook her head, "Actually I'll stay here in the apartment, try and act like I was kidnapped."

I nod as a sudden cough brought my attention to Bash, who had Flashwing draped across his back, "James...make sure you come back alive. So I can kick your ass for this."

It might not of sounded like it, but I heard that phrase plenty of times to know that the dino like dragon had forgiven me and wanted me to stay alive.

"Royal Guards are on almost on the level and are closing in." warned Drobot.

"Then let's not keep them waiting," says Sam, "And James, when you get back we are definitely talking about these other girls."

I feel myself pale a little bit kind of hoping I might not survive this. I give her a nervous nod as all of us except Coco, who stayed behind, rushed out of the apartment and down the hallway. I could hear the metal clang of the Royal Guards suits as the sounds of their hoofsteps surrounded us in the hallway.

"Sir! I think I hear something coming form this way!" I hear a guard call out.

"Those guards are getting closer!" exclaimed Bash.

"Then we need to got to the roof and try to lose them in the clouds." explained Sam.

"What about the pegasi?"

"We'll take care of them and meet you, Flashwing, and James at the train station."

A bolt of magic flew past my head as I turned and saw the guards already catching up to us. We weren't going to make it at this rate, "Guys I'm going have to depart earlier than I expected," I say slowing down, I could see the protested looks on Rarity, Applejack, and Sam's faces, "get to the roof and head on to the train station. If you arrive and I'm not there in ten minutes....leave without me."

Before anyone could object I instantly stopped, I watched as Sam and Drobot had to use a little force on Applejack and Rarity from turning back and trying to help me. It pained me to see them that way but I couldn't let them be caught in the crossfire. i turn around facing the guards who were now charging me either raising their spear or their horns glowing ready to fire off bursts of magic.

I got in a pouncing stance and bared my teeth letting out a primal growl, letting a few flames sew from my maw. When they got close enough I sent a wave of fire at the group of guards igniting the hallway. The unicorns though easily activated their shields protecting them and their comrades and passing through the flames. Summoning the earth magic in my body a stomped on the floor causing the ground to giving away sending me and the the guards to the level below.

I picked myself up and instantly dodged a spear that was aimed for my chest, I tripped the guard pony with my tail and kicked him into a nearby wall. I jumped back from two magical attacks and sent back a fireball colliding with the nearest unicorn guard causing him to scream in pain and fall over. I spread my wings and flapped using my air magic to blow back the guards gaining from distance from them. I turn around and headed deeper into the hall way trying to find an exit.

"I can't fight them in this tight space,"I say to myself,"I got to find a window or something."

I turn around another corner and spot an open window, without a second thought I jump through causing glass to plummet to the ground with me following after. I slowly glide to the ground and watch as ponies around began to scream and run in terror, I take a glance up and watch as the guards that were chasing me start shouting orders. I turn to fly off but a stray arrow goes through my wing sending me back down, I grunt in pain as I looked at my now bleeding wing.

"Shit! Just my luck!" I spat as I started to run down the sidewalk, I took one last look back at the building and saw that the others weren't on the roof and judging by the no guards flying overhead they must've escaped in time. Good, that meant all I have to do is make it to the train station in one piece and we can get the hell out of here.

I turned down an alley way avoiding a barrage of arrows from pegasi guards, and pumped my limbs even harder. A flash of light caught me off guards a unicorn guards began to teleport in front of me. I did a sharp u-turn and tried to run the others way only for the pegasi guards to land and block my path. I took a defensive stance as the guards slowly advanced on my position.

"Look dragon," a unicorn said, who seemed to be the one in charge,"You are crippled and we have you surrounded. Just give it up and we will take you in alive."

"Then in that case you can kiss my ass!" I yell before leaning my head down engulfing my horns with fire and knocking all of the pegasi guards aside in a fiery explosion. I put up my fiery shield deflecting the magical blasts that came from the unicorns, using my earth magic I stomped on the ground summoning a pillar of rock and pushed it toward the unicorns as I expected the earth pony guards managed to stop it with their strength as the unicorns teleported away.

I grabbed one by the neck with my powerful jaw drawing a little blood and tossing the unicorn into a nearby wagon shattering it upon impact. I sent two fire blasts toward two earth pony guards that tried to stab me with spears from behind engulfing them in flames, and used my tail to catch another spear aimed for the back of my head and broke the tip of the spear before countering with a kick to the gut making him hunch over and land face first.

I looked over to the last guard standing an noticed it was the leader from before. I didn't really get a good look at him due to the darkness of the alley but now that we were out and in the streets i could see him much clearly now. His armor was the same gold, but it was way more bulkier with blue trimmings with a mace strapped to his side. He had no helmet and had white fur with a yellow mane and tail...oh and he was a unicorn too.

"You'll pay for what you've done dragon." spat out the guard using his magic to unsheathe his mace.

"What I've done?" I ask.

"YES! You and your accomplice attack Canterlot and injuring both of the princesses! Not only that but you also just took out my whole squad!"

"That was only self-defense! And a little payback for hurting one of my friends!"

The guard scoffed, "You mean that white dragon? Please I probably did you a favor."

I felt my blood boil, how could Celestia let ponies like this in her guard? I put the thought behind me as I started to circle my opponent with him doing the same. The cool breeze of the night air swept through the buildings of Manehattan, there was no guard in the sky or on the ground, no civilians, no sound but the cool breeze.

"His armor is thicker than the other guards," I say quietly to myself, "It might be enchanted to which means I might have to put a little more effort this time."

A sudden sound from a can can be heard from the distance, signaling the start of the fight. I charged first lowering and igniting my horns and I managed to collide with his chest staggering him a little. He recovered and swung his mace downward but I jumped out the way letting the blunter weapon strike the concrete creating spider webbed cracks.

I charge again dodging another swipe and attempt to slash his foreleg but it was blocked with his mace stunning me, I was then knocked in the gut making me lose my breathe and was sent tumbling like a rag-doll across the concrete street. I managed to dig my claws in the stone skidding back and stopping my momentum. "Okay.." I pant regaining my breathe, "A close attack doesn't work on this guy. Long range it is."

I take a deep breath and let loose a wave of flames at the guard, who not surprisingly, threw up a shield protecting himself from the flames. I charged forward and started to fire a barrage of fire blasts each colliding with his shield. I starred to see cracks forming in the magical barrier signaling that he couldn't keep that up for ever. Taking a deep breath and mustering whatever I had left a dent a massive fire ball the size of a small car from my mouth, and watched as it collided with the guards shield in a large ember like explosion.

The shield shattered blasting the guard back and flinging his mace to god-knows-where, i panted out of breathe and walked to toward the fallen guard who was trying to struggle to his hooves, but only to fall flat on his stomach. he had minor burns and patches of his fur were singed off, with his armor missing pieces and cracked.

"Stay down," I say as he spat at me as i turned around and start to walk toward the train station, "If you'll excuse me, i have a train to catch,"

"Not today.." I heard him say as I instantly turned around, and saw a magical blast coming for my face. i didn't have the strength or stamina to dodge it, until I felt something collide into my side and falling on to of him bringing me down as the blast soared over to where my head was and impacted a nearby wagon exploding in a pink like light.

It was them I flash of purple caught my eye and I heard the guard scream until he was silent. My vision began to come back, as I looked to see a unicorn mare with a light blue coat, silver mane, and purple eyes. She instantly got off of me as I slowly got to my feet and instantly feeling the adrenaline leave my body and the pain starting to replace it.

I wince a bit before turning to the unicorn, "Thanks, I owe you one. I you hadn't of came that would of been my ass." I say as the unicorn shook her head making me look in confusion.

"It's him you need to be thanking." I turn my head to where the unicorn was pointing and my eyes widened. Standing over the charred remains and surrounded by purple flames was a dark dragon. The dragon from Canterlot. The one that saved my life. The one responsible for all this mess. The one that was also me.

"Malefor." I spat.

Malefor just looked at me, before confusing me...he smiled....not like a happy smile, or a mocking smile, but just a regular smile ,"Hello James, we have some things to discuss."

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry about the wait! Don't be mad....:fluttercry:

Hope this chapter was worth it! We finally got anther fight scene and James and Malefor meet again!

Comment below on what you think.:pinkiehappy: