• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,228 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 2: A New Hope

A Few Minutes Earlier

Rarity was in a hiding spot with Derpy and Bolt as they watched from the sidelines as the group of ponies and dragons were starting to get surrounded by the clones of Discord. The white unicorn had to admit, even if she was against it, that it was pretty interesting watching her friends fight together as a group. It reminded her when her and her friends stood together against the changelings, when the bug like ponies attacked Canterlot and even Trixie joined in with them to help as much as she can. Shining Armor and Cadence was moving as if they were one pony, watching each other's backs and combing their magical attacks. She was surprised even the dragons had managed to have their own kind of teamwork. Sam using her dark lighting blasts to decimate her foes, Bash using his brute strength, Drobot using his intellect and advanced gadgetry, and Flashwing controlling the crystals around her to her advantage.

However it didn't seem like it was going to be enough, for every Discord that fell, another one just took their place. She held on to James' pet companion Bolt, as she watched the group being surrounded in a tight circle as the army of Discords started to march closer. She could feel the white shepherd in her forelegs start to shake in nervousness as he fidgeted in his place. Rarity noticed that he was staring off somewhere other than the battle He started to whine which made her more worried and confused. Derpy seemed to notice as well and cocked her head tot he side.

"Bolt dear," Rarity asked the dog, "What's wrong?"

"Yeah, what do you see?" added Derpy

A sudden explosion of orange, yellow, blue, and purple made itself known at another part of the Empire. Strong winds and tremors from the aftershock came their way as Rarity held on to Bolt and Derpy to brace themselves. The other group fell over and the army of Discords vanished leaving the original as the Spirit of Chaos dug his talons on the ground to anchor himself from the immense power. The explosion died down and the winds and shaking eventually came to a cease. Then everything was quiet.

"What the hay was that!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash wobbling to her hooves.

The corrupt Discord chuckled as the group set their worried and stern gazes at him,"It seems that your precious dragons have failed to defeat both Solar Flare and Nightmare Moon."

This made the group freeze.

"But don't worry," continued Discord,"The two princesses aren't going to dispose of them...yet."

"And what do you mean by that Discord!" exclaimed Twilight.

"You lot need to understand what happens when you go against the likes of us!"

As if on cue Nightmare Moon and Solar Flare teleported at Discord's sides which made the ponies and dragons not gasp at their sudden appearance but the beaten and unconscious forms of James and Malefor in their magical grip. The two dragons were flung toward the group and waking up form the impact as they tumbled in front of the dragons and ponies. The group immediately rushed to their aid as they grunted in pain trying to stand. Twilight and Sam were at both of James' sides and supporting him up by both of his forearms, while Malefor was being supported by Trixie. Derpy, Rarity, and Bolt went over to join them to see if their was anything they could do to help.

"Are you two alright?" asked Cadence with concern in her voice.

"Does it...look like....we're alright..." grunted Malefor as he spat out some blood.

Shining was about to scold the dark dragon for insulting his wife with his sarcasm but decided that it wasn't the time, "You two are in bad shape. If you don't get help soon...."

"We'll be fine," said James cutting off Shining Armor, "As...long as me and Malefor.....are still breathing....we can still fight..."

"Are you even hearing yourself!" stepped in Twilight with concern and anger behind her tone, "You two can barely talk and stand!"

"I agree with the princess," added Sam, "James, you and Malefor did what you can but you need to leave it to us now."

Malefor chuckled, "A-and you think that....you all can beat all three....of th-them when me and James...couldn't handle two of them? Hell....Y-you can't e-even beat the c-circus freak."

"He has a point," stated Drobot, "Our chances of survival are severally dwindled if we face Solar Flare, Nightmare Moon, and Discord at once."

Bash growled in annoyance from the tight corner they were put in, "Thanks for the words of confidence buddy." he said sarcastically.

"Well we have ta' try!" said Applejack, "We beat Nightmare Moon and Discord before... so how could anything be different this time?"

"P-please...just give up..." stuttered James, "Its me and Malefor they want..."

"You all....w-will be throwing your live away...f-f-or n-nothing..." added Malefor.

"You two are not nothing, darling" said Rarity, "If we didn't care why would we be helping you in the first place?"

Derpy nodded, "Yeah! We always have our friends backs! No matter what!"

Bolt barked in agreement.

Malefor could only chuckle at their stubbornness. To be honest he understood why the ponies and other dragons would help James. But why him? Now that he thought about it wasn't this whole situation started because of his rampage in Canterlot? Trixie he could understand but the others? "I can...see why you love these ponies so much....James." he said with a painful smile, "Even these other dragons.....they really care for...you."

The rest of the group looked shocked but couldn't help but smile at Malefor's sudden change in tone. "B-but why help me? Why h-help a dragon that started this whole situation?" He looked to the group but was shocked when he suddenly felt a peck on his cheek. The dark dragon felt his cheeks warm up as he looked to see Trixie with the same blush.

"You big lug," the blue showmare stated, "Can't you see they forgive you?"


"Malefor," Flashwing said cutting off the dark dragon, "You have done more than enough for redemption. You are helping to save a doomed race. You could've killed Trixie when you first met but didn't and you helped James here escape from Canterlot and was willing to stall time for us to escape Manehattan."

"You've done more than enough for redemption." said James, "You are me after all.....even if you are an asshole."

"If your done, I recommend we get back to the matter at hand." called out Discord gaining their attention as the two alicorns smirked beside him.

"It is time for all of your punishments!" added Solar Flare.

"And it will be slow an painful." finished Nightmare as the group prepared themselves for another fight.

Crystal Palace

Scootaloo followed Spike and Applebloom through the halls of the Crystal Palace, luckily Spike was known as a hero here so they managed to get passed guards no problem. The orange filly and Applebloom didn't know what they were supposed to be looking for, Spike hadn't told what they were getting or looking for. It annoyed her that she was being kept in the dark, but she decided to let it go at the moment since their purple dragon friend is in trouble. She, Applebloom and Spike hoped that they would make it to James in time before things got too bad.

They turned around another corner as Spike sniffed the air. From what Scootaloo and Applebloom could see he was using his sense of smell to see where he was going. She didn't know he could do that, do all dragons have that strong of smell? She should probably save that for later. As they were rushing through the halls they saw what seems to be two of Luna's guards standing in front of what looked to be a guest room.

"That's it." whispered Spike.

"Really," replied Scootaloo, "Then what are we waiting for? And why are we whispering?"

"Yeah, whats the deal?" added Applebloom.

"Because I have a gut feeling that they won't let us in because of who's in there." answered Spike

The orange purple maned filly put on a confused look Who? What was Spike talking about? "What are getting at Spike? Who's in there?" the yellow country filly asked.

"Fluttershy," he answered, "I managed to hear what was going on outside when we were with Sweetie and Dinky. It turns out they brought Fluttershy here for some reason."

"Why would they do that?" asked Applebloom.

Spike shrugged, "I don't know but that what I'm going to find out."

The three children ran over to the door and after some convincing from Spike the two crystal guards finally gave in and left their posts. Not after getting an autograph form the baby dragon which made Applebloom and Scootaloo roll their eyes in slight annoyance. Spike slowly opened the door and walked inside the room being followed by Applebloom and Scootaloo.

"Hello?" called out Spike, "Fluttershy? Are you here?"

"Its us! Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Spike!" added Applebloom.

Some shuffle form the blankets caught their attention as a familiar yellow pegasus appeared from under the bed with a terrified and worried look on her features. Dried tear stains were on her cheeks as her eyes widened at the sight of Spike, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. How did they get here? Why were they here? It's too dangerous for any them of them to be right now! Her gaze landed on Spike as her heart dropped. Would Nightmare Moon go far enough to kill Spike? No...Princess Luna would never hurt Spike.....

"Fluttershy, are yo ok?" asked Scootaloo making the pink maned pegasus squeak. She nodded and made her way out of the bed.

"What happened Fluttershy?" asked Applebloom.

"Yeah," stepped in Spike, "Why were you locked in here like this?"

Fluttershy shook her head as he voice started to crack, "I-I....J-James...." fresh tears started to stream down her cheeks as she thought back to a familiar purple dragon wrapped in chains. She remembered gaining the courage to confess her feelings to James and for standing up to Princess Luna of all ponies and then being dragged away to this room by the guards. She cried for what felt like hours as her chest tightened due to her being helpless to save the dragon that she loved. She felt a bit of relief when she felt the castle tremble and the sounds of battle outside. It didn't make her feel any better however, her friends were fighting each other and she hated it.

She was snapped from her thoughts as she felt Spike rub her fore-hoof in comfort. She sniffed and ribbed her tears, "I'm..A-Alright..." she choked out as she composed herself, "Still...just a little shaken..."

"What is going on?" asked Spike.

"And where is James?" added Scootaloo.

"Is he in trouble?" finished Applebloom.

Fluttershy nodded and started from the beginning. She started from the battle from Canterlot, to James' disappearance, to him being in Manehattan, to the Crystal Empire, and how she got locked in the room. Spike, Applebloom, and Scootaloo listened closely and couldn't believe what they were hearing. So the reason why their dragon friend wasn't in Ponyville was because of him being wrongfully accused and hunted down by almost everypony in Equestria. Fluttershy then noticed something that made her worried.

"Where's Sweetie Belle? And what happened to Dinky?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh! Sweetie and Dinky went to go help James!" answered Scootaloo with a smile as Fluttershy had a look of horror.

"What! Its too dangerous!" exclaimed Fluttershy, "We have to go get them before they get hurt! And go save James in the process!"

The three children nodded in agreement and ran out of the room with Fluttershy and made their ways through the halls of the Crystal Palace. Spike had noticed how assertive Fluttershy had gotten. Could it be because of her protecting her friends? Or maybe it was because of her love for James? He quickly shook the thoughts form his head and focused on the task at hand. He just hoped that everyone was alright.

Crystal Grounds

"We are not alright" stated James as picked himself up off of the crystal ground. He looked around to see the rest of his friends in the same condition as him. He grit his teeth in anger as he saw them struggling to stand back up, Discord had hit them with a surprise attack knocking them all away. Luckily no one but him and Malefor got hurt to bad, only a little dazed. That was it, him and Malefor won't let anyone of their friends get hurt because of them anymore. They were going to end this or they were going to die trying. The sound of laughter brought his attention in front of him as he saw Nightmare Moon, Solar Flare, and Discord.

"It seems you're at your limit dragon," stated Nightmare Moon as her horn started to glow, "Any last words dragon?"

Before James could answer a sudden "STOP!" caused Nightmare Moon could turn her head. James was surprised to see two familiar set of four little hooves. What? Why are they here!? This is probably the worst possible time they could be here! Standing in front of the purple dragon was none other than Dinky and Sweetie Belle, both glaring at the tree possessed beings.

"What is this?" questioned Nightmare Moon.

"Sw-Sweetie....D-Dinky...? What are you doing here?" stuttered James as the two fillies looked back and ran toward him and tackling him to the ground in an embrace. He grunted in pain because of his wounds but ignored them for the moment as he embraced the two fillies back.

"You two shouldn't have come," said James, "It's too dangerous!"

"But we wanted to help you!" protested Sweetie.

"Yeah!" agreed Dinky, "You are our friend!"

"You two get out of here! I don't know what I'll do if you two got hurt!" pleaded James.

"Sweetie!?" Rarity said as she saw her little sister by the injured purple dragon.

"Dinky!?" said Derpy the same time as Rarity,

The two fillies ignored their calls and kept their eyes on James before turning around facing Nightmare Moon, Solar Flare, and Discord. James would get up and stop them if he wanted to but he was too weak to move form his spot on the ground. For the two fillies they couldn't deny that they were getting the souls scared out of them by the three menacing figures in front of them. However they swallowed that fear for their friend, they took a deep breath and stomped their little hooves on the ground.

"You leave James alone!" squeaked out Dinky.

"Yeah! Other than Spike he is the nicest dragon I have ever met!" added Sweetie.

Solar Flare scoffed, "This 'nice' dragon has cause terror and panic throughout Equestria!"

"He has taken the lives of guards and separated them from their families." added Discord.

"No! It's not-" James cut off Sweetie.

"It's true..." James said making the two fillies turn to him, "It's my fault all of this is happening.....if I wasn't here everything would be back to normal for you...."

Not only Sweetie and Dinky had shocked expressions but also the rest of the group, besides Malefor, James could only sigh as he looked to the ground and continued, "I did hurt those guards when I was attacked.....maybe even....worse.", James fought back his tears but found it to no avail, "I think it was better if you, Applebloom, and Scootaloo left me to die in that damned forest," he couldn't have the strength to look at the two fillies or his other friends around him, "Just leave me...." James clenched his eyes shut but then felt two heavy weights around his neck. He peeked open to see Sweetie and Dinky hugging him and crying as well.

"Wh-What..." stuttered James.

"We don't care!" exclaimed Dinky snuggling in his neck.

"Yeah!" added Sweetie holding him tighter, "Your like my...my....brother!"

"And....your the closest thing....to a d-daddy....that I have."

Everyone around was taken back from the scene, even the three possessed beings was shocked by the two fillies expressing their feelings for the dragon. Nightmare grit her teeth as he coat flashed from dark to light, Luna was getting stronger and soon she would take over again and this whole plan would be for nothing. She had to end this now! "It seems we have two more traitors to Equestria!" she shouted as her horn started to glow again.

"Luna!" shouted James, "Their just kids leave them out of this!" shouted James as Sweetie and Dinky hid under his wings.

"I am known as Nightmare Moon, dragon! You have corrupted these poor fillies! I'm just purifying them of your evil magic!"

"Are you out of your mind!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Princess Luna this is going too far!" shouted Twilight.

"Please let my muffin go!" added Derpy.

"Sweetie doesn't deserve this!" cried out Rarity.

"They should've thought twice about their actions then!" Nightmare Moon screams and blasts a blue beam of magical at the three. Time seemed to slow down for the group as James held on to Sweetie and Dinky hoping to shield them from the blast. He clenched his eyes awaiting for the blast to make impact. He could here Rarity and Derpy cry for the two fillies. He felt them hug tighter to him as he could literally feel the heat of the blast come closer to them. This was it......he was going to die...he knows that the others would be devastated for his death but at least he won't cause any more harm to them. He just hoped that Nightmare Moon would show them mercy.

Malefor had other plans though.

The darker version of James, jumped in front of the blast and used whatever magic power he had left to send a blast of flame knocking it off course. Malefor dropped to his knees in front of the three facing Nightmare Moon with a glare, "Don't I get a say if you kill yourself or not?" he spat out, "Don't you remember that if you die I dies as well.....and I'm not finished with these assholes yet."

James nodded still shocked by Malefor's sudden appearance, "Thanks...." he looked toward the two fillies clinging on too him for dear life under his wings, "Are you two alright?" he asked with a worried expression. They both nodded making James give a warm smile. He glance toward Nightmare Moon and sent her a glare that made her get a chill down her spine. The dark princess had never seen a glare like that in a long time. Not since.....Shenron. She knew that look, it was the look of anger, a look of determination, and the look of a fierce beast.

James' features darkened as he spoke in a low voice, "Sweetie, Dinky go back with the others and let me and Malefor handle this."

"B-But..." started the both of them but stopped when they saw the seriousness of the purple drake. They both nodded and gave him one final hug which he gladly accepted. Before they left he kissed both of their foreheads making them smile and run back. James struggled to stand and limped next to Malefor, "Hows it going asshole." he smirked making Malefor chuckle.

"I've been better, shit head" Malefor answered back.

"You know what we have to do right?"

"Yeah....and I don't like it."

"It's the only way we can have a chance of winning though?"

"We don't know if we would ever be the same again..."

"Only one way to find out..."

"James!" called out a familiar voice causing the two dragons to turn around to see Fluttershy out of breath with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Spike riding on her back. James fought the urge to run to the yellow pegasus and scoop her in his arms but he couldn't. He was glad to see that she wasn't harmed and that somehow Spike, Applebloom, and Scootaloo had managed to free her. He could watch Twilight and the others doing their best to hold Fluttershy form running into the battlefield. He glanced over at Sam and the other dragons, who nodded as he gave them a thumbs up.

"Hehehe," chuckled Solar Flare, "What chance do you two think you have?"

"Indeed," stepped in the possessed Discord, "You two couldn't even beat these two in your transformed states. How do you plan to beat three of us while in your normal states and the fact that you are both severally injured."

"What else can two downed lizards possibly do?" smirked Nightmare.

James and Malefor looked at each other and nodded. James held out his claw as Malefor did they same, everyone around them was confused at what was going on, until they both grabbed each other talons. The two dragons then started to glow a bright blue as dark clouds began to cover the skies. The two dragons grit their teeth and glared at the three as they started to glow brighter. Nightmare Moon, Solar Flare, and Discord were too shocked at the sudden burst of power to do anything. Where were these two dragons hiding such power! And why does it always seem that when victory was in their grasp these two dragons always to have something up their sleeve. The light was glowing brighter making the group of ponies and dragons and even the three possessed beings to cover their eyes. A beam of light blue shone like a beacon in the sky almost breaking the shield that surrounded the Empire.

"This magical energy is overwhelming!" grunted Twilight.

"I'm not calculating a limit to their power!" exclaimed Drobot.

"Whats happening to them!?" shouted back Pinkie.

The beam from the two dragons started to crack the ground making the three evil beings to step back. Hurricane like winds were blowing through the Empire making the ponies hold on for dear life. Twilight and Cadence quickly casted a shielding spell around the group so they wouldn't get blown away from the harsh winds.

"What the hay is up with the winds? Aren't we supposed to be inside the shield?" asked Applejack

"I think its from James and Malefor." answered Flashwing.

Bolt barks in agreement.

The light finally died down as the beam disappeared, the clouds dispersed and the dust cleared. Twilight and Cadence deactivated the shield around the group. The group however didn't see James and Malefor, but one dragon standing facing his back towards them. His scales shining a bright blue, with his spines, horns, and claws a glowing gold. His eyes were closed as a blue magical heat surrounded him. The group of ponies and dragons looked in awe at the newcomer as the blue dragon opened his eyes which showed bright red irises.

"Wh-Who is that?" stuttered Rarity.

"And where is Malefor and James?" added Trixie looking around for any sign of the dragon.

"They are in front of you." answered Bash answering Trixie's question.

"Um...I think you need to check again, I only see one dragon there not two." stated Shining Armor.

"No it is them," stated Sam, "James and Malefor managed to finally fuse into one being."

The newly formed James stared at the three with a stern expression. He then turned back to the group of ponies, dragons, and dog and noticed, their shocked expressions. The ponies didn't know what kind of magic this was, yes it was heard of dragons using elemental magic, but to see it used like this was unheard of. The dragons however knew James and Malefor had this kind of ability however. Like them, James is part of elemental type dragons like, water, fire, earth, life, death, and tech. What makes him so special though is that not only can he tap into one of these elements but all six of them, that is where Malefor comes in. As the dragons already knew Malefor is a darker version of James, but to be more technically he s the death element that separated from James' body and now that they were reunited.........and they didn't expect him to be this powerful.

James then spoke in a calm but threatening tone, and even with a light echo, that sent chills down everyone's spines as he gazed at Discord, Solar Flare, and Nightmare Moon.

"I'm done holding with reasoning," he says, "You three assholes brought this on yourselves."

Author's Note:


Thank you all for being so patient with me! This was a fun but hard chapter to write! If any of you are confused on what powers James and Malefor have feel free to ask!


And then I'll get back to Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods, since so many of you have been requesting that lately.

See you next chapter!:pinkiehappy: