• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,228 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Day With Pinkie

Author's Note:

(Sorry for any grammatical errors it will be fixed soon!!)
Hey guys thanks for all the love you are giving the story. Here are the top 3 that are up for shipping and I am going to have you vote on herding them or not. If not I'll just pick randomly and see how it goes from there.

Plus I am planning a new story!!! Check out the video below for a sneak peak.

My eyes shot open at the sound of Bolt barking from the side of my bed. I slowly push the covers off of me and sit up rubbing the crust out of my tired eyes. Bolt jumps on the bed and starts whining, which translate to 'feed me'. Getting out the bed a wobble my way in to the bathroom with Bolt passing me and heading down stairs, probably to the kitchen. I let out a long awn and turn the handle and open the door ready to-

"HIYA JAMES!!!" I almost had I heart attack as I fell backwards clutching my chest and panting heavily, I was so shocked I couldn't even make a sound. I slowly got up breathing heavily and sent a glare at a certain pink mare as she just smiled back in response.

"Pinkie! What are you doing here!?" I scream as she just giggles.

"I was just wanted to come over and see if you wanted to do some baking! Like cupcakes, muffins, brownies, ca-"

"I mean how did you get in here?"

"Oh, I have my ways." I felt my blood run cold as she gave me a sly look.'I am totally boobie trapping my house before I go to bed.'

"Well if you don't mind I am going to jump in the shower, if you want you could meet me down stairs."

"Okey dokey loki!" Pinkie then literally bounced out of the bathroom and down the hall, I let out a sigh of relief and closed the door and locking it (also putting a chair in front of it just to be safe). I opened the curtains and turned the knob and stepped in feeling the warm water on my scales, after I washed up I continued my routine like brushing my teeth and all that other stuff. I came down the stairs and had a wonderful aroma to hit my nostrils.

I head n the kitchen and find Pinkie baking pancakes on the stove. I was confused how she held the spatula with her hair; let alone flip the pancakes with it. Bolt was sitting in a seat at the table with his head down waiting for the food to be served. I chuckled a little at his behavior knowing that he was going to be one of those dogs.

"Hey Pinkie," I say walking up next to her, "What are you doing?"

"I'm making breakfast for you silly?" she answers back as she flips a pancake on a plate.

"They smell nice," I say reaching out for a plate, "do you mind if I*smack* OW!!" I grab my claw as Pinkie retracted the spatula and resumed flipping.

"Not yet, Jamsey! We all have to be seated before we could all eat." I grumble and went to the table and sit down next to Bolt. We both glanced at eachother with annoyed looks. 'Now I feel your pain' Bolt nods as if he knew what I was saying in my head. "Pancakes are ready!!" called out Pinkie as she came in the dining room, balancing three plates of pancakes on her head. She sets them down in front of me and Bolt and we are both drooling ready to dig in. Pinkie sits down at the table and nods motioning us to dig in, without a second thought I grab the fork and knife and pop the first piece in my mouth. I moaned a little as the taste hit my tongue.

"This is amazing Pinkie! Where did you learn how to cook?" I say as I eat another piece.

"I work at Sugarcube Corner where I bake all kinds of sweets with Mr and Mrs Cake." she answers.

"Cool*gulp*...so what do want do again?"

"I just wanted to show you around the town and tell you where everything is!"

"But I already know where everything is." Pinkie sent me a serious look and squinted her eyes and extended her neck across the table (no really it extended like a piece of Laffy Taffy!!).

"Really?" said Pinkie as her face was inches from mine.

"Yep!" I say quickly, I took a glance at Bolt trying to signal him for help, but he was to into his pancakes to notice.

"Are you sure?" Pinkie's eyes then bulged out of sockets, it felt like she was looking right in to my soul. I couldn't take anymore.

"Fine! I don't know where everything is. Happy!"

"Yeperoonie! If we leave now, we might have time for your 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' over at Twilight's place!" before I could answer she grabbed my arm and dragged me out the house."I'll be back Bolt!" I call out as the door shut and I am now outside with Pinkie Pie. "So Pinkie, where are we going first?"

"Weeellllll.....," she starts as she pulls out a long ass list off things, "First we can stop by Sugarcube Corner, then the market, then Sweet Apple Acres, then the Town Hall, then the joke store, the bowling alley, the mail office.."

"Whoa, whoa Pinkie," I cut her off, "how about you show me the important stuff first alright?"

"Well, if you say so!" she say as she hops off as I follow only to get hit in the back of the head by an apple.

"What the fu-" I turn around to find that nobody was there, "Huh? Weird."

"HEY JAMES! What are you doing!?" called out Pinkie

"Sorry I'm coming!" I say catching up to the pink bubbly mare.

Me and Pinkie walked around Ponyville showing me everything we passed and when I mean everything I mean EVERYTHING. She even showed me a tree! I had to admit it was fun, but it did get boring at some times, also someone keeps throwing fruit at me!

"And this is our last stop, Sugarcube Corner!" she announces as I instantly noticed that it was a freakin' gingerbread house. 'Wait? Is this thing actually made out gingerbread and if it s what do they do when it rains?'

"Me and Cakes do all of our baking here!"

"Cool, can we go inside?"

"Of course we can!"

"Then let's g-"

"Just not right now." I gave her a confused look. WHy doesn't she want me to go inside? It's a bakery right, so it should be open to the public....unless it's different here? Wait a minute......Pinkie did say she was throwing me a party....maybe it' a surprise party and everyone is setting up here? Yeah, that makes perfect sense! 'Alright I'll play along'.

I felt another fruit hit me upside the head, now getting irritated with all this 'pelting me with fruit' game I turn to see a stallion running away from me and Pinkie. "I GOT YOU NOW YOU BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I yell and spread my wings and race after the stallion. I could hear Pinkie telling me to stop but I ignored her and kept pursuing my target.

He turned down the alley as I followed I dived bombed and tackled the stallion and pinning him to the ground. I instantly noticed the horn on his head identifying him as a unicorn, he had a silver coat and mane, which was shoulder length, and a silver snake's head and tongue as a cutie mark.

"Why the fuck are throwing fruit at me, man!" I yell at the stallion as he let's out a crazy chuckle.

"What I can't give a newcomer to Ponyville some fruit to wear." he says I felt my blood boil.

"Keep doing that, and I'll FUCK you up!"

"Ooooh I'm so scared."

"Ok that's it!" I slam him on the wall which only got him to laugh even more. 'This nigga thinks he is the damn Joker.'

"James stop!" I turn my head to see Pinkie at the opening of the alley with a worried expression on her face. Why I have a soft spot for girls will never be explained. I let out a sigh and drop the stallion to the ground with him still laughing. Pikie runs up to me and gave me a disapproving glare.

"Oh don't you give me that look! This guy was throwing fruit at me all day!" I say in defense.

"That doesn't mean you have to be a meanie pants to him!"

"WHAT!! He hit me with a fuckin' watermelon!"

"Don't I have a say in this story?" said the grey unicorn

"Shut up before I rip out your tongue!" I say back to the silver unicorn. Damn, I never been this mad before? Well, dicks like this guy do that to you.

"James listen," started Pinkie, "Silver Sheen, might be a meanie pants, but that's just the way he is."

"So what is his special talent?"

"It's a mystery to you, and a secret to me." I heard Silver Sheen say behind me with a mocking tone, which made me snap.

"OK THAT"S IT!!" I scream and launch a ball of fire behind me only to hit the ground. 'Where the fuck did he go?'. I glance over to Pinkie with a glare only for it to soften as I noticed her hair was now straight, and her coat was a darker shade of pink. She sniffled and watched me with watery eyes. I let out a small sigh and put a claw on Pinkie's shoulder who averted her gaze from me.

"Hey, Pinkie," she didn't respond, "I'm sorry you had to see that, but I just don't like being picked on."

"But why did you have to try to hurt him?" she says in a small voice.

"It's just, where I come from a lot of people get hurt and when some likes him shows up.....well you saw what happened." There was silence between us. Pinkie only nodded in understanding as her mane and coat went back to normal but she still had a sad expression on her face. Until an idea popped in my head.

"Hey Pinkie?" I say getting her attention.

"How about later I show you what a slushie tastes like." she gave me a confused look.

"What's a slushie?"

"The best drink created by man."

"Better than cider?"

"Way better." she smiles wide at this making me feel somewhat better for cheering her up, "Come on let's go back to my place, I don't want Bolt chewing up the sofa." we both laugh as we exited the alley and headed down the road.

When we made it back to my house I stopped Pinkie in front of the door, "Hey Pinkie, thanks for showing me around today." I thank her while getting the key under the matt.

"No problem Jamsey! Even though it didn't end well at least you had fun and that's all that matters!" she says cheerfully making me chuckle and unlock the door. I instantly notice that it is pitch black in the house and Bolt was no where to be seen. "Hey Bolt! Ya' here boy?" I say with a whistle but no response. "Hey Pinkie, stay out here just in case you need to get the girls if things go south." she nods and waits by the door as I walk in slowly and immediately go in a defensive stance when I heard shuffling from inside the darkness of my house.

"Hey if someones in here I'm going to fuck you u-"


"JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!" I yell out in shock and falling backwards and clutching my chest. My vision was filled with confetti and streamers as I was on the ground, when I picked myself back up I noticed the rest of Pinkie's friends, Bolt ,and the other ponies I met when I got here. "Didya like it! Didya! Didya! Didya!" said Pinkie jumping around me.

"I don't know what to say right now." I simply said still in astonishment.

"Y-you don't like it d-do you."

"No no no, I like it. It's just....how did they get in here I locked the door when I left?" Pinkie gave me a sly look.

"I have my ways, but in the mean time let's get this party started!"

Loud music started to play as ponies started to dance to the beat. "So that's why you wanted to show me around, so everyone else can set up all this."

"Yeperoonie and it's all for you!" I smile at this and look around and my eyes notice a certain white dog under the food table. I let out a chuckle and walk over there, I look under the table to see Bolt with vanilla frosting on his face and smacking his lips happily. "And what do you think you're doing Bolt?" I say in a mocking tone as he quickly jumps up and knocks his head from under the table. I let out a laugh as he walks out sending me a glare.

"Sorry, boy couldn't resist." I apologize wiping a tear from the corner of my eye, who Bolt simply rolled his eyes and walked somewhere else. Since I'm already here I might as well get some food, I grab me a plate and place different varieties of sweets on it and take a seat at one of the table that was set up and dug right in devouring each item in seconds.

"Hello you must be James." said a voice I didn't recognize, looking up my eyes went wide at what I saw. It was.....I don't know what the hell this thing was, it seemed like some tried to make a frankenstein out of animal parts. "Uhh...yeah, who are you?" I ask wondering who this pers..uh..pon..no that's not right.....thing is.

"Oh, I forget my manners sometimes my name is Discord spirit of chaos and disharmony." said Discord with a bow.

"Well...uh..it's nice to meet you what brings you here?" I ask cocking my head in confusion.

"Why I was invited of course! You can't have a party with out a little chaos it's just unnatural!"

"So are you evil or something?"

"No no no, I was never evil, I'm the spirit of chaos it's my jab to spread mischief wherever I go." started Discord as he put a arm around my shoulder and snapped his fingers making two glasses of lemonade to appear on the table," I was a little coo-coo back in the day but thanks to dear Fluttershy, I am now reformed and using my chaos magic for the sake of Equestria even though I do add a little mischief on the side."

"Oh I get it so you're like Loki?"

"You could say that. Oh! Before I forget I got a little present for you." Disord then snapped his fingers causing a wrapped box to materialize on the table, I look at it curiously before looking at Discord....come on guys if you got a present from a person that causes chaos and mischief you would be investigating it as well. I pick up the box and shake it light and I definitely could hear something from inside.

"It's not going to explode is it?" I ask.

"Maybe, maybe not. How about you open it to find out?" he answers with a sly grin. Fuck it it's not like it's going to blow up the plca-

"OH MY GOD!! NO YOU DIDN'T!!!" I yell causing the whole party to stop and look at me. Pinkie zoomed up in front of me with a concerned look on her face.

"Jamesy what's wrong, did Discord do something coo-coo again?" asked Pinkie glaring at Discord, who now had a halo on his head.

"What? You mean my new best friend? Yeah he did! He gave me the best present of all time!" I cheer as I pull out an Galaxy-S6 with a pair of Dr. Dre Beats, but the best part was they were mine from back home! How in the blue hell did he get these? Wait a minute can he open dimensions? I turned to ask but found him gone.

"Where did he go?" I ask Pinkie.

"He said that he had to leave, because he was late for something." said Pinkie.

"Uh..James what are those things?" suddenly asked Rarity.

"Well, back in my world we use these to call other people and listen to music."

"So it's magic? Because there is no way you can do that with that little thing right?"

"Oh it's not magic, it's science. The best science that's out there! Look I'll show you!" with that said I run up to the dj's booth and grab the audio jack stopping the music and plugging it up to the phone. I scrolled through the phone and tapped on the app for my music and instantly found the song I was looking for.

I started to bob my head to the music as everyone else was listening curiously, obviously not hearing the song before. After a few moments everyone started to jam with me and soon they all started to dance. I decided to stay their with my phone so I could choose another song, luckily the Dj didn't mind since she was going to get paid for the job anyways.

I felt a tap on my shoulder , I turned around and to my surprise to see Derpy standing there. "Oh! Hey Derpy what's up?"

"Hi James! I want you to meet my daughter, Dinky!" she answers with a smile as I look at her with a shocked expression as a small unicorn filly came up by her side.


"Yep! This is my little muffin!"

"Mooooom! Your embarrassing me!" cried Dinky with a small blush on her face making me chuckle.

"How about you go have fun while I talk to Mr.James Alright, muffin?"

"Okay mom!" with that said the little filly went off to the dance floor

"Sooo how ya' been?" I ask.

"I've been good! Delivering mail has never been so fantastic! What about you?"

"I've been fine,as you can see I just moved in."

There was an awkward silence between us as we both just stared at the dancing crowd. I spotted the mane six chatting together. Spike, Dinky and the crusaders were dancing on the dance floor with Bolt. I even saw Bookworm, Evelyn, Mayor Mare, and Jack on the dance floor as well. It made a smile creep on to my face as I noticed that I was going to like living here.

"H-hey James?" said Derpy gaining my attention.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"W-w-would you like to dance?"

" I would love to." I say causing her to squeal in happiness as we both walked out to the dance floor.