• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,225 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Friend

"Come on girls, help me move him!" said Sweetie Belle as she was under the injured drake trying to lift him off the ground.

"Are you crazy, Sweetie!? There is no way I am getting near that thing!" said Scootaloo, causing Sweetie Belle to freeze at what she was doing.

"Why not? He helped saved us, so the right thing to do is to bring him to the Ponyville hospital!" Sweetie Belle couldn't believe Scootaloo wasn't helping her. She would've have thought seeing and being close to a dragon was cool, but here she is acting like the drake was going to pounce on them at any second, when clearly , it couldn't even move due to it's injuries from it's fight with the timberwolves. Even though, it was HER stupid idea to come in the Everfree without the adults.

"You're with me right Applebloom? We can't just bring a fire breathing dragon where we live, where he might go on a rampage!" said Scootaloo, as all attention was focused on to Applebloom. She now felt like Sweetie Belle when she and Scootaloo would argue, they would ask her to make the final decision.

"W-w-well..." stuttered Applebloom.

"See that! She's thinks that this idea is crazy?!" interrupted Scootaloo.

"Nuh-uh! She thinks we need to help him!" protested Sweetie Belle. Applebloom watched as her two friends friends bickered back and forth, on whether to help the dragon or to leave him and get out of the forest. She glanced at the injured dragon, battered and broken, she did want to help the fallen creature, but if they did bring the drake in to Ponyville it would most likely cause a massive panic. That's when an idea came into her head.

"GIRLS!" screamed Applebloom gaining her two friends attention, "We can't take i- him into Ponyville-"

"HA!" interrupted Scootaloo.

"But we can't jus' leave him here while he is hurt." Applebloom continued while the other two crusaders just looked at eachother confused at where Applebloom was going at.

"So what are we going to do?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Come on girls, who do we know that technically doesn't lives in Ponyville, AND knows how to make ya' feel better when ya'll get hurt."

Then it finally clicked into the other crusaders' mind.

"There is no way she would help!" protested Scootaloo

"I'm with Scootaloo on this one, you know how she is." added Sweetie Belle

"Well, we won't know unless we try, plus look at him." said Applebloom as all three of them looked at the purple dragon groaning in pain his eyes clenched shut.

"Okay." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo simply said as they helped Applebloom lift the unconscious dragon struggling to keep him upright.

"Wow, this guy weighs a ton!" complained Scootaloo, "this has better be worth it."

"Don't worry her house isn't that far from here." said Applebloom as the three crusaders carried the dragon through the dense forest.

"I hope she doesn't freak out too much." said Sweetie Belle with a worried expression.

Fluttershy hummed a quiet tone in her home as she had just finished feeding her animal friends their lunch. She smiled at the rest of her animals enjoying her food, even Angel, her pet bunny, is enjoying his food munching happily rather throwing a fit on what kind of food he is being served. Letting out a light giggle she walked over and sat on her couch, she glanced on the end table a saw the book she had borrowed from Twilight. The title read The Creatures of Equestria and Beyond, she opened the cover excited to read the book, like Rainbow Dash getting a new Daring Do book for Hearth's Warming.

"Okay, Chapter one," Fluttershy started, this was going to be the perfect day for her.


Startled by the sudden banging by her door Fluttershy slowly put down her book, and quietly slipped off the couch trying not to make a sound. Who could be banging on her door like that, it couldn't have been her friends, they would never bang like that unless something was wrong. Wait....maybe something DID happen like Tirek escaping again or Little Pip getting trapped down the well!!


"Fluttershy? Are ya' there?" said a familiar young southern voice.

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief it wasn't anything serious. She came up to the door and opened it only to be greeted by Applebloom who look like she had seen better days. Her mane was frizzy, she was covered in dirt, and her bow was partially undone, but the worst part was the sadness and fear that was expressed on her face.

"Applebloom?! What happened?! Are you okay!?" said Fluttershy in a worried tone.

"A-a-ah'm fine." replied Applebloom with a fearful expression, "but we need ya' help."

"Of course I'll help-" Fluttershy stopped and thought for a second, "Wait.....we?.....Where are everypony else?"

"That's the thing," started Applebloom who looked at the ground shamefully, "Me and the girls went crusadin' today hopin' once again that we will get our cutie marks. So Scootaloo decided that we should get our cutie marks in potion making.......so we went to see Zecora.......then the timberwolves.....then he got hurt....and we really need ya'll help!"

"Applebloom I am going to need you to slow down and tell me who is hurt?" asked Fluttershy trying to sound as soothing as possible, pulling Applebloom into a warm embrace. The yellow filly took a deep breath and nodded breaking the hug.

"O-okay, just don't freak out." stated Applebloom as Fluttershy cocked her head to the side in a mixture of worry and confusion. What did she mean not to freak out? And whoever that was hurt, was it that bad? 'No need for those thoughts right now Fluttershy, somepony needs is injured and right now you are the only pony that can help' thought Fluttershy who simply nodded in confirmation to Applebloom, who simply nodded back.

"Alright girls, ya'll can come out now!" called out Applebloom as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came from around the side of Fluttershy's cottage struggling to carry a purple.......scaly........winged.........sharp toothed.......dragon! Fluttershy let out a cry and flew with with speeds that would make Rainbow Dash proud and slammed the door.

The three fillies sighed in disappointment knowing that this was not going to be easy to convince Fluttershy to nurse the dragon back to health. "Hey Applebloom, let me try to talk to her." said Sweetie Belle as Applebloom shrugged as she replaced Sweetie position holding up the young dragon.

"Ah' don't know whatchya' gonna do, but good luck." said Applebloom as Sweetie knocked on the door to Fluttershy's cottage.

"Get that dragon out of here!" yelled Fluttershy in side filled with fear.

"Come on Fluttershy, he's a nice dragon he won't bite!" said back Sweetie Belle.


"Please Fluttershy! He saved us from a pack of timberwolves and is hurt really, REALLY bad!" Would you ever let any animal or critter be in pain just because they were different." Those words hit Fluttershy like a brick to the head. She had a regretful look in her eyes as she looked to the ground in shame, only to see Angel bunny with his little white arms crossed and shaking his head, signaling her not to open the door.

"I'm sorry, Angel, but their right no matter how scary or different somepony maybe, I have to help them in need." stated Fluttershy. Angel bunny let out a sigh of defeat and hopped away and under the couch not wanting to be seen by the scaly dragon when he wakes up. Fluttershy took a deep breath and opened the door slightly just enough for a fraction of her face to be shown through the crack of the door.

"O-o-okay, girls I'll see w-w-what I can d-d-d-do." stuttered Fluttershy as the crusaders let out a squeal in accomplishment and relief. The crusaders carried the unconscious dragon, Fluttershy's help, and laid him on the couch. Fluttershy gasped in shock now that she got a closer look at the young drake. his body was covered in gashes with fresh blood slowly oozing out the wounds, bruises covered his face, and his right wing bent awkwardly. Fluttershy had to look away for a moment and fight back tears, no one deserved this, even if you are a dragon.

"Fluttershy? Are you ok?" asked Scootaloo snapping Fluttershy from her thoughts.

"I-I'm fine, it's just a lot to take in." Fluttershy answered, who then suddenly got a serious expression on her face, "Applebloom I need you to get some cleaning alcohol out the bathroom, Sweetie Belle I need you to get the medical kit in my room, and Scootaloo I need you to get some hot water." The crusaders were taken back at Fluttershy's sternness but shrugged it off and nodded and went to fetch the things for Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then turned her attention back to the purple dragon, she could hear his breaths, slow and steady, which was a good sign. She inspected the dragon further, by feeling around his scales for any other injuries, which were some broken ribs and a sprained wrist. The dragon to Fluttershy's surprise felt warm and soft, as she prodded him some more she made a mental note that he didn't have any fatal injuries.

Something then popped in to Fluttershy's head, why was she helping this dragon? Yeah, it's the right thing to do, but she is terrified of dragons. Here she is though examining one for injuries like a foal. She also felt something different about this dragon, he wasn't like the other dragons she encountered, there was something off.

"We got everything you need Fluttershy!" said Sweetie Belle as her and the rest of the crusaders set down the medical supplies next to Fluttershy.

"Thank you girls," said Fluttershy, "if you want to go home don't let me stop you, I know you girls been through a lot today."

"No way! This is my first time seeing a dragon up close!" protested Scootaloo.

"Plus we need ta' thank him for savin' us when he wakes up." added Applebloom.

"Okay, just do what I say his injuries might not be fatal, but they are major so just please try to be still." said Fluttershy as the crusaders nodded in agreement. Fluttershy took the gauge from the medical kit and dipped it in the alcohol, then placed it on one of the dragons wounds. The purple drake then flinched at the pain in his unconscious state, Fluttershy acting quickly rubbed her hoof on the dragon's head caressing it like a mother cooing to the dragon that everything is going to be alright.

"Don't worry, you're safe now. Everything is going to be alright." softly said Fluttershy as she continued to clean the wounds of the dragon not noticing the awestruck crusaders behind her, surprised that she is taking a dragon in her home rather well.

"Girls, I need you to promise me something" said Fluttershy.

"What is it?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I need you to keep this from everypony else, I don't know how they'll react with a dragon being in my home and I don't want there to be a misunderstanding and another pony getting hurt."

"Don't worry you can count on us!" saluted Scootaloo with a determined expression plastered on her face.

"Thank you girls," said Fluttershy as she continued to wrap the cloth around the purple dragon's torso.

"Hey James!"

I opened my eyes quickly at the familiar voice, hoping it's who I though it was. No it couldn't be, she's not supposed to be here. I looked around my surroundings in shock and happiness, I was back at comic-con.......as a human.......not a dragon!

"Yo, dragon!"

My ears perk up in disbelief and look down at myself again and notice that I am once again a dragon. "You have got to be kidding me! I just got here!" I thought to myself. My surroundings now a pitch black and slowly consuming me, I start to panic and try to fly off only for my wings not to work and allowing the darkness to consume my whole body.

Have you ever gotten those dreams where everything is pitch black, and you can't move or speak? Well that was me and it felt like hours since i was lie this. Until i heard another voice, but this time it was mine! It sounded disoriented and kind of demonic like I was possessed.

"I'll be coming soon." and that was all the demonic voice of me said.

"What?" was all I can say before a purple ball of fire came out of no where and started to hurdle towards me.

I woke up with a startle, covered in sweat and breathing heavily, only to lay back down from the pain in my chest and my right wing. I noticed that somebody had wrapped my torso with my wings folded to the sides in cloth and a a bandage wrapped around my head.'What happened? Where am I?What was with that dream? And that ball of fire?' I thought, thinking about the dream and looking around instantly noticing that I wasn't in the forest anymore and those three fillies were nowhere to be seen.

I was lying on what look like a green couch with a candle lit beside it. I glanced to see a window and noticed the morning rays of the sun seeping through, trying to push my body to get a better position on the couch I immediately fell flat on my face. 'Yeah, not a good idea' I think to myself groaning in pain, I tried to move my limbs but none of them are deciding to respond for the time being 'Well that's just damn perfect' I think to myself as a light gasp snaps me from my thoughts.

I turn my head (which is the only thing working in my body for the moment) to see a butter, yellow pegasus, with a long pink mane and tail, with the biggest teal eyes I've seen in my life, coming down some stairs. She gives a light whimper and retreats back up the stairs leaving me on the floor, still not able to move.

"Okay so I'm not imagining the multi-colored horses, glad I'm not going crazy." I say to myself as I start to get feeling in my arms and legs again, standing slowly, I limp back on the couch trying to ignore the pain in my chest and sit straight up on the couch. I then heard a thump the top of the stairs, knowing that it was probably the yellow pegasus.

"You don't have to just sit there and stare you know." I called out to the pegasus getting an 'eep' in return. I watched as the yellow pegasus slowly made her way down the stairs averting her gaze from me. When she makes it down the stairs and just sits there looking at the floor in front of me. There is an awkward silence between us.

"Sooo, uh, were you the one that patched me up?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Well, um...yes." whispered the pegasus another silence.

"Well my name is James, what's your's?"


"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I said my name is Fluttershy."

Another silence.

"Thanks for patching me up."

"Oh...um...it was nothing, I should be thanking you for saving the girls though." said Fluttershy finally making eye contact with me, showing me her teal irises. 'So I'm guessing those three fillies brought me here, I thought before noticing I was staring off in space, slightly scaring the pegasus.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Oh, heh heh, sorry I tend to space off sometimes." I laugh nervously rubbing the back of my head, "If you don't mind me asking how long was I out?" I asked as she put a hoof to her chin.

"Only since yesterday, when the crusaders brought you."


"The three fillies that you saved."

"What happened to them anyways?" I asked as I noticed that they were no where to be found.

"Oh don't worry they went home after they dropped you off." said Fluttershy as we both were silent as my stomach growled for food again. Fluttershy gave a cute giggle as I felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment. "Sorry, the stomach is always demanding for food ya' know?" I say to Fluttershy making her chuckle again. I try to get off the couch only to wince in pain. Fluttershy quickly grabbed me before I fell over and slowly set me on the couch.

"You're not ready to move on your own yet," said Fluttershy, "I'll go get you some breakfast, just wait right here." Why is she doing all of this? I've never met someone so kind in my life, and live(or lived in this case) in L.A. so that's saying something. "Hey Fluttershy before you leave can I ask you something?" I ask gaining her attention.

"Why are you doing this? Helping me, what I meant." I say again.

"Well, I always help somepony in need, I learned in my life that if you show enough kindness to everypony in your life you'll get the same treatment back." she says with a smile as she trots of in the kitchen.

I sit on the couch thinking about Fluttershy's words, still trying to believe that someone is willing to be this kind without getting something back in return. My thoughts were then interrupted when Fluttershy came through the door with what looked like a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and a toothpick sticking out the top with an olive.

She sets the plate down next to me and I gobble it up in seconds, I didn't feel fully satisfied with the sandwich but it's going to have to do for now. I look to see Fluttershy, with a fearful expression on her face. I cock my head to the side wondering what was wrong with her. "Ya'll alright, Fluttershy?" I asked as her fearful gaze turned into a one of sorrow.

"Sorry, it's just that...um...well...." she says now playing with her hooves.

"What is it?" I ask again trying to get the answer out of her so I can help her.

"I-I....kinda have.....a phobia of dragons." she says quietly as she looks down at the ground, what looked like she was ashamed at what she said.

"Hey there is no need to be sad, we all have our fears." I say as her mood brightens up a little bit.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad, all you've been since I got here was be the kindest pers....uh...pony I have ever met."

"Well...um....thank you for the kind words."

"No probs, what are friends for?"

"You really think of me as a friend?" she asks as I noticed what I just said. 'Wow, did i really just say that? I must have been caught in the moment, I tend to do that sometimes.' I thought to myself.

"Well...yeah." there was another awkward silence for a moment, but was then broken from me yawning, "Well, I am going to take a nap if you don't mind, that is."

"Oh no, get all the rest you need, if you need me just call out. I'll just be outside." she says as i nodd in confirmation. I watch her go out the front door of the house leaving me alone in the room. I glance at the clock on the wall and noticed it was ten-thirty in the morning, I curled up on the couch and I thought of what I was going to do next.

"I can't stay here forever, i have to get better sometime and when i do she'll probably just kick me out, since she does have a phobia of dragons, maybe I'll just wander around and see what I'll bump in to." I say to myself as I felt my eyelids start to feel heavy.

"She has been very kind to me though*yawn*maybe she'll help me find a place to stay for the time being, and who knows maybe she'll let me stay here, but I doubt that would happen." I chuckle to myself and curl up closer to the cushion of the couch and fell into a deep slumber.

Author's Note:

Hey guys here is the next chapter, also try to keep the comments as positive as you can.

Next chapter: Fluttershy tries to hide James from the rest of her friends.

Leave a comment on what you think! :pinkiehappy: