• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,224 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 2: A New Empire

Frozen North; Unknown Caverns

"Hey.." called Malefor as he and James were walking through the caves.

"Yeah?" replied James.

"I need to know, how did you unlock that power back at Manehattan?"

James stayed silent, he...didn't really know how he did it, he just..did. Could be him trying to keep the one he cares for safe? It does make sense, it really pissed him off when Luna said that she was going to track down every single person he cared for. She couldn't have meant it though right? That would have meant she would have to hurt Fluttershy, Derpy, Twilight, and the others, including Dinky, Spike, and the CMC. But from the way she said it it sounded pretty convincing.

Manehattan; Flashback

"You have made a grave mistake dragon," said Luna darkly as her eyes began to glow white, "You have tricked the elements into believing you and your kind ways, even manipulating four poor fillies. You have threatened me and my sister and caused serious damage to Canterlot and this peaceful city and for that you are sentenced to death."

"Y-you c-crazy b-bitch, " spat out James, "W-Why cant y-y-you s-see th-that I'm on your s-side."

"Because you are not! And that goes for every other dragon I find! Even that Sam character, I'll make sure she gets some special treatment."
James narrowed his eyes at that as something in him snapped, it felt just like that night back on earth. Him and Sam leaving the movies, the guy with the gun, him being helpless and reckless to stop the gunfire, to him crying in the hospital. He was NOT going to lose her again, not if he had anything to say about it!

James let out a primal roar knocking the princess of the moon off her hooves and breaking her hold on James, "I WON'T LET YOU!" screamed James as a fire like aura began to surround him. His horns started to glow and extend as did his height, soon his whole body was engulfed in a fiery ember.

Luna shield her eyes from the brightness of the flame, and the intense heat coming from the dragon. Once the temperature started to drop and the flames diminished and and the light dimmed, Luna's eyes widened eyes widened. She didn't see the same purple dragon from before, but a slightly taller drake with purple scales, with sharper wings and spines going across his back and tail, crimson eyes, and giant horns that curved to the back of his head and spoke in a low menacing voice that made chills run over her body.

"You won't lay a single fucking hoof, on the ones I care for!"

"To tell you the truth," started James, "I don't know how I did it, Princess Luna talked about hurting some one I cared for and I just...snapped."

"So basically, it comes out through strong emotions," concluded Malefor.

"I guess so, but the thing is it feels like I can do it when ever now, but i don't think it's going to be enough to take on Princess Luna again."


"Oh come on, you know that Princess Luna is way stronger than both of us. The only reason why you won against her back in Canterlot was because you caught her off guard. And if the beating back in Manehattan isn't enough proof then I don't know what is. Plus it was obvious that she was holding back for most of the fight."

"The bitch does move the moon." admitted Malefor putting a claw to his chin as he thought about what James was explaining to him. He was right, if Luna was this powerful they needed to get stronger. And who knows how strong Celestia is since she moves the freaking sun! The dark dragon also needed this transformation as well, Luna smarter than she looks and probably figure from the direction of the train that we'll be heading to the Crystal Empire and is probably making her way over there right now.

And if Celestia is with her then he'll need to master that transformation and his lighter half will have to do the same if they were going to survive the Crystal Empire.

"Then I will also unlock this transformation as well," stated Malefor, "Then we'll have a chance if Luna show up."

James nodded, "But what if Celestia shows up? Like I said, we barely survived against Luna...."

"And you beat her easily when you transformed, and if I transform as well be able to handle them just fine. Plus isn't Celestia on our side?"

"Kind of, She doesn't trust and wants us brought in, but she doesn't want to hurt us, let alone kill us. If we're really going to do this then we'll need to stay here for a while and use this as training grounds."

Malefor nodded in agreement, "Then we'll start with me unlocking this transformation and then head to the Crystal Empire. What worries me is the others when they arrive at the Crystal Empire and Luna is there."

"Me too, but I have faith that they'll be okay. they all know why we were going to the Crystal Empire in the first place so they should know what to do when they get there."

"Alright, then let's get started," said Malefor as he caught the purple drake off guard by striking him in the cheek sending him against the wall. James snapped from his daze and glared at Malefor who had a smug grin.

"Could at least gave me a warning, jack-ass!" shouted James before charging Malefor.

"And what fun would that be?" replied Malefor before charging as well.

The two dragons then clashed shaking the ground below them and not caring if they brought down the cavern or not.

Crystal Empire; Train Station

The group that consisted of, Sam, Rarity, Applejack, Drobot, Trixie, and an injured Flashwing watched from a cabin as the train came to a complete stop. The first thing they noticed wasn't the emptiness of the train station when they arrived, but the squad of Crystal Guards waiting for them. Flashwing had regained consciousness and had a wing and arm draped over Bash's back for support. Applejack and Rarity went to the front of the group with determined expressions, but couldn't shake the worry of what might happen when they opened the doors.

"Remember ya'll, we're not here for a fight. We're here to get Flashwing some help." stated Applejack.

"And to get to convince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence that James is on our side." added Rarity.

"And what happens when things don't go as planned?" questioned Bash.

"It will, you just have to have faith that..."

"I believe having a back up plan, will increase our odds of survival," stated Drobot, cutting off Rarity, "If we go along with this plan there is only a sixty-two percent chance of success."

Rarity scrunched up her face, "Survival? I'm sure Shining Armor and Princess Cadence-"

Bash stepped up, "Look at us! Ponies has seen dragons has greedy beasts that only know how to pillage and steal. Like some band of pirates, I'm not saying all ponies are like that but I'm just stating the facts! Now tell me what do you thinks going to happen when they see four dragons walk in the throne room after leaving a stolen train and on the run from the royal guard with a wanted fugitive!"

Rarity stood quiet, honestly already knew about what Bash said. She just didn't want to be the one to say it, for she didn't care what happened she had to do it for James, her now adoptive brother. She also knew that Applejack felt the same but the two dragons were right if so much as a tiny speck of them becomes unnatural they would be killed on sight. If only they knew how heroic these dragons were-

"Actually there might be a way." said Rarity gaining the dragons attention.

"And what would that be?" weakly said Flashwing.

"Back at home we are friends with another dragon named Spike. He is well known here and is treated like a hero for saving the Empire twice."

"Two good deeds from one dragon won't earn the trust of the ponies out there." started Sam.

"She does have a point." agreed Applejack.

"So we just improvise, great." grumbled Bash.

Flashwing gave her mate a comforting look, "It'll be fine, as long as we don't prove to be a threat then we should be fine."

"And what happens when things don't go as planned?" said Trixie, "Even with Malefor and James' power, Trixie is certain that they can handle a whole army of crystal guards."

"That reminds me Trixie," said Applejack with a stern glare, "How did ya' and that varmint meet anyway?"

"First he is not a 'varmit', he's just...not as nice. Trixie found him injured in her wagon and she took it upon her self to nurse him back to health."

"You do know he is the reason why we're all in this mess." added Rarity.

"Trixie does....I don't not care, Malefor is....the first friend I ever had. If he as bad as you all say he is I should've been dead a long time ago!" , the group noticed the tears stating to form in the blue unicorns eyes as she continued, "You say it is wrong to judge somepony, but you are judging Malefor for trying to defend who is!"

"Trixie...he attacked the princess and James-", Rarity tried to explain.

"Because they had weapons pointed in his face when he first got there! What was he supposed to do!"

"Enough!" shouted Sam causing the three ponies to be quiet "Arguing isn't getting us closer to what we have to do."

Drobot nodded, "Correct, the longer we stay here the more time Princess Luna recovers and makes her way over here."

"And then you can kiss our plan goodbye." added Bash.

The three ponies nodded in understanding before turning to the door of the cart, before slowly opening it causing the cool air to rush in the cart. Applejack stepped out first, followed by Rarity, Trixie, and then the dragons. The guards that were waiting for them immediately tensed and raised their weapons. Bash was about to get ready for him but a lone cough got his attention as he turned to Flashwing shaking her head, making him drop his guard.

The dragons noticed that the guards here were different then the ones back in Equestria, instead their armor were a bright silver and instead of the wooden spears with metal tips, they were just all metal in general. One of the guards stepped up more armored then the rest, which meant he was some sort of officer.

"My name is Captain Starfire," said the guard, "and I'm ordered to escort you all to their royal Highness's. If there is any resistance from the dragons then we will not hesitate to put them down."

"I guess some things never change," muttered Bash.

"Do you accept." called out the guard.

"We do." Called back Rarity.

Captain Starfire nodded before motioning the group to follow him, which they complied. The other guards then surrounded the group in a oval formation as they escorted the three ponies and four dragons into the city of the Crystal Empire."

Frozen North; Unknown Caverns

The ground shook as the two purple dragons clashed with their horns once again. Head pressed against each other trying to over power the other, a purple ember like aura consumed Malefor as an orange ember like aura consumed James as they both increased their power. the flames mixed causing a reaction before exploding and knocking the dragons in opposite direction and skidding across the snow. Malefor stood up and growled before spitting out blood.

"This is getting us no where." grumbled Malefor, "by this rate i won't be able to unlock the transformation in time."

James wobbled to stay up right with heavy breaths, "That's because your fighting without feelings."

"When did you get all 'sensei' all of a sudden?"

"I'm serious, when I transformed it was for a need to protect the ones I care for not a desire. What do you need to do?"

"I need..." Malefor paused, "I need to get the Crystal Empire and protect the changelings and...Trixie."

James' eyes widened, he never knew his darker half had such a soft side. Trying to protect an entire race and a mare he grown quiet fond of. Wow, was Malefor really having feelings for that blue unicorn? It wouldn't surprise him by the way they act towards each other back in Canterlot you almost thought they were married. A light bulb brightened over his head as an idea came into his head.

"Malefor," said James, "I want you to think that you failed the changelings and Trixie."

"What!?", yelled Malefor, "Why the hell will I do that?"

"Because your weak."

"Watch it James..."

"What? You know its true! Maybe I should go and you should stay here since you can't unlock the transformation."

Malefor, not taking it anymore, then charged James, "I'll show you who's weak!"

Before James could react purple bolts of lightning struck his chest sending him on his back. Malefor pounced on top of him and bit into his side picking him up and tossing him through a nearby by pillar causing it to collapse in ice and snow. James struggled back to his feet and nearly dodged a fire blast from the dark dragon. James sent one of his own as Malefor sent another the two colliding in an explosion.

Taking the opportunity James opened his maw and a barrage bubbles covered Malefor, robbing hi of his sight. James then spread his wings and flew forward and swiping him with his tail and sending him across the snow.

"Come on is that all you got! I guess the changelings and Trixie were wrong to put their trust in you." taunted James, in reality he was in a tight space. Right now he and Malefor were evenly matched, he could have transformed and sped up the process of getting Malefor angry enough but then that would add the risk of knocking him out cold. A loud roar caught his as Malefor came out of the snow in an explosion of purple fire, with the intent to kill burning in his red eyes.

"I don't know what has gotten into to you James," growled Malefor, "But I'm going to beat you to a fucking pulp!"

Malefor then was engulfed in a purple light causing James to cover his eyes, once the light dimmed he eyes widened when he saw Malefor be fore him in his new transformation. His dark scales were even darker and looked more tough then before, he grew a few inches, his silver horns stretched and curved, his spines on his back and tail were sharper and his red eyes were as fierce as ever.

"Took you long enough," said James as he was engulfed in an orange light and revealed him in his transformed form as well. With that said the two over powered dragons stared at each other before charging.

Manehattan; Hospital

Luna waited in her room as Celestia was signing the forms for her release outside. Thankfully due to her alicorn biology she was able to get a full recovery in no time. She stood gazing out the window of the busy streets of Manehattan, her mind drifting to the dragons known as James and Malefor. It disgusted her how that purple dragon could act so nice to the ponies she loved only to run off with a criminal.

She had looked in the dreams of his loved ones, specially Fluttershy and felt guilty at how much they trusted him and how they wanted him back, but sadly they don't know the truth of the dragon. How he cares for nothing but his well being and property like all dragons do, minus Spike of course. To be honest she was hesitant when she first met the baby dragon, but she convinced herself that he was a baby. And like all babies they need to be taught and guided.

James however was full grown and knows right from wrong. She will not let any of the ponies suffer from the pain she had all those years ago. The lunar princess' expression softened at the thought of the dragon Shenron. They were supposed to be best friends him and her against the world, but...when she needed him most he wasn't there. Yeah, it was the time when she was corrupted by Nightmare Moon but he should have at least been there to snap her out of it!

The sound of the door opening caught Luna's attention as her sister came into the room, "Everything is set Luna," said Celestia, "The train to the Crystal Empire is waiting for us at the station."

"Alright sister, then we shouldn't waste any time." replied Luna as she was about to walk out the door but was stooped by the outstretched wing of Celestia.

"Luna before we leave, there is a chance that James and the other dragons might be in the Crystal Empire as well," Luna's face grew serious as she was about to speak but was cut off by Celestia, "Before you say anything the Empire is still intact, but when we arrive I want your word that you will not harm or do anything to provoke the dragons. Is that understood?"

"Since when did you become my mother?" grumbled Luna.

"When you decide to put innocent lives at risk! Your acting like a child Luna!"

"I rather act like child than a monster!"

"Luna you are not leaving Manehattan until I have your word that you will not harm the dragons."

Luna glared at her sister, sometimes she really got under her skin when she tried to take charge of her. Although it was for her own good, "Fine" Luna submitted, "I will 'try' not to do anything that will cause conflict."

Celestia let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Luna. When we get there I hope you realize that the dragons are not as you see them to be. Come, we shouldn't let the train wait for us."

"Of course sister." replied Luna as she followed her out of the room.

Author's Note:

Hey guys here is another chapter! Will Luna keep her promise with Celestia? Will Malefor's and James new transformation powerful enough to handle both Luna AND Celestia? What will happen with Sam, Rarity, Applejack, Drobot, Bash, and Flashwing when they meet Shining Armor and Cadance? Find out next chapter!

As usual Comment on what you think below!