• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,296 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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"Thank you for dinner, Cadence, it was quite delightful." Celestia remarked, whipping her muzzle delicately with an embroidered napkin.

"No problem, Auntie. Its the least I can do, after all we've put you through..." Cadence's visage took on an image of concern, but Celestia merely laughed it off.

"Nonsense. The fact that I was able to come and visit in the first place was a treat. Luna arriving was just an added bonus. She rarely ever enjoys herself, and this was an excellent way to change that." she smiled, grinning at the blushing lunar alicorn across the table.

"I do thank you for the invitation, Cadence. It was... most enjoyable to eat amongst family again..." she smiled, digging into another piece of crumb cake, the dessert having been brought out after the lengthy feast beforehand.

"It was nice to see you again, auntie. I haven't seen you much since the wedding." Cadence replied.

Kel'Thuzad watched all of this from the corner of the room, pretending to read from a book.

Something was... off.

His lord, for one, had stayed in his chambers, claiming to be sick.

Now, Kel'Thuzad wasn't stupid.

He may be overly flamboyant and arrogant at times, but he wasn't stupid.

His survival of the Fall of Naxxramas TWICE signified that on its own...

That Argent Priest was quite easily corrupted... and ironically proved to be a more formidable lich than most...

Nevertheless, it didn't take a genius to deduce that his lord was lying. In fact, it was quite brazenly obvious.

For one, while he was an alicorn now, and held some life within him once again, he was still a lich.

Liches are undead.

Undead don't get sick.

Well... almost never get sick... Resurrection Sickness is a bother...

Apart from that, his queen seemed... scared. Of what, he was not sure. But something was frightening his ruler, whether subconscious or not.

He didn't know much about his bindings to the Lich King, but he knew that he was capable of feeling... unease when his master did... much like when he felt Arthas' surprise from his defeat in the Eastern Plaguelands...

He knew not whether this enchantment stretched to Lady Cadence, but it seemed likely.

Kel'Thuzad was concerned as well...

His queen's rather direct connection to his king might have had something to do with that.

He had never felt it, but a lich may supposedly feel when his phylactery is in danger...

He wondered if a living phylactery would feel the reverse?

Only one way to find out...

"My lady, I was wondering if I may retire to my chambers for the night? While I may not sleep, I am able to rest, and Marrowfrost tends to get into trouble when I leave him alone for too long." Kel'Thuzad lied through his teeth. His assistant was very capable of occupying himself, and had been more than capable of doing so in the past, but he needed an excuse. Lady Cadence giggled, and replied.

"Kel'Thuzad, you don't have to ask. Of course you may. Thank you for joining us for dinner." Cadence smiled.

"Thank you, my lady. I bid thee a good night." He turned slightly to face Celestia and Luna, and bowed once more. "Goodnight, your highnesses. It was a pleasure." he remarked, actually truthful this time. Celestia and Luna, while immortal and peace-loving, were VERY interested in Azerothian customs and traditions. He had had a particularly entertaining time explaining equine's roles on Azeroth, as well...

"The pleasure was all mine, Lord Kel'Thuzad. While you may look... different, I believe myself to be an excellent judge of character. My nephews are lucky to have you as an advisor and close friend." Luna replied, politely inclining her head to the Archlich. She blinked once, and turned back to her sister and niece.


Kel'Thuzad saw... something. A glinting light that arced slightly off of the alicorn, and disappeared from sight once he focused on it. Bowing once more, and wishing them all a good night once more, the lich floated for the exit, scrying the room one last time, just to be sure.

Five souls...

Lady Cadence.

Princess Celestia.

Princess Luna.

A portion of his master's soul, sharing the same vessel as Cadence's.

And a fifth, unknown entity, sitting at the table as well...

Emanating from Luna's position...

He would need to read up on her again...

Maybe the Royal Library would have a few tomes on the dream-walking alicorn...


Shining Armor was frustrated.

He grunted in exertion as he swung Frostmourne effortlessly through the air, the blade singing its song of death as it cleaved a clean path straight through a log of oak, set up in the courtyard. The log didn't even feel solid. Just another cubic foot of air. It thudded heavily against the marble pathway, the cleanly cut portion of wood already frosted over from Frostmourne's frigid blade...

He had told his wife of the... HORRIFIC dream he had had...

She told him the very same thing that he feared she would say...

'It was only a dream...'

But it wasn't!

It felt way too... real... legitimate.

He gagged at the memory of the feeling of Celestia's divine blood caking his massive hooves, the look of sheer terror on her face as he...


Something had caused that nightmare...

From what he could tell, the problem wasn't related to his new... status.

Frostmourne was content to be back in it's master's clutch once more, and the Helm seemed placated to the point of silence...

He didn't want to risk being in the same room as his mother-in-law...

Not yet.

Cadence had been understanding, and she had gone ahead without him, taking Kel'Thuzad in his stead.



Shining gasped in surprise, the lich's voice startling him more than it should have...

He stumbled slightly, Frostmourne falling with a gentle 'thud' into the light snow on the grass...

A popping sound echoed from behind him, followed by the familiar sound of a spell dissipating. The prince turned to the lich, questions almost visibly leaking from him.

"Master, we need to talk."

Shining nodded.

"Let me get some lager..."

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