• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,297 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Conflicts and Complications

"BUT, M-MY PRINCE, I WAS TO ASCEND TO THE POSITION OF ARCHMAGE!" A rather proper looking unicorn stallion said, his eyes filled with a fury unmatched as he leapt forward, slamming his forehooves on the table.

Though no one caught it, Kel'Thuzad cancelled his shadow bolt, lowering the claw he was using to his side as the stupid stallion loudly, brashly, but peacefully asserted himself.

Shining, meanwhile, looked to the noble.

Fire Fight, his name was.

Yes, he remembered him.

He was one of the only members of the Canterlot Court to follow them to the Frozen North. He had promised him, hadn't he? The prince thought for a few moments, and then sighed before speaking.

"I-I'm sorry, Fire Fight, but Kel'Thuzad seems to have far more..." Shining began, but was cut off once again by the offending noble.

"AND TO AN OUTSIDER! HAVE YOU NO FAITH IN YOUR OWN KIND!?" The noble screeched, his flamboyant and... rather silly looking orange robes flailing around his form.

Again, Kel'Thuzad's impressive restraint barely kept his combat instincts from turning the increasingly aggressive stallion into a pile of rotted, half-frozen flesh.

"That is enough!" Cadence said, her voice echoing even without the aid of magical augmentation. "Fire Fight, you are to respect our wishes, please. We did not make this decision without thinking it through." The noble snorted, pushing away from the table and turning his back to the royals as he stomped angrily towards the door. Fire Fight stopped several yards in front of the door, and his horn lit up with sparks. The unicorn's talent for magic was established quite quickly, as he melted through the frosted doors with little trouble, the arcane fire spewing from his horn nearly white with heat. The stallion snorted once more, and stomped out of view down the hallway.

A pyromancer... and he melted my spell... impressive...

"Kel'Thuzad." Shining said, his voice returning to him after Fire Fight's outburst. The lich turned to him, and spoke.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Please, sit down." Shining said, gesturing to a seat next to him, his hoof wavering slightly. Even after his docile dealings with the lich, he still could not get over his intimidation factor. I mean, come on! He was nearly twice the size of Princess Celestia, for goddess' sake!

"My prince, as much as I would love to sit down, I cannot for two reasons." Kel'Thuzad said, his talons waving through the air as he explained. "One, my fellow members of the court are quite obviously terrified of my current... appearance..." He gestured to the rest of the table, and sure enough, most of the nobles were either hiding behind their plates, or ogling the archlich's gilded onyx ornaments from a safe distance. "And two, I have no... er... rump to sit upon..."

The second reason issued a light chuckle from some of the nobles, and a giggle from Cadence. The lich folded his arms behind himself, attempting to maintain his composure as best he could. The prince laughed, and patted the chair once more.

"I insist, come and sit." Shining said, his face a mask of kindness. Realizing that it would be rude and embarrassing for his master to refuse once more, Kel'Thuzad sighed lightly and sucked up his pride, before floating his way over to the table. He slowly lowered his torso into the chair, and stopped once his ribcage rested in it comfortably. The court started to slowly regain their appetite, regardless of the undead mage at the table with them. Attempting to break the awkward silence that had draped the table, Cadence politely cleared her throat, and spoke.

"Kel'Thuzad?" She asked. The lich turned his skull towards her, his eyes indicating he was ready for a question. "Exactly how old... are you?" Cadence asked, her voice filled with embarrassment and guilt for asking the question. It was obvious he was old, I mean, he was nothing but bones! Shining had told her last night Kel'Thuzad was undead, so... did he have skin at one point?

The lich coughed lightly, out of habit. He was not quite prepared for such a question. "My lady, you do know it is impolite to ask someone their age, do you not?" Kel'Thuzad asked, feigning offense, an invisible smile gracing his teeth. The lich chuckled in his mind. Shining coughed slightly to suppress a laugh, digging into a piece of toast, as Cadence frantically searched the recesses of her mind to come up with a reason.

She found one.

It was a very poor one, but a reason nonetheless.

"I ask because... you are going to be here a while. We would like to know more about you." Cadence said, beaming with genuine and over-exaggerated curiosity. The lich chuckled, before resting his hand on the table.

"Lady Cadence, I jest. You are as much my master as your husband is. My biological or chronological age?" The lich asked.

"Explain, please." Cadence asked, her interest actually piqued at the counter-question.

"Well, my biological age is fifty-nine. I was fifty-nine when I died, and I'll be fifty-nine until the end of time." Kel'Thuzad said, his explanation catching Shining off guard, the unicorn laughing out loud.

"Sounds like someone is desperately trying to hang unto their younger years!" Shining laughed, his chuckling cut off by Cadence, who elbowed him in the ribs, which got his attention on her. "Oh... I'm kiddin' babe, come on, relax." Cadence sighed.

Kel'Thuzad chuckled. "You misunderstand, my lord. I am literally unable to age past my fifty-ninth year. Undeath does that to you. You cant grow if you're dead.

"You're undead then, like a vampony?" Emerald Trot asked, her face actually lighting up with interest. The lich shook his head.

"No, I am not vampiric. And vampires are not even 'technically' undead. They have a disease that makes them rely on blood for nourishment and sustenance. Trust me, I've worked with some of the most powerful vampires in existence." Kel'Thuzad said, making Emerald Trot's head hang in disappointment.

"Soo... what about your chronological age?" Cadence asked, taking a small sip of tea afterwards. Kel'Thuzad turned his head to the pink alicorn, and spoke.

"I am nearly a millennia old, my lady."

Cadence choked slightly on the small cinnamon pastry she was nibbling on, and gawked at the undead wizard.

"A THOUSAND YEARS?!" She exclaimed, once her coughing fit was absolved by several firm pats on the back from her husband. The lich chuckled, and nodded.

"Yes, Lady Cadence. I am nearly one thousand years old." He smiled to the best of his ability, using several spells to curve the corners of his mouth to imitate the gesture. "And I thank you for the... friendly invitation. It has been a long time since I have been in the presence of such understanding individuals." Cadence nodded, smiling at the lich.

"You know, Shining was right about you. You really were... enslaved, weren't you?" Cadence asked, her face becoming a portrait of concern and sympathy for Kel'Thuzad. The lich looked back down to the table, his claws gripping it tightly as he shook slightly with anger.

"Yes... I was..." Kel'Thuzad says, releasing the frosted over sections of the table he was grabbing.

"We don't have to talk about it, if you..." Shining began, his voice betraying his thoughts. He wanted to know the rest of the story that was interrupted by his wife.

"NO!" Kel'Thuzad yelled, his claws ripping two large swaths of mahogany effortlessly away from the table as he rose from his chair. "I've spent far too long... far too long..." Kel'Thuzad muttered, his voice getting softer as he lowered his claws to his sides, the wooden chunks falling to the floor, shattering as they impacted.

"My lady... if you wish to hear my story, may we converse in private?" Kel'Thuzad muttered, his back turned to the table as he sulked. Only now had the idea of what he did... HIT him. He was feeling... guilt. So much guilt.

"Everyone, I would like to converse with my husband and the vizier in private, please. You are dismissed." Cadence said, raising herself from her chair to stand above the table.

"My lady, my prince... are you sure you are safe with that... monster...





The court was dead silent.

Slowly, every head in the room turned to the crystal prince, who's form was bent over the table, his eyes glowing a malevolent bluish glow. His teeth were bared, and his nostrils flared. In an instant, the monster was gone, and Shining Armor returned, his limp form hitting the table with a thud.

"SHINY!" Cadence screamed, getting up to check on her beloved.

Kel'Thuzad couldn't believe it.

The fool HAD put on the helm.


Kel'Thuzad growled, and summoned up a mass teleport. He aimed his teleport to his chamber's, mentally thanking himself for his foresight. As he and the two royals evaporated into nothingness, he cursed himself for his blindness. His thoughtlessness. HIS STUPITY! He, the all powerful Archlich of Naxxramas, the Lichlord of the Plaguelands, was worried.

Well, my job just got interesting... and annoying...

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