• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,297 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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It was late in the evening. Very late. Almost early, as a matter of fact. Shining Armor was marching his way towards his destination, several scenario's running through his head at once...

All of them ended in either and argument, or a fight.

Shaking his head, he snorted once, and continued on his way. He NEEDED to do this.

Cadence would be too... soft.

Kel'Thuzad would be too pushy and aggressive.

Celestia would likely flat out refuse.

'Knock. Knock. Knock.'

Which left him, naturally.

"Auntie, may I come in?" Shining called, his hoof still raised from his knock upon the massive oak door of the lunar alicorn's suite. A few shifting of covers were heard behind the sturdy obstruction, but nothing else. A few thuds later, his answer arrived.

"Yes... just let me get out of bed..." a grumbled voice sounded from within, much to the prince's delight. Kel'Thuzad had asked him to... 'question' Luna, before he started his first weekly lesson with Twilight. He told him to not DIRECTLY mention Nightmare Moon, but any information WHATSOEVER would be important.

Also, he asked him to carry and conceal... this odd little ice crystal...

He lowered the crystal, and tucked it away beneath the messy contours of his unbrushed mane. Surely Luna wouldn't mind, after all. They were family now, right?

"Shining, you may come in now, I am proper." Luna's commanding voice stated. He tightened the belt pinning Frostmourne to his left flank, and pushed the door open with a 'click'.

Luna was... for lack of a better word, a mess. She looked tired as all hell, and extremely grumpy, from what her eyes showed. They were half-lidded, and slightly glazed over. Her mane was in disarray, the normally elegant strands of ethereal hair sticking out in numerous directions, some of them somewhat drooping towards the floor.

"Auntie? Are you... feeling well?" he asked, cautiously moving towards the alicorn, who's face was obscured partially by her mane. Luna jerked upright, her wings revealing themselves...

She was molting...


Her primaries were all but gone, and the remaining feathers were in a state of disrepair, desperately needing to be preened.

"No, Shining Armor. I'm not." she finally said, a soft... sob, escaping her barely showing muzzle.

Luna was crying.

In an instant, Shining forgot his manners, his mission.

He trotted forwards, and embraced the... cold alicorn.

Her skin was like ice...

"Auntie, what happened?" Shining asked, his hooves wrapping tightly around the shivering alicorn. She just sobbed again, and collapsed forwards.

Unto him.

He yelped in surprise, and attempted to cushion her as best he could, hugging the surprisingly light princess against his barrel. She was wailing at this point, her eyes... dry?

She was crying, but no tears were falling.

"Auntie, please. I need to know what's wrong before I can help more..." he patted the distressed mare on the back, and sat up, slowly. She finally looked up at him.


Her eyes were bloodshot. Countless bags layered the distance between them and her cheeks...

She was bleeding lightly from one eye, her tear ducts having run dry long before he entered...

The flesh around her eyes was deathly pale, and swollen...

"Help... me..." she whimpered, collapsing back into his embrace. Shining, for one, was terrified for his aunt. She looked like a frickin' zombie for starters, and she was never one to not understand the importance of sleep...

"She... she won't let me... sleep..." Luna gagged, retching lightly. Shining nodded lightly, taking note for the first time the obscene amounts of whiskey around the room.

She was trying to drink herself to sleep...

"Who, auntie?" he asked, fearful for the inevitable answer...

"Nightmare... please..." she howled in pain. In sorrow.

"Auntie! I'm here! She can't get you..." he cooed, holding her tighter to his chest. She gagged once more, and vomited unto his chest, the fowl substance smelling terribly of alcohol and stomach acid...

"She... she won't let me sleep..." she gasped again, her dry lips cracking her voice terribly...

"Auntie... how long?" he asked, still cradling the princess's weakened body.

"T-Three m-m-months..." she finally sighed in relief, or agony, and collapsed.

Panicking, he picked her up, and carefully propped her between his wings, draping the massive appendages over her shaking form.



"Twilight, Celestia. I apologize for the... mess." Kel'Thuzad awkwardly chuckled, the lich closing the portal from Naxxramas behind him as he floated through into his chambers.

"I-It's quite alright, Kel'Thuzad..." Celestia chuckled. "I... I was just... disgusted. Appalled by what this... Scourge did!"

"I apologize for that to, my lady. I will not take you back there..."

"Oh, nonsense. If I've learned anything over my long life, it is to not judge a book by its cover..." Celestia countered, a kind smile draping her muzzle. "I'm sure that while this... Naxxramas, was dangerous and horrifying, we could definitely learn from its sciences... not matter how twisted they are."

The lich smiled, satisfied with her answer.


The lich's facial expression changed from happy to concerned almost instantly, the roaring tundra that was his master's telekinetic voice echoing through his head.

Master, what's wrong?! What happened?!


The lich stammered, then replied, his voice dead serious.

At once, my lord.

With a 'swish' of saronite, the blade of Bloodsurge was finished it's path, a large jagged rift opening in its wake.

"Come, we are needed urgently in the throne room." the lich commanded, taking the princess by surprise. She nodded, and hoisted a confused Twilight unto her back before galloping through the rift. The archlich followed swiftly, praying that Nightmare was still within the confines of her host...


"LUNA!" Celestia gasped, moving towards the horrible disarray of feathers and fur that was her younger sister. She registered her voice, a single, glassy eye shooting in her direction.

"S-Sister..." gasped the alicorn, a dry cough echoing through her body.

"Shh... I'm here, baby sister... I'm here..." Celestia craned her swanlike neck downwards, nuzzling the lunar alicorn gently. Her eyes darted towards Cadence, who's muzzle was buried in her sister's mane, her horn ablaze with magic, gently rubbing Luna on her sides.

"What happened?!" she asked, urgently. Shining stepped forwards.

"Nightmare Moon happened, Celestia..." he spoke, his face a bastion of anger and hatred.

Kel'Thuzad, in the meantime, decided to take a closer look at the ailing princess. He scanned her body, searching for the soul that he would ultimately need to remove.

He stumbled upon something... unexpected.

Well, well, well. Clever bitch...

"Master, Nightmare is fusing her soul with Luna's. We will need to act quickly if we wish to save her." he spoke, his claws glowing lightly with blue flame. With a subtle, almost imperceptible flick of his wrist, he suppressed the nerves needed for pain around her body.

If she passes... she deserves... peace...

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER!" Celestia snarled as she whipped around to face the archlich, a grimace of hatred and rage adorning her face for the first time in nearly two hundred years. Her mane lost it's rainbow hue instantly, and took on a more... primal aspect.


Her mane turned into living, breathing, fire.

Her eyes grew orange and red with the blaze, and Shining quickly removed a cowering Twilight from the solar goddess' back with a swift pull from his telekinesis.

"CELESTIA, IF YOU DO NOT MOVE, I WILL SILENCE YOU, AGAIN!" Kel'Thuzad roared, his chains dancing more violently now, prepared to restrain and incapacitate if it came to blows. Celestia snarled once more, and a bolt of white fire shot clean through the archlich, faster than ANYONE could react to.

The royals gasped.

Twilight screamed.

Luna's eyes opened wider, a racking cough exploding from her muzzle, before her eyes shut abruptly.

The archlich chuckled darkly, looking up from the smoldering hole burned straight through his ribcage.




Clever bitch...

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