• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,296 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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The rain poured down heavily over the alicorn stallion, his massive, lumbering form trudging through the muddy, half-paved streets of the lower sections of Canterlot. A sharp hiss of anger emitted from under the heavy blanket that he had taken from the house. A tell-tale sign that Frostmourne had frozen any stray droplets of water that had landed on it's unnaturally clean blade...

Cradled and shielded within one gargantuan wing, a small unicorn colt was nestled soundly, gentle movements the only thing telling the Lich King that he was still amongst the living. He had found the little guy nocked out, bleeding from his head in an upstairs closet, further up the hallway from the... altercation...

Shining snorted once, whipping his mane around, somewhat ridding it of the profuse rain water that had soaked into it. He... he never meant for everything to happen the way it did...

He was just going to place him under arrest. Take him to the dungeon, or straight to court! He didn't mean to... kill him...

A soft groan from the colt snapped him from his daydream, his soft movements betraying his peaceful slumber. Shining snorted, and quickly picked up the pace, his massive hoofsteps and immense weight cracking or outright shattering the ancient cobblestone paths of the lower city.

Shining's visage turned to a scowl, the alicorn remembering the utter cruelty he had seen in that... that... MONSTER'S eyes. Once his soul was within Frostmourne's clutch, he saw everything.

The stallion's maddening addiction to alcohol...

The tortures and beatings he had lain upon both his wife and child...

The sickening satisfaction that he had gained from slitting his OWN wife's throat open, several minutes before the prince had broken down the door and ended his miserable life...

Needless to say, his decision was made for him.

Twenty years in a small dark cell, with no one to talk to but the vengeful, angry spirit of the alicorn of fear and shadow...

Seemed fair.

Generous, even.


Did I really just think that?!

Shining shook his head to rid himself of the macabre thoughts, looking up the street several dozen yards ahead of him, the sharp glow of the torches of the lower city guard barracks shining through the downpour of rain. He felt the little guy snuggle deeper into his side, desperate for warmth. Another small reminder of the precious cargo the alicorn carried. His dormant heart swelled lightly, the small colt's movements reminding him of when Twily was that small...

He finally stomped up to the guards, a small cough issuing from his muzzle to get their attention. The guards looked to the right, one of them leveling their halberd at the massive form of the prince.

"State your business, civilian." the earth pony grunted, obviously agitated with his position outside. Shining chuckled, lifting his head to the torch light. The stallion's halberd dropped to the pavement, and he bowed as low as he could to the prince. "I... forgive me, commander. I didn't know..." the stallion was stopped by the alicorn's voice.

"It's fine, soldier, no harm done. Now, may I pass, please?" Shining grunted lightly, repositioning his wing so that the colt didn't slip from his grasp. The guard hurriedly nodded, grabbing his weapon before opening the door with his hoof. "Thank you." Shining spoke, his form stumbling inside, a warmth he had forgotten existed blowing into his drenched visage. The guard nodded, and closed the door once more, the sudden appearance of his prince waking him up almost completely.


"Ugh..." Shining groaned, the alicorn's massive form walking to a corner, before flopping down unto a spare mattress, startling the nurse on duty greatly as his gargantuan form crashed to the floor. The mare hurried over, the red cross surrounded by hearts adorning her flank... vaguely familiar.

"Your highness! To what do I owe the privilege?" she spoke, curtsying lightly to the comically larger stallion. Shining chuckled, shaking his head gently, relieving it once again of the heavy water and condensation that had accumulated.

"This." Shining said gently, unfurling the massive wing to display the small colt, his form still snuggled up against his relatively dry wing joint. The mare gasped, and ran off to a chest in the corner of the small room, pulling a heavy wool blanket from the container with her teeth. She hurried back over, stumbling a few times on the sheer volume of the blanket she carried. She grunted in exertion once she returned, flopping the large sheet over the colt's gently moving form, his body's shaking lessened greatly almost immediately. Shining nodded his thanks to the nurse, and bade her return to the injured soldier she was tending to.

"Ugh... what a night, huh little guy?" he whispered, looking down at the slumbering unicorn, his belly rising and falling gently with each intake of oxygen. Shining chuckled, and in a move that surprised even him, he nuzzled the small colt's mane, before flopping his own head down upon the small pillow at the end of the bed.


Kel'Thuzad chuckled, a small wisp of soul struggling in his grasp, pried from the suspended helm before him. He leaned in to look upon the fragment, the soul's quiet wails of anger and hatred clearly marking it as a problem. With a burst of flame, the soul was gone, floating infinitely in the endless expanse of the Twisting Nether. Kel'Thuzad floated backwards, his hands shaking from the seemingly simple feat of attempting to dig through the Helm of Domination.

In reality, the helm's magical makeup was the most complicated array of magical barriers, amplifiers, and wards the lich had ever seen. It dwarfed the Crystal Heart's intricacy, and that had thrown him for a loop when he had first saw it, as well. He shook his head, the gentle thrumming that had started once he had entered the helm ending as he did. With a sigh, the archlich lowered the magically suspended helm into the chest below it, sealing it within the runed container until he had built up the strength to dissect it once again.

A gentle knock on his frozen ward alerted him, and he floated gently to the doorway, wondering who could be bothering him at such a late hour. Besides the guards, most of the mortals where long asleep by this point, barring some maids and Ma- Lal'theron. He shook his brother from his thoughts for the moment, and began the quick process of lowering the ward before him.

With fire.

As the last of the offending barrier to entry evaporated with a loud 'hiss', the archlich gazed through the mist upon his visitors. Two guards, escorting a rather large stallion between them, a magical suppressor ring bound around the unicorn's horn.

"It better be good, gentlemen. I may not sleep, but I need my rest." the lich explained sternly, a scowl present on his face. The guards fumbled with their words, clearly scared out of their minds by the undead mage.

"S-Sir... this stallion says he knows you..." the guard on the right said, gently gesturing to the stallion between the two. The stallion smiled, and bowed politely.

"A pleasure, archlich." the stallion spoke, in a voice that seemed oddly familiar.


He called me archlich...

No one besides Shining, Cadence, and the Royal Sisters know of that title...

"Well, what are you waiting for, let him in!" Kel'Thuzad chuckled, a snap of his fingers incinerating the pitifully mundane and weak magical inhibitor around the stallion's horn. The stallion trotted politely past the Kel'Thuzad, sitting down gently upon one of the half-frozen armchairs in the lich's chambers. Kel'Thuzad then turned to the guards. "Was there anyone else with him?" the archlich asked, his arms folding behind his back. The guard on the left spoke up, with far more confidence than the first.

"Yes, my lord. He was accompanied by another, even larger stallion. A mute, by the looks of it. He understood us, but did not answer when asked questions." Kel'Thuzad nodded, looking down to the oddly large scabbard of black adorning the right stallion's side.

"Anything else?" Kel'Thuzad asked. The guard on the right nodded, and turned to his side, bringing forth the scabbard of... leather?

Interesting... its real leather...

"He was carrying this sword, sir." the guard explained. The archlich nodded, grabbing the... longsword, by the looks of it. The lich almost immediately recognized the bat-winged hilt of a runeblade, the single, lidless eye decorating the demonic pommel of the sword. Kel'Thuzad looked to the scabbard then, inspecting it closer this time, almost choking when he recognized the texture and look, even through his unfeeling hands.


"Thank you, gentlemen, that will be all. Send the mute up to my chambers when you get the chance, will you?" Kel'Thuzad respectfully bowed to the guards, who bowed in return, gently turning to march off towards the entrance to the Royal Wing of the palace. The lich grabbed the sword with one soul chain, depositing the runeblade beside the stallion inside his room. He meticulously froze over the entrance to his chambers once again, adding a soundproofing ward to the process, as well.

"You haven't changed a bit, old friend." the stallion spoke, holding up a single grey hoof to the lich, blowing a long lock of white mane out of his face with a gentle gust of wind from his lungs. Kel'Thuzad turned to the stallion, and gently shook his hoof, recognizing the faint glow behind his eyes as he did. He also took note of the lack of shivering coming from the stallion, clearly indicating his suspicions to once again be true. Kel'Thuzad cracked an eerie smile, and sat down in another of his armchairs.

"It has been a long time..."


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