• Published 5th Sep 2015
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The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Promotions at Breakfast

As the sun rose over the mountains of the Frozen North, a single ray of light pierced the frosted over window of Kel'Thuzad's chambers.

"Damn sun, always preferred the moon... less bright." Kel'Thuzad winced, his claw lighting up with a bluish aura as he added another layer of ice to the window, obscuring the bright ray from view. The lich sighed, and went back to his book. The tome detailed the Equestrian monarchy, and the special attributes of the mystical 'Alicorns'. According to the book, the Alicorns are also linked to a unique driving force of nature, immortal, and possess incredible speed, agility, and strength.

Princess Celestia and Luna, Rulers of the Sun and Moon... Interesting...

They are a combination of all three pony sub-races, and thus are linked to all thing that each are attributed. Earth Ponies seem to be the only race that are without a form of natural defense, lacking the flight of a Pegasus, or the magic of a Unicorn. Pegasi are known, of course, for the set of wings they possess, which enables sustained, powered flight upon the species. Unicorns seem to be the only form of pony capable of effectively harnessing arcane energies, channeling it through the conical horn that protrudes from their foreheads.

Next to Kel'Thuzad, a small pile of books had grown over the many hours of placid reading. The lich had been up all night. Not for the addition to his already considerable memory banks, but because of the peace and quiet it could give.

Then again, he didn't have much of a choice about staying up...

"Master, I have finished the rune circle." Marrowfrost droned robotically. The undead stallion had been recently outfitted with an enchantment that made his voice more refined, as Kel'Thuzad had grown tired of attempting to decipher his dry and scratchy voice.

"Excellent, thank you, Marrowfrost." Kel'Thuzad said, the book in his hands slowly levitating back to the bookshelf, along with the small armada of other literature that mimicked it. The skeleton bowed, and went back to his bathroom, presumably to fascinate himself with the toilet once again.

The lich sighed, and floated swiftly to were the rather complicated rune circle was drawn, complimented with several candles. It was a summoning rune, primarily used as the exit point of a teleportation spell. Channeling a simple matter transference spell, he released the glowing ball of greyish light at a pillow on the bed. In a flash of blue flame, it vanished. Smirking, the lich looked down at the center of the circle drawn out on the floor. In the middle was a still smoking pillow.

An effective waypoint, should I ever need to retreat or travel quickly...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Yes?" Kel'Thuzad growled, turning his skull to see the faint outline of a pony behind the sheet of frozen magic that served as his door for the time being.

He hated company. Especially mortals. As fragile as their simple, fleeting lives were, they always insisted on taking their time with things.

However, seeing as this entire world is mostly comprised of sentient equine beings... he would need to get over it.

"Lord Kel'Thuzad, their majesties Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence humbly request your presence in the dining hall for breakfast." The pony on the opposite side of the ward called, slightly muffled by the ice.

Kel'Thuzad stared blankly at the miniature glacier before him for several moments, his jaw hanging open.

They... wanted... HIM.

A horrifying, twelve foot tall, centuries old skeletal sorcerer from another world, who hadn’t had a single CRUMB to eat since he died nearly a millennia ago, to come to breakfast?

Well... if my king demands it...

"Very... well. Tell them I will be there in a moment..." Kel'Thuzad said, reaching his claw out to his chest, which still sat on the bed.

Oh, damn it all. My manners will get the best of me some day...

"But... my lord, do you need an escort?" The pony asked, probably one of the many guards that they had passed last night. Kel'Thuzad chuckled, and replied.

"No, I passed the hall last night with my lord when we returned to our chambers." Kel'Thuzad lied.

He had not the faintest idea where the dining hall was located in this labyrinth of a castle. But, if the book he was reading is true to its words, the archlich’s scrying should be able to spot an alicorn's energy signature from miles away.

"Oh... very well then." the guardspony replied back, seemingly disappointed.

As the lich turned away from the sound of hooves marching away, Bloodsurge floated into his grasp, blade still coated in dried crimson. While the lich was not a fan of melee combat, the usefulness of his spellblade was undeniable.

Besides, he enjoyed having the shortsword at his side. Ever since he had lost his legs, he had no need for a staff, so a small, enchanted dagger or blade was the next best thing for amplifying spells.

"Marrowfrost, you are to remain in this room. Is that clear?" Kel'Thuzad ordered, slicing downwards swiftly with Bloodsurge, the blade cutting through the air, before bending and warping into a distorted picture of what Kel'Thuzad hoped was the dining hall.

"Very well, my lord. Try to enjoy it, you are spending the rest of eternity here, after all." The skeletal stallion chuckled, before stiffly bowing, and walking back into the bathroom to continue his... 'notes'.



The archlich rolled his eyes, cursing but thanking his advisor's fascination with such menial things like plumbing. Turning back to his portal, the lich sighed, sucking up his pride, before sheathing Bloodsurge in the scabbard attached to his robe and floating through the portal.

Perhaps Marrowfrost is right. I might as well try to enjoy myself... What's the worst that could happen?


"Are you sure about this, Shiny?" Cadence worriedly whispered to her mate. They were seated in their usual spots at the head of the long table, and several other court officials were seated as well, curious about their prince's rather sudden addition to their council.

"Where's that confident and stalwart mare from last night, honey?" Shining chuckled, taking a small bite out of a piece of Prench bread. The prince was not at all scared about the court's reaction. In fact, he was counting on it. Since the purification of the Crystal Heart, and the death of King Sombra, the court officials had been scrabbling over each other, clawing at any seat of power they could get there hooves on. While they listened when he spoke, and heeded his princess, he knew they did not exactly... like him. Or Cadence.

Getting a colossal skeletal undead monstrosity on his side suddenly looked a lot more beneficial than he had originally thought. Intimidation works nearly just as well, or better, than discipline. Cadence had not exactly seen eye to eye with him on his proposal to introduce the lich to the council, but Shining was fairly certain that the necromancer wouldn't harm a soul... unless he told him to, of course.

"My prince, are you sure you do not want to reconsider this addition? I mean, we already have more than enough divisions of power...." Lady Emerald Trot spoke, her posh Prench accent annoying Shining to no end. Shining held his hoof up to cut her off, before continuing.

"No, I will not reconsider. And I will not hear any more of it, understood?" Shining scolded, his face dead serious. The mare bowed lightly before sitting back into her chair, a sigh of obvious annoyance escaping her lips. Shining shook his head and sat back down from his aggressive stance. These nobles are more ungrateful than the ones in Canterlot!

Kill... them... ALL...

Shining jerked to a stiff pose as the phrase raced through his troubled mind, spilling his glass of water in the light spasm. Cadence turned quickly to him, and questioned him with a face of 'are you alright'? Once he got his breathing back under control, he turned to Cadence, and nuzzled her gently on the side of the muzzle. As the nobles finally appeared to be settled, the room grew cold. Very cold.

With a snap like a whip, an arcane slice appeared in the air off to the right of the table, and a massive, bony hand reached out to widen it. Shining felt Cadence's shivering from a mile away, and wrapped his left forehoof around her, providing some warmth, which she eagerly accepted by nuzzling further into his side.

As cold as he was the previous night in his... 'servant's' presence, Shining found the cold less... overwhelming now. With a barely audible snort, he shook his head, turning his attention to the undead mage's arrival.

By the time he looked back at the portal, Kel'Thuzad was already in the process of closing it. With a sound of vacuums being filled once more by air, the portal closed, Kel'Thuzad turning to his rulers, settling into a low bow.

"Greetings, master. I came as quickly... as... I could?" Kel'Thuzad stammered. In an awkward silence, the aged wizard took in his surroundings for the first time.

He had definetely found the banquet hall, seeing as nearly a dozen ponies, including his rulers, who both sat at the head of the table, stared up at him from their breakfast.



"ENOUGH!" Shining roared, a trick he learned from Cadence. Turns out the Royal Canterlot Voice was somewhat easy to replicate, should you know the proper spell. The room shook from the vibrations of the shockwave, and the entire room grew silent.

For a moment.

"Master... should I... go?" Kel'Thuzad questioned, his claws folding slowly over his ribcage.

"WHAT IS THIS MONSTROUS CREATURE?! GUARDS! GUARDS!" A portly crystal stallion yelped, his outburst causing another panic amongst the nobles.

"Kel'Thuzad, do you know a spell for locking doors?" Shining calmly asked, his wife clinging to him tightly as she took in the lich with more attention.

"Yes..." Kel'Thuzad said, his claws raising at the two doors that gave access to the large room. With a blast of concentrated frost, the door cracked and popped, then petrified. Frost built up on the crystalwork around the large mahogany doors, and the large, metal knockers all but shattered from the cold, effectively sealing the group inside of the dining hall.

For nearly a minute, the dulled thuds of the guards outside of the room trying to break down the now frozen doors echoed through the hall, frightening the nobles, and admittedly Cadence to a certain degree.

Though with an encouraging nod from her husband, and a gentle nuzzle to speak up, Cadence remembered their purpose here today.

"Now that that is settled..." Cadence calmly began, her voice amplified slightly by magic.

"LET US GO, MONSTER!" A more courageous stallion finally leaped upon the table, pulling an ornate longsword from the sheathe on his side. The archlich turned slowly to the noble, a gentle wave of his right claw ripping the sword from the stallion's pitifully weak magical hold.

Without another word, Kel'Thuzad slowly but methodically closed his claw, the intensity of his white magic enfolding the sword growing brighter... and brighter, before a loud crunching of metal on metal is heard, along with the ear-piercing sound of glass shattering.

Smirking, the archlich returned the longsword to the noble, depositing the small pile of frosted metal flakes on the table before him.

"Now. SIT DOWN, AND HEED YOUR PRINCESS!" Kel'Thuzad roared, his echoing voice reverberating off the walls. The stallion whimpered, shaking like a leaf as he fell back into his chair, silent as a mouse. "Please, continue my lady." Kel'Thuzad bowed slightly, and waited patiently for Cadence to continue.

"I... I would like to introduce..." Cadence began, her voice stuttering heavily from a mix of fear and the cold, before she was cut off by Shining.

"Kel'Thuzad, you are hereby promoted to the prestigious title of archmage of the Crystal Court. You are also to begin work as me and wife's personal advisor. Our vizier, if you will." Shining finally blurted out, happy to get the thought out in the open at last.

The lich's skull brightened in what Shining assumed was a smile as he bowed low to the both of them once again.

"I... I am honored, my king. I hope I will not disappoint." Kel'Thuzad spoke, his robes billowing out around him as his form reached lower to the floor.

"Now, I wish all of you to respect our wishes, and Kel'Thuzad's position. While he may look... different, he is still a living being, and deserves the proper respect as one."

Kel'Thuzad caught his tongue at that, inwardly scoffing at the idea that he was 'living'.

This will be a long existence...

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