• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,295 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Stop #2: Naxxramas, Construct Quarter

"So Twilight..." Kel'Thuzad began, pacing lightly across his makeshift 'classroom'. "Why would YOU like ME to teach you necromancy?" he asked, dead seriousness poisoning his echoing voice. The mare fidgeted in her seat, the small pile of parchment and notebooks crumbling slightly as the desk shifted.

"I... I would like to learn. For as long as I have remembered, all I've wanted was to learn..." Twilight began. The mare looked to her mentor, who was attending this class at her own request. Celestia smiled, and nodded gently, beckoning her to continue her little speech. "I've always had a passion for magic, no matter the background... illusion was one of my favorites..." she chuckled sheepishly, remembering the time she had manipulated Shining into doing her chores, cleaning her room, and making her dinner while her parents were away.

"Illusion is not easy... how trained are you in it's use?" Kel'Thuzad asked, generally surprised that such an innocent looking mare would delve into dark magics of that caliber.

Perhaps... she is not as innocent as I thought...

"I'm a novice at best, but that's besides the point..." Twilight breathed in once. "Magic itself is not evil. Those who use it choose it's use. Necromancy is as evil as destruction, if used for the wrong purposes." Twilight finished. The lich gawked in invisible shock at the young unicorn. His shocked face quickly turned to a grin...

"Well said, Miss Sparkle." Kel'Thuzad chuckled. "Now... I must warn you. Necromancy is an EXTREMELY controversial magical school, perhaps more so than nethermancy and demonology..."

"Can I trust you to not misuse the knowledge that I bestow upon you?"




"Yes, you may." Twilight spoke, finally.

The lich sneered.

"And can I trust you to not judge me for what I show you or do in your company?" Kel'Thuzad inquired. Celestia's head jerked to the right at that question.

"Yes... you may."

"Very well..."

The lich snapped his brittle fingers...

And they teleported.


With a deafening crack of ice, the three beings exploded from an ice block that had formed in the center of Naxxramas. The lich was the first to move, being immune to the impossible chill of the necropolis...

Ah... home.

"K-K-Kel'Thuzad... W-W-Where are we?" Celestia stammered, the shaking alicorn humorously wrapping her and Twilight in a conjured blanket of faux-fur. The lich chuckled.

"Welcome aboard Naxxramas... my base of operations when I served your brother's predecessor, Twilight." the mare, however, was too busy wrapping herself tighter within the solar goddess' embrace. The lich all but smacked himself for his stupidity.

"I apologize for the chill... not many living things ever came aboard my necropolis." Kel'Thuzad paused, and in a simple wave of his arms, the cold dissipated, the frigid chill of Northrend sucked clean from Naxxramas. The mares sighed, and lowered the blanket, which burst into flames upon reaching the ground. The archlich nodded, and turned towards the large opening hall of his citadel.

"Well... were to first?"


The empty rooms of the Construct Quarter echoed with the hoofsteps of the ponies, and the occasional clinking sound of two of the lich's soul chains colliding, before correcting their paths.

"So tell me, Kel'Thuzad." Celestia began. "What did your previous master have you... do here?" she asked, rather uncertain of whether she wanted to hear an answer at all. The lich turned his head to the solar alicorn.

"Build an army." he said simply. With another snap of his fingers, the denizens of his acropolis as he remembered it materialized before them, scouting and guarding the halls of the necropolis. The mares visibly gagged once the putrid smell of undeath hit them.

"Kel'Thuzad, what exactly... are these creatures?" she shivered, walking slowly past a ghoul, who's ribcage was clearly visible behind several small strands of necrotic, decaying flesh.

"My army." he said simply once again. "Do not be alarmed, Princess... no harm will come to you. This is but a memory..." he reassured the goddess, who was quite distracted by the appearance of another ghoul, this one's features were surprisingly intact, beside the fact that his arms were mangled beyond repair, and his eyes were missing, a glow of bluish-yellow emanating from within his otherwise empty sockets...

Twilight, on the other hand, was already scribbling down notes on the constructs, the undead minions of the Scourge interesting her greatly, despite their horrific appearance and smell.

"Kel'Thuzad, what is the process used to... bind the flesh of these... 'soldiers' together?" Twilight politely asked, her quill at the ready to scribble. The lich stopped, and halted a patrolling ghoul, who bowed limply to the archlich.

"Mostly we used simple, long-lasting, heavy duty thread and needle to keep the constructs intact. But, as my resources grew, and my Thuzadin learned more advanced procedures, Naxxramas turned to heavy cauterization and necromantic mending. This kept the subject more agile, as string would limit the turning and twisting of some muscles, hindering movement on a more precise level..." Kel'Thuzad continued his explanation by referencing the tightly woven threads moving across the ghoul's back in a vertical matter, the ghoul's spine probably needing reinforcement at some point along the line...

"What exactly are your... Thuzadin?" Twilight asked, once she was finished examining the ghoul, who muttered something in a raspy voice, then continued on his route around the citadel.

"The Thuzadin were among the finest necromancers at my disposal. They were personally trained by yours truly, and were incredibly efficient in both battle and necromancy. In fact, the vast majority of them taught or studied in Naxxramas." he finished, coming up to the first major room of the Construct Quarter.

"So basically, they were your chief necromancers?" Celestia asked. The lich chuckled, turning his head to the alicorn as he froze a path across the stream of knee-deep plague that flowed in front of them. He shepherded them across the noxious flow, and spoke once they were across.

"No, princess. They were my generals. My commanders. My FRIENDS, even. Most had wanted to learn, same as I had, and were yanked into service as I was... damned by the might of the Lich King." he explained, stopping in front of the large hallway that he knew his Avatar of War would reside in.


The room grew silent.



Boom. Boom.

Boom. Boom. Boom. BOOM.

"Yes, Master?"

"Twilight, Celestia. Meet Patchwerk, my Avatar of War."

The mares, in short, were terrified of this... 'Patchwerk'. The construct of stinking flesh towered over them, reaching just under Kel'Thuzad's impressive stature. He was abnormally, haphazardly built, sections of flesh tearing away at places to reveal a network of... abnormally placed bones and muscle...

"Master, who is pretty horsies?" Patchwerk asked, a long strand of embalming fluid leaking from his rotting maw...


"Kel'Thuzad, I thought you said that they couldn't see us." Celestia calmly asked, ready to destroy this... this... ABOMINATION, if it threatened her or her daughter-in-law...

"Only the ones that don't have the proper memory or IQ to remember you do... Patchwerk here was one of the first abominations created by the Scourge. I oversaw the construction and molding of him myself, as a matter of fact." the lich explained, gesturing towards the abomination. "Abominations are rather... atypical creatures, taking on whatever stature and figure that their task best suites..." Kel'Thuzad spoke.

"What did... Patchwerk do?" Twilight asked, still somewhat morbidly enthralled by the fascinating layout and build of the construct before them.

"Patchwerk SMASHES!" the abomination spoke, swinging a massive, rusted meat cleaver downwards upon a ghoul that had just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

In short, the ghoul all but EXPLODED from the impact of the knife, and chunks of decaying, rotting flesh and sinew were flung in all directions...

Including at the mares standing in front of the abomination.

Celestia and Twilight squealed as brownish, congealed blood splattered on their coats, the horrifying stink and texture of the substance making Celestia finally keel over and vomit unto the chilled ground. Twilight dropped her quill. She raised her hooves to her face, and screamed bloody murder, running around in circles, desperately scrubbing herself clean with whatever magic her scarred mind could muster...

The lich sighed.

Well... here was a good place to stop for today...

Author's Note:

Not the best introduction to the art, Kel'Thuzad...

On the bright side, better to get the unpleasant parts out of the way first...

Patchwerk, patrolling his hall in Naxxramas...

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