• Published 4th Oct 2015
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Of Flame and Shadow - Garuda IV

Dark Flame was a young stallion of the mining village, Stonewall. But after a dragon thought to be of myth attacks, Dark becomes the only survivor and now attempts to remake his life. However, his past isn't willing to let him go so easily.

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Chapter 32- Return of Flutterbat

Everyone stood inside the living room of Fluttershy's cottage, looking at their friend in fear, concern, and sadness. Each wondering how is was that this happened to her. The girls were sure that Twilight had cured Fluttershy from what happened to her on that night, but now, with their sweetest friend sitting there before them with her piercing red eyes, they knew that they were very wrong. Then, as though the moon wanted to confirm their fears even more, its light shown through the window at her, showing everyone her darkened coat, untamed and ragged mane, pointed ears, a pair of fangs, and wings with membranes instead of the feathers that should've been there.

"Umm, didn't you girls say that Fluttershy didn't like to participate in Nightmare Night?" Dark wondered.

"She doesn't," Twilight quietly told Dark before turning to her friend "Fluttershy, what happened to you?"

"... what do you mean?" she questioned. "Nothing happened. Or rather, nothing that's changed anyway."

"But, Fluttershy-"

"Don't call me that!" she hissed. "If I recall correctly, during my first time like this, Rarity called me 'Flutterbat'. And so long as I'm like this, you will address me as so."


"Twilight," Rainbow whispered to her, "we don't want to upset her anymore than we already have."

Twilight gave a nervous nod. "Alright." She then turned to Flutterbat. "Very well, Flutterbat. So tell us, what do you mean by 'nothing happened'?"

"After the night that you turned me back and you girls left my cottage to call it a night, I went to brush my teeth before heading off to bed when I noticed that my fangs still remained." Flutterbat paused to take a breath as she remembered. "At first I thought that it was just a side effect from the transformation, but as you can all see, it's not."

"So then this isn't a Nightmare Night costume?" Dark questioned.

"Not even close, and no speaking until I'm done. Now, where was I... oh, right. Anyway, like I was saying, I saw my fangs and thought that it was just a side effect of my time as Flutterbat, but over time, I found that I still had a small craving for apples and kept it hidden. It wasn't until on the night of a full moon that I found out that I wasn't completely cured of this curse, but only mostly. Thankfully, I was too tired from an extra long day to do anything more and quickly fell asleep. Ever since then, I've been extra careful with my apple cravings, and I've made sure to try and keep away from eating apples or even having them near my mouth."

"Sugarcube," Applejack slowly spoke as a thought dawned on her, "is that the real reason why ya didn't wanna play 'bobbin' for apples' last year with us?"

"Yes, it is. And speaking of which, I'm surprised that none of you noticed my eyes that night after I pranked you."

"You mean how they were this creepy red color like they are now?" Pinkie asked.


"But I thought that those were just contacts," Rarity questioned.

"No, they weren't. Those were my actual eyes. If they were fake like the wings, ears, and fake fangs that I put on to cover the real ones, then I would've taken them off like I did them."

"Wait," Twilight spoke up, "if those were fake and your eyes weren't, then what about the color of your coat and mane?"

"Without an apple to provoke me into transforming, I found that I can control it if I want to. Just like how I was able to turn from Fluttershy into Flutterbat during the Tantibus incident. I didn't just use the dreamscape to turn into her, I did that all on my own."

Twilight's legs became shaky and sat down on her rump, looking shockingly and guiltily at her friend.

"But why didn't you tell anypony? Why didn't you tell me so that I could help you? If it's about you wanting to keep it a secret, then I could've kept it for you."

"Just like how you kept Spike's secret that he had a crush on Rarity after you tried to help me sabotage my modeling career?" Flutterbat spat, getting surprised looks from Twilight and Pinkie. "Don't look so surprised. I heard you blurt it out loud after I left my room with Rarity after my modeling for Photo Finish was done."

"That long ago?" Rarity questioned. "Wait, if you heard it, then why didn't I hear it too?"

"Because you were too busy running your mouth to hear it."

"Now see here," she firmly said, "that's not a way to treat a friend. To be honest, this is starting to remind me of how you were after that seminar you took from that Iron Will guy on assertiveness."

"Oh, no," Flutterbat grinned, her fangs glistening in the moonlight, "this isn't like last time because I know what I'm saying."

"No you don't, Shy," Rainbow interjected. "You're a good pony who's always nice to everypony and every animal that she meets. This right here? This isn't who you are."

"And what if it is?" she countered, making Rainbow recoil in surprise. "What if this is just apart of me that I just never allowed anypony else to see before?"

"What about Discord?" Dark questioned as his eyes began scanning over her. "You two have been together for a few months now. Does he know about this?"


"He doesn't, does he?"

"It's none of his business."

"Yes it is. A good relationship is dependent on both members being truthful and honest to each other without hiding anything important from them. And this," he said gesturing to her with a claw, "is something that I would consider to be important. Hay! I'll bet that if you told him about it that he would've cured you and none of us would've even known about it!"

"Be quiet," she lowly hissed.


"I said be quiet!"

Surprised by her outburst, the each took a few steps back from her while the bats flying around her began to screech as they flew faster. Getting up on her hooves, Flutterbat moved closer to her friends, her eyes glowing brighter along with each of the bats surrounding her.

"I believe that you've overstayed your welcome," she dangerously told them. "I suggest that you all leave now before I try something different. Say... something like pony blood, or maybe even kirin blood?"

"But you don't drink pony blood," Twilight told her.

Flutterbat maliciously giggled. "Well then, I guess that I just feel like trying it tonight."

"I was right!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Vampire ponies do eat other ponies! Run for you lives!"

Before the others could blink, Pinkie had somehow grabbed them all up in her forelegs and ran out of the cottage. Bursting through the door, they quickly came across Discord, who was still in the same spot as before. But before he could ask what was going on, he too found himself being carried off by Pinkie as she ran down the path, kicking up a trail of dust behind her until the cottage was finally out of sight. Feeling like she'd put enough distance between them and Flutterbat, she dropped the four ponies, kirin, and draconequus onto the ground.

"Okay," Discord grumbled, "would somepony mind telling me what was going on in there?"

"It's my fault," Twilight quietly answered. "It's my fault that she's like this."

"No, Twilight," Applejack said as she laid a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "If anythin', it's my fault that this even started. Ah was the one who wanted them varmins ta be gotten rid of, which lead up ta her gettin' turned into that."

"Would somepony explain to me what you're talking about?" Dark asked.

"I agree," Discord nodded. "This is news to me too, and I still don't see how this is relevant to our problem with Fluttershy."

"Flutterbat," Twilight corrected.

"Say what?"

She sighed before beginning to explain. "One day, Applejack gathered us because a swarm of vampire fruit bats came and began destroying the apples in her apple trees. They would use their fangs and prick holes into the apples before sucking them dry and spit their wilted husks out onto the ground."

"Accordin' ta Granny," Applejack said taking over, "the last time they came and paid the orchard a visit, they nearly drained every apple we had. We had ta ration out the rest of them durrin' the winter, and even had ta skip Cider Season."

"Really?" Discord questioned before looking over to see Rainbow shivering in place.

"What cruel creature would do something like that?" she shakily asked, already knowing the answer, but still finding the thought disconcerting.

"Anyway," Applejack continued, "durrin' this time around, Ah gathered everypony together ta help me get rid of them. Fluttershy wasn't onboard with the idea, so she argued that they woulda been better off bein' given a section of the orchard. She said that the seeds that they would spit out would later produce us better apple trees, but Ah wasn't havin' any of it. So, after a song in which she was outvoted, she used her Stare on them while Twilight used a spell ta make them stop eatin' the apples." She looked over her friends briefly with remorse. "The spell worked of course, and the bats stopped eatin' the apples... but at a cost. Somehow, while the bats lost the urge ta drain the apples of their juices, the spell rebounded onto Fluttershy, givin' her their diet and urges ta eat apples like they did."

"Wait," Discord spoke up, "the spell rebounded on Fluttershy?"

"It did," Twilight sorrowfully said. "While I'm still not sure exactly how since I've never looked into it afterwards, the spell did affect her. And while it didn't happen right away, she slowly turned into what we saw in her cottage tonight."

"But there must be more to this?"

"There is," Applejack agreed. "After Twilight finished her spell, they helped me clean up the mess that the bats left so that Ah could start again the next day. Unfortunately, the next monrin' had the same result. Once the girls were there with me, we found out that the bats weren't responsible for it this time. It was then that a stakeout was suggested, so on that night, we six patrolled through the orchards for a while until Ah saw somethin'. As it turned out, it was Fluttershy who was suckin' my apples dry. The spell somehow turned her into a vampire pony, which gave Rarity the idea of callin' her Flutterbat."

"And that's because the spell that was used on the bats rebounded onto Fluttershy?"

"Eeyup. Well, accordin' ta Twilight it did. Anyway, after tryin' ta catch her, we decided ta try the spell that was used on the bats on her instead ta remove it. After some plannin', we were able ta get her ta hold still long enough for Twilight ta cast it on her and turn her back ta normal... at least, that's what we thought... until tonight."

"So let me get this straight," Discord said as he began to summarize, "Fluttershy used her Stare on the bats when Twilight used her spell on them, making the spell bounce off to Fluttershy and turning her into this 'Flutterbat' as you called her?"

"Pretty much."

Discord pinched the bridge of his nose with his paw before sighing, "Why didn't she tell me about this?"

"She didn't say," Dark answered. "I tried to ask her myself, but she wouldn't have it."

"And I can't do anything to fix it without her permission."

"So, what do we do now?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know if my spell will work on her," Twilight dejectedly said. "If it didn't work the first time, then I doubt that it'll work a second. And besides that, she seems less like a wild animal and more in control."

"If by 'in control' you mean like an intelligent creature of dark, then yeah." Hearing a throat clearing beside her, Rainbow turned her head to see Dark looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "You know what I meant."

"But if Twilight can't help our poor Fluttershy, then who can?" Rarity questioned.

"Ooh, I know!" Pinkie exclaimed. "How about Princess Luna? You know, because she's the Princess of the Night and has those cool looking bat ponies with her when she first came to visit us for Nightmare Night."

Twilight's mood perked up a little bit hearing the idea. "Sounds like a good idea, Pinkie. I just hope that it works... for Fluttershy's sake."

"But where is she?" Rarity asked.

"She and the kids are at Applejack's house," Dark answered, getting weird looks from the others. "That Shadow Dragon I sent with them is still connected to me, so I can see what it sees."

"In that case, everypony hold on," Discord said as he wrapped his arms around them. "I'll have us there before you can say 'Chocolate Rain'."

"Wait, Discord, I get tele-"

Inside the house of Sweet Appel Acres, Luna sat in front of the fireplace with Spike and the Crusaders huddled around her, wondering how things went and when they'd be back. Thankfully for them, they kept their minds mostly occupied by the amount of candy that they'd collected earlier that night. As they traded candy with each other the ones they didn't like, while eating the ones that they did, a flash of light appeared behind them, briefly lighting up the room. Turning around to look, they saw Discord and their family and friends who'd left to go check on Fluttershy. Jumping up, Spike and the Crusaders ran to their respective sisters, welcoming them back. But before they could ask what happened, they heard Dark groaning as he laid sprawled out on his back with his eyes closed.

"What happened to him?" Scootaloo asked.

"Dark gets sick when he's teleported," Twilight answered before turning to Dark. "You doing alright?"

"That's the worst teleportation ever," he groaned. "Too many colors."

"You want some help?"

"Thanks, but I'll be alright. Just need to lay here for a while before everything stops spinning."

"If you say so, though I could just use a spell to cure you of it."

"... never mind. Go ahead if you want."

Giving him an amused headshake, Twilight lit up her horn and leaned down so that it touched his head. A few seconds later of feeling her magic flow through his head, Dark felt his nausea was gone. With the world no longer spinning around him, Dark got back up and joined the others. When he did, he gave Twilight a thankful kiss.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he asked.

"You have, but it doesn't hurt to remind me how much," Twilight smiled.

"Well then, perhaps later I could-"

"For the love of everythin' apple, can you two save that kinda talk for later? We've got a friend ta save!" Applejack reminded them, which also caused the two to turn away from each other blushing.

"Oh, yeah!" Apple Bloom remembered. "What happened?"

"Well, remember when Ah told ya about the time when the vampire fruit bats returned?"

"Eeyup. But what does that have ta do with anythin'?"

"As it turns out, Fluttershy wasn't completely cured of it and has now changed back."

"But how?" Sweetie Belle questioned.

"I believe I can answer that one," Discord spoke up. "During her time hidden in her home, I made her a fruit salad with some apples in it. What I didn't know, though, was that her eating one would cause her to start to turn. After she was finished with it, she asked me to bring her some uncut apples. And after that... well, that's when she started to change."

"Is there something that we can do for her?" Scootaloo worryingly asked.

"We're not sure, but we think we might know somepony who can," Twilight answered. "Princess Luna, can you help us?"

"How so?" Luna wondered.

"You have bat ponies in your night guard, right?"

"That is correct."

"Then is there something that you can do to help Fluttershy?"

Luna thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I'll have to see her for myself to know more about her condition. If it's as what you make it sound, then I might be able to help. If not, then I'm not so sure."

"So you'll help us then?" Rainbow hopefully asked.


"Then let's go!" Pinkie exclaimed. "The longer we stand here talking about her, the more time Flutterbat has to eat somepony!"

"Beg your pardon, but what do you mean?"

"Before Pinkie dragged us all out," Applejack began explaining, "Fluttershy, or Flutterbat as she prefers ta be called while like this, was thinkin' about drinkin' our blood."

"In that case, we mustn't waste anymore time."

"But what about Spike and our sisters?" Rarity asked. "They can't stay here all alone with something like this happening."

After a brief moment of silence, Dark was the one to speak up.

"Guess I'm foalsitting them again," he said with a small sigh.

"Are you sure about that? You've already looked after them once already tonight."

"Yes, but I don't think that I'll be of much help over there. Besides, I tend to do better when it comes to fighting to resolving problems, instead of trying to talk to them. That, and I currently don't have a very good record with trying to use talking to peacefully settle things. And between you girls, Discord, and Princess Luna, I think that you'll all be protected enough."

"Very well then," Luna spoke. "You stay here and we'll go help Fluttershy."

"Alright, but before you go, I think there's something that I better tell you about."

"What is it?"

"You know that I have my Second Sight and Soul Eyes both active, right?"

"Yes, you told me about it already," Twilight said.

"Well, while we were talking to Flutterbat, I could see her spirit, but it looked like it was somewhat distorted."

"Distorted?" Luna echoed. "How so?"

"While I could see her natural spirit, I could also see that it was... I suppose 'shrouded' would be a good word to use. It was like she was standing in an aura of some kind that wasn't her own."

"In that case, I believe I may know what it is, but I'll need to see it for myself."

"I was thinking the same thing," Discord agreed before his mood turned dark. "And if it is, then may you your sister have mercy upon it, Luna, for I will not."

Not wanting to speak after hearing Discord's words and tone, those who were leaving gathered around Luna as Twilight took a look back at Dark.

"Keep an eye on them. And please, Dark, be careful," she worryingly told him.

"I will, Twilight, and you be safe too," he returned with a wary smile. "And if you need anything, I'm just a quick teleport away."

With a small nod, Twilight and the others left in a flash of light, leaving Dark, Spike, and the Crusaders alone in the house. Taking their seats on the floor in front the fireplace, Dark went to go make them some of his mother's homemade hot chocolate to help calm their nerves. Few minutes later, he returned with a mug for each of them before they began sipping away at their drinks.

"Is Fluttershy going to be alright?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"I'm sure she will," Spike encouragingly said. "Besides, Princess Luna, Discord, and the others are all there to help her."

"I know, but I'm still worried. She was the best foalsitter we've ever had."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom and Scootaloo agreed.

"She's in good hooves," Dark spoke up. "I'm sure that they'll help get her back to normal in no time."

Still feeling uneasy, Apple Bloom looked up over to Dark. "Ya sure about that?"

"I am," he smiled.

Returning the smile, Apple Bloom scooted over and hunkered down on Dark's lap. Feeling the warmth radiate off of him and the fireplace, Apple Bloom let herself relax. Seeing how comfortable she was, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Spike all got up and packed themselves down alongside Apple Bloom.

Looking down between his arms to see the three fillies and baby dragon all settled down like that, Dark gave an amused smile before he began draped his wings around them, angling them so that they all could have an opening to see the fireplace in front of them.

"This is kinda cool," Scootaloo chimed. "It's kinda like we're all wrapped in a giant, warm blanket."

"One that's super tough," Spike added.

"Yep," Dark chuckled. "Besides me adding a magical barrier, I'd say that you four can't get much safer than what you already are at the moment. Just try not to spill your hot chocolate on the carpet."

"We won't," they answered together.


Sitting in silence, the five of them continued to drain their cups of their chocolatey goodness. Dark would give an occasional glance around the house to see if anything would come around, while the kids enjoyed the warmth and security of their spot. A few minutes later, they'd all finished their drinks before Dark used his magic and placed the empty mugs down on a nearby coffee table. With their stomachs filled with their warm drinks, and the warmth surrounding them, each of the kids let out a loud yawn.

"Tired already?" Dark asked them.

"Yeah. I think this is what they call a sugar crash," Spike tiredly said.

"In that case, let's get you four to bed."

"Can we say here?" Sweetie Belle asked with a yawn.

"Please?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's comfy here," Scootaloo added.

Dark sighed at them with a smile. "If you're sure that you're all comfortable enough like that, then I suppose it's alright."

With his confirmation, the four began to settle down. As Spike leaned back against Dark, he found Sweetie Belle snuggling up against his chest. Feeling her leaning on caused him to wrap her up in his arms while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom each leaned on one of Spike's sides, using him as their pillow.

Looking down to see them like that, Dark cocked an eyebrow at Spike, only to see him closing his eyes with a content smile. Shaking his head and giving him a good-natured eye-roll, Dark brought his attention back to scanning his surroundings. It didn't take too long for them to fall asleep as Dark started to hear light snoring coming from under his wings. With a soft smile, he let them be, all the while trying to keep himself from nodding off until the girls and Discord got back with Fluttershy.

Luna, Discord, Twilight, and her friends teleported back by the creek running past the front of Fluttershy's cottage. Taking a moment to adjust to their surroundings, they saw that the vampire fruit bats were in far vast numbers and were now circling around the cottage itself.

"This is ridiculous!" Applejack exclaimed. "There weren't nearly as many of them in the orchard last Ah saw. Not ta mention that we weren't even gone for that long."

"If so, then perhaps not all of them did come from your orchard, Applejack," Luna figured. "Instead, they're being drawn here from all over Equestria."

"We can't let this happen! If them bats continue ta gather like this, then my whole farm will be drained of their apples within an hour!"

"And once they're done there, then they'll most likely head south to Appleloosa, seeing as they're one of the larger apple orchards in Equestria after yours," Twilight added. "And if that happens, then it'll be the beginning of an economic crisis."

"Surely you're over-exaggerating, Twilight," Rarity said.

"I wish I was, but apples are a major product of Equestria. Not to mention that it's one of our greatest exports when trading to the other nations."

"Alright, so it's more important than we thought," Rainbow chimed. "But how are we going to get into Fluttershy's house with those bats flying around it like a tornado?"

"Leave that to me," Luna calmly said as she walked ahead of them and towards the bats.

When she was close enough, Luna lit her horn and spread the magic outwards to touch the bats. Once it did, they began to hover in place, each of them blankly staring at her. With a motion of her hoof to land and stand aside, they bats obliged her and cleared the way. Smiling at how easy it was, Luna turned back to the others.

"As Princess of the Night, I also command the loyalty of nocturnal creatures."

"And what about Fluttershy?" Discord questioned.

"No. She seems to be resisting me, even though she's considered a thestral now."

"A what now?" Rainbow wondered.

"A thestral, or as they're more commonly called these days, 'bat ponies'."

"Either way, it's time that we saved Fluttershy!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Uhh, Pinkie, what is all of that?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, this?" she asked as she gestured to her new outfit consisting of a black trench coat, shirt, pants, boots, and hat. "This is the costume that Van Horsesing wore. And look! I even have a bottle of holy water, some rings of garlic, a silver stake, and a really cool semi-automatic crossbow that I can switch to full-auto."

"Pinkie! We're trying to save Fluttershy, not slay her like a monster from some horror story! Now put those away and let's go!"

With an dejected "Aww" from Pinkie, she put her suit and gear back into her mane before following after the others. Upon reaching the door, they didn't bother to knock and instead opened it and walked in until they were all inside to see Flutterbat sitting in the exact spot as before.

"Why have you come back?" she questioned.

"We're here to help you, kind Fluttershy," Luna answered.

"It's Flutterbat! Also, I suppose you're the one who's going to do that?"

"Yes, I am. Now obey your princess!" Lighting her horn, Luna encased Flutterbat in her magic. But after a few moments had passed, she canceled her spell. "What is happening?"

"Awww, what's wrong?" Flutterbat cackled. "Can't control me like you had planned?"

"But you're a child of the night!"

"I am in a way, but at the same time, I'm not."

Twilight stepped forward. "Fluttershy-"


"Flutterbat, why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to, that's why."

"But this isn't like you. You would never command animals like this."

"I know, but I don't care."

"That's it!" Discord shouted. "Who are you and what have you don't to my Fluttershy?!"

"Oh, hello, Discord, my love," Flutterbat cooed. "I've missed you."

"You haven't answered my question."

"Here's a question for you," she said, standing up and giving him a half-lidded gaze. "Why don't you come over here and follow me? I'll make sure to make it worth your while."

"While I would normally be tempted by such an offer, you're not the Fluttershy that I know and love."

Flutterbat scoffed. "Such a pain. And here I am offering myself to you."

"Enough!" Discord roared. "You may look like my dear, sweet Fluttershy, but you're definitely not her!"

Flexing his claw, Discord tore open a dimensional rift and peered into the other side.

"Hey! Hey! Watch out!" a high-pitched voice on the other side warned.

"Oh, shut up! Nopony likes you, you annoying blue fairy," Discord told it. "I'm just going to borrow this for a moment and then I'll give it right back."

Reaching in, Discord grabbed and pulled out an item that appeared to be a purple magnifying glass with three spikes, and a pink lenses with a eye-shaped center piece. Holding it up to his eye, Discord looked through it at Flutterbat to see her surrounded by a shadowy figure with glowing yellow eyes. With a low, menacing growl, Discord tossed the item back into the rift and sealed it up.

"I know."

"Excuse me?" Flutterbat questioned.

Discord's voice turned low and dangerous. "Let me make this very, very clear to you. Either you release Fluttershy right now, or I will remove you from existence."

"Discord, what are you thinking?!" Twilight demanded. "You can't just do that to her! And what about that magical contract that you made with Fluttershy?!"

"It would be valid if I was actually using my chaotic magic on her, but this isn't exactly our Fluttershy. Oh, no. What we have here is a ghost who's possessed her!"

A collection of gasps were heard from everypony gathered while Flutterbat gave Discord a slow clap.

"Took you long enough. So, besides using that lens to show you the truth, how did you know?" she wondered.

"I had my suspicions when Dark told me that he saw that your soul appeared to be distorted, but I didn't want to say for sure until I saw it for myself."

"So what? You can't do anything to me. Not unless you're willing to risk hurting your precious mare."

"We can use this!" Pinkie suggested, pulling the bottle of holy water from her mane.

"You know what? That might actually work," Discord said. "So, are you going to surrender Fluttershy to us and leave peacefully, or are we going to have ourselves a little exorcism?"

"Wait," Twilight spoke up, "how can a ghost possess Fluttershy? I thought that they weren't real, like zombies and curses.. and where did a ghost even come from anyway?"

"Oh, I'll tell you that," Flutterbat hissed. "You know that ruined castle in the forest?"

"You mean the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters?"

"Yes, that's it. While I was slumbering there, I was first awoken by you six mares, seven if you include when Luna was still Nightmare moon. The second time was when you were all running around the castle in the middle of the night. I must admit that I was planning to start scaring you all, but you did plenty of that to each other. A pity, though, that that pillar didn't actually land on any of you in that hall."

"Wait," Pinkie interrupted, "so you mean that you were a ghost in the castle?"

"I'm pretty sure that I just said that."

"Ah-ha! I knew I saw something in there!"

"What ever are you talking about, Pinkie?" Rarity asked.

"When we were leaving the castle library after Twilight was done reading the princesses' diary in that secret reading room, I thought that I saw a black, shadowy figure with glowing yellow eyes out of the corner of my eye."

"Wait," Luna said surprisingly, "you found our old diary?"

"It was by complete accident," Twilight answered her. "Spike got scarred when Angel jumped up onto the table and sent him leaning back into his chair, which then opened up a door to a hidden room."

Luna facehoofed. "I told Tia that using a chair as the switch was a bad idea. Honestly, my idea of using a sconce was a much better idea than that."

"So, was that why you decide to come out of there and possess Fluttershy? Because we disturbed you?"

"Oh, no," Flutterbat replied. "It wasn't until last month that I had enough."

"... because?" Twilight pressed.

"Because somepony had decided to use those ruins as their hideout while he built up his army of Everfree creatures."

"Wait, are you saying that the same cloaked figure that attacked Ponyville was also the one who'd awoken you?"

"That, and these two," she said, gesturing to herself and Luna, "had stormed in soon after and started going through everything. That was the last straw for me. Of course, I could feel the blood flowing through this one, so I figured that I could try and take her over, but I couldn't do it until the perfect time came along. And tonight when she transformed, just happened to be the perfect time to do it."

"It doesn't matter anymore," Discord growled. "You will get out of Fluttershy and return her safely to us, right now."

With a furrowed brow, Flutterbat backed away from them to the wall with a hiss.

"Well, here's my response to that," she said before she pointed a hoof at them, her eyes glowing brighter and causing the vampire fruit bats' eyes to start glowing the same color. "Minions of the night, protect me and attack them!"

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