• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 16,151 Views, 1,786 Comments

Of Flame and Shadow - Garuda IV

Dark Flame was a young stallion of the mining village, Stonewall. But after a dragon thought to be of myth attacks, Dark becomes the only survivor and now attempts to remake his life. However, his past isn't willing to let him go so easily.

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Chapter 38- Unforeseen Consequences

It has been two days since the night Dark had told his story to his friends and the Dazzlings. Since then, he's continued attending Canterlot High and learning more about this world he was currently still stuck in. As promised to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna, Dark did his best to behave himself during school. Although, his accidentally creating napalm did cause the teachers to rethink the chemicals that they were provided. But while things at school were going fine, back at Sunset's house, things weren't so peaceful.

Like his first few nights of sleeping there, Dark's dreams were plagued by the thing in the black cloak. Every night it would come to Dark in a fog, each location being different and causing him to awaken, startled and panting for breath. And while most nights he would awaken with a startled gasp, this one was different. Waking up with a pained yell, Dark shot-up in his guest bed and clutched his left shoulder. Eyes widen in shock, Dark turned his head and saw that his left arm was still attached to him. Letting out a breath of relief, he was about to lay back down before Sunset burst through the door in her pajamas.

"Dark, I heard you shouting, what's happening?!" she worryingly asked.

Putting a hand to his forehead, Dark shook his head with a sigh. "Sorry about that, Sunset. It was just a bad dream."

Sighing herself in relief, Sunset took a seat at the foot of his bed. "Same one as before?"

"Yeah. It's been the same ever since I arrived here, but the locations are always different."

"Have you talked to anybody about it besides Fluttershy?"

"No. She thinks that it's my mind recreating the guy who sent me here, or something like that."

"While it does make sense, I think that it maybe something else." She paused as she noticed Dark's breathing had gotten under control again. "So, what happened."


"Your nightmare tonight. Would you mind telling me what happened to cause you to be like that?"


"Don't worry about it, just tell me what happened. You might start feeling better about it once you get it off your chest."

While Dark hesitated for a moment, he nodded to her. "Alright. Well, this place that I was in I've never seen before. But that didn't really matter much since soon after I started dreaming it, the fog formed around me and quickly became thick, signaling that that thing would be there soon. And like those other times, when I saw the shadow forming from behind me, I turned around to see him standing there. Only this time though, he was armed with a scythe made of bones."

"Wait," Sunset stopped him, "did you say that he had a scythe?"


She slowly nodded. "Okay, what happened next?"

"He told me that I didn't belong here and raised his scythe before slicing off my left arm at the shoulder. And even though it was just a dream, it also felt real too, if that makes any sense."

"Yeah, it does," she slowly said. "So, do you know who this guy is?"

"No, I don't."

Sighing, Sunset looked at Dark straight in the eyes. "Alright then, tell me, with his scythe, what did this guy look like?"

"Not much really," he said with a small shrug. "He wears a tattered black cloak with a hood that leaves nothing of him to be seen."

"Anything else?"

"Besides that his hands are all bones, nothing."

"Are you saying that his hands are all thin and skinny, or are they skeletal bones?"


Understanding, Sunset gave a nod. "In that case, the one who you've been having these reoccurring dreams of is the Grim Reaper."

"The who now?"

"It's a name that I've spotted here and there. Basically, he's this world's Incarnation of Death."

So he's like me and Nocturne, Dark mentally concluded. "So then, that's his name?"

"The Grim Reaper is one of his names actually. He also goes by 'The Angel of Death', 'Death', and a few others."

"Alright, I understand that, but what is he exactly? Is he a human like us?"

"Nah. From what I understand, he's some kind of spirit."

"Oh. Okay then."

Sunset paused as she looked at him, noticing how calm about this he was. When she'd first found out about it, she didn't take it quite as well. As she continued to think about it, she remembered her talk with Fluttershy about Dark possibly holding some of the truth about himself back.

"Hey, Dark?"


"... can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Sitting herself more comfortably on the bed, Sunset turned and squared herself with Dark.

"Have... well... have you been holding back?"

Confused, Dark cocked an eyebrow. "About what?"

"About what you've told us about yourself. Don't take this the wrong way, but I just feel like you've been keeping secrets about yourself is all."

Knowing she was right, Dark nodded in agreement. "Yes, I suppose that I am."

"Alright. So, would you mind telling me what it is that you've been hiding from us?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"On whether or not you'll see me differently if I do."

"... is it really that bad?"

"Well... no, not really. At least, not to me it isn't. Look, the reason why I haven told you or the girls is because I don't want you to all fear me."

"Why would we fear you?" she inquisitively asked. "You seem like a nice enough guy. Heck, ever since you've been here, you've been offering to help around the house in whatever way you could."

"I know, but it still worries me."

"Well, considering that I was once a raging she-demon, I doubt that it can be that bad."

Dark sighed. "Very well then. Since you seem to be insistent on this, I'll tell you. In short and in comparison, I'm Equestria's version of the Grim Reaper."

Now it was Sunset's turn to be confused. "Equestria's Grim Reaper? What does that mean."

"Have you heard of the Scaleless Dragons?"

"No, I haven't."

"Okay, short story is that they're each one of six living incarnations of nature. They represent Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Light and Life, Shadow and Death, and guess which one I am."

"Wait," Sunset said, beginning to realize where he was going with this, "are you saying that you're Death?"

"In a sense. Remember the dragon that I told you about?"

"You mean the one that attacked your village and is now living within you, yes."

"He was the Incarnation of Death. When he turned me from a pony into a kirin, he also inadvertently made me his successor."

Sunset got off the bed and took a step back. "Are you serious about this?"

"And this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you," he said dishearteningly.

"I'll admit, this is a bit to take in. But if this is really the case, then why didn't I die when I touched you?"

"Come again?"

"It's rumored that those touched by Death will die on the spot. So if that's the case, then why am I still alive?"

"Besides it being a rumor, I'm also from Equestria, so I doubt that it applies to me."

"Okay, but what does this mean for you? Like, what's your job with being Equestria's Death?"

"As far as I know, it's just a name and nothing more."

"So, you don't go around reaping the souls of the dead?"

"What? No! I've been working on Applejack's farm and will soon be working at my own forge. There isn't anything more that I do as the Incarnation of Death. At least, not that I've been told of anyway. Although, I have gained some new powers."

"... and now?"

"Now nothing. Here in this world, I'm trying to be patient and live like you do until I can go home. As for Equestria, I'm just trying to live a peaceful life away from the fighting that I've grown to know so well."

"So you're not going to hurt us?"

Dark visibly flinched, a little hurt by her words. "Of course I wouldn't. Besides having no reason to, you and the others are my friends. That, and I haven't given you or them a reason to suspect that I would, have I?"

"Well... no." Sunset sighed as she rubbed her tired eyes. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting this sort of answer is all."

"It's alright. Things considered, you're handling this a little better than I'd hoped for."

"Probably because I'm originally from Equestria too."

"I guess."

"Well, thanks for being honest and telling me," she thanked.

"You're welcome. Just, please don't tell the others," Dark requested.

"Sure. But while I won't tell them, you probably should."

"Do you think they'll take it well?"

"It's hard to say for some, but I'm sure they'll understand. Now then, even though it's a Friday night, it's late and we should be getting back to sleep. Is there anything that I can do while I'm still awake?"

"Thank you, Sunset, but you've done plenty by checking in on me and just talking to me."

"Alright then. Hope you have a good rest of the night."

Morning came around all too soon for Dark as he got up. While he didn't have anymore dreams that night, the effect of the one he did have still lingered. Throwing his shirt and waist cape back on, he made his way into the bathroom to freshen up before heading on down to the kitchen to make him and Sunset something to eat. When he got down there though, he was surprised to see that Sunset was already at the stove cooking breakfast. Hearing him walking in, she turned around to greet him.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well after our talk?"

"Yeah, and thank you again for doing that," he thanked. "By the way, why are you up so early?"

"I just thought that I'd make some breakfast for a change instead of letting you do it. Don't get me wrong now, the food that you make is delicious, but I also like to cook every once and a while. That, and I figured that you could use a small break after last night's dream."

Sighing, Dark took a seat at the table. "Well, you wouldn't be wrong there."

"Good, because breakfast is ready."

Filling up a plate, Sunset brought it over and placed it in front of Dark. Looking at it, he saw that it was a delicious meal of two over easy eggs, hash browns, and three pieces of strange food that he'd never seen before. Pouring himself a glass of milk, Dark waited for Sunset to join him before the two dug-in. Quickly, Dark practically inhaled the eggs and hash browns, leaving only the three unknown foods left. Curious, he plucked one with his fork and took an experimental bite of it. Chewing, he found that it tasted rather well. That was, until he tried it with some syrup. Deciding that this was easily one of the best things he'd ever eaten, he quickly started on his second one, unaware of Sunset watching him.

"Wow, I didn't know you like sausage so much," she commented.

"What's a sausage?" Dark questioned.

Realizing that Dark probably didn't know what it was that he was eating, Sunset gave him a nervous look.

"... do you really wanna know?"

"Sure. Whatever it is, it's delicious," he said, about to start on his last piece.

"Well, if your sure. Sausage is basically a piece of meat. Usually pork, beef, or even poultry at times."

Hearing this, Dark froze in mid-bite with wide eyes. "You're saying that I'm eating a pig?"

Sunset meekly rubbed the back of her head. "Umm... yes?"

Surprised by her answer, Dark didn't move as he was wondering how something that tasted so good could come from a living animal. Granted that pigs in Equestria weren't exactly sapient like the cows were, but that didn't change the fact that he was eating meat. As he continued to think on this, his jaw absentmindedly and slowly resumed chewing the piece of meaty goodness before swallowing it.

"How can something like a pig taste so good?" he quietly asked. "And how can you eat it? You were a pony once!"

"Well, I did say that humans are omnivores. And besides, after living in this world with them for a while, you start to pick-up on things. Also, you said that you were part dragon, right?"


"Well, you know that dragons do eat meat, right?"

"Yeah, I knew that. But what does that have to do with how I find this sausage meat so good? And why am I so calm about it?"

"This is just a guess, but perhaps it's from your dragon side. Being part dragon, maybe the thought of eating meat isn't that big of a deal to you. Even if this is your first time eating it." Sunset raised an eyebrow. "This is the first time you've eaten meat, right? You've never eaten chicken, cows, pork, or even a pony before?"

"Define eaten pony," Dark absentmindedly said before slapping a hand over his mouth, realizing what he'd just said as he saw Sunset looking at him with bulging eyes and her mouth gaping. "I can't believe I said that out loud."

"... Dark," she slowly began with a maddening blush, "do I even want to know what you meant by that?"

"I'd say 'probably not', but by the look of your face, I'd say that you already seem to have an idea."

"... yeah."

"Just... could you do me a favor and please not mention what I said to anybody?"

"Sure. And besides, just think of what the girls would do if they heard it, especially our world's Twilight."

Dark cringed at the thought. "If I had to guess, Fluttershy would faint, Rarity would scold me, Pinkie would probably be grinning like a madmare, Applejack would hogtie me, Rainbow would probably either give me a shit-eating grin and tease me, or kick me in the nuts, and Twilight... well, knowing this version of her, it's hard to say."

"If I had to guess, she'd either pass out from the thought playing through her head, book it out of there, or smack you in the face."

"Okay, so we'll just not talk about it to them then?"

"Yep. I'll never tell the girls about what was said here this morning." Sunset paused as a wicked smirk formed. "But, as for Princess Twilight, I may or may not have a little fun with her with this information."

Dark's eyes widened in worry. "You wouldn't. You promised that you wouldn't tell."

"Maybe, maybe not. It's rather hard to say. And besides, I promised not to tell anybody, not anypony."

"But I though you said that you didn't do stuff like that anymore?"

"What can I say? Old habits die hard."

"That's a poor excuse and you know it."

Sunset just shrugged. "I know, but it's still fun. But enough of that, we're heading on out in a bit to meet up with the girls at Sugarcube Corner."

This caught Dark's attention. "You mean there's a Sugarcube Corner here in this world?"

"Yep. I thought that you would've figured that since this world is similar to Equestria, minus the obvious of course."

"I did, but not everything here is the same as Equestria. For example, Celestia and Luna aren't princesses, but principal and vice-principal of a high school. That, and this world's version of me died in Stonewall, where as I didn't in mine."

"I can see your point, but still, we'll be off to Sugarcube corner in a bit. After that, then we're off to the mall."

It was a little after 11:00A.M. when Sunset and Dark walked into Sugarcube corner. While the building itself looked more tame than what Dark noticed it was back in Equestria, the smells coming from within weren't much different. Even seeing the humanized Mr. and Mrs. Cake working the counter brought a sense of familiarity to him. As they made their way further into the establishment, they could see their friends sitting at a couch by one of the walls.

"Hey, you two," Pinkie waved. "Go on ahead and get something. It's already taken care of."

"Thanks, Pinkie," Sunset and Dark thanked, making their way to the counter to place their order.

"Oh, hello, Sunset," Mrs. Cake warmly welcomed. "What can I get for you today?"

"Hello, Mrs. Cake. Could I get a strawberry milkshake please?"

"Of course, dearie," she said before looking at Dark. "And who might this young man be?"

"His name is Dark, and he's sorta new in town."

"Well then, welcome to Sugarcube Corner."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cake," Dark thanked.

"So, what can I get for you today?"

"Hmm. While I'm good for a doughnut or cupcake, I'm curious as to what a milkshake is like."

"What!" Pinkie shouted before popping up behind him. "Are you saying that you've never had a milkshake before?!"

"Umm... yes?"

Gasping, Pinkie grabbed the collar of Dark's jacket and pulled his face dangerously close to hers.

"Why haven't you had a milkshake before?!"

"Because I've never even heard of it back in my hometown."

"No, no, no, no, no! This will not do! Not at all! Mrs. Cake, get Darky here a large- what kind of flavor do you want?"

"What is there?"

"Oh, there's vanilla, banana, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, chocolate-"

"Chocolate please."

"Alrighty then. Mrs. Cake? Can we get Darky here a large chocolate milkshake please?"

"Of course, Pinkie," Mrs. Cake giggled before turning around to go make it.

While she was away, Sunset began explaining to Dark what a milkshake was exactly, to which he started looking forward to drinking. A few minutes later, Mrs. Cake had the two milkshakes setting out for Sunset and Dark. Taking their respective cups, they both made their way over to some nearby seats alongside their friends.

"I still can't believe that you've never had a milkshake before," Pinkie complained crossed arms.

"Can you blame me though?" Dark questioned. "After all, how would we even be able to make these when the heat from the dragon's fire would've melted the ice-cream? I mean, seriously, not even a heat-resistant spell or cooling spell would've been able to save it."

"Yeah, I guess that would make it kinda hard to make."

Looking down to the large glass cup in his hands, Dark took a sip of it through the straw provided with it. Tasting the cold drink, Dark's eyes widened as his taste buds danced joyfully. Closing his eyes, he moaned with how good it tasted as he began to hastily slurp at it, which soon caused the girls to look at him, knowing what would happened if he continued.

"Uhh, hey, Dark?" Rainbow spoke. "I know that it's good and all, but you might wanna slow down there."

Looking up to her, Dark gave her a questioning look as he continued to consume his chocolaty goodness. But before he could ask her what she meant, he then felt it. Snapping his eyes wide open, Dark clutched the side of his head as he felt as though someone had driven a frozen spike into his skull.

"GAHH! What is this?! What's happening to me?!" he shouted.

Sighing, Rainbow returned to her snack as she and the others watched Dark in pity as he reeled in pain.

"Oh, that's what's called a brain freeze," Pinkie explained. "It's what happens when you eat too much ice-cream too quickly."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!"

"... oops?" she shrugged with a nervous chuckle.

Almost a minute later, the pain had subsided enough for Dark to think straight. "Why is it that something so good can hurt so much?"

"Just think of it as a way for you to not overindulge yourself," Sunset told him.

Groaning, Dark looked back down to his chocolate milkshake, hesitant to take another drink from it. But after a little encouragement from the girls, he took another sip of it, though was careful with now knowing what would happened if he drank too much that quickly again. Keeping to himself for now, he listened as the girls talked with each other until Fluttershy turned her attention towards him.

"Um, Dark?"


"I was wondering, how have you been sleeping lately? You know, since your nightmare from that one night."

Sighing, Dark shook his head. "Turns out that I haven't had a goodnight's sleep since I got here."

"Why ever not?" Rarity asked, getting into this conversation.

"Ever since I got here, I've been having nightmares."

"What of?"

"From what I've described to Sunset, she says that it's someone called Death."

Hearing that name, the others ceased their talking and redirected their attention towards him.

"Hold up for a sec," Rainbow spoke up, "are you talking about the 'Grim Reaper' Death?"

"He is," Sunset nodded.

"But why would he be dreaming of someone fictional like that?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, you go to a school that's housing mythical creatures-turned-human and have yourself had a taste of powerful magic. Magic, of which, that you used to tear several dimensional rifts to Equestria with. So, why is it that you would believe all of that, but dismiss that Death is an actual being?"

"... okay, you make a valid point there."

"But why would Dark be dreamin' of him if he's never heard of him before?" Applejack asked.

"I don't really know, but every time I see him, he would tell me that I don't belong here, or something close to that," Dark explained.

"Does he know about what you are?" Sunset wondered.

"If he does, then he hasn't said anything about it. From what I've seen so far, it would seem like he just knows that I don't belong in this world and is wanting me to return home."

"So what? Just tell him that you can't until the portal gets fixed," Rainbow told him.

"Or unless we let Twilight go mad with magical power again and we let her go at it like last time," Pinkie joked, getting an annoyed glare from Twilight.

"If I remember, then I'll tell him," Dark said. "But the last time that I saw him, he seemed like he was wanting to get rid of me personally by cutting-off my arm with his scythe." Letting a tired sigh escape him, Dark shook his head. "If ever there was a time where I would wish for Princess Luna's help with my dreams, it would be now. Even if I would have to deal with her teasing me and my relationship."

"Well, while I may not be able to help you with your dreams," Rarity began, "perhaps I could help you with some tea to ease your nerves before you head on off to bed tonight?"

"Thanks, Rarity, but you don't have to do that."

"Nonsense. After all, I myself would have troubles going to sleep if I knew that I'd be looking forward to dreaming of something like that each night."

"Alright, if you say so. Also, when this is all over with, I'll be sure to pay you back for the tea. Same to you, Sunset. When I get home, I'll make sure to pay you back for the food and other stuff."

"Oh, you don't need to do that."

"Yeah, Dark," Sunset agreed. "It's really not that big of a deal."

"Still though, I don't want you girls to think that I'm just mooching off of you while I'm here. So, like I said, I'll pay both of you back what you feel like I owe you. Speaking of which, Sunset, what's the exchange rate from Equestrian bits to this world's money?"

Looking slightly nervous, Sunset leaned in close to Dark and whispered to him what it was for her when she first arrived in this world. Surprised by the number, Dark jerked his head back.

"Are you sure you're right about that? That number seems rather ridiculous to me."

"Not really when you consider how pure Equestrian gold is compared to that of this world's. Also, now that I think about it, I think that the price for gold has actually increased, so if you wanted, you could get a really good price for just one bit."

"How much are you talking about exactly?" Rainbow asked.

"That, I don't think I should be telling you girls."

"What?! Why not?!"

"Because, if I did, you'd be tempted to go through the portal after it's fixed to get yourself some easy money. So no, I won't tell you. This is more for your own sake than anything else."

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Sunset on this one," Dark said. "Besides, that would leave less bits in Equestria. And even though it would only be a little here and there and wouldn't be noticed, if we did allow it and it continued, then those little bits of missing bits would quickly start to show."

"Not only that, but we would also have to answer to the princesses why their world's currency was starting to end up here in this world."

"Which would only make it worse since there would be no currency returning back to Equestria," Twilight chimed.

"That too," Dark nodded before downing the last of his milkshake.

"Well, while all this talk about economics is interesting and all, I believe that we have a date at the mall," Rarity reminded them.

"Oh, right. I'm actually excited to see this mall."

"Wait a moment, have you never been to a mall before?"

"... no?"

"In that case, let us not waste anymore time," she said as she grabbed Dark and nearly dragged him out of the establishment. "Ohh, there's so much for you to see! The stores, the crowds, the lights, the stores!"

"You said stores twice."

"I know! That's because their are so many of them! Now, less talking and more driving."

Being dragged behind her, Dark followed Rarity to a vehicle that Sunset had told him was called a car. Taking his seat and following Rarity's instructions, Dark managed to put on his seatbelt as Rainbow, Sunset, and Twilight sat in the back. Once they were all seated in, Dark looked over to see Rarity fiddling with a strange key before sliding it into a slot and turning it, causing the car to rumble and for Dark to jump slightly in surprise.

"Are you sure that this is safe?" Dark nervously questioned.

"Oh, don't you worry about it, darling," Rarity dismissed. "I'll be safe and take it nice and slow. Now, if it were Rainbow Dash who was driving, then we might be in a bit of trouble."

"For the tenth time, Rarity, it was just one time!" Rainbow retorted. "Besides, I wasn't going that fast."

"You were going ninety miles per hour in a fifty-five speed limit zone!"

A half-hour drive later, Dark and the girls were standing in front of the front doors to the Canterlot Mall. But while this wasn't anything new to the girls, Dark just stood there, taking in the sheer size of the building.

"This is ridiculously stupid!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air in exaggeration.

"What is?" Sunset asked.

"Just the size of this thing! I swear, this thing is easily big enough to fit all of Ponyville in it, and probably even most of Sweet Apple Acres!"

"I don't know about that. I mean, from what I've heard, this isn't even the biggest mall."

"... what?"

"It's true," Twilight agreed. "There are at least three bigger malls in this country alone, and about twelve others world-wide."

"... you and your technological advancements, I swear. And this is all just for shopping?"

"Well, there are some that have a built-in hotel. Actually, this one has a hotel that's connected to it via skywalk."

"A sky what now?"

"It's basically an enclosed bridge for humans to cross with windows on the sides that you can look through."

"Why doesn't Equestria have these things?" Dark pouted to Sunset, causing her to giggle before leading them inside.

Following her and the girls in, Dark saw the busy insides of the mall. As far as he could see, there were easily hundreds if not thousands of people walking around, weird stairs that moved on their own that were carrying people, three floors filled with all different kinds of shops, and from what he could smell, food. As he began to figure out where they would be going to first in this chaotic mess, he felt someone pulling on his arm. Regaining his balance, he looked expecting to see Sunset, but instead found that it was Rarity instead.

"Come along, darling. We wouldn't want for you to get lost in here now would we?"

"Heh, I suppose not."

Walking together, their first stop was a clothing store as requested by Rarity and Fluttershy, much to Rainbow's annoyance as she didn't want to be anywhere near there. Their stay there wasn't for long though as they were finished after only an hour of trying on different clothes. Clothes, of which were bagged that Dark would be hauling around for them by him offering to do so. Next up was the sporting goods store where Rainbow bought a new soccer ball and some new shorts for her gym class.

Noticing the time, the eight made their way to the food court where they ordered a pair of large pizzas to share. Upon its arrival, they all began devouring it. Even Rarity seemed to eat it with extra haste. After his second piece though, Dark asked what was in them that tasted so good and somewhat familiar with his answer being pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and much like his breakfast, meat. But while the girls were all looking at Dark in worry for the meat that they'd just fed him, he just shrugged and started on another slice, not really caring anymore at this point seeing as how far deep he was into it and dispelling any more worry and guilt the girls might've felt.

Their lunch finished, they continued onto their next destination. Following Sunset and Twilight, they entered a store for astronomy and other science stuff that Dark didn't know much about. Much like Rainbow though, the two girls were quick about their business, knowing exactly what books they came for. Finally, it was Pinkie's turn to lead them. After a good twenty minute walk, they came to the party store where she was in and out in less than a minute with six bags filled to the brim with her party supplies. Thankfully for Dark, the bags weren't all that heavy. But despite their lack of weight, they still added onto the already heavy load he was carrying around for the girls with some strain.

Just keep it together, you can do this, he encouragingly thought. Besides, it's a good workout for you.

"So, Dark, anywhere you would like to go?" Sunset asked.

"Thanks, but I'm good," he said with a slight strain to his voice.

"Oh, don't be silly now," Rarity said, "we're at the mall after all. Surely there's something that you need or would like. Perhaps a new pair of clothes or two?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm good. Besides, I don't think that I'll be in this world for much longer, so new clothes wouldn't be of much use, and I doubt that I can just bring them back to Equestria with me and wear them as a kirin."

"I suppose it would be problematic, but my offer still stands." she paused as a thought came to mind. "Idea! I did say something about some tea to help you sleep, yes?"

"Yes, you did."

"Well then, I know of this little tea store that'll have the perfect tea for you. Now come along."

Seeing how arguing with her would be pointless with her already skipping away, Dark dragged on behind. The store Rarity sought was thankfully near the entrance that they came from though, making their trip back to the parking lot that much easier. With the last of their stops for the day finished, and with the time it was getting, the girls decided that to head on over to Sunset's place after dropping off their purchases, much to Dark's enjoyment.

Walking into the parking lot, Dark returned Applejack's, Fluttershy's, and Pinkie's items before placing the others in the trunk of Rarity's car, making sure to be careful to not accidentally squish anything. Finally free of his burden, Dark lazily flopped himself down in the passenger seat with a relieved sigh.

"So, Dark," Rainbow began as she got herself seated, "how was your first time at the mall?"

"Well, it was definitely an experience. Though I'm sure that there's still plenty of that mall that I haven't seen yet."

"You're right about that. Maybe next time we can all go to the amusement park and ride the rollercoaster."

Dark shook his head in disbelief. "Of course it would have something like that."

"While I'm not really one for such rides, I wouldn't mind going shopping there again," Rarity said as she buckled herself in. "Oh, and speaking of which, thank you, Dark, for carrying our bags for us."

"You're welcome."

"While we're happy that you did, I am sorry that you had to do that for all of us," Twilight apologized.

"Don't worry about it. After all, I did offer it to you girls in the end."

Happy with how things turned out, Rarity drove out of the parking lot with Pinkie's car right behind her, and made their way to take care of their things. However, unknown to them was a set of eyes that had been watching them.

Sitting on his motorcycle, a middle-aged man watched as the two cars drove out of the mall's parking lot. While he would seem like a normal biker with his helmet in his hand and the leather clothes he wore, what made him different was the fact that on the back of his leather jacket was a dragon. Reaching into his pocket, he dialed in a number and held the phone up to his ear, waiting a few rings until the person on the other end answered.

"What is it?" the other guy impatiently asked.

"I found them," the biker told him. "Should I go on ahead and finish him off?"

"NO! He's mine to deal with! For now, you are to follow them and find out where he's staying. Remember, be silent and patient. Once we know where he lives and figure out his schedule, I'll need a day to prepare before we engage him. That, and I'd also like to sharpen my blades before I begin."

"... I still don't know why the boss allowed you to join us, even if it's just as an honorary member."

"Because I did what Inferno and the rest of you guys could not, that's why!" he snapped. "Now shut up and follow him! As patient as I am, I want to personally kill him before the end of this coming week."

In Equestria, Celestia was sitting on her throne as the last few minutes of open court dwindled away. As things began to quiet down, she levitated a familiar crystal and began pouring her magic into it, causing a projection screen to appear above it. Though it was gray with snow at first, she didn't have to wait long before the screen was showing Twilight in her castle.

"Hello, Princess," she warmly greeted. "Anything that I can help you with?"

"Hello, Twilight," Celestia warmly returned. "You're looking much better than when I left you."

"I guess. I'm still a little worried, but at lest I know where Dark is now, and the support that the girls have been showing me have been a big help too. Oh, speaking of help, thank you again for sending those engineers over here to assist me."

"You're welcome. I was actually wondering about that. How are things there coming along?"

"Well..." she slowly said, nervously rubbing her front hooves together. "You see, there's good news, and there's bad news."

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Alright, so the good news is that the portal isn't damaged or anything. As far as we know, it's functioning just fine."

"And the bad news?"

"See, that's the thing. Even though the portal is functioning properly, something is interfering with it. We found out the day after the team was sent here and have since then been trying to track the magical signal of whatever is that's doing this."

"This sounds almost like an act of sabotage."

"But I don't get it though," Twilight said confused. "Besides my friends, Spike, the magical engineers, and us princesses, nopony else knows about the portal."

"Well, there was one group of ponies who were repairing it when it got damaged during it's transfer to your castle, but that was done mostly by the same team that you have with you."

"So we've got no leads then."

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but it would appear so. Do you at least know what it is that's causing the interference with the portal?"

"What we were able to get was that it's some kind of jammer that's both blocking the portal, and masking its magic. But judging by the magic that was scanned from where Dark was transported from, it's a weaker version of it. So, unless I can get within a few feet of it, we can't even begin to start searching for its location. Besides that, we don't even know what it looks like. As far as I know, it could be anything as small as a pocket watch, to something as big as an airship."

"This is unfortunate to hear, but I do hope that you won't give up on this, Twilight."

"Of course I'm not! It may not be much, but at lest we know somewhat of what it is that we're looking for."

"Good to know. And while you're busy over there, I'll continue to do what I can over here to help. Just... please don't do anything too rash now. I don't want you to go on ahead and accidentally tear open a dimensional rift."

"... you know, that doesn't sound like that bad of an-"

"Don't even think about it," Celestia firmly interrupted her. "I know that you want him back, Twilight, but you can't just go and tear open the fabrics of time and space like that. And besides the damage you would be causing, you wouldn't even know if you'd get the correct one. As far as I know, you could accidentally enter into another dimension where Luna and I are evil dictators, and King Sombra is actually a charming gentlecolt."

Twilight cringed at the possibility of seeing her mentor and Luna like that. That, and the thought of Sombra being a good guy just didn't seem right to her, or even possible. She was about to say something to Celestia when she heard the doors to Celestia's throne room open.

Turning her attention from the image of Twilight, Celestia peeked over to the massive doors to see Iron Guard running towards her with a look of panic on his face and with a scroll held in his aura. Once he got to the foot of the dais, he bowed briefly before looking back up to her.

"Captain, is something wrong?" Celestia asked.

"Sorry to say that there is, Princess," he said before noticing who was on the screen. "Good afternoon, Princess Twilight."

"Hello again, Captain," she returned with a wave.

"While I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Dark, this new news is vitally important."

"What is it?" Celestia wondered.

"It's- well- just look!"

Curious as to what could make her captain so nervous, Celestia took the scroll from Iron Guard and began reading it over. As she continued reading it however, her eyes slowly began to widen. After reading it a few more times, she looked back to Iron Guard.

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"I wish that it was, Your Highness, but I saw it for myself," he answered her, shaking his head. "Even now I'm having a hard time believing it."

"Princess? What's going on?" Twilight asked.

"Guards!" Celestia shouted. "Go fetch my sister and tell her that I need her to meet us in the throne room, now!"

Her urgency being clear, the two guards by the doors promptly made their way out towards Luna's bedroom. Once they left, Celestia focused her magic back onto the crystal, trying to get ahold of another.

"Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up," she muttered under her breath before an image of Cadence showed up alongside the one of Twilight. "Cadence, good, you're there."

"Is something wrong, Aunty Celestia?" Cadence asked. "You've never pinged for me like that before."

"There is, but we need to wait for-" Celestia was cut-off by a flash of light from Luna teleporting up alongside her. "Good, now everypony is here."

"What's the meaning of this, sister?" Luna groggily demanded. "You know that I don't like to be awoken early from my sleep."

"Considering that you did it to me not long ago, I'd think that this is a rather fair trade."

"But that was important."

"As is this," Celestia returned, levitating the report in front of her. "According to Captain Iron Guard here, we're getting reports of a lack of deaths lately."

"But isn't that a good thing?" Twilight questioned.

"It would, but this is different. Captain, perhaps you should take over from here?"

"Yes, Princess," he said, stepping up, present himself better to the two princesses on the screen. "According to the report, nopony has died these last few days. But this news isn't just from here in Canterlot, but I've been getting reports from Manehatten, Las Pegasus, Dodge Junction, and even Baltimare. All over Equestria, nopony has died. At least, not in the way that they should."

"What are you talking about, Captain?" Cadence wondered.

"Basically, nopony had died because they can't die."

"How is this possible?" Luna asked as she began reading over the report herself.

"From what I've seen, ponies that should be dead from either age, disease, or some form of injury, are up walking around without a heartbeat. The doctors have checked and rechecked their works, but those that have no heartbeat are still moving."

"Captain, the way you're saying this makes it sound like they're zombies," Cadence observed.

"Yes, I suppose that would be one way of putting it. Or, at least the living dead."

If Spike ever catches wind about this, then I'll never hear the end of it, Twilight mentally groaned. "Okay, so we have ponies who should be dead up and about. What do you propose we should do?"

"Quarantine them," Iron Guard said bluntly. "We'll keep those that should be dead away from those that are still living while also keeping the news of this from spreading anymore than it already has. The last thing we want is for the ponies of Equestria to think that it's the beginning of a zombie apocalypse."

"Do you know of when this first started?"

"According to this report," Luna spoke, "the first sighting was documented four days ago, just after sunset."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You mean right after Dark was sent away, right?"

"Twilight, where are you going with this?" Celestia asked.

"Dark is the Lord of Death, right? So, what does that imply exactly? I know that you said to me at his party, Princess, that it was just a title, but if what I'm hearing is true, then it can't be just that anymore."

"Wait," Luna interrupted, now starting to realize what Twilight is getting at, "you're not saying what I think you are, are you?"

"I am," Twilight nodded. "This is just too coincidental to not notice. As soon as Dark went missing from our world, everypony just stopped dying."

"So, unless we get Dark back here to Equestria, nopony will die."

"And over time, undead ponies will start freely roaming," Cadence added.

"That's not all though," Iron Guard said. "It turns out that there's been activity in the local graveyards. Some of the spirits that haven't passed onto the afterlife are rising from their graves. I've already sent a team of unicorns to suppress them, but I don't know how long they'll last."

"So, we've got ghosts rising from their graves and dead ponies who are still walking amongst the living," Celestia summarized, her face turning stoic before turning to Twilight. "Twilight, I'm sending you every magical expert I have to assist you in finding that jammer. If we're to avoid Equestria from being overrun by the undead, then we're going to need to get Dark back here as soon as possible. In the meantime, I'm ordering every available guard to do a sweep through Canterlot to search of this jammer and the one responsible."

"I'll go to the hospital up here and warn them after we're done then," Cadence said.

"Me too," Twilight agreed. "And don't forget about the retirement homes too."

"A good reminder, Twilight," Celestia complimented. "Now, besides us five and those others who'll be involved, nopony else is to know about what's going on. Like Captain Iron Guard said before, the last thing that we want is for the general public to find out about this."

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