• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 16,151 Views, 1,786 Comments

Of Flame and Shadow - Garuda IV

Dark Flame was a young stallion of the mining village, Stonewall. But after a dragon thought to be of myth attacks, Dark becomes the only survivor and now attempts to remake his life. However, his past isn't willing to let him go so easily.

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Chapter 63- Apples Forever

"So, Dark, y'all ready for Applebuck Season?" Big Mac asked as he and Dark walked down the road leading up to his family's house.

"Heheh, wouldn't be here if I wasn't, would I?" he answered playfully with a small spring in his step.

Big Mac nodded before arching an eyebrow. "You seem ta be a bit of a good this mornin'. More so than usual."

"Really? Huh. I didn't notice."

"... you've gone and did it, didn't ya?"

"What now?"

"You helped Twilight with her heat, didn't ya?"

Dark stumbled briefly before catching himself. "H-How did you..."

"Dark, ya asked me if ya could hide out in the orchard, and then ya suddenly vanished without a word. Not ta mention that nopony's seen hide nor hair of ya for two weeks since the day we last spoke."

With a maddening blush, Dark looked away to try and hide his face.

"So," Big Mac continued, "should we be expectin' some good news from ya and Twilight?"

Fighting his blush down, Dark turned back to Big Mac.

"We don't know," he answered.

"Y'all don't know? Didn't she get checked out after her heat ended?"

"Twilight's lasted for two weeks," Dark explained, causing Big Mac to stumble over his hooves for a moment.

"... wow."

"Yeah, I was surprised by it too when Spike told me. But, yeah, her heat ended last week."

"That... uh... musta been somethin'."

Dark breathed a sigh of relief. "I swear, Big Mac, if I was still a unicorn, I'm sure I would've passed out several times after just the first few days... this is going to stay between us, right? Nopony else will hear about this?"


"Phew. Anyway, to answer your question, we didn't go get her checked up. She was on some kind of tea for birth control, so it kinda messed with the odds of her getting pregnant, even when she was in heat."

"So you don't know if she is?"

Dark shrugged as they walked into the yard. "Eenope. Since the odds were just about split evenly, we decided to wait and find out without her scanning herself, or taking her to an appointment."

"Is she showin' any symptoms yet?"

"Not yet. Granted that it's been three weeks since she first went into her heat and we... you know, but nothing so far."

"Well, there's still time. Some mares feel the effects later than others do, and some feel them sooner."

"I guess," Dark said before smirking at Big Mac. "So? What about you and Cheerilee? After all, you did tell me that you were going to visit her."

"That was for an entirely different reason."

"Oh... okay. Oh, and speaking of that heat, and please don't hit me for this, but how's Applejack doing? I was a little concerned about her after you told me that you had to chain her up in the apple cellar."

"Ah'm doin' just fine, sugarcube, thanks for askin'," Applejack answered, walking off the porch on up to them. "Now, what's this Ah'm hearing about symptoms?"

Dark gave her a nervous look. "Uh... well... you promise not to tell anypony?"

"Ah promise Ah won't tell anypony," she replied, going through the motions for a Pinkie Promise.

"Okay. In that case, Twilight and I talked about it, and we... kinda decided to try and start a family."

Applejack slowly blinked. "... so when y'all say 'symptoms'... ya mean like pregnancy symptoms?"


Slowly, her expression turned from surprise to utter joy. With a smile wide enough to rival Pinkie's, Applejack pulled Dark into a crushing hug.

"Ah can't believe it!" she exclaimed with joyous laughter. "You're gonna be a Pa!"

"Not... quite," Dark wheezed. Even though he was tough and getting tougher with each day, Applejack's hug was still strong enough to squeeze the air from his lungs.

"Huh? Whaddya mean?"

Guess she didn't hear that part. "Twilight and I are just gonna wait and find out if she's pregnant without the usage of spells or hospitals."

Applejack put Dark back down and arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Why?"

"Because she thought that it would be funner to find out that way, and I have to agree that I kinda do too. It keeps me excited and guessing."

"Well, ta each their own, Ah suppose," she said with a shrug. "Still, though, y'all will tell me if she is, right?"

"I promise, Applejack."

"Thanks. Now then, are y'all ready ta get this Applebuck Season started?"

"Eeyup," the two stallions replied.

"Good. In that case, Ah'll take the northern orchard, Big Mac can take the west orchard, and Dark, can ya handle the east orchard?"


"Alrighty then. Once each of us has cleared our section, we'll all group up and get the south orchard together. Now let's get goin'!"

With a round of cheers, they each ran into the barn and strapped themselves up to a wagon before spreading out to their sections. As they pulled out of the barn, Applejack and Big Mac walked alongside each other for a while, while Dark took off at a sprint towards his area.

"You think he'll be alright doing that on his own?" Applejack wondered.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said with a nod. "He may be out of practice, but he'll quickly get back into it."

Seconds later, they heard the echoing of hooves striking against a tree trunk.

"Sooner than later apparently," Applejack commented with a small smile.

"Eeyup. Glad ta see that he ain't buckin' his tail again eith-"


Applejack gave Big Mac a level look. "You were sayin'?"

"... never mind."

Over the next few days, Applejack, Big Mac, and Dark all worked at their sections of the farm, each finishing up on their end. By the end of the third day, they all cleared out their sections and were eager to get the south orchard finished with.

With the sun setting, Dark said his goodbyes and left back for home. When he got there and made his way into the kitchen to start some dinner, he paused and smiled as he saw Twilight already cooking something for them. Coming up behind her, Dark reached an arm around her and pulled her into a gentle hug.

"Hey, sweetheart," he murmured as he affectionately nuzzled her cheek. "How're you doing today?"

With a blissful sigh, Twilight leaned back and melted into Dark's embrace. "Much better now that you're home."

With a hum, Dark continued to nuzzle Twilight while he wrapped a wing around her stomach.

"How are you feeling? Anything different today?"

"Not yet, but from what I've read about pregnancy symptoms, there's still plenty of time. And if I don't start to experience any of them by the time we return from Skyla's birthday party in a few weeks, then we'll go make an appointment and find out, just to be sure."


Turning her head to the side, Twilight reached a hoof up and pulled Dark in for a kiss.

"So, how'd today go at Sweet Apple Acres?"

"We'll be starting on the south orchard tomorrow. So, if all goes well with the three of us working together on it, we should hopefully have it done by the end of the day."

"That's good to hear, because it's the weekend tomorrow, and I'd like some cuddling time with you."

Chucking, Dark kissed Twilight on the cheek. "Maybe I should start calling you the Princess of Cuddles."

Twilight smirked. "And maybe I should teach you something new later tonight."

Dark smirked back. "In that case, maybe I should try some more of that tea you gave me during your heat."

Note to self: Keep Dark away from the aphrodisiac tea I had him get from Zecora, Twilight thought with a shiver. Then again...

"While it won't be necessary now that it's over, I'll think about it," she said, with a grin. "But for now, you need to get a shower. You stink, and your coat and mane are covered in sweat."


As he turned around and began to walk away, he used his tail to playfully whip Twilight's flank, causing her to jump and let out a squeak of surprise. Turning his head around to look back at her, Dark gave Twilight a suggestive wink while she in turn gave him a playful glare.

The next day came around with Dark making his way into the barn to meet up with Applejack and Big Mac. After exchanging a "good morning" with them, they each got hitched onto a cart and began filing out of the barn to the south orchard. Once they got there, they split the sections up evenly between them. While they were at it, they also made a little bet on who could finish their area first. Whoever won would pick where they would go out to eat that night, and the losers would have to pay. With the new bet in place, they wasted no time in starting. Soon enough, the sounds of hooves bucking trees echoed throughout the orchard as they began finishing up their Applebuck Season.

A few hours later, they were called in to lunch by Granny, who had their food all ready for them. Agreeing to postpone their contest while eating, they slowed down and enjoyed each other's company while they ate.

"So, Dark," Applejack began, "did Big Mac tell ya about the big news yet?"

Looking up from his plate, Dark gulped his food before shrugging.

"Depends. What is it?"

Applejack glanced over to Big Mac. "You didn't tell him yet?"

"Tell me what?"

"Big Macintosh, ya know that there ain't much time left. You've already lost three weeks, almost four now, and ya still need a-"

"Ah know," Big Mac interrupted. "Look, Ah'll ask him, alright? Just give me a day or two ta figure everythin' else out first, alright?"

Applejack stared Big Mac in the eyes for a few silent minutes before sighing. "Fine. But if ya don't ask him, then Ah will."

"You know I'm still here, right?" Dark reminded.

"Just sit tight, sonny," Granny told him. "And trust me, you'll like it."

"If you say so, Granny."

Finishing up their meals, they each took care of their dishes before returning to work. Flying up above, Dark saw that Applejack was leading them with Big Mac followed closely behind. With a small grumble for being last, Dark swooped back down to his spot and continued to buck. Finishing up the tree, Dark loaded the missed apples into the basket before depositing them into his wagon. After a few more trees, his wagon was full and needed to be emptied.

Returning to the barn, Dark unloaded the apples in his wagon into barrels and sealed the lid before pulling his now empty wagon back to his spot. Taking a quick look around, Dark saw that he was catching up to Big Mac, who'd just filled his wagon and was about to bring it back to the barn. Feeling like he might have a chance to win this now, Dark began to put even more effort into his work. However, after he'd bucked the next tree and saw it dropping its apples, Dark froze.

Feeling as though he was being watched, Dark darted his eyes around his surroundings, trying to find where it was coming from. After a minute passed of not spotting anypony, Dark shrugged and went over to the next tree. Like the one before, when he bucked the apples out of the tree, Dark once again felt that presence watching him. Whirling himself around, Dark looked for whoever was spying on him, once again coming up with nothing.

Emanating a low growl, Dark began to prowl, now hunting for the source. When five minutes had passed without him spotting anything or anypony, Dark casted his Soul Eyes and resumed the search. Seconds later, he spotted the outline of a male pony's soul. However, the outline of it didn't look like anypony that he knew of.

"Hey, you!" Dark shouted, walked towards the pony. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!"

When Dark got closer, the stallion turned to their right and ran away. Wanting to find out who this pony was, Dark broke into a gallop to try and catch him. A few minutes later of chasing after the mysterious stallion and dodging trees and some low branches, Dark passed Applejack, who watched in surprise as Dark zoomed past her.

"Dark! What's goin' on with ya?!" she called.

"There's a strange stallion in the orchard and I'm chasing after them!" Dark shouted back.

Abandoning her basket of apples, Applejack followed after Dark. By the time she'd caught up to him, she noticed that they were running towards the southern end of the field.

Where's he leadin' us? she wondered to herself. "Dark! What're ya chasin'?! Ah don't see anypony!"

"I felt like somepony was watching me," he began, glancing over to her, "so I started looking around for them. When I couldn't find anypony, I went back to work, only to feel that presence again. I then decided to use my Soul Eyes spell and quickly spotted the outline of this pony and went to confront him, but he started running away before I could get close."

"Then why can't Ah see him?"

"Apparently he's is invisible, so I can only see them with this spell active."

"Can ya cast it on me too so Ah can help?"

"I don't know, Applejack. I've never tried it on anypony else beside myself."

Applejack nodded. "Ah understand. In that case, Ah trust ya ta lead the way."

"Alright." Dark looked back ahead to see the pony running off to their left. "This way."

Resuming the chase, Dark led Applejack after the invisible stallion. As they continued to pursue them, they were led through other sections of the orchard as the pony tried to lose them. And while Applejack couldn't see this stallion they were chasing, with how serious Dark was taking this, she continued to trust him, even after a full ten minutes had passed. Eventually, they were led down to the south-eastern corner of the south orchard. An area where Applejack remembered all too well as she suddenly became nervous.

What? Oh no, please tell me where not headin' where Ah think we are, she mentally pleaded. Why would this guy that we're chasin' even bring us here?

As it to confirm Applejack's worries, Dark led her into a clearing and skidded to a stop. When he did, he looked around, scanning the area for the stallion that they were chasing. After doing a full sweep around them, Dark sighed and dispelled his Soul Eyes.

"I lost him," he grumbled regretfully before turning to Applejack. "I'm sorry for leading you on this wild goose chase, Applejack."

"It's... it's fine," she hesitantly said. "Uh, can we please leave now?"

Dark looked confusingly at Applejack. It wasn't often that she would act so nervous, or borderline sorrowful like she currently was. The only time that Dark could think of when she'd acted like that was when the topic of her parents were brought up when he went to see Rarity.

"Applejack," Dark softly spoke, "is something wrong?"

For a brief moment, Applejack's eyes glanced behind Dark before she turned around and tilted the brim of her hat down to cover her face.

"Ah... Ah just don't wanna be here... any more than Ah need."

"But why? What is it about this place that's gotten you... so... sad..."

While he asked, Dark looked around the clearing they were in. When he did, he suddenly became aware of a pair of familiar-looking stones sitting side-by-side in the center of it, which caused for his words to trail off. Glancing back at Applejack for a moment, Dark cautiously approached what he could now confirm to be tombstones and read the names on them. As he did, his mood turned somber as he placed all the pieces together, along with the names on them.

"Applejack? Are they...?"

Slowly, Applejack walked up alongside Dark, her head tilted down to hide her face.

"Dark... meet my Ma and Pa."

Silently, Dark sat himself down at the foot of the two graves and bowed his head in respect. After he sat himself down, Applejack took a seat alongside him as she too paid her respects to her parents. For a while, the two sat there in a mutual silence. As the minutes passed, though, the quietness was shattered, not by any thunderous or loud sounds, but by a soft and almost silent whimper.

Looking over to his side, Dark saw Applejack bring a hoof up beneath her hat while her body trembled. Hearing her sniffle, Dark felt his heart breaking at the sight of his friend and adopted sister sitting there like that. Unfurling a wing, Dark draped it over Applejack and pulled her in for a side hug, one which she didn't even attempt to struggle out of. After a moment passed, she then surprised him by latched onto him, turning it into a full on hug as she knocked off her hat.

Remaining silent, Dark allowed for Applejack to let it out, gently stroking her mane as her tears continued to dampened his coat. After an unknown amount of time had passed, the sound of Applejacks sniffles and hiccups had finally began to die down.

"You alright?" Dark thoughtfully asked.

"Ah-Ah guess," Applejack answered, wiping her tears with a hoof.

Remaining still, Dark waited for Applejack to pull away from him. When she was calm enough and finally did, Dark picked up her hat and placed it back onto her head before standing up.

"I think that you've had enough for today. Here. I'll take you back home to rest."

"Ah'm fine."

"Applejack, you're not fine. With the emotional state you're in right now, it would be better for you to just rest for a while."

"Ah need ta work. It'll help me get this off my mind. Besides, Applebuck Season-"

"Big Mac and I can finish it up on our own," Dark interrupted. "It won't be any problem, Applejack. We've got it covered while you rest, okay?"

Even though Applejack wanted to protest it further, she was feeling too emotionally drained to argue about it.


Giving her a small smile , Dark helped Applejack up to her hooves and knelt down. "Hop on. I'll fly you back to the house."

With a silent nod, Applejack climbed onto Dark's back and held herself secure by wrapping her hooves around his neck. Feeling her secured, Dark rose back up and spared another look at the tombstones. As he did, he unfurled his wings and was about to take off when something caught his eyes. Slowly, a translucent, pale-blue figure began to appear alongside one of the tombstones. Within seconds, it took on the form of a short-haired stallion who stood as tall as Big Mac.

His eyes widening and heart quickening, Dark recognized this as a ghost. But, unlike the one that he remembered that had possessed Fluttershy, this one didn't appear hostile or malevolent. Instead, the stallion smiled at Dark, and when Dark slowly nodded to him, he was surprised to see the ghost respond in kind by nodding back before fading away.

"Dark?" Applejack mumbled from his back. "Somethin' wrong?"

Shaking his head clear, Dark glanced back at her. "No. Nothings wrong, Applejack."

Spreading his wings, Dark took off into the air with Applejack holding onto him with one hoof, and the other firmly on her hat.

Landing on the porch, Dark opened the door and walked in. Once inside, Dark knelt down for Applejack to hop off of him. As she did, Granny walked into the room from hearing the door open.

"Applejack? Dark? What're y'all doin' here?" Granny asked, surprised that Applejack was here instead of out in the orchard.

"Ah... Ah just need some time alone, Granny," Applejack told her.

Knowing that look in her eyes, Granny walked over and gave her a warming hug. "It's alright, go on up and rest yourself now."

With a solemn nod, Applejack made her way up to her room, leaving Dark and Granny alone in the living room. Once they heard sound of the door closing, Dark turned to face Granny.

"I'm sorry, Granny," he apologized, "I didn't know that her parents were... yeah..."

Sighing sadly, Granny gestured to the couch. Taking up her old rocking chair, she waited until Dark was sitting on the couch.

"It's not your fault, sonny," she told him. "Applejack's never been very good when it comes ta her Ma and Pa."

Dark shuffled his claws around. "I know it's a sensitive subject, but I never heard of what happened to them. I got vague hints that they might've passed on, but nothing beyond that."

Granny closed her eyes as she recalled that day.

"Ah wasn't there when it happened. All Ah know was what Applejack told me. Ah was here lookin' after Big Mac while his sisters and parents were out. Ah take it that ya saw their graves?"


"Well, one day, their Ma and Pa took Applejack and a three week old Apple Bloom out for a picnic in that very spot. They've gone there plenty of times before, so there wasn't any worryin' about it. And since Big Mac was strugglin' with his homework at the time, Ah decided ta stay behind and help him out. Of course, with how calm we got in that spot, we became lax about our surroundin's."

"What happened?"

Granny looked at Dark with saddened eyes. "A stray timberwolf stumbled upon them when they were havin' their picnic. It happened so fast. It went for my son first, and he tried ta fight it off, but it was too late for him. It was then that my daughter-in-law, Applejack's Ma, told her ta take Apple Bloom and run ta the house while she tried ta distract it.

"When she came burstin' through the door with Apple Bloom crying on her back, Ah knew that somethin' bad musta happened. After she told me what she saw, Ah told the kids ta lock the doors and not open them until Ah came back with help. When Ah did, Ah stayed with them while the group of ponies that came with me searched the area where they were last seen."

Granny shook her head. "It's a good thin' that they weren't there ta see it. When the search team returned, they told me about what they saw. Ah'll spare ya the details, but while they did find my son and daughter-in-law, there wasn't much of them left. That, and most of the clearin' was stained red."

Dark lowered his gaze to the floor. So that's why Applejack was so worried about me when I told her about the timberwolves that almost attacked me last fall. "How did they take it?"

"As ta be expected, Big Mac was saddened by it, but when it became clear ta him that he was now the stallion of the house, he pulled himself together and did what he could ta help keep the farm runnin'. Thankfully for Apple Bloom, she was too young ta remember anythin' about the event, but that sadly also goes for her parents. And as ya already saw, Applejack's had and still has it the worst. No doubt due ta her witnessin' it all happen before her young eyes and not bein' able ta do anythin' ta help them. We managed ta get her ta see somepony about it, and it helped her somewhat, but it just wasn't enough."

"And what about you, Granny? Are you okay?"

She gave him a small, sad smile. "Ah've shed my fair share of tears for their loss over the years. And while it still saddens me ta remember it, it does brin' me some comfort in knowin' that it won't be too much longer before Ah'm reunited with them."

Sitting there to let it all sink in, Dark's mind began to wander back to what he saw at their graves. Replaying that and Granny's last few words, an idea slowly came to Dark, causing him to smile inwardly.

Maybe sooner than you think, Granny.

Blinking a tear away, Dark rose up from the couch and walked over to give the elderly mare a hug. A few moments later, he let her go to see her smiling warmly at him.

"Thanks, sonny."

"You're welcome, Granny," Dark replied, wiping his eyes clear. "And... I'm sorry for bring that up."

"It's alright. Since we've adopted ya as an honorary Apple, it was bound ta come up sooner or later."

"I guess," he said, hugging her again briefly before making his way towards the door. But before he crossed it, he stopped and looked back to Granny with a smile. "And don't worry, Granny. I have an idea to help with this."

"How so?"

"... you know about what I am, right?"

"Ah do. Applejack told me and Big Mac about ya bein' the Lord of Death. And of course, Apple Bloom overheard us, so she knows too." Granny sighed for a moment, before giving Dark a warm smile. "Ah'll be honest with ya, sonny. It puts me at ease ta know that when my time finally does come round, that you'll be the one there ta see me off."

"... I'll be honest too, Granny, I'm not looking forward to when that day comes. Not at all."

"Ah know. Now, what's this idea of yours?"

Dark's smile slowly began to return. "Let's just say that I think it's about time that I made use of my powers."

With Applejack resting, it took Dark and Big Mac several extra hours before they were done. And while Big Mac wasn't too happy that he and Applejack had wandered off like they did, he became sympathetic and understanding when Dark explained to him what had happened, minus what he saw at the graves. With it now being down to the two of them, they needed to work extra hard to complete this Applebuck Season before the end of the day. Of course, this also meant that their bet from earlier was now off. And while they did manage to get all the trees bucked, it wasn't until long after the sun set that they'd finally finished.

"Thanks for stickin' with me through this, Dark," Big Mac thanked as he and Dark dumped the last of the apples into a barrel.

"No problem," Dark replied, sealing the lid of the barrel. "Besides, I don't like to leave a job half-finished."

Big Mac nodded. "Also, thanks for givin' me that light ta see with."

Dark chuckled. "I never thought that I'd use my Healing Flame as a giant flashlight, but you're welcome."

Parking the cart and locking up the barn, Dark walked with Big Mac up to the porch.

"Why don't ya come on in and join us for a late dinner?"

"Thanks, but I'm late enough as I am. And if I don't get home to Twilight soon, she might start to worry."

"Alright then. Have a safe trip back."

Dark smirked as his body began to meld into the shadows. "Thanks, but I won't be need it this time."

Reappearing in front of the castle, Dark opened the doors and made his way inside. Closing the door and taking a few steps forward, Dark was suddenly halted when Twilight teleported in front of his with a look of concern and anger.

"Where were you?!" she shouted with worry. "It's already past ten! I thought that something might've happened to you again!"

Feeling guilty, Dark pulled Twilight into a comforting hug, allowing her to calm herself down as she tightly hugged him back.

"Sorry that I took so long, Twilight," he apologized. "Something came up at the farm and it took us longer to finish than I thought."

Breathing a long sigh of relief, Twilight leaned into him and affectionately nuzzled his neck.

"As long as you're safe, that's all that matters. Just... next time something keeps you like that, could you please let me know?"

"Sure. I can do that."

The two remained like that for a few more minutes until Twilight let go of Dark.

"So, I'll bet that you're hungry right?"

While food did sound good to him, Dark had something else of greater importance on his mind.

"Thanks, Twilight, but I need to do something."

Twilight paused in mid-step and looked back. "You're turning down food? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine, hon. I'm just more focused on a spell than food right now?"

"Oh? Care to share?"

"Sure. Actually, if you're willing, I could use your help."

Twilight happily nodded. "I can help you, but on one condition."


"You get something to eat first. I'm willing to bet that this is important to you if you're willing to skip dinner, but I won't have you starving yourself over this. So, food first, magic later."

"Okay. In that case, Nocturne can fill you in."


Reaching a claw out, Dark summoned his Death Reaver into his claw.

"Nocturne shares my mind, so he knows what I'm thinking, right?"

"I do," Nocturne answered. "What you're wanting to do is within your power to do so. And with a little help from Twilight, we can get this spell of yours finished with by somewhere around noon tomorrow."

Handing the sword over to Twilight, Dark made his way to the kitchen while she levitated Nocturne alongside her to the lab.

"So, Nocturne, what is it that Dark's wanting to do?" Twilight asked.

"I suppose I should tell you about what happened today, seeing as how it's what led us up to this point," he mused out loud. "Dark was helping those two Apple siblings in the south field. After some time working, Dark felt like somepony was watching him..."

The next day went by quickly for Dark and Twilight, and it was now getting close to sunset as they were walking down the road to Sweet Apple Acres.

"I still can't believe it," Twilight said. "You actually saw him?"

"Yeah, I did."

"But not her?"

"No. I didn't see her around. She might've been busy with... whatever it is they do now these days."

"Well I can't wait to finally meet them." Twilight paused for a moment as a thought came to mind. "You think we should've told the others and brought them with us?"

"Considering how personal this'll be for Applejack and her family, I don't think that it would be a good idea. Maybe next time if everypony is willing we will."

Walking across the yard and up to the house, Dark knocked on the door and waited for somepony to answer. A few seconds of waiting after, the door opened up to Applejack.

"Y'all know that ya don't need ta knock, right?" she asked.

"I know," Dark chuckled. "It's just a force of habit, since I don't live here."

Shaking her head with a smile, Applejack allowed Dark and Twilight into the house and closed the door behind them. After she did, she found Twilight pulling her into a hug.

"Uhh... Twi? Somethin' up, sugarcube?" Applejack wondered.

"How're you doing?" Twilight asked, earning her a curious look from Applejack. "I was told about what happened yesterday, Applejack."

Knowing what she was talking about, Applejack let out a sad sigh. "Ah'm doin' better. Just needed ta calm myself down was all."

"Well don't get too calm now," Dark said, walking up and hugging her with Twilight, "because we're going to go for a small walk. Oh, and Granny, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom are coming along too."

"Where're we goin'?"

"I can't tell you, Applejack. Otherwise it'll ruin the surprise."

Letting go of her, Dark and Twilight watched as Applejack left to go get her grandma and siblings. When she returned with them, they were all curious as to what Dark had planned for them.

"You wanted ta show us somethin'?" Apple Bloom eagerly asked, causing Dark to chuckle and ruffle her mane.

"Yeah. It's not something that you're expecting, but I'm sure that you'll all like it. So, is everypony ready?"

With a round of positive replies, Dark and Twilight led them out of the house and towards the south orchard. As they were about to cross into the tree line, Granny pulled Dark back so that the two could talk for a moment just out of their hearing range.

"Is this what ya were talkin' about yesterday?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'll explain more when we get there."

"... should Ah be worried?"

Dark gave her a weak chuckle. "You shouldn't, but it may give you a heart attack when you see it."

"Hmph! Ah highly doubt that anythin' can surprise me ta that point."

"Well then, here's hoping."

Catching up to the others, Dark continued to lead them over to the spot. After a few more minutes had passed, Dark glanced over to his side to see Applejack walking alongside him with an unsure look in her eyes.

"Dark, even with the sun settin', Ah still know where we are, and the direction that we're headin' in. Please tell me that we're not goin' back there."

Placing a reassuring wing on her back, Dark looked softly at Applejack.

"Do you trust me, Applejack?"

"Yeah, Ah do."

"Then please trust me with this one. I promise you, you won't regret it." I hope.

With a small sigh, Applejack silently nodded and continued to follow him, knowing where he was leading them. When they finally reached their destination, the sun had just set over the horizon, causing for Twilight to cast a luminescent spell over the clearing for them to see. With everypony in the clearing, Dark walked over to the open spot between the two tombstones, turned around to face the Apples and Twilight, and sat down, waiting for them to take a seat as well.

"Dark?" Apple Bloom spoke, her voice tinted with a hint of sadness. "What're we all doin' here?"

"Ah'd like ta know too," Big Mac agreed.

"Yesterday, I told you all about the pony that I saw running right, right?" Dark asked, getting nods from everypony before continuing. "Well, what I didn't tell you was what I saw before Applejack and I left here."

"What did ya see?" Applejack wondered, curious as to why he would hold back something like this from her.

With a small smile, Dark placed a claw on each of the tombstones and gently stroked its stony surface.

"Before we left, Applejack, I saw somepony. Granted that I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw him return the friendly nod I gave him, and considering the spot in which he stood, I knew what, or rather, who, I saw."

Applejack's eyes slowly widened as she began to piece everything together.

"No... you didn't..."

Dark nodded and turned his attention towards Granny.

"Granny, yesterday you told me that it wouldn't be too much longer before you were reunited with them. Well, it may not be quite how you were expecting it to happen, but thanks to Nocturne and Twilight, I can make that happen for you."

"S-Sonny," Granny shakily called, "just what are ya plannin'?"

Dark's smile grew. "I just think that it's long overdue for a family reunion."

Spreading his wings over the two tombstones, Dark showered them with the dark mist from his wings and claws until the entire area around him and the graves were covered in it. His eyes glowing with power, Dark pumped more magic into his claws, pushing the spell along. A few moments later, two pale-blue ponies walked out of the black mist, one being a short-maned stallion while the other a freckled mare with her mane and tail in a braid.

Seeing that they'd cleared his shadows and were now looking over themselves, Dark relinquished his spell and dropped his wings with a small pant of exertion. Folding his wings back to his sides, Dark walked up in-between the two, getting a thankful smile from both of them before turning to face the others. While they all were looking with varying levels of shock and disbelief, some were already trying to hold their tears back.

"How're you feeling?" Dark asked the stallion to his side. "You remember how to speak, right?"

The stallion chuckled. "Eeyup."

Hearing a gasps, Dark smiled to himself and turned to the mare on his other side. "And what about you, ma'am?"

The mare giggled at the name, but replied all the same. "Eeyup. We may not have our bodies, but we still know how to speak."

Giving her a smile and chuckle, Dark looked back to his audience to see that Applejack had taken a few hesitant steps closer. Feeling like he was in the way where he was standing, Dark walked ahead of the two ghosts. Once he got close enough to Applejack, he place a claw on her shoulder and leaned in to whisper to her.

"This is my first time doing this, Applejack, so the spell will only last for an hour or so. I don't know when I can do it again, so make the most of it while you can."

Stepping off to the side, Dark made his way past Applejack and over beside Twilight. As he did, Applejack took a shaky step forward, followed by a few more until she was close enough that she could touch them. Hesitantly, she and reached a hoof up to the stallion, but hesitated before she touched him.

"Pa... Ma...? Is it really you? This ain't a dream or some cruel joke, is it?" Applejack asked fearfully.

Seeing her hesitation, he leaned forward so that Applejack's hoof was touching his cheek. Hearing Applejack's gasp in surprise from the contact instead of phasing through him, he brought his own hoof up and placed it over her own.

"It's us, sugarcube. We're really here."

Recalling the low and gentle voice, Applejack brought her other hoof up and began to slowly pat his face down. Making sure that she wasn't imagining it, she began doing the same to the mare. A few seconds later, Applejack flung her hooves around both of them, pulling them close as she let her tears fall freely.

"Ah can't believe it! Pa! Ma! You're here! You're really here!"

With smiles on both of their faces, the Apple parents both wrapped their hooves around their eldest daughter as she bawled into their ghostly coats. As the three sat there, happily reunited after so long, everypony else was still standing in place, too shocked by what's happened to move. Noticing this, Dark walked up over to them.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" he whispered to them. "You have an hour or so with them, so get going."

Snapping themselves out of it, Big Mac slowly made his way over to his parents with Apple Bloom following behind him. When he got close enough, his father looked up from Applejack to face him.

"There's my boy," he smiled, opening his foreleg open for Big Mac to join them.

"Pa?" Big Mac questioned, still unsure about this being real. But when he felt his hoof pulling him in, Big Mac wrapped one foreleg around his father while his other held Applejack.

"You've grown into a fine stallion," he said proudly. "Y'all have taken good care of the farm after we were gone. Ah'm very proud of ya."

"Thank ya, Pa," Big Mac choked. "Ah always hoped that Ah'd done good by ya."

"And ya have, my son. Ya most certainly have."

While they were busy, Apple Bloom walked up alongside Applejack and looked up at her mother.

"I-Is that r-really you, M-Ma?" Apple Bloom asked, her tears already flowing freely.

Smiling down to her, Mrs. Apple opened out her foreleg, inviting Apple Bloom in for a long overdue hug.

"It is, hayseed," she sniffled. "Mommies here."


Unable to contain it anymore, Apple Bloom leaped up and clung to her mother's chest as she bawled her eyes out. As she continued to cry, her mother softly stroked her mane.


"You've grown up so quickly, Apple Bloom," she whispered. "You were just a tiny little thing when it happened. And while we may not have been there for you in body, our spirits never left your side. Either of you."

Applejack turned her blurry eyes up to look at her as she continued.

"Applejack. We saw how you've helped keep the farm running, and how you've looked after your baby sister. I know that you blame yourself for not being able to help us during what happened, but you've done so much by raising Apple Bloom for us. So please, don't let it continue to haunt you anymore."

"A-Al-Alright, M-Ma," Applejack whimpered.

"And you, Apple Bloom, my little hayseed. Your dad and I saw what you and your friends did for that filly in your school. We were so proud of how you three decided to help her, even despite everything that she did to you. And Applejack was right when she said that we would be so proud of you when you got your cutie mark."

"R-Really?" Apple Bloom squeaked.

"Really. You may not have been able to see us, but we were right there by your side during your cutesinara, and we couldn't have be happier for you."

With another whimper, Apple Bloom buried her face into her mother's ghostly coat.

"Ah missed ya, mommy."

"I missed you too," she said, hugging her two daughters tighter. "I missed both of you."

Gathered together in a family hug, they all sat there, both living and dead shedding happy tears as they relished in each other's embrace. Off to the side, Granny, Dark, and Twilight stood silently as they watched the warm and heart melting reunion before them.

"So, this is what ya meant, huh?" Granny figured, whipping her eyes clear.

"Yeah," Dark said with a sniffle. "After seeing how sad Applejack was when we stumbled in here, and then later after you told me that story, I figured that perhaps I could do something to help you guys. I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds with this, but I just wanted to make you guys happy."

With a small smile, Granny turned to Dark. "Sonny, you've got nothin' ta be sorry for. Ya don't know how many times Ah wished that Ah could see them reunited like this, and now that Ah have, Ah wouldn't mind it one bit if Ah kicked the bucket right here and now."

"Sorry, Granny, but I don't think that I'd allow it," he chuckled.

She cackled along with him before walking a over few steps and pulling him into a thankful hug.

"You've no idea how much this means ta me. Thank ya kindly, Dark."

"You're welcome, Granny."

When she let him go, Dark smiled and sat down as Granny walked up to join the others. Breathing a sigh of satisfaction, Dark quickly found Twilight sitting alongside him with her head resting on his shoulder, wiping a few happy tears out of her eyes.

"I'm very proud of you, Dark," she said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Don't forget, it's thanks to your help that I was able to make this happen, Twilight," he reminded her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and returning her kiss. Sitting in silence together, they watched as Granny added herself to the family hug. Remaining there in silence for a few more minutes, Dark got up and smiled in content. "I think we should let them have some alone time."

Helping Twilight up, they turned around and began walking out of the clearing when a voice called out to them.

"And just where do ya think y'all are goin'?" Granny questioned, grabbing their attention.

"We just thought that we'd leave your family in peace," Twilight explained, getting a headshake from the elderly mare.

"Ooh, no! Y'all are apart of this here family! Now get your rumps over here before Ah do it for ya!"

With a small chuckle from the both of them, Dark and Twilight made their way back over to them. When they got close enough, they were pulled in by Applejack and her mother as they were added to the family hug.

For the next hour, they shared stories about their lives. While Applejack and Twilight told her parents about the adventures that they and the rest of their friends would go on, Apple Bloom told them about the things she and her friends tried to get their cutie marks, and about her relationship with said friends and Spike. Big Mac told them about Cheerilee and how long they've been together for, and while he was hesitant, Dark told them a little about himself and how he was able to make this happen, which included telling them about how Twilight helped him to complete it. When they were finished, Apple Bloom asked her parents what it was like being ghosts. And while it actually wasn't that bad for the most part, the worst thing about it was being unable to interact with any of them.

A little while later, Twilight teleported to them a game that they could all play together. As she and the others were getting it set up, Big Mac pulled Dark off to the side to speak to him in private for a moment.

"Something up, Big Mac?" Dark questioned.

"First off, Ah'd like ta thank ya for this, Dark," Big Mac thanked. "Ah never thought Ah'd get ta see my Pa and Ma ever again."

"You're welcome."

"Secondly, Ah have somethin' ta ask ya."

Dark cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Ah thought Ah was sure before, but after what y'all did here for us, Ah have no doubt in my mind." Big Mac placed a hoof on Dark's shoulder. "Dark, would ya be my best stallion?"

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