• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 16,151 Views, 1,786 Comments

Of Flame and Shadow - Garuda IV

Dark Flame was a young stallion of the mining village, Stonewall. But after a dragon thought to be of myth attacks, Dark becomes the only survivor and now attempts to remake his life. However, his past isn't willing to let him go so easily.

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Chapter 76- Invitations

A month had passed since Garble foalnapped Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, and fought Spike. Since then, Garble's been locked away down in the dungeons beneath Canterlot, not yet receiving any word from Inferno about his son's imprisonment. As for the two who'd accompanied him, while they too were imprisoned, Celestia kept her word and went a bit easier on them for their cooperation. Despite them both being locked up in cells, Celestia made sure they were neighboring cells, and were granted better accommodations and some forms of entertainment during their imprisonment there.

Meanwhile, back down in Ponyville, Spike was trying to get back into his old routine. Thanks to the support of Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, his recovery was going better as they looked after him. With him unable to use his arms or properly channel his magic into them without causing him pain and discomfort, he had to allow for his fillyfiends to assist him with some of the more basic things. While he was stubborn about it for a while, he soon relented after he tried to lift a glass of water and ended up cringing in pain, causing him to lose his grip and spill it.

Since then, Spike allowed for the Crusaders to help him with what he needed, which, at the time, was almost everything. Even when laying down he would need some help in getting himself back up. It wasn't until his second week had passed that the wound on his right arm had healed up enough to allow for him to start doing things on his own again, while his left arm was still in a sling so his shoulder could heal. However, even though his arm was out of the sling, it would still hurt for him to lift anything too heavy, physically or magically.

Once his fourth week of recovery had come around, his left shoulder was cleared and his sling was removed. However, despite that, Spike was ordered by the doctor to not try lifting anything heavier than a filled cup just yet. On the other hoof, Spike's right arm was almost back to how it used to be, allowing for him to use magic without any pain and move stuff around again. With him mostly recovered, Spike was finally able to take the Crusaders out on a picnic to make up for the lack of last month's.

With both of his arms free, Spike was happy with how things were returning to normal... that is, except for the two scars on his chest, and the one on his right arm and left shoulder. Despite the flesh scaring over, though, his scales were able to replace them, even though they would be weaker than what they normally would. But, while looking at them would cause him to wince from the memories of getting them, he was glad to see that they weren't bothering his fillyfriends very much. If anything, they seemed to like them, especially Scootaloo.

While things going well with them, there was another couple that were much happier. Up in their bed, Dark and Twilight were trying to beat the morning sunlight as they tried to rest up from all the work they've done the last week. While they had their wedding details to sort out and invitations to make and send, there was also the fact of the nursery, which took up the most amount of time. Between ordering the carpet and setting it in, they also had to furnish the room and make it foal-friendly. Not to mention all of the baby toys and books that they would need. Thankfully for them, their friends were more than willing to help with Applejack's family making them a crib from the wood of one of their apple trees, a mobile from Rainbow, some soft quilts from Rarity, stuffed toy animals from Fluttershy, and from Pinkie and the Cakes, a few spare pacifiers and baby bottles with formula. And while Dark and Twilight tried to respectfully turn down the Cake's gifts, believing that they'd need it more than they would, the Cakes were insistent about it, saying that they had plenty left to spare.

Feeling the sunlight shining through the window and into his closed eyes, Dark groaned as he felt his sleepiness starting to leave him. Pulling his wing up, he blocked out the light and nuzzled down to Twilight as she slept cuddled up against him. With the sunlight no longer a problem, Dark began to relax and was about to let sleep take him once again before he felt Twilight shifting around. Hearing her yawning, Dark sighed as he figured that sleep wouldn't be an option anymore.

Lowering his wing, Dark allowed for the light to shine on her form as she started wiping her eyes with a hoof. Once she was done and looked up to him with a smile, Dark brushed some of her stray mane out of her face before sharing a good morning kiss with her. Hearing her moan in content, Dark held her closer for a while before their lips parted.

"Good morning," Dark whispered.

"And a good morning to you too," Twilight returned with a giggle.

Smiling, Dark placed a kiss on her forehead. "And how are my girls doing today?"

Sighing happily, Twilight brought a hoof down to the little bump on her belly.

"We're doing good this morning."

Feeling happier than ever, Dark leaned down and began to gently nuzzle Twilight's baby bump.

"I still can't believe this is actually happening," he said giddily.

"Me neither," she said before giving a small groan, catching Dark's attention.

"Something wrong?"

"Not really. It's just that I shouldn't be showing so soon. From what we've read, a baby bump starts to show between twelve to sixteen weeks, but I'm not that far yet."

"Why would that be then you think?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "From what I was told, mom showed early when she was pregnant with me and Shiny. Guess I inherited that specific set of genetics from her."

"Well I'm not complaining," Dark happily said as he resumed his nuzzling. "After all, it gives me a reason to fond over our little daughter."

During Twilight's last pregnancy checkup, Dark once again accompanied her to her appointment. This time, however, they were both excited and nervous that their foal was far enough along for their gender and pony race to be recognized. Deciding to go with an ultrasound, they were both happy at the sight of their baby filly growing within Twilight. Her pony-type on the other hoof, wasn't quite so straightforward. While the unicorn horn was easily recognizable, she also had the signs of wings, what appeared to be arms and claws on her front instead of forelegs and hooves, and a long sleek tail.

Giggling, Twilight craned her neck down to nuzzle her baby bump with Dark.

"Yeah. While I don't really like showing this soon, I am happy about this." She squeed in excitement. "I can't believe that we're having a filly!"

"I know," Dark said with a chuckle, one that made Twilight pause.

"Dark, what are you thinking?"

"What?" he not-so-innocently questioned, earning him a raised eyebrow from Twilight.

"That chuckle sounded mischievous to me. Tell me, what were you thinking?"

Dark smirked. "Just thinking about how I'll get to scare any colts that she'll bring home to us."

Twilight gave a disapproving frown. "Really? She's not even born yet, and already you're thinking about that?"

"What? I'm not gonna let some colt start dating my little girl without first giving him the intimidating father treatment."

Twilight remained silent, but her look on him remained. Soon enough, Dark collapsed under her disapproving look.

"Alright, I promise I'll go easy and not go all Lord of Death on him," he relented with a sigh.

Seeming pleased with his answer, Twilight gave Dark a peck on his cheek. "That's better. But what if our daughter doesn't like colts? What if she ends up liking fillies instead? Or what if she prefers a species other than ponies, like a gryphon or dragon?"

"Considering that I'm half-dragon, I don't think that I have much room to argue on the matter, so it doesn't really matter to me, just as long as he, or she, treats her right."

Twilight nodded in approval. "Good answer. On a different note, I don't know about you, but I intend on just laying in bed and resting. Besides, I need it after all the work we've been doing these last few days. How about you? You wanna take a day off and stay with us?"

Dark gave a disappointed sigh before giving Twilight a quick peck. "Sorry, hon, but I've got a long day ahead of me today."

Twilight's ears perked up. "Oh? What's going on?"

"I'll be going around and personally deliver the wedding invitations we haven't mailed off today."

"How long do you think that'll take?"

"Most of the day, I'm betting," he answered. "I'll start at Zecora's, then I'm gonna travel up to Canterlot to deliver the rest of them. Speaking of Canterlot, you want me to tell mom and Night about the good news?"

"You mean about their future granddaughter?" she asked, getting a nod from Dark. "Actually, if it's alright, could you wait? I'd like for both of us to be there when we tell them."

"Okay. Maybe we could even bring a copy of her ultrasound to show them?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

"And what about Princess Celestia and Luna? I'll be going to the castle, so should I tell them or wait?"

Twilight brought a hoof to her chin as she thought about it. "Actually, it probably wouldn't hurt to tell them, as long as they don't tell mom and dad."


"Yeah. While I would like to be there too, I'm willing to bet that Princess Luna's already peeked into our dreams and may know by now. So telling her and Princess Celestia shouldn't hurt."

"Okay. If that's what you want, then I'll do it."

"Thank you."

After sharing a kiss with Twilight, Dark leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her belly.

"You be good for mommy while daddy's gone, alright?" Dark softly spoke to their growing foal.

With one last nuzzle, Dark slid out of bed and groaned as he stretched his limbs out.

"Dark?" Twilight called from her lying spot in her bed. "Don't forget that our friends are coming over tonight for a massive sleepover."

"I won't forget," he replied. "By the way, are you sure you want me there? I would've figured that with it being a sleepover that you'd want it to be a girl's only thing."

"Kinda, but I'd like it if you would be there too. Besides, I'm sure you'll like it. Just meet us in the library when you get home, alright?"

"... okay, sure," Dark shrugged, confused about why she'd think that he'd like it.

Waving to Twilight, Dark quietly left their room for her to rest before making his way down the halls. Deciding to grab a quick bite to eat, he headed into the kitchen where Spike was just finishing up his own breakfast.

"Morning, Spike," Dark greeted him.

"Hey, Dark," Spike returned. "Didn't really think you'd be up so soon after these last few days."

"Trust me, if I could, I'd still be in bed with Twilight and our little filly."

Remaining in his chair, Spike shook his head in disbelief.

"I still can't believe that this is actually happening," he said. "I mean, during our time growing up, I almost figured that this would've never had happened."

"Me neither growing up, but as you can see, it very much is."

"Yeah. Anyway, if you're wanting to stay in bed and sleep in, then why are you up?"

"Got wedding invitations that need to get out," Dark answered him, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. "I'll be gone for most of the day and probably won't be back till nightfall."


"So, how about you? Got any plans for today?"

Spike began to smile eagerly. "You bet I do! Now that school's out and the Crusaders are on summer vacation, we'll get to spend a lot more time together."

"Well then, good for you guys."

"Umm... hey... Dark?"


"... you know how Twilight and the others are having that sleepover tonight?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well... I was just wondering... could I maybe... have the girls over too?"

Dark took a moment to think about it. "You should ask Twilight about it. If she's alright with it, then I will too."


With a nod, Dark downed his cereal and washed the bowl and spoon out I the sink before setting it on the drying rack. With his stomach good for now, Dark went over to the lounge where the invitations were and tucked them into his saddlebag before heading out. Once outside, he took to the skies and made for the Everfree Forest to speak to Zecora. Flying over the forest, Dark scanned the area below until he saw Zecora's hut with smoke coming out from the top of it. Taking that as a sign of her being home, Dark dove down and landed before walking up to the door and knocking on it.

"Yes, who is here?" a voices asked, opening the door to reveal Zecora, "Ah, it is Dark who stands there."

"Hello, Zecora," Dark warmly said.

"It's not often that you come around. Would you like to come in and sit down?"

"Sure, bit only for a moment if it's alright."

With a nod, Zecora stepped aside to allow for Dark to come him. Gesturing towards the table, Dark walked over and took a seat.

"Now, tell me what brings you to my tree."

"Two things, actually," Dark answered, earing him Zecora's full attention. "First, I believe that I owe you a sitdown with some tea?"

"Ah yes, I was wondering how long you would be to come back and see me."

Pleased with his reason, Zecora walked over to a waiting tea kettle and brought it over with a pair of cups. Pouring one for herself and her guest, they both took a sip and sighed contently.

"I'll admit, I'm usually not one for tea, but this stuff you've made seems to be an exception," Dark complimented.

"I'm glad to see that you like my tea." She paused to take another sip. "So tell me about you and your family."

"You've met my siblings, right?"

Zecora shook her head. "I have met all of them, of that there's no doubt, but they're not the ones I'm talking about."

"Oh. So you're talking about Twilight, Spike, and Soul, right?"

"Them, and the little one who's yet to come."

Dark smiled fondly at the thought of his family. "Well, Soul's out of school now, so I'm not really sure what he's got planned for his summer vacation."

"Hmmm. Probably to play with friends, perhaps he'll return home with a fillyfriend?"

"... I'm sorry, but although I don't do it much, I have to say that that wasn't a very good rhyme."

Zecora remained silent as she smirked and sipped at her tea.

"... okay, moving on I guess," Dark muttered, seeing Zecora smirking at him. "Anyway, Spike's recovering pretty well. He's healed up mostly, but his shoulder isn't quite healed up yet."

Zecora nodded. "If I may, I could provide him some ointment to help to speed up his recovery day."

"I'm sure he'd appreciate it very much. While he's been doing well with his right arm, he misses using both of them."

"I shall send a jar of it with you then. Now, what about the bun in the oven?"

Dark smiled brightly. "She and Twilight are resting up at the castle."

Zecora nearly spilled her tea at the news. "So the baby is a filly?"

"She is, and we're both happy for it."

"My sincerest congratulations my friend. I'm sure your daughter will bring you joy to no end."

"I'm sure she will," Dark chucked. A moment later, he remembered why he was here. "Oh, by the way, I wanted to give you this."

Reaching into his saddlebag, Dark pulled out a white envelope and handed it over to Zecora. Setting her tea down, she took the envelope and opened it to see the ornate invitation card to Dark's and Twilight's wedding next month.

"You've finally chosen a day I see," she happily said. "I am honored that you've come to deliver this personally."

"You're one of our closest friends, so I figured that you deserved it."

"Thank you. I take it that you've invited the other too?"

"Considering that our friends are all Twilight's bridesmaids, Spike, Big Mac, and Discord are gonna be some of my groomsstallions, and the Crusaders are gonna be our flower girls, I'd think that they'd get a free pass. And yes, that includes Granny Smith too."

Zecora nodded in understanding. "Well, I must thank you again. So, where are you off to then? I see you glancing at my clock, so I figure that this isn't your only stop."

Dark shook his head. "I'm sorry, Zecora, but it's not. I need to catch the train to Canterlot to give out a few more invitations. I'll probably be busy until sunset."

"I see. But still, it was nice for you to come and see me. Thank you for the invite, and I'll be sure to be there on that night."

"Thank you, Zecora," Dark thanked before walking around and giving her a friendly hug. "And thank you for the tea too. It was very good."

"You are most welcome, and don't forget the jar for Spike's shoulder problem."

With his thanks, Dark took the jar of ointment and placed it in his saddlebag. Giving her a wave goodbye, Dark left Zecora's hut. Figuring that he had enough time, Dark flew back to the castle and gave Spike the ointment for his shoulder before flying off to the train station. Landing and buying his ticket, he waited for the train to come around. When it came around and he boarded it, Dark took a seat and awaited for his ride to Canterlot. However, as the train started to pull away, his stomach started to growl in hunger. Groaning to himself, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a book on parenthood, deciding to read through it to keep his mind off of his hunger.

Several hours later up in Canterlot, Dark walked out of the train and into the busy train station. Looking around for a moment, he looked up into the air and took flight towards his next stop. While he had a few more places to go to, his hungry stomach wasn't willing to wait anymore. Remembering the spot he wanted to go to next, he flew off into the skies of Canterlot to his chosen place to eat, which also happened to be one of his required stops.

Finding the building, Dark landed in front of it and opened the door to the scent of freshly baked doughnuts. Inhaling deeply, Dark stood there for a moment and simply took in the scent of food.

"Well, this is a surprise."

Hearing that voice, Dark turned to see the storeowner behind the counter.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you in here," he called to Dark.

"Hi, Doughnut Joe. Yeah, I suppose it has been a while, huh? I'm actually surprised that you'd remember me."

"I remember all of my customers," he said proudly. "Now then, what can I do for you today?"

"Two things."


"First, I need two glazed twist doughnuts, and three baked doughnuts with chocolate frosting and sprinkles."

"Sure thing. Go take a seat and I'll get you your order."


Walking up to the counter, Dark sat at one of the stools and waited. Thankfully for him, the wait was short and Doughnut Joe returned with his order. Not wasting any time, Dark ate the first two doughnuts in one gulp before moving on to the next three.

"Wow, somepony was hungry," Joe commented.

"Yeah. Didn't have any lunch yet today."


Dark ate another doughnut before reaching into his saddlebag and pulling out an envelope.

"Here, this is for you."

"What is it?"

"Considering that Twilight's known you for a rather long time, we figured that you should have one."

Curious, Joe opened the envelope and began reading it. Once he did, he glanced back up at Dark in surprise.

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

"Yep. You'll be able to make it, right?"

"You bet I will! Thanks a lot for the invitation."

"No problem," Dark said, tossing the last two doughnuts in his mouth and gulping them down and patting his stomach. "Ahhh. Much better. Thanks a lot for the food."

"You're welcome, and thank you and Twilight for letting me come to your guys' wedding."

Nodding with a smile, Dark reached into his saddlebag and pulled out some bits to pay for his meal.

"Well, as nice as that was, I better get going," Dark said standing up. "Got a few more stops to make here in Canterlot. Have a nice day, Doughnut Joe, and we'll see you at the wedding."

"Yep. Have a nice day too, and congrats on getting married, and the kid."

With a wave, Dark left the store and took to the air once again. Trying to find his next stop, Dark few around the city for a while trying to find it. Despite being there before, he was finding it rather difficult with all of the ponies wandering around. Eventually, he found the place he was looking for and went in for a landing. Upon doing so, he pushed the door open and was suddenly thankful that he'd ate before coming in here. Ignoring the bell chiming above the door, and the rows of mouthwatering gems, Dark walked into the jewelry shop and up towards the counter.

"One moment please and I'll be right there," a voice called from the back.

"No rush," Dark called back.

A moment later, Dark heard the sound of clambering hooves and boxes falling before a familiar face poked from around the corner. Before Dark could react, he suddenly found himself tackled in a hug by the storeowner, Gem Cutter, as she squeed in delight.

"Congratulations!" she practically screamed.

"Heheh, thanks Gem Cutter," Dark thanked, returning the friendly hug.

Releasing Dark, Gem Cutter stepped back. "So tell me, how's she doing?"


"Princess Twilight? How's she doing?"

"Typical pregnancy symptoms, but they seem to be a little more subdued lately. Other than that, she's really happy and excited for the little one."

"Do you know if it's a colt or a filly yet? It's been a while since the news had spread about her being pregnant."

Dark smiled warmly. "We're having a little filly."

There was another squee as Gem Cutter started giddily hopping in place.

"Ooohh, I can't wait to see her!" she exclaimed. "I'll bet she'll be the most adorable little thing ever."

"I'm sure she will, but if it's alright, could you not tell anypony? We're trying to keep it to just friends and some family right now."

"You can count on me."

"Thanks. Also," Dark reached back into his saddlebag, "I believe that I made you a promise after I had that ring commissioned. So, this is for you."

Seeing Dark holding the envelope for her, Gem Cutter took it and opened it to read through. As she did, her eyes widened before looking up with a smile.

"Thank you for keeping your promise," she thanked, "and of course I'll come."

"Thanks. Twilight's been wanting to meet the mare who's been making the jewelry she's wearing. Speaking of which, how've you been doing lately?"

"Really good, thank you," Gem Cutter replied. "Actually, I had a rather unique customer come in one night before closing."


"Mhmm. I'm guessing that Princess Twilight wasn't the only alicorn you told me about?"

"No. Who came in?"

"Princess Luna. She was rather interested in the work I did with your gift to Princess Twilight, and asked if I could make something for herself."

"Sweet. How'd it go for you?"

Gem Cutter stood tall and proud. "While I was a bit nervous at first, I'm happy to say that Princess Luna was happy with my work for her."

"That's good to hear. Maybe I'll ask her about it when I visit her and Princess Celestia."

"You're going to see them?"

"Like Twilight and I wouldn't invite them to our wedding."

"... point taken."

"Yeah... anyway, it was nice seeing you again, but I better get going. More places to go and invitations to deliver."

"Okay. Have a safe trip, and I'll see you at the wedding."

"Yep. See you then."

Waving goodbye, Dark turned around and left the building. Sighing to himself, he took to the skies once again towards his next destination. Thankfully for him, he remembered the next one well, so it didn't take him long before he found the two story house that he was looking for. Landing down on the sidewalk, Dark walked up to the house and knocked on the door. A few moments later, he heard hoofsteps on the other side before the door opened up to Velvet.

"Umm, hi, mom," Dark said, still a little nervous at calling her that.

Immediately, Dark found himself in that motherly embrace of Velvet's.

"Hello, Dark," she warmly welcomed him. "Here, come on inside."

Following her, Dark walked in and sat his saddlebag off to the side. Relieved to have that extra weight removed, Dark groaned as he cracked his back.

"Come on in and take a seat."

Listing to her, Dark followed Velvet into the living room where Night was sitting in his chair with his newspaper. Seeing Dark walking in, he put it down on the lampstand and got up.

"Well now, this is unexpected," Night said, shaking Dark's claw. "So, what brings you here all alone? I figured that Twilight would be with you right now."

"She would, but she's sleeping in," Dark said before sitting on the couch and sighing in relief.

"Really?" Velvet questioned, taking a seat on the love couch. "Why would she be sleeping in so late? She didn't pull another all-nighter did she? She really shouldn't be doing that anymore since she's pregnant now."

"Huh? Oh, no. It's not that. She's just a bit exhausted from us writing the wedding invitations, and also helping with the nursery."

"So she's alright?"

"Yeah. She's just resting up. That, and she's also having a slumber party tonight, so I'm sure she's preparing for that as we speak."

"Alright, but then why are you here instead of helping her?" Night questioned.

"Well, somepony had to deliver the wedding invitations. Speaking of which," Dark lit his horn and levitated an invitation out from his saddlebag and over to Velvet's waiting hooves, "this is the reason why I came here to see you two."

"Oh, thank you, Dark," Velvet thanked before reading it over. "Oh, my. Next month?"

Dark shrugged. "Twilight's showing, so we wanted to have it before her baby bump got any bigger."

Velvet gasped. "Already?!"

"Yeah. She guessed that she's got your genetics in that regard."

"I'll admit that I when it came to being pregnant with Twilight and Shining that I would show early, but I didn't expect Twilight to be like that too."

"Neither did she. But, even though she's a little annoyed about showing so soon, she's really happy..."

"Something wrong, Dark?" Night asked.

"... can I ask you something?"

"I suppose."

"... is it weird that I find Twilight's baby bump cute, adorable, and precious, and that it somehow makes her look more radiant than ever to me?"

Night smiled and shook his head. "No, it doesn't sound weird. To be honest, I actually thought that myself when it came to my lovely Velvet looking like that."

"Darn right you did," Velvet said teasingly. "I remember how you would lay your head down by my pregnant belly and talk to our kids."

"Heh, I suppose that I'm partially guilty of that too then," Dark chuckled.

"You mean talking to your unborn foal?"

"Mhmm. Most recent would've been this morning before I left. Told the little one to behave for mommy while daddy was out."

Velvet cooed at that while Night smiled at his own memories.

For the next few hours they sat and caught up with their lives. As it turned out, news of Spike's fight with Garble had spread to Canterlot and the Crystal Empire, so Night and Velvet were glad to hear that Spike was doing well now. Dark went on to talk about Soul and how the Scaleless Dragons were doing fitting in with Ponyville. However, while they would've like to have continued talking, Dark still had a few more places to got to, on of which he needed their help with directions.

"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Velvet asked, standing at the door with Night as they walked Dark out.

"Sorry, but I still have a few more stops to make," Dark apologized. "Besides, I've never been in that area of Canterlot before, so I don't know how long it'll take me to find his house."

"I'm sure you'll be fine," she said before giving Dark a goodbye hug. "You be safe now, okay?"

"Yes, mom," Dark replied hugging her back. "See you at the wedding."

"See you then."

Letting Dark go, Velvet stepped aside for Night to shake Dark's claw before nodding him off. Once Dark was outside and the door was closed, Night sighed loudly.

"Something wrong, dear?" Velvet asked.

"I just can't believe it is all," Night said. "I mean, not only is our once reclusive daughter getting married, but she's also going to become a mother too."

"I know what you mean. It seems like just yesterday that she was a little filly lounging around in a fort of books in her bedroom."

"Yeah." Night gave a hollowed chuckle. "Really, for a while there, I thought that she would've married one of her books instead of finding somepony else."

"Well, she did, and I'm very happy for her."

"Yeah, me too."

Flying over Canterlot again, Dark headed towards the more upper-class area of the city. Unfamiliar with the area, Dark followed Velvet's instructions as best as he could, along with the ones that Twilight had given him. Between the two, Dark was able to find where he was suppose to go... after an hour of looking and getting turned around. Landing down in front of the giant white mansion, Dark took a moment to take the building in before he made his way down the walkway up to the door. Once there, he pulled on the rope, hearing the bell ringing inside the mansion. Several moments later, the door opened up to an older looking unicorn stallion wearing a black and white suit, who looked at Dark with a scrutinizing eye.

"Can I help you?" he asked with a haughty tone to his voice.

"Umm, hello, sir," Dark began, wondering if he'd gotten the wrong house. "I'm looking for Mr. Fancy Pants."

"Sorry, but the master is out right now. What business do you have with him?"

"Oh, well I was just hoping to give this to him," he answered, pulling out an envelope for Fancy Pants.

"Sorry, but we don't take letters from strange stallions. If you'd like, I could see about seting up an appointment for you in a couple of months."

Dark frowned and sighed as he slipped the invitation back into his saddlebag.

"Thanks, but I can't wait that long."

"In that case, there's nothing more I can do to help you. Good day, sir."

With that, the stallion closed the door. Standing there, Dark blinked at how he was just treated, being reminded of his life back in Stonewall Village. Though upset that he got snuffed like that, he didn't want to bother protesting it, finding that it would be a waste of time and energy. Grumbling, he turned around and flew up.

Maybe Princess Celestia can have it delivered to him, he thought as he flew over the streets of Canterlot before spotting a familiar pony. Ooor maybe not.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fancy Pants?" Dark called down, gaining Fancy Pants' attention. Seeing that it was indeed him, Dark landed and walked up to him.

"Ah, Mr. Dark. What brings you to Canterlot today?" he asked curiously.

"Delivering invitations," Dark answered him. "I was just at your house to see if you were there and give you your invitation, but you were gone and that stallion at the door said that he wouldn't receive it for you because I was a strange stallion."

"Ahh, now I understand. Apologies about Steward. He means well, but he does tend to lack tact at times. You'll forgive him, right? After all, he was just doing his job."

"I suppose. Anyway, would you be willing to accept the invitation I came to give you?"

"Of course, but might I ask as to what it's for?"

Dark smiled as he gave Fancy Pants his envelope. "It's our wedding invitation."

Fancy Pants shot his head up from the envelope in his hooves. "You mean your wedding to Princess Twilight?"

"Yep," Dark nodded. "The invitation also extends to Miss Fleur De Lis if she choses to come."

"Um... well, I must say that I wasn't expecting this."

Dark cocked his head in confusion. "Is everything alright? You seem a little jittery."

"Oh, no, it's nothing. I'm just surprised that you would want to invite us is all."

"Well, you two seemed like nice ponies when we spoke at the Hearth's Warming Eve Ball. That, and you two have been supportive of us since the beginning of our relationship when so many others weren't. So, I figured that you and Miss Fleur deserved to have one."

With his invitation held in his magic, Fancy Pants gave Dark a small bow.

"It would be a pleasure and honor to attend, Prince Dark," Fancy Pants said.

"Umm, if it's alright, Mr. Fancy Pants, could you please not call me that?" Dark asked, getting a somewhat confused look from him. "Besides not actually being one yet, I'd rather that my friends don't call me that. It just feels kinda weird."

"Ah, I see," he said understandably.

"Thank you, Mr. Fancy Pants."

"You're welcome, and please, just Fancy Pants."

Chuckling, Dark extended a claw, which Fancy Pants met with his hoof and shook.

"Thank you for taking the time to talk with me," Dark thanked.

"It was my pleasure, Dark," Fancy Pants said. "So then, if there's nothing else, then I suppose I'll see you at the wedding then?"

"Yep. See you then."

"Alright. Oh, and before I forget, congratulations on the foal."

"Thank you. Twilight and I are really looking forward to this."

Fancy Pants nodded. "And so are the rest of us. While they were a bit stubborn for a while there, the Canterlot Elite is starting to come around for you and Princess Twilight."

Dark sighed in relief. "That's good to hear. At least now we won't have to worry about letters of complaint from them anymore." He smiled and gave a nod. "While this has been nice, I better get going. Got a few more stops to make before nightfall hits."

"In that case, have a pleasant afternoon, Dark."

With a respectful bow, Fancy Pants continued on his path towards his house while Dark flew up and towards his next destination. However, unlike the previous one, this one was easy to spot. Smiling at the sight of it, Dark glided down and landed on the stairs leading up to the Coliseum doors. However, this had proven to be a mistake, for as soon as he landed, Dark found himself swarmed by fans of the current Coliseum Champion.

Surrounded by both ground and air, Dark sighed before he started addressing the fans around them, having to give them his autograph, or to take a picture with some of them. After a several long minutes of this, he was then saved by some of the Coliseum's security staff, who surrounded Dark and helped escort him inside. Once there, he saw the next pony he was looking for and approached him, the guards never leaving his side.

"Welcome home, Champion," he greeted Dark, having clearly noticed the commotion from the massive doorway.

"Thanks, First Strike," Dark thanked.

"So, what brings you here? Having another round with Shining Armor? Or perhaps you're wanting to see some of the matches for tonight?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but not tonight. I'm actually here to see you."

"Really now?"

With a nod, Dark reached into his saddlebag and gave First Strike an envelope.

"As much as I'd like to stay and talk some more, I'm not exactly in the mood to be swarmed by fans again anytime soon."

"Perfectly understandable. Just remember that you're welcome here whenever."

"Thanks, I will. Also, don't worry, the details are in there."

Confused, First Strike watched as Dark left the Coliseum with his escort before taking off into the sky. Looking back down to the letter in his hoof, he made his way back over to his station and opened it. As he read it, his eyes widened in surprise before reading it over to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Confirming that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, he sat the invitation down and leaned back in his chair with a chuckle.

Well now, I certainly didn't expect this, he thought with a smile. I'll have to thank him and Princess Twilight for this later. Hmmm... perhaps with their wedding gift?

Over at the castle gates, Dark landed and walked up to the two guards guarding the gate. However, before he got close enough, the guards stood at attention and saluted as he approached.

"Hello," Dark said to them.

"Welcome, Lord Dark," one of them greeted.

Here we go, Dark thought with a mental eye-roll. Guess I can't really blame them, though.

"Sorry to ask, but do you know if Anvil's down in the Underforge right now?"

"Sorry, sir, but we don't know," the other one answered.

"Alright. Thanks anyway, guys."

Walking past them, Dark entered the castle and began making his way towards the Underforge. Along the way, he ran into a group of guards patrolling the halls and asked them if they knew where Anvil would be, just to make sure. As it turned out, to his surprise, Anvil was currently in the dining hall with Celesta and Luna. Thanking them for the information, Dark made his way though the halls and towards the dining hall. Several minutes of traversing the halls later, Dark came to the pair of wooden doors and pushed them open to see Celestia and Luna eating with Anvil standing by the table.

"-I'm just not so sure about this, Yer Highness," Anvil said. "I mean, to have it reforged into something like that would be easy, but what about the guy that it belonged to before?"

"We know, Anvil," Luna spoke, "and that's why we would like it done. My sister and I both know that you could do it."

"Aye, I could do it in my sleep if I wanted to."

"Do what in his sleep?" Dark asked, earning him a yelp from Luna as she and the other two were taken by surprise by his sudden appearance.

"Oh, hey there, laddy," Anvil waved. "Nothing much. Oh, by the way, I have yer armor all done for ya."

"Finally. I was starting to wonder how much longer it was gonna take."

"Hey, yer the one who wanted to have a beast of an armor like that."

"... I didn't think it was that bad."

"Hah, says the one who made a Living Weapon by accident."

Dark shrugged. "Meh. Either way, I'm glad that it's all done with."

"Aye, me too. Anyway, I better get going. I'll send some of my lads to deliver ya yer armor, Dark."

"Alright, but before, you go." Dark reached in and pulled out an invitation for Anvil. "Here, this is for you."

Anvil looked over the envelope for a moment. "Thanks, but I'll have to read it later if ye don't mind."

"Nope. It's good."

"Thanks. Well then, have a nice night, and I'll see ya later, lad. Good night, Yer Highnesses."

With a bow, Anvil left the dining hall to Dark, Celestia, and Luna. With them alone, Dark looked back to the two princesses before giving them an apologetic look.

"Sorry. I didn't just interrupt something, did I?" Dark meekly asked.

"Not at all, Dark," Celestia dismissed. "We were just talking to anvil about something we asked him to make."


"So, what brings you here at this hour?"

"Sorry I didn't let you know ahead of time, Princess, but I wanted to come and drop these off for you two."

Dark used his unicorn magic and levitated a pair of invitations out before giving them to Celestia and Luna.

"What are these?" Luna asked, looking over the sealed envelope.

"Your wedding invitations of course," Dark said with a chuckle.

"I see," Celestia smiled. "I thought that I wasn't getting one since I was presiding over it?"

"At first maybe, but plans change."

"Speaking of plans," Luna began, "it's nice to finally have an official date set."

"Yeah, you can thank Twilight's baby bump for that."

Celestia's eyes darted from her invitation over to Dark. "Her what?"

"Twilight is showing so soon?" Luna asked in surprise.

"Huh... I kinda thought that you would know, Princess Luna," Dark said. "Twilight and I thought that you'd looked into our dreams lately and saw it."

"No, I haven't."

"... oh. Sorry for assuming that then. But yes, Twilight's starting to show, much like how her mom when she was pregnant with her and Shining."

"Ah, I see now," Celestia nodded understandably. "Guess Twilight inherited more than just her mother's looks."

"Speaking of Twilight and your foal," Luna began, "do you know what it is yet in terms of race and gender?"

Dark smiled. "Yes and yes."

"Wonderful! Care to share with us?"

"Sure. Now, with her race, according to the ultrasound, it's looking like she's gonna be a kirin with pegasi wings."

While the news about the foal being a kirin wasn't much of a surprise, Celestia caught one word that did.

"You said 'she'," she noted, her smile beginning to grow. "Does this mean that you two are having a filly?"

Upon seeing Dark nodding, Celestia and Luna both got up and pulled Dark into a joyful hug.

"This is most wondrous news!" Luna exclaimed. "Once again we shall be receiving another new Princess of Equestria!"

"Uh... Princess... can't... breath..."

Realizing they where squeezing him to death, Celestia and Luna let go of Dark, allowing for him to regain some much needed air.

"Apologies," Luna apologized. "We are just overjoyed to hear about the little one, right, Celestia?"

"That we are," she giggled. "At least now we know what to add to the nursery."

"Indeed. I shall have it started on right away."

"Actually," Dark interjected, "if it's alright, Twilight and I are trying to keep our daughter's gender a secret for now."

"In that case, would you like for us to wait then?"

"Yes please. This also goes for Twilight's parents too."

"Really?" Celestia questioned. "Why don't you want them to know?"

"Because Twilight wants for us to be together when we tell them."

"Ah. I see now." Celestia turned back to her chair and sat down with Luna following suit. "Since you're here, would you care to stay and have some dinner with us?"

Dark smiled and politely waved a claw. "Thank you for the offer, but I shouldn't."

"Why not?" Luna asked.

"Twilight's got a slumber party going on tonight and would like for me to be there. Don't really know why, though. She wasn't very specific about it."

"But you are waiting on your armor, though, right?" Celestia questioned with a small smirk. "So in the end, you'll have to stay here until they bring it up for you."

"... if you're sure about it."

"We are."

Dark shrugged. "If you say so. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a small bite to eat."

Giving in, Dark listened to Celestia and Luna and joined them for dinner, but limited his own food to an appetizer. About five minutes later of going through the wedding plans with them, the doors opened up to a pair of gruff looking unicorns levitating something behind them. And though no one could see beneath the cloth that was draped over it, they all knew what it was.

Getting up from his spot, Dark went over and took a peek beneath the drapes to see his prize. Smiling at how well it had turned out, Dark wasted no time in sending his armor into his Shadow Storage.

"Thanks a lot for bringing this, guys," Dark thanked the two smiths, who nodded in return before taking their leave.

"So, I take it that it turned out like you'd hoped?" Celestia asked.


"I have to admit that it's a rather unusual armor that you've requested," Luna said.

"You've seen it already?"

"We both have, actually."

"It is a rather... unique, looking armor," Celestia said with hint of unease. "If we didn't know of your strength already, Luna and I would probably had suggested you requested something lighter."

"Truly. I also look forward to seeing how it looks."

"We'll see," Dark said to them. "To be honest, I don't plan on using this armor unless I think it's necessary. Kinda like my two Living Weapons."

"Probably a good idea," Celestia agreed. "Some ponies might be unnerved upon seeing such intimidating armor."

"I suppose so," he said with a small chuckle. "Well, I'm sorry to have to do this to you two, but I better get back home. Don't wanna get Twilight upset because I'm late now."

"No, I suppose that wouldn't be good. Take care, Dark, and we'll see you soon."

"Indeed," Luna nodded. "Farewell or now, Dark."

"Goodbye, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna."

With a bow, Dark used his magic to Shadwport away. Thanks to the darkness of Luna's night, Dark was able to use it to Shadowport himself directly from the castle in Canterlot, back to Ponyville. Reappearing on the doorsteps, Dark took a moment to breath in the crisp night air before entering into the castle.

Setting the saddlebag off to the side for now, Dark stretched briefly before making his way over to the library to meet up with Twilight and their friends. Several minutes later, Dark pushed the doors open to see Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy sitting on the couches, each looking at him with mixed expressions. However, besides the strange looks they were giving him, it was Twilight who stood out the most.

"Uhh, Twilight? Are you okay?" Dark asked, concern evident in his voice as he approached her and the others.

"... yes... I'm fine," she nervously replied. "Why?"

"Since when did you start wearing glasses?"

"Since forever?"

"... really? Because I don't ever remember you wearing them before."

"Well, I have," she huffed in annoyance.

Seeing that she was getting upset with him, Dark decided to play it safe, figuring it to be one of her mood swings.

"Sorry, sweetie. I'm just not used to seeing you like that is all."

Twilight blushed and looked away. "I-It's... it's fine."

Seeing that cute blush on her face, and knowing that he was forgiven, Dark smiled and approached Twilight. Cupping her cheek with his claw, Dark turned her to face him and planted a soft kiss on her lips, earning him a yelp of surprise from her... and a sudden smack across the face. Recoiling from suddenly being hit like that, Dark brought a claw up to the sore spot where she'd hit him and gaped at her in confusion and sadness.

"T-Twilight? Wha-What was that for?" he shakily asked.

"Because you just up and kissed me you pervert!" she shouted.

"Per- Twilight, what's going on here?"

"Dark?" Hearing that familiar voice coming from behind him, Dark turned around to see Twilight standing in the doorway with their friends. "What's going on here?"

"Wait! What?!" Dark said in confusion, looking between Twilight and friends at the doorway, and Twilight and friends sitting on the couches. "What's happening?! Is this one of Discord's tricks?!"

"You didn't tell him?"

Hearing the new and familiar voice, Dark watched as a light-amber unicorn mare walked up from behind Twilight. Recognizing the teal eyes and red and yellow mane, Dark darted his eyes between the Twilight standing in the door, and the one sitting down. Now actually taking a look at the one sitting on the couch, Dark could see that that Twilight was a unicorn instead of an alicorn, her mane was done back in a ponytail, and most importantly, that she wasn't pregnant like his Twilight was. Gulping at the mistake he'd just made, Dark looked back from Twi to whom he suspected the unicorn to be.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Dark cautiously asked, gaining a smile from her.

"Hey, Dark. Long time, huh?" Sunset asked with a chuckle.

"... what are you doing here?"

"Well, we did talk about her and the others coming over to visit, remember?" Twilight reminded him.

"So," Sunset began, "what's with all the commotion in here?"

"He kissed me!" Twi shouted angrily, causing Sunset to glare at Dark.

"You kissed my girlfriend?!"

Hearing this new bit of information about their relationship, Dark's pupils shrank as Sunset approached him.

"Wait, Sunset! I can explain!"

Author's Note:

If you recall back in Chapter 61, Pinkie was listing off those who were being shipped and said Twilight's name twice. As you now see, that wasn't a typo.

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