• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 16,151 Views, 1,786 Comments

Of Flame and Shadow - Garuda IV

Dark Flame was a young stallion of the mining village, Stonewall. But after a dragon thought to be of myth attacks, Dark becomes the only survivor and now attempts to remake his life. However, his past isn't willing to let him go so easily.

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Chapter 74- Unwelcome Visitors

Since the Scaleless Dragons arrived in Ponyville, three days have passed. Since then, they would take turns on keeping an eye on both Dark, and Aurora's egg. Of course, Dark didn't think it necessary with his Shadow Wraiths all but swarming the castle, but they weren't having any of it. While one would watch over them, the others would find something to do around town. As they each went around town looking for something to do, they soon split off.

Aero found herself heading back to the schoolhouse to assist Cheerilee with her teaching, hoping to further find herself comfortable with getting over her unease of larger crowds. She also managed to befriend Fluttershy to the point where the pony wasn't shaking in fear of her, and seemed to have formed a sort of bond when she started talking to her about her problems with crowds. Of course, Fluttershy sympathized with her as she used to have similar problems herself.

Aques, while finding the lake behind the castle to sleep in, decided to remain living in Twilight's Castle instead, thanks to Pinkie introducing her to the waterbed. While it wasn't quite the same as falling asleep in the water, she found herself quite comfortable with how the bed moved and sounded beneath her, along with the added benefit of having silky-smooth bedsheets covering her without them becoming wet and heavy. However, unlike Aero, Aques didn't travel out that much, instead opting to remain by Twilight's side. While her intent was to look after her and her growing baby, she also found herself assisting her and reading with her, much to her surprise and delight.

Fissure, much like Aero, spent most of his time outside of the castle. While he would usually be found near or inside Dark's forge, he often found himself wandering through the trees of Sweet Apple Acres. During his first time out there by himself, he was spotted by Applejack, who he decided to remain with and watch her work while exchanging stories. As he watched her applebuck, he would pay attention to how she and the trees would interact and smile. Granted that Fissure knew the force behind her bucking, but he also knew that while she was being hard, she was also precise, and in a way, gentle, with how she bucked the trees, making sure to buck them with just enough force for them to drop their apples, but not enough to actually hurt the tree. After his second time visiting, he even offered Applejack his help, whether it be helping in knocking the apples out of the trees, or pulling the cart.

Now, with Pyre, even with his siblings there with him, not much had really changed for him. Granted that he was a little happy to have them all back together again under the same roof, but with the amount of time he'd spent living in Ponyville now, he wasn't all that interested in going out and meeting new ponies. Instead, during the days off of guarding Aurora's egg and Dark, he would focus on his training sessions with Dark and Spike, the latter of the two also having taken magic lessons from Twilight. While his lessons with her were going better with him being able to levitate heavier objects now, he would also do his own personal training, one that would generally ended up sending a tremor through the castle from a magically reinforced room that Twilight had made in the basement near her lab for when it came to testing some of her more explosive and unstable experiments.

Going into the forth day of Ponyville having its newest family of siblings, the sun rose to awaken each of them, and while some were willing to rise with the sun, others weren't. With her yawning loudly, Aques stretched before slowly moving to comb her coat down. Once she was done, she left her bedroom to see Fissure, Aero, and Pyre with Aurora's egg, leaving their own rooms.

"Good morning," Aero tiredly greeted them, earning a tired reply from Pyre and Fissure, but a little more of an upbeat one from Aques.

Stifling another yawn, Aero walked down the hall and knocked on Spikes door to wake him up for breakfast. When she didn't get a reply, she knocked again, but still, nothing. Curious, she cracked the door open and peeked inside to see a large lump beneath the blanket of his bed basket steadily rising and falling. Sighing and shaking her head, she quietly closed the door and followed the others down to the kitchen to eat. When they reached the kitchen, they were all pleasantly surprised to see both Dark and Twilight already starting on breakfast for all of them.

"Good morning," Twilight welcomed them. "How's everyone doing today?"

"Tired," Aero groaned half-asleep. "Do you have any of that coffee?"

"Yep, got a fresh batch of coffee ready for you guys," Dark answered while working the stove. "Hey, Twilight, could you get it for them please? I'm kinda busy with breakfast at the moment."

Knowing how Aero felt and listening to Dark, Twilight brought a mug of coffee over to her and watched as she partially inhaled it. Noticing that Fissure and Pyre where acting the same too, Twilight levitated them both a mug of their own for them to drink.

"Ahh. Much better," Pyre said after taking a few sips.

"Yes, much," Fissure agreed.

"So, Twilight," Aero began, "does Spike usually sleep in?"

"Yes, but considering that it's also a Sunday, he might not be up for a while yet," she answered her. "Why?"

"No reason. I just saw him still asleep and just though that I'd ask is all."

"I understand." Twilight closed her eyes and smiled. "Also, besides it being the weekend, I doubt that he'll want to get up anyway."

Back up in his bedroom, Spike was flat on his back as he slept. With the extra personal training he did yesterday, he was more tired than he'd thought he would. However, even though his fatigue from his own practicing had tired him out almost to the point of passing out, it was all worth it. While he did manage to reach his goal, it was flawed and still needed a lot of work, which was being made that much harder by him trying to keep what he'd been working on a secret, while also having to explain why the floor, walls, and even himself, were covered in black scorch marks. Thankfully, though, his excuse of wanting a safe place to practice his magic while being close to home, was enough for Twilight to get behind. It also had the added benefit that it was also true too.

However, while he was tired from his practicing and was ready to relax for the rest of the day, three certain fillies had other plans. With them wanting to hang out with him, Spike allowed for them to stay as he led them up to his room to talk and play some board games together. As time passed with the four of them having fun and losing track of time, Spike did his best to stay awake for them, but his exhaustion had finally caught up to him, causing him to pass out where he sat.

Seeing him asleep like that, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo each helped put Spike to bed before they started packing up the game. With Spike asleep and it starting to get late outside, the three each found themselves tired as they dragged their hooves half-asleep out of Spike's room and down the hallway. But before they could get to the stairway, Twilight came up and was surprised to see them still there, having thought that they'd left already. Hearing their explanation, and being tired herself, Twilight offered for them to stay the night before she left to write their sisters a letter and teleport them off.

With Twilight's permission, they each gave a tired cheer before turning around and heading back. While there were plenty of spare rooms for them to pick from, there was only one that they all wanted to be in right now. Making their way back and closing the door behind them, the three made their way over to Spike's bed basket and crawled in with him with Sweetie Belle snuggling on top of him, and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo on his sides. With each of them having a part of Spike to sleep with, they were all quick to fall asleep.

Now feeling rested and curious about the unexpected weight covering him, Spike cracked an eye open to see a familiar curly pink and light-purple mane with a white horn poking out of it. Immediately recognizing who this was, Spike tried to move his arms to hug her, but felt an extra weight on them too. Rolling his eyes at himself, he looked around to see Apple Bloom and Scootaloo using his shoulders as their pillows while cuddling with his arms.

Smiling softly at them, Spike leaned his head down and planted a kiss on Sweetie Belle's head, causing her to stir and moan from being woken up. Shifting her head, Sweetie Belle looked tiredly up and smiled when she saw Spike smiling back.

"Good morning, Spike," she yawned.

Chuckling, Spike planted a peck on Sweetie Belle's lips. "And a good morning to you too. Not that I'm not happy to see you and the others, but what are you girls doing here?"

Sweetie Belle sighed tiredly and nuzzled the crook of Spike's neck. "Apparently we lost track of time last night, so Twilight let us stay here for the night."

Humming, Spike laid his head back down on his pillow and relaxed. "I'll have to thank her for letting you girls stay."

Sweetie Belle was about to speak, but a groan off to her left silenced her.

"Spike? Sweetie?" Scootaloo tiredly grumbled. "Go back to bed you two. It's too early to be up on a weekend."

"Especially after how long we were up till last night," Apple Bloom groggily added.

With another chuckle, Spike leaned his head over and kissed Apple Bloom and Scootaloo on the head.

"Sure, that sounds like-"

*Bang... Bang... Bang*

"Hey, Spike! Time for you to get up already. Foods getting cold."

Spike gave a throaty growl. "Does he have to do that?" he asked in annoyance. "Seriously. Pyre doesn't need to be that loud or obnoxious when waking me."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle sighed in agreement. "I wish that it was Aero. At least she's nice."

"Either way, there's no way we'll be able to go back to sleep now," Scootaloo grumbled.

"At least we'll have time when summer vacation comes around," Apple Bloom reminded them.

Scootaloo smiled. "Now there's something to look forward to."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle piped. "Just four more weeks and we'll be all done with school, and have more time to spend with Spike."

"And I'm looking forward to it," he said, trying to affectionately nuzzle them. "Sorry, I'd hug you girls right now, but you two are kinda hogging my arms."

Giggling, Apple Bloom leaned up to share a kiss with Spike before she let his arm go to stand up and stretch. Soon after, Scootaloo mimicked her actions before she too got up, minus the giggling. Finally, after giving him a kiss of her own, Sweetie Belle carefully got off of Spike, allowing for him to get up.

Seriously, how'd I get so lucky as to have the three of them? Spike smiled to himself in thought before standing up and stretching. "Well, we better get going. Besides not wanting to have to listen to Pyre pounding on my door again, I could go for something to eat... but first, I need to use the bathroom. You girls go on ahead and I'll catch up with ya at breakfast."

Jogging past the Crusaders, Spike made his way to the bathroom, unaware of the looks he was getting on his way out.

"Umm, am Ah seein' things, or is it just me?" Apple Bloom wondered out loud.

"Nope, it's not just you," Scootaloo answered.

"You think he's okay?" Sweetie Belle asked with a hint of worry.

"Why would ya think that?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"Well, it's just that before we started going out with him, he was shorter than us."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded. "Uh-huh."

"And when we three started going out with him, he suddenly grew a little and was at eye-level with us."


Sweetie Belle's cheeks were tinted red now. "And now, sometime between now and Hearts and Hooves Day, Spike's grown to the point where we actually have to look up a little bit to look him in the eyes."

"Okay, so Spike's grown," Apple Bloom mused, "but doesn't he also look a little..."

"Slimmer?" Scootaloo guessed.

"Yeah, exactly."

"Yeah, I saw it too. But not only does he seem to be taller and slimmer, but did you girls feel his muscles too?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "I thought I was just imagining it at first, but I definitely noticed it."

The three turned to the open doorway.

"Guess that training of his with Pyre's paid off," Scootaloo commented.

"And him helpin' Dark out in the forge," Apple Bloom added.

"And his magic lessons with Twilight," Sweetie Belle further added.

"He's probably lost some of that baby fat with his growing up, too," Scootaloo thought.

Silently nodding in agreement, the three left Spike's room and made for the kitchen.

"Sooo," Apple Bloom slowly began, "do any of ya think that anypony else will notice?"

"Spike! What happened to you?!"

After using the bathroom, Spike found himself munching away at his breakfast with Twilight hovering just beside him with a look of wonder and worry, while Dark, the Crusaders, and the others were all gathered around.

"What are you talking about, Twilight?" Spike questioned.

"What do you mean 'what are you talking about'? Look at you! You've grown again!"

Actually taking the time to look himself over, Spike began to notice that everything seemed to be a little bit smaller.

Huh, so I wasn't imagining it after all, he thought. "Well, that's neat."

"That's nea- girls!" Twilight turned to face the Crusaders. "Do any of you three know what happened to him?"

"Sorry, Twilight, but we don't," Sweetie Belle answered.

"We went ta bed with him lookin' just fine," Apple Bloom began.

"But then we woke up with him suddenly looking like this," Scootaloo finished.

"Really?" Twilight questioned. "That's it? Nothing happened last night that could've caused this?"

They all shook their heads before Sweetie Belle began answering again.

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but we don't know. We all played some board games, Spike fell asleep, we put him to bed, was about to leave until you told us we could stay the night here, and fell asleep with Spike."

Twilight turned back to spike. "Really?"

"She's telling the truth," Spike answered. "I fell asleep last night looking normal, then I woke up like this. By the way, thanks for doing that for me, girls."

"You're welcome," the Crusaders all replied in unison.

"And you're not worried about it?" Twilight questioned him.

"Hey, I'm just happy that I'm starting to grow up."

"Not this fast you shouldn't! How do we even know if this is safe for you?"

"Stop your worrying, he'll be fine," Pyre told her.

"Why shouldn't I be worried? Spike shouldn't be growing this quickly!"

"It's because of how far behind in his growth he was. Yes, he does seem to be growing unnaturally quickly, but now that he's getting close to being caught up to where he's suppose to be, thanks to these three fillies, he should start to grow at a more natural and steady pace."

Twilight looked over Spike with unease. "So, he's going to be alright?"

"Yes," Pyre huffed with an eye-roll.

Aques placed a reassuring claw on Twilight's shoulder. "Don't worry, dear. Pyre knows what he's talking about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. This isn't the first time we've had a late bloomer."

"She's right," Aero agreed. "You trust us, right?"

"Of course I do," Twilight answered. "It's just that I'm a bit concerned that Spike might be growing up too fast too soon, and that it might actually be unhealthy for him."

"We understand Twilight," Aques began, "but we assure you that you have nothing to worry about."

Twilight gave a heavy sigh before she started to relax herself. "Alright. If you three say that he'll be fine... I'll trust you on this."

Aques and Aero both gave Twilight a hug.

"Thank you," Aero thanked.

"Sure," Twilight said with a nod. A few seconds later after they broke their hug, a question came to her. "Hey, what about his magic?"

"That, I don't know," Pyre answered her. "I've only seen two others of Spike's kind, so I don't know much about them. His magic might've increased along with his growth, or it may not have."

"Either way, I'm perfectly fine with how I am," Spike chimed, finishing up the last bite of food on his plate with a belch. "Ahh, thanks for the food, Twilight, Dark."

"You're welcome, Spike," Twilight answered.

"Yeah, what she said," Dark said.

Sighing in relief, Spike stood up from his chair and stretched.

"Hey, Sweetie, Apple Bloom, Scoots?"

"Yes?" they replied.

"What do you three think about a picnic lunch today?"

They each eagerly nodded in agreement.

"Sure, Spike. Where at?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"That, I'm leaving up to you three."

They hummed to themselves in thought before huddling up to talk about it. About a minute later, they broke with their decision made.

"Would it be okay if we had it at the clubhouse?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure," Spike shrugged. "I don't see why it wouldn't be okay. So then, I'll see you girls around noon?"

With a nod from each of them, they all got up from their seats and went on over to give Spike a group hug.

"Alright, girls," Twilight began, "why don't you three head on home. I'm sure your families will be wanting to see you again before the morning is over with. Especially since you three staying over last night was so last minute."

"Okay, Twilight."

With a goodbye hug from Spike, they each made their way out of the castle and towards their homes. Once she was sure they were gone, Twilight sighed and took a seat at the table with Dark right beside her.

"Hey, you doing alright?" he asked with a nuzzle.

"Yeah. Just a little tired is all," she said with a groan. "And it's not even close to noon yet."

"You wanna go take a nap?"

Stifling a yawn, Twilight nodded and stood up. "I'll be in our room if anyone needs me."

Dark got up and followed alongside her. "You want me to come with you and keep you company?"

With a smile, Twilight closed her eyes and leaned against Dark as they continued down the halls.

"I wouldn't mind it at all."

Outside the castle, three sets of eyes were tracking the Crusaders as they made their way through town with a set of stolen binoculars. Once the Crusaders split up to go to their homes, three eyes retreated back into their tree.

"Looked like they were going to be meeting up at the farm pony's home," one of them said.

"How do you know that?" another questioned, earning him a smack on the head.

"I can read their lips, idiot."

"So, what's the plan then?" the third wondered. "Are we gonna just sit and wait for them then ambush them and take them hostage there?"

There as a moment of silence as the first one looked over the third.

"You know what? That'll work just fine. Nice thinking," he complimented. "Good to know that one of you isn't an idiot and can think."

"I don't get paid to think," the second one said.

"You're not getting paid anyway. Now, let's go back and hide out in that apple orchard. While we're there, we'll help ourselves to some apples until they show up."

"And what about when the runt gets there?" the third one asked.

"We'll be out of there with those fillies by the time he gets there. By the way, did you write the note?"

The third held a piece of parchment in his claw. "All done. Also included the location where you're wanting him to meet us."

"Good." He rubbed his claws in anticipation. "By the time I'm finished with Spike, he'll regret having turned against me. And when he's laying dead in the middle of the street where all of his pony friends can see him, I'll take those three for myself. They should make for decent slaves for me."

"And what about the Scaleless Dragons?" the second one questioned, causing the first one to facepalm in exasperation.

"How many times do I need to go over this with you?! It doesn't matter what kind of dragon they are. No dragon is allowed to interfere when the challenge is issued."

"Alright, but what about after?" the third wondered. "What's to stop them from coming after us? The code won't protect us after the challenge is finished."

"It does with this new update before we were sent. With this new addition to the code, no dragon will be able to touch us until we return home. And when we do, we'll be under the protection of my old dragon."

"And what about the ponies? They won't be affected by the code like we dragons will."

"True, but they won't risk attacking us, especially when they learn that my old dragon is the Dragon King. You know, international stuff and blah, blah, blah."

"... even so, I'm still not so sure about this plan."

"Good thing I wasn't asking for your opinion then. Now shut up and let's get moving."

A few hours later, Spike was in the kitchen getting ready to make him and the Crusaders some lunch. With him alone for the moment as he began gathering things up, he began thinking back to what Twilight was wondering about his magic increasing with his growth. Curious, Spike stood back and lit his claws with his green aura of magic. Focusing, he opened a few of the cupboards and levitating what he needed out with better control than what he had before.

Huh, so far it looks like Twilight was right after all, he thought as he continued to levitate sandwich materials out in front of him.

Wanting to see just how much better at his magic he was, Spike began to levitate multiple items at once with precision, much like he'd seen Twilight do so many times before. A few minutes of practicing his levitation later, Spike had their lunch made and placed it in the picnic basket he left on the table. Once it was filled up, he used his magic again and levitated it off of the table and into his waiting claw.

"This is so sweet," he said to himself gleefully. "If my magic is this much stronger, then my lessons with Twilight should be bumped up a bit."

With his picnic basket in his claw and a hop in his step, Spike whistled as he walked towards the doors to leave the castle to meet up with the Crusaders for their picnic at their clubhouse.

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were all sitting in the clubhouse waiting for Spike to show up for their picnic lunch together.

"How much longer?" Scootaloo groaned out of boredom.

"It shouldn't be too long now," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Good. Because I'm hungry enough as it is."

"Suppose we should've gotten somethin' ta snack on when we came here," Apple Bloom said.

"Well, there's plenty of apples to much on."

"But then it would ruin our appetite for the lunch Spike's bringing us," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Ah know, but like Scoots, Ah'm gettin' kinda hungry," Apple Bloom said. A second later, they suddenly went silent as she and Scootaloo both heard a loud growl. With a smirk, they looked to the source, being a blushing Sweetie Belle, and her stomach. "And it seems like we're not the only ones."

"Can you blame me? You girls know what Spike's cooking is like, so why not wait for it?

"Maybe, but gettin' hungrier than a pig that's gone a few days without slop isn't very healthy for ya."

"Or smart," Scootaloo added.

"Alright," Sweetie Belle sighed in defeat. A few moments of silence later, she spoke back up. "Hey, what should we do after we're all done eating lunch?"

Apple Bloom tapped her chin in thought before she turned to Scootaloo. "Ah got nothin' so far. What about you, Scoots?"

Scootaloo shrugged. "Personally, I wouldn't mind some cuddling time."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both snapped their heads towards Scootaloo with widened eyes.

"Sorry, Ah don't think Ah heard ya right," Apple Bloom said as she began cleaning out her ears. "Did you just say that ya wanted ta cuddle?"

Scootaloo tilted her head. "Yeah, so?"

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked.


"Oh come on, Scootaloo. You hardly ever want snuggles."

"Maybe not before all of this started, but thanks to you two and Spike, I actually don't mind some cuddle time."

"But isn't mushy stuff like that not awesome or cool?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"Hey, our coltfriend is a hot magical dragon who's super popular in the Crystal Empire. I think that anything involving him would be considered awesome, whether it might be considered mushy or not. Not to mention that hot bod he's starting to grow into."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both blushed as they thought about Spike's new body.

"Okay, you got us there," Sweetie Belle admitted.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom agreed. "Now that y'all mention it, Ah wouldn't mind spendin' some more time with him like that too."

"Hey, how big do you think Spike's gonna grow?" Scootaloo wondered. "You girls don't think he's gonna be as big as when he had that growth spurt on his birthday, do you?"

"He might."

"Either way, Ah doubt that anypony would wanna mess with any of us if it meant havin' ta deal with Spike," Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle giggled while Scootaloo snickered. Seconds later, they heard the sound of claws against the wooden ramp before hearing a loud knock on the door to their clubhouse.

"Speaking of Spike," Sweetie Belle began before going to the door and opening it. "Hi, Spike. We were wondering when you would..."

Sweetie Belle's words died off when she saw that it wasn't Spike standing at the door, but a taller red one with wings and orange spines. Seeing this unfamiliar dragon, Sweetie Belle instinctively tried closing the door shut on him, but he already had his foot in the door. Now scared, Sweetie Belle ran back with the others and looked to the opened window. They were about to jump out of it and have Scootaloo float them down to safety, but another male dragon blocked it off, this one being a thin purple one with dark-purple spines, and blond hair that just covered his eyes.

With their other escape rout blocked off, and the red one blocking off the door, the Crusaders began throwing the stuff in their clubhouse at him. While most of their stuff was brushed off, it was the table that had hit him in the face that sent him in a momentary daze. Having an opening, they each ran past him to escape, but not before Apple Bloom bucked the back of his knee and sent him falling forward. Leaving him behind, the Crusaders each ran down the ramp and were about to make for Scootaloo's scooter and wagon, but skidded to a halt when they saw a heavy brown dragon with blue horns and a clubbed tail blocking their path to it.

Backing up, they were about to turn around and run for Apple Bloom's house, but where stopped when the purple one nabbed Sweetie Belle by the back of the neck, and the brown one grabbed Apple Bloom and Scootaloo the same way. Struggling to get free, they tried to kick, flap, and blast their way free, but their grip on them was too strong.

"Pesky little ponies," the red one growled as he walked out of the clubhouse with a small limp in his step. Stopping in front of them, he glared at each of the fillies before addressing the purple one. "You got the letter, right?"

He reached back behind him and pulled out a furled scroll. "Right here."

"Good." Taking the scroll, the red one walked back up into the clubhouse and tossed the scroll in the middle of the room. "Now that that's done, let's get out of here and get over to that village. I want every one of those ponies to see this."

Taking the lead, the red one flew up over the orchard with the other two following behind with the Crusaders in their grips. As they were being taken away against their will, the Crusaders each tried to cry out for help, but a brief squeeze of their neck was all that they needed to be told to stay silent. Scared for their lives and what these three dragons might do to them, they each squeezed their eyes shut while trying to stave off their fearful tears. Unfortunately, thanks to them having their eyes closed, they didn't notice Spike walking below them, completely unaware of what was flying up above him.

Making his way through the apple orchard, Spike walked along with a picnic basket in his claw. While he was looking forward to this picnic with his three fillyfriends, he also didn't want to appear too excited and decided to take his time. When the clubhouse did come into view, he continued walking up to it, but noticed the unusual silence. Brushing it off as them being quiet to surprise him with something, Spike walked up the ramp to the clubhouse and knocked on the door.

"Hey, girls, I'm here," he called out through the door, only to get silence in return. "Sweetie? Apple Bloom? Scoots? Are you girls there?"

Getting no answer again, Spike shrugged and grabbed ahold of the doorknob. Turning it and opening the door, Spike walked in expecting to see his fillyfriends, but instead was met with a disorganized room with broken pictures, podium, and furniture, including the table. Curious as to why the Crusades would leave their own clubhouse like this, Spike sat his picnic basket down and walked further in. As he looked around the room filled with broken glass and splintered wood, a single scroll sitting in the center of it all was what caught his attention.

Did they get into a bad argument or something? he mentally asked himself.

Gulping at what the Crusaders probably wrote, Spike picked up the scroll and unfurled it. When he started reading it, his pupils shrank and his breath quickened. While he was scared from reading how Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were foalnapped and wanted Spike to meet them in the middle of Ponyville if he wanted to see them again, it was the name at the bottom of the letter that truly frightened him.

Garble's here in Ponyville!? he thought in a panic. "No. No, no, no, no, no..."

Spike started to hyperventilate now at the thought of the three most important fillies in the world being taken away by someone like Garble. However, along with that overwhelming sense of fear, there was another that began to surface. It started out slowly, but soon enough, Spike's sense of fear was replaced with a mixture of protectiveness, and most dangerous of all, anger.

Growling with his flames licking the corners of his maw, Spike turned around and booked it out of the clubhouse for the castle. As much as he wanted to confront Garble and save his three fillyfriends, he would first need some gear from his bedroom.

Throwing the doors to the castle open, Spike ran through the halls and up the stair, completely ignoring Fissure and Aques as they walked past him by the entrance. Coming to his bedroom door, Spike threw it open hard against the wall and ran inside. Running over to his chest sitting off in a corner, Spike began rummaging through it until he found what he was looking for.

Adjusting the leather belt, Spike buckled it on his waist and reached in for a cylindrical-shaped object. Clicking the small button on the side of it, the ends shot out into a metal staff.

Guess I'll have to use it after all, Spike thought, pressing the button again and setting his retractable staff in the holster on his belt.

Turning his attention back into his chest, Spike began to pull out a few smoke bombs that he placed into the small satchel on his belt before heading back in.


Hearing Twilight's tired voice, Spike lifted his head out of the chest and looked to see her, Dark, Fissure, and Aques coming into his room.

"What's going on?" Twilight tiredly asked. "You're being awfully loud."

"It's that," he simply said, pointing to the letter laying on the floor behind him.

Using her magic, Twilight levitated it up for her and the others to read. When they did, they each bore an expression of worry and unease.

"Spike, is this-"

"The same Garble from the Great Dragon Migration?" Spike finished for Twilight. "Yes, it is."

"But how?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. Right now, he's got my girls, and I'm going to get them back."

"Not alone you aren't. We're coming to help you."

"Thanks, but I got this."

"But, Spike-"

"No, Twilight!" Spike snapped, his face contorted in anger while his eyes began to water. "I'm not going to have you fight my battles. I'm not the same helpless little dragon that I was the last time we faced off. Now, I'm bigger, stronger, have magic and a weapon, and I'm going to save my fillyfriends!"

Spike maintained his gaze on Twilight as she just stood there and processed Spike's words. When a moment went by without her saying anything, Spike snorted and went back into his chest.

"Look, I'm sorry, Twilight," he apologized, "but Garble's more than likely after me, and is using the Crusaders to bring me out. If they're going to be saved, then it's my responsibility to be the one to save them."

"Do you know who you're really facing, though?" Aques asked.

"Yeah. Garble."

"I mean do you know who he is? Or rather, what he is?"

"... what? I'm sorry, I don't get it."

Aques shook her head before Fissure took over. "Garble is Inferno's son."

Spike's, Twilight's, and Dark's eyes were now all focused on Fissure.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I am."

Twilight began pacing around the room. "In that case, this just became a lot more complicated. Not only do we have a royal dragon here in Equestria unannounced, but he's also gone and foalnapped three fillies."

"It doesn't matter to me," Spike told them, closing his chest, "I'm still gonna go fight him and get my girls back."

Spike started to make his way out of his room, but a claw on his shoulder stopped him. Looking up to its owner, Spike saw Dark with a unusually serious look on his face.

"Are you sure, Spike?" he asked him.

"I am," Spike replied. "I appreciate the concern and your guy's willingness to help, but this is my fight."

"Then are you prepared to do what you might need to do?"

"... like what?"

"Tell me, Spike. If it turns out that there's no other way, could you bring yourself to kill him, even if it's to save Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo?"

Spike shuddered at the thought of possibly having to take a life. Even though he does love the Crusaders, he wasn't sure if he could.

"I... I don't know," he slowly answered. "I mean, I want them back safe and sound... but to have to kill in order to do it..."

"Look, Spike," Dark began understandingly, "I know what you're going through, and I would rather prefer that you don't, but it could be a very possible chance that you will."

"What if I were to just knock him unconscious? I may not be able to cast any stun, sleep, or paralysis spells yet, but I can still beat him up until he's out."

"True, but can you hold onto your sense of right and wrong in the midst of a fight without losing yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes during a fight, one can lose themselves in battle, causing them to do things that they wouldn't normally do. A killing blow could've easily had been meant as a simple hit to disable or daze, and by the time you realize it, it's too late."

"He's right."

Turning back to the door, they watched as Pyre and Aero walked in.

"How much did you hear?" Spike wondered.

"Plenty to know what's going on," Aero said sadly.

"While you are too young to be in a situation like this," Pyre began, "in the end, the decision is yours."

"But we can do something to stop this, right?" Twilight asked.

"I doubt it. I've met Inferno's son a few times, and while he may be a arrogant and at time, stupid, teenage dragon, he can also be cunning. My bet is that he would follow the Dragon Code and challenge Spike here to a one-on-one duel, possibly to the death."

"But we can do something to stop that, right?!"

"I'm afraid not, Twilight," Aero spoke. "Recently, there's been a change to the Dragon Code in terms of dueling. If anyone were to interfere during the match, the challenged, meaning Spike, would forfeit, and the challenger, Garble, would win."

"He might win, but that doesn't mean that he'll leave this place alive," Dark snarled.

"But he can. You see, that's what the newest addition is. After the match is over with, the victor and their party are free and untouchable until they return to their home. That way, no one can attack the victor while they're weak and vulnerable."

"But that's for dragons, not ponies!" Twilight countered. "We don't need to abide by that rule!"

"If you do that and attack Garble after the match, then Inferno may very well declare war on Equestria," Pyre told her.

"However," Aero slowly began, "there's also a clause that exempts the repercussions of killing of a participant."

"Meaning if Garble kills Spike, Garble walks free."

Dark furrowed his brows. "But if Spike killed Garble, then Inferno would have no choice but to suck it up and take it."


All eyes were turned on Spike as he mulled all of this over. Standing where he was in silence, he took a few moments to think it over.

"I don't want to kill Garble," Spike told them, eliciting a sigh from Twilight. "But, if it turns out that he's giving me no other choice, then... I may have to."

"Spike," Twilight uneasily called, "are you sure about this?"

"To be honest, no, I'm not. But it's not like I have much of a choice, either. Either I fight him and try to save the Crusaders, or I sit back and do nothing."

"So you've made your decision then?" Aques asked him.

Spike gave a solemn sigh and nodded. "Yes, I have."

"Okay, but what about Twilight? After all, she's pretty much your guardian, right?"

Now it was Twilight's turn to be put on the spot as all eyes were on her. With a sigh, she sadly looked down at Spike.

"I would prefer that you don't, Spike," she said, earning her a frown from him. "But... I also have an idea of what you're going through with this."


"... do what you have to do."

Leaving it at that, Twilight began walking out of Spike's room.

"Twilight? Where're you going?"

"To the throne room," she answered. "Princess Celestia needs to know about what's going on here."

"I'll go with her," Dark said before walking up alongside Twilight, leaving the five dragons alone.

"Well," Pyre piped, "I guess we better go get your fillies back."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

"Don't worry, Spike," Aero told him. "We'll be right there beside you cheering you on."


"Yes. We'll even take you there ourselves," Aques said before turning to Pyro. "Pyro, you're carrying him."

Muttering under his breath, Pyre knelt down for Spike to jump up onto his back. Hopping onto his back, Spike held on tight as Pyre opened Spike's bedroom window and flew out with Aques, Aero, and Fissure following behind. As they flew high over Ponyville, they could see a large group of ponies and royal guards gathered around in a circle the town square. Dropping down, Pyre and Fissure landed on the outside of the ring with a heavy thud, while Aques and Aero floated just off the ground.

Jumping off of Pyre's back, Spike ran over to one of the nearby guards.

"What are you guys doing just standing here like this and not helping them?!" Spike demanded.

"We can't," the guard answered. "The red one threatened to harm those fillies if we were to try anything. He did make a demand, though, which was that he wanted you here. We've sent one of our pegasi to come get you, but it looks like you've already found out."

"Yeah," he snarled. Turning away from the guard, Spike led the Scaleless Dragons over towards the center of the ring of ponies before he finally broke through. "Garble!"

Hearing his name and the familiar voice, Garble leered at the younger dragon.

"It's about time you showed up, shrimp," he said as he eyed Spike out. "Huh, you look like you've grown a little bit since we last met, but you're still a wimp."

"I'm going to only ask you this only once Garble. Why are you doing this?" Spike demanded.

"Sorry, you're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that."

"Why are you foalnapping Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo?!"

Hearing their names, they each finally opened their eyes and saw Spike staring down Garble.

"Well, I had to get your attention somehow," Garble answered. "Besides, what better way to do that than to kidnap those closest to you?"

"Despicable," Pyre spat, "just like your father."

"Not my problem, Lord of Fire. Speaking problems," Garble turned his attention back to Spike, "you've got your own problem right here in front of you."

"So what? Are you going to use the Dragon Code to challenge me to a duel to the death or not?"

Garble blinked in surprise before scowling. "Taking all of the fun out of it, aren't you?"

"The only fun that I'll be having is getting a chance to beat you up," Spike growled.

Garble took a moment to process that before breaking into laughter.

"Looks like you've grown a pair, huh? I like that. It'll make killing you in front of all of your pony friends that much easier."

Spike flexed his claws. "If that's what it takes to save my girls from you, then so be it."

Any mirth and playfulness in Garble's eyes vanished at the sound of Spike's threat. Growling, he motioned a claw for the other two to back up and give them room. With a large berth, Garble and Spike slowly started to circle each other, sizing the other up. However, that ended when the clock tower rang. Using that as their cue, Spike and Garble both roared as they dashed towards the other with raised claws.

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