• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 16,151 Views, 1,786 Comments

Of Flame and Shadow - Garuda IV

Dark Flame was a young stallion of the mining village, Stonewall. But after a dragon thought to be of myth attacks, Dark becomes the only survivor and now attempts to remake his life. However, his past isn't willing to let him go so easily.

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Chapter 3- The Party, The Princess, and The Draconequus

The party was in full swing. Everypony, dragon, and kirin were out either mingling with each other, dancing, playing Pin The Tail On The Pony, or helping themselves to the pastries and non-alcoholic punch. With loud music playing throughout Sugarcube Corner, everyone was having a wonderful time. All except a lavender alicorn princess, who was anxiously sitting at a table across from her aunt in a corner of the room.

It's going to be okay, Twilight thought in a panic. She'll understand why you forgot to greet her at the station... I hope. Besides, you've told her that you'd be watching over Dark when he was out ahead of time, so there's that. But I've never been late to meet her at anything! How am I-

"Twilight, relax and take a few deep breaths," Sunshine said soothingly.

Twilight heeded her aunt and started on her breathing exercises her sister-in-law, Cadence, had taught her. After a few attempts she was quieted down to where she was no longer panicking, but still very nervous.

Sunshine smiled at seeing Twilight relaxing. "Feeling better?" she asked Twilight, who just nodded. "Good. Now tell me, why do you look so nervous, my dear?"

"It's because you sent me a letter saying that you were going to be coming here and I didn't show up to greet you at the train station. I'm sorry that I didn't come, but I wanted to keep an eye on Dark." Twilight sighed for a moment, the memories of today racing through her. "Although, in the end it looks like I didn't need to look after him."

"It's alright, Twilight, I'm not upset with you. I remembered what you wrote and I didn't wait long anyway. About fifteen minutes I think, but it's really nothing to worry about. Besides, I'm not here as Princess Celestia, I'm here as Aunt Sunshine, and I've actually come to see this stallion for myself, and to talk to you about some questions you had in your letter."

Twilight relaxed in knowing that her aunt wasn't upset with her for not meeting her at the train station, and the mention of her questions in the letter also perked her up a little bit.

"Is it alright if I can get some clarification on what I wrote?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, you may. Although, the answers to your questions in your letter are all yes."

Twilight just sat in silence and took a drink of the punch she fetched for herself and her aunt, contemplating on what she just told her, but still preferred to hear it herself.

"If it's alright with you, could you tell me exactly what he was right about?" she asked.

Sunshine took a small bite of her cupcake before answering. "Stonewall Village was indeed a village located on the south-eastern borders. After we lost contact with them over a hundred years ago, I sent a recon team out to check up on the village, but when they returned, they claimed to not have found it. After that, I just assumed that the village was abandoned and left it at that." She sighed and took a sip of punch. "However, I now see that I was wrong in that assumption and should have been more thorough with the search. And I have also made sure that this time, there will be results."

Twilight looked to her aunt questioningly. "What do you mean by that?"

"I have sent Captain Iron Guard and a platoon of his best to look into it personally. They left last night, so we should be receiving word from them within a few days to a week, depending on what they find," she explained.

"Alright, but what about this dragon that Dark kept bringing up?"

Sunshine's expression grew serious. "I did some research last night and was able to find a few things. But first, what did he tell you?"

Twilight tapped her chin and though for a moment. "He said that there were six of them, that they each represented an element, and that they were thought to be a myth until the attack."

Sunshine nodded in agreement. "That is correct, though it sounds like he felt out a bit of information. However, I can understand why, considering that some of this could be a little unsettling depending on the pony. Especially the one that attacked his village."

"You mean Nocturne?" Twilight guessed.

Again, she nodded. "From what I found out, they each embody a natural element of nature. Fire, water, earth, and air are embodied by the four youngest ones, who also happen to be quadruplets. The other two are the elder twins. The youngest of the two, Aurora, is the Embodiment of Light and Life..." She trailed off, allowing Twilight to figure out the rest of the puzzle.

Twilight took the hint, and it wasn't long before her eyes lit up in revelation and fear of what this meant.

"Does... does this mean that Nocturne is the Embodiment of Darkness and Death?" she guessed with a hint of fear.

"More or less," Sunshine answered. "And it's Shadow and Death actually, although an easy misinterpretation. Shadow and darkness is basically the same thing; a lack of light."

Though that last part was meant to be lighthearted, Twilight was feeling anything but. "So, since Dark has become part dragon due to Nocturne, does that mean that he's become the new Embodiment of Shadow and Death?

Sunshine frowned at that. "In a way, yes, he is." Hearing a cry of laughter, she turned her attention behind Twilight to see Dark and a group of ponies laughing at him, with a foal clamped on his muzzle, and another one sitting on his head happily munching away at his ear. "Although, it looks like we may not need to worry about that, judging by what I'm seeing of him right now."

Twilight sighed with a smile. "That's pretty much what I thought when I saw him earlier today playing with Fluttershy's animal friends. Despite his past and his apparent new roll, he doesn't look or act like somepony who would spread death around." Her smile dropped for a moment. "Unless you count the dragons that he had to fight against to defend his village."

"First, it's just a title and carries no responsibilities with it. As for the dragons, if it was to defend his village and there was no other choice, then I won't hold it against him." Sunshine took on a serious look. "Especially if it's on Equestrian soil, then we're going to have a talk with King Inferno about this. And if it does turn out that way, then I'll send you a letter with the details about what's going to happen."

Twilight nodded in agreement, though one more thing still bothered her. "So then what about Dark's cutie mark?" she asked. "Do we allow him to study and practice dark magic since it's his special talent and he is now the new Embodiment of Shadow and Death, or are we still going to forbid him from touching it?"

Sunshine took a sip of her punch and mulled over the thought. She never had to deal with a pony who's cutie mark specialized in dark magic before. She took another sip and a bite of cupcake before she looked back to Twilight with a thought.

"Why don't you tell me a bit about him, then I'll talk to your friends and make the decision before the party ends."

And so, Twilight began telling her of what she has seen of Dark, and what he told them over the last two days about himself.

Dark made his way into the crowd as the party began. With Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Spike at his sides, he was feeling more sure of himself as he was greeted by one pony after another. Even though a few were a bit intimidated by his looks, such as Carrot Top and the flower sisters, they eventually opened up to him and introduced themselves. Others, such as the crystal ponies, a zebra with gold rings around her neck that he remembered was Zecora, and Lyra and Bon-Bon, were more open to him. The two mares claimed to be 'best friends', but the way they said it and the way they acted towards each other had clearly told another story. Still, he smiled to them for being so welcoming to him, but not as much as Derpy. Despite her unique eyes, her bubbly personality and overall friendliness won Dark over almost instantaneously. She also introduced him to her friend known simply as Doc, who introduced himself as a scientist and was looking over Dark with what he could only explain as a 'mad scientist' look.

After his talk with the possibly mad doctor, Dark made his way away from him to the punch bowl. Grabbing a cup, he leaned on the table and looked at all the ponies who were having fun, and eventually he saw a white unicorn with an electric-blue mane and purple shades who Pinkie and Rainbow introduced as Vinyl Scratch. Dark continued looking over the crowd, noticing that he hasn't seen Twilight since they entered, but soon found her talking to her aunt at a corner table.

I'll just let them be. It's none of my business to get involved with whatever they're talking about, epically if it's family related... and since they haven't seen each other in a while according to that letter, Dark thought to himself while taking a drink from his cup.

After a few more cups of punch, Dark made his way back to the crowd to continue mingling with the occupants, meeting more ponies and successfully getting on good terms with them. But soon enough, he was called over by Pinkie who had some ponies she wanted him to meet.

Walking over to her, he noticed one of them was Mrs. Cake, and another who was a tall, thin, orange stallion with a darker orange mane. But more importantly were the foals they each had sitting on their backs. Smiling at the chance to finally meet the little ones, Dark quickly made his way over to the group.

"Hey, Darky!" Pinkie greeted him. "This is Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake, though you already know Mrs. Cake since we met her earlier today when we ate."

Dark nodded to Pinkie and looked to the couple, extending a claw. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. My name is Dark Flame," he introduced to the married couple, who returned it with a hoofshake.

"Hello, Mr. Dark," Mr. Cake greeted. "I've heard about you from Pinkie Pie and my sugar dumpling here. They said that you like foals now?"

Dark nodded. "Please, just call me Dark. And yeah, I do. Like I told Mrs. Cake and the others, I've always had a soft spot for the little ones and like taking care of them."

Mrs. Cake stepped forward. "Well then, dearie, would you like to say hello to them? Their names are Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake."

He answered with an enthusiastic nod that could match Pinkie, and was shown the two foals sitting on their mom and dad's backs. They didn't cry or whimper as Dark lowered his head to be at eye level with the little foals. Instead, they just looked at him with wonder in there little eyes as to this new thing that was presented to them.

Taking on a soft smile that didn't show off his fangs, Dark soothingly spoke out to the twins. "Hello, Pound, Pumpkin."

It took a moment, but after a little poking and prodding on his nose from the twins, they began to feel more comfortable and giggled at Dark, which in turn made him chuckle back. Then, with his face so close to the twins, Dark didn't have any time to react as Pound flew up and latched onto his muzzle, while Pumpkin levitated herself onto the top of Dark's head and began nibbling on his left ear.

You clever little foal, Dark thought in surprise at the baby unicorn. Why hadn't I thought about using levitation on myself to make me fly before? It would have come in rather useful before I got these wings. Speaking of which, I should probably talk to Rainbow about her offer of helping me fly pretty soon.

Looking back in front of him, Dark could see a now laughing Pound Cake firmly gripping his muzzle, making Dark and any others who were watching start laughing at the cuteness of the two foals and kirin. Although, the tickling from Pumpkin's munching and drooling on his ear just added onto the laughter. But, as much fun as the three were having, Dark had to return the twins back to their parents.

"Wow, you really are good with foals!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I know I asked if you had thought about having foals of your own, but I must say, you would make a great father," Mrs. Cake complimented, making Dark blush. It also reminded him of when his own parents would tell him the same thing when he'd help foalsit.

"She's right you know, but we understand that you're wanting to be patient in finding that special somepony, correct?" Mr. Cake asked, which Dark nodded to. "Good answer. While marrying Cup Cake was the best decision I ever made, it won't mean the same if you're too eager when going about it."

"I understand, Mr. Cake." Dark smiled. "That's part of the reason why I'm still being single."

They shared a round of laughs and some more idle talk before Dark excused himself to go find Rainbow. Even through the sea of colorful ponies, her rainbow-colored mane was easy to pick out. As he approached her, he noticed that she was talking to Applejack and Rarity.

"Hello, ladies," Dark greeted the three, to which they returned. "Hey, Rainbow, I wanted to ask you when you were wanting to do that flying practice you were talking about."

"Well, from what I've been told, your mornings will be busy Monday through Friday, so we can do it in the afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday if you want. That, and I would have you start tomorrow, but we heard that you're gonna be busy that day," Rainbow answered grinning.

"Seriously," Applejack chuckled. "Ah tell ya ta take the day off ta rest up, but instead ya go and schedule a play date with the Crusaders. Although, they sure did look excited ta visit you tomorrow."

"In my defense, I didn't know about what they used to do at the time," Dark defended himself. "And besides, how could you say no to those looks they were giving?"

"Easy, darling," Rarity explained. "They're our sisters. We have grown immune to their puppy dog eyes and any other ways of influencing us. Well, for the most part anyway." She sighed. "I still can't get over Sweetie Bell's guilt-tripping at times."

There was a chorus of laughs at that before Fluttershy walked over, looking at Dark with a smile.

"Oh good, I finally found you," she said. "I've been looking for you so that I could introduce you to somepony."

"Okay... so where is this pony?" Dark asked, turning his head to look for the pony in question.

"Well, I'm not exactly a pony per-say," a male voice answered.

"Oh boy, here we go," Rainbow commented while facehoofing.

"What do you mean?" Dark questioned, looking back to Rainbow Dash and the others, only for them to point their hooves in the direction above his head. Turning his head to look up, Dark saw... a fly?

He looked back to Fluttershy in confusion. "You wanted to introduce me to a fly?"

The fly chuckled and flew down besides Fluttershy, only to explode in a pink haze with balloons and streamers. Once the smoke cleared, Dark could make out the creature in its place. It had a pony's face and neck with a single fang sticking out of the side of its mouth, a long slim body, a deer antler, a dragon horn, tail and leg, a lion paw, an eagle claw, a pegasus wing, a bat wing, and a goat leg.

Oh my Celestia, Dark thought to himself. Who let the walking zoo loose?

The creature looked down to Dark while Fluttershy introduced him. "Dark, this is Discord, he's a draconequus. Discord, this is Dark Flame, and he's a kirin."

Dark had to take a second in recognizing the name. "Do you mean the same Discord who tried taking over Equestria over a thousand years ago?"

"Ah, those were good times," Discord reminisced. "Yes, and no. You see, while I still am the Lord of Chaos, I'm no longer evil. After my defeat by the princesses, and again by these girls, I was then reformed by my dear, sweet Fluttershy here. Since then, I have been helping Equestria in my own chaotic way... and answering Fluttershy's calls whenever she needs me."

Dark was staring slack-jawed at the draconequus for a minuet before turning to Rainbow for conformation.

"He's right. Fluttershy pretty much has him tamed," she answered, which caused Dark to snort a small burst of fire from his nose in amusement.

Discord however wasn't amused and crossed his arms. "Now what's so funny here?"

It took Dark a moment to collect himself before he could answer. "I'm sorry, it's just sorta funny that the Lord of Chaos was so easily whipped."

Getting where he was coming from, Rainbow and Applejack started laughing while Rarity held a hoof to cover her mouth from releasing any giggles, and Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane with a blush. Even Discord was blushing furiously at the clever comment.

"I am not whipped! I just answer her whenever she calls for me," Discord argued.

"But isn't that basically what happens when a male is whipped by a female? You willingly listen and obey her when she calls for you, or when she asks you to do something for her?" Dark questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Discord didn't answer, but instead looked away and huffed, knowing that he was essentially correct. Whether he would admit it or not, Discord did indeed do all of those for Fluttershy without a second thought.

Dark walked up to Discord, stood on his back legs to his full height, and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Discord," he said to the moping draconequus. "You know I'm just teasing you right? Just a little fun between two guys is all."

That seemed to lighten the mood as Discord's casual smile returned to him, though his eyes showed a glint of mischief.

"You know I'm going to get you back for that right?" he clarified.

Dark just shrugged. "Wouldn't be much fun if you didn't."

The two stood looking at each other in silence for a moment before breaking out into a loud laugh, holding onto each other with an arm for support from keeling over in laughter. After they calmed down, Dark looked back over to Fluttershy.

"Sorry about that, Fluttershy," he apologized. "I didn't mean to embarrass you with that little joke."

Fluttershy just shook her head, her blush replaced with a smile. "It's alright. I'm just happy to see that you two are getting along so well."

It was then that Twilight trotted over to them. "Excuse me, but Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy?" Twilight called out. "Aunt Sunshine would like to ask you girls some questions if you could spare her a moment."

They nodded and made their way over to the table that Sunshine was sitting at while Twilight turned to Discord.

"Having fun, Discord? Not causing any trouble are you?" she asked with a hint of skepticism in her voice.

Discord just waved it off. "Of course not, I'm just hanging with my new pal here." Discord then shrunk himself and started hanging off the ground from the end of Dark's tail.

Twilight just sighed and looked over to Dark who was shifting to all fours. "Well? Has he been causing any trouble?"

Dark shook his head. "Nope. Besides his transforming from a fly into his true form, and him shrinking himself just now, he hasn't used any magic that I'm aware of, let alone cause any problems."

Twilight began to relax upon hearing that Discord wasn't acting up in any way, but she still kept a feeling of weariness from her talk with Sunshine. Then Discord returned to his original size and looked Dark square in the eyes.

"You know," he began. "You never told me how you became a kirin. And I can tell you weren't naturally born one, so who turned you?"

Dark looked to Twilight for approval to talk about it, considering it was Discord. She nodded to him and he answered with one name.


The color in Discord's face drained out of him... literally. "Is this another joke?" he asked, receiving a head shake in response. "Well then, how did he turn you from a pony into a kirin?"

Dark sighed. "I have no idea. When we were fighting, I lost both my forelegs, tail, had a pare of gashes on my back, and had passed out from blood loss. Also, I appear to be missing five days worth of memory, including that night, so there's that too I guess."

Discord stroked the tuff of white hair on his chin in thought before he came up with an idea. "If you want, I can try and use my chaotic magic to look into your subconscious and find out what happened?" he offered.

Dark was about to think about before Twilight stepped in. "Thank you for the offer, Discord, but I wouldn't recommend it. We don't know what it would do to him mentally or emotionally if we forced it all upon him at once."

Discord waved his talon. "No, no, no. I don't mean just throw it all at him. What I meant was that I'll take a look in his subconscious and see what's there. He won't know what I see and it won't hurt him one little bit." They looked to each other and then back to Discord with a nod of approval. "Then just hold still, this will only take a second or two."

With that, Discord put his paw on Dark's forehead and began the spell, his eyes glowing white. After a few seconds passed, Discord removed his paw and looked down at Dark, frowning with remorse for him.

"Well, what happened?" Twilight asked.

Discord slowly shook his head and spoke in an unnaturally calm tone. "You're better off not knowing, Twilight. Let's just say that some things are better left unsaid and leave it at that." He paused before looking back to Dark. "However, I will say this. You did defeat Nocturne and absorbed his powers into your body, which in turn replaced your wounds with these new draconic limbs."

"You sure you're not going to tell us?" Dark questioned.

"No, I won't. For something like this, it would be better for you to remember it on your own, and at your own pace."

Twilight and Dark agreed with Discord to not ask him about it anymore and parted ways with him to go see Sunshine, who had just finished up talking with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. They passed their friends and took their seats across from her.

"So, you are Dark," she stated in a suspicious tone, to which Dark nodded. "I've been very curious about you since Twilight told me about you in the letter she sent." She paused to empty out the rest of her punch. "And I must say, you've made quite an impression from what I've heard."

Dark gulped. "I hope these impressions are good?" he nervously asked.

Sunshine giggled and returned to her motherly tone. "Of course. Though your job of fighting dragons was a little disturbing, I completely understand why you had to do it. I have to ask, though, when you got to the party, why were you so emotional about it?"

Dark sighed and shook his head with a sad smile. "Even though I was the only pony who could defend the village against the dragons, my lack of a cutie mark at the time gained me no respect. My village was big on cutie marks, and if you didn't have one, then the village would pretty much shun you regardless of your achievements. This didn't include my family, of course, because, well, they're family. That's why I was so emotional back there, because I was never welcomed like that before."

"Ah yes, your cutie mark," Sunshine replied. "Twilight mentioned to me about how you woke up with it, and what it means." She looked to Dark who winced at knowing that she knew. "However, going by what I've been told, and seeing your interaction with those foals earlier," she said with her and Twilight giggling, making Dark hide his face behind his wings in embarrassment. "I've decided that you will be allowed to practice dark magic, provided that Twilight or I are present, until we believe you can do it safely on your own."

Dark folded his wings and gave a smile. "Alright, so when should I begin?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, after your three little friends are done playing with you," she answered.

"Alright, but if I may ask ,though, and not to be rude or anything, but why would I need your permission? Shouldn't a decision like that come from Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or Twilight?" Dark questioned, causing Twilight to go wide-eyed at the bluntness of his question.

Sunshine however, took no offense to it. "A perfectly understandable question. However, that will have to wait until after your magic lesson tomorrow, depending on how it goes."

"And don't worry about it," Twilight reassured. "We'll both be right there during the training, so if something does go wrong, we can contain and dispel it if needed."

Dark looked over to Twilight who gave a reassuring smile. "Alright then. Guess so long as Twilight is okay with it, I'll follow along."

"However, I would like to know of something first," Sunshine began. "What kind of dark magic have you read about, and what spell did you use to defeat Nocturne?"

Dark hesitated, not for studying the magic, but for the spell that he used.

"The first two that I studied were utility-based spells. The first is called Second Sight. It allows the target to basically see without seeing. So, if I was blinded and I casted it, I would be able to see everything as though it were mid-day. Plus it also allows you to see through illusions and gives you night-vision, though that last part would be rather useless to me with my new eyes."

"Have you ever used it before?" Twilight asked.

"No, I haven't. Remember, since it was classified as dark magic, I wouldn't cast it. Even if it doesn't do anything dangerous." Twilight nodded as Dark continued his short list of spells. "The second one is called Soul Eyes. It allows for the caster to see the souls of any living thing within a one hundred yard radius, even through walls. But, depending on how much magic you put into the spell, you will either see a small flame, or an outline of the creature you're looking at."

"And do these spells have any side effects?" asked Sunshine.

Dark nodded. "They both have the same side effect, but it's harmless and lasts only for the duration of the spell. Basically, they make your eyes glow. For example, mine would glow gold, your eyes would glow violet, and Twilight's would be lavender."

They nodded in approval of these spells, seeing as they weren't harmful in any way. But that still left one spell unanswered.

"And the last spell?" Sunshine pressed. "The one that you used to take down a Scaleless Dragon?"

Dark just sat in silence, quivering slightly at having to explain that spell. Twilight noticed it though and gently placed a hoof on his shoulder, both calming him and encouraging him to continue.

"Alright, but are you sure you want to know? It's not exactly a pleasant spell to talk about," he asked, making sure this is what they wanted. After a nod from the two, he continued. "The last one was an offensive-based spell called Dark Hemorrhage," he finally answered.

Even though he didn't get to explaining what it did exactly, the name itself was enough to make the two mares flinch.

"As it sounds, it makes the target bleed out from within by twisting the shaded insides of the target, but the biggest difference is that the target's skin will also rupture from the spot of the blood loss. And though the wound can heal naturally over time, it cannot be healed with magic."

The table went silent after they were told about the last spell. Just the thought of that spell existing sent a cold chill down both of their spines.

"And you used that kind of spell?" Twilight quietly asked, her voice a little shaky.

Dark adverted his gaze from the others and down to the table in shame. "Like I said yesterday in the hospital, I thought that I was going to die, and that there was absolutely no chance of me surviving. Besides, I didn't know it would kill him. I thought because of his toughness, it would only wound him a little at the most. And since he was Death Incarnate, that it wouldn't bother him much."

"Funny how the survivors must live with the choices they've made to survive, isn't it?" Sunshine idly commented, almost like a lecture.

Dark didn't answer this time, but instead, just kept his head hung.

"So, would you willingly cast that spell again?"

He shook his head. "No. Once is enough, and I swear I will never cast that spell ever again."

"That would probably be for the best, wouldn't you agree, Princess Prissy?" asked Twilight's punch cup.

They all let out a yelp and looked to the cup that had a pair of yellow irises with red pupils, and a toothy grin.

"Discord!" Twilight snapped. "How long were you listening in?"

"Oh don't get your mane in a bunch," Discord huffed. "Remember that I already saw what happened, and I agree with the boy. He really did look like he was on his last leg at the end there and would have easily died if he didn't do it."

"But how can we be sure he won't use it again?" questioned Sunshine.

Discord looked to the white mare with a perplexed look as to who this pony was. Taking on his draconequus form, he floated over to her to get a better look, a sly grin forming at the resemblance of a certain Princess of the Sun.

"Well hello, Sunbutt," Discord greeted her, a quick flash of irritation showing in her eyes at the sound of her nickname. "And to answer your question about how we can be sure? Like I said, I saw his memories and also felt his uncertainty and regret in using that spell, so I wouldn't worry about him. Speaking of Dark, I should have known that you would take an interest in someone like him. But what's with the get-up? You don't look nearly as wondrous as you normally do."

Dark leaned over to Twilight and raised a claw beside his mouth to whisper to her. "Is Discord hitting on your aunt?"

Twilight faintly blushed at the thought, but quickly put that out of her mind as she mimicked Dark's motions and answered him back.

"No, that's just how he likes to greet and annoy her." She turned her attention back to the draconequus. "Discord, Aunt Sunshine is here on personal business, and when I say that, I mean that she is here to visit me without ponies, or you, harassing her."

Thankfully, Discord picked up on what she was getting at and backed off with a raised claw and paw.

"Alright, alright, I understand. Sheesh, I was just trying to have a little fun," Discord grumbled. "Besides, it seems like I don't get to hang out with her anymore."

Sunshine sighed. "You know very well why. Besides me being busy, the last time you wanted to 'hang out', you placed a whoopee cushion under the pillow on my thro-chair, during a very important meeting!"

Discord laughed and wiped a tear from the memory of that day. The look on Celestia's and the other nobles' faces when she sat down on her throne was utterly priceless. Dark and Twilight weren't fairing much better as they could barely keep themselves from laughing out loud too. Soon enough though, Sunshine joined in the laughter, knowing that in the end, it was a good and well timed prank that he pulled.

However, everything must come to an end as the night was getting late. It was 10 p.m. and most of the party-goers had left for their homes. That left only Twilight and her five friends, along with Sunshine, Discord, Spike, the Crusaders, and Dark. Though the Crusaders and Spike were nowhere in sight.

After a minute of looking around, Pinkie heard a group of light snoring coming from beneath a table sheet and peeked underneath. When she did, she waved the others over and they beheld a sight that made the all coo. Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo were all comfortably asleep, curled up against Spike and using him as their pillow. Seeing the cuteness of the four of them, Pinkie reached into her mane, pulled out a camera, and took a picture of them sleeping.

"If you want, I can make copies for you girls," she offered to Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow. All of whom agreed in taking one for themselves, two for Twilight though, so Spike could have one if he wanted.

Dark lit up his horn in a gold aura, engulfed the three sleeping fillies and gently lay them on their respective sister's backs. Then he took hold of Spike and guided him onto his own back before Spike wormed around for a moment to get himself more comfortable.

"Huh, my magical aura changed color," he observed.

"What color was it before?" Sunshine asked.

"It used to be a grayish-blue, like my old eye color was."

"Alright, but why did you put Spike on your back and not mine?" Twilight asked.

"Simple," Dark began to explain. "It's because you look tired and exhausted, and I wasn't about to let you carry him all the way back like that."

"That's ridiculous," Twilight argued. "I'm not tired or any-" She was cut short when a loud yawn escaped her mouth. Dark didn't say anything, but instead raised an eyebrow. "Alright, I suppose you can carry him this time."

After saying goodnight to the others, and Dark making sure that Pinkie didn't want him to return and help clean up the party, Twilight, Sunshine, Dark, and a sleeping Spike, made their way back to the castle. It was a serene walk back with the peaceful quiet of the night and the cool autumn breeze. None spoke, a mutual agreement to just enjoy the silence while heading back to the castle.

Making his way into Spikes room, Dark carefully levitated the sleeping dragon off his back and tucked him into his bed-basket. He then quietly snuck out of Spike's room and gently closed the door, meeting Twilight and Sunshine.

"So then," Dark began. "I'll see you two in the morning?"

"Yep," Twilight answered before turning to Sunshine. "What would you like to eat for breakfast?"

She thought for a second before she came up with what she wanted. "Could we have some pancakes perhaps?"

Dark nodded. "Sure, they should be ready for you by sunrise, or close to it at least. Goodnight, ladies."

"Goodnight," they answered.

After Dark made his way down the stairs and towards his room, Sunshine turned to Twilight. "It still surprises me that he had suggested to you that he cook for you and Spike. It's not often that you see a stallion who's willing to even offer something like that."

"Yeah, it is," Twilight replied. "Although, Shining Armor was like that too."

It was quiet for a moment before Sunshine made a request. "Twilight, I have to ask that you don't tell your brother about Dark."

Twilight thought about it and decided to go along with it. Even though she didn't like to keep secrets from her brother, she understood the reasoning behind it.

"I suppose that would be for the best. If he found out about Dark, he could mistake him as my coltfriend and would come down here to try testing him by fighting him or something."

Sunshine was contemplating on telling Twilight the real reason behind why she didn't want Shining to know, but decided that this was a good enough of an excuse instead. They then parted ways, each heading to their own bedrooms. Soon enough, all of its occupants were peacefully asleep.

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