• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Prologue: From Where it all Began (EDITED)

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There were seven that day. Seven that dared to stand in that wretched void of existence that hid in the deepest reaches of the world. Their bond is what kept the darkness at bay as they challenged the very being that would seek to drag everything they hold dear into nothingness. After these words were given but only lost onto deaf ears, he proceeded to snuff the final light out. The seven scatter; either charge to their position, or move toward the being itself. Gems and Keys aglow. The one brandishing the very blade ran front and center toward the fiend. Leaping high above and winding that mysterious blade behind him, he gives the first the strike. His friends were sure to follow.

… This is how the tale has been told…


Somewhere far from the outskirts of Canterlot

Underneath a long dead tree, a ominous black portal emerges from the ground, then rises allowing a tall woman dressed in black to appear then it eventually receded into nothing.

Her appearances is the one thing you could not forget when seeing her. She is completely garbed in her black cloak with purple innards; crowned with a black head garment with appearance of large horns protruding from it; and her pale green skin hands carrying a long wooden staff with a green orb as it’s headpiece. She stared at the castle far off in the distance, the sound hoof steps approached behind her. Her thin face is still fixed on the direction of castle.

“I must say, that castle seems like a good fortress to call my own…” She turned her head slightly; acknowledging the source of the hoofsteps to be there and then spoke to it, “No objections, I assume?”

It indeed reply, “I do not need such place. By all means, take it. I’ve already told you what I want.”

“Yes, you have, I just wanted to make sure that we were clear. For my services, I expect something in return,” The woman replied, “If those princesses are as powerful as you say, a head-on approach at this time would be rather troublesome.”

The being that stood behind her stepped forward until it’s right beside her. It was a slender, female black pony, with holes going through the lower legs; a crooked horn on her head, as well with insect wings on her back. But her body seemed to cover in exoskeleton that gives away that she truly is not a pony. She gazes at the castle head with much disdain. She turns to the woman and asked, “What do you suggest?”

The woman give a small yet sickening smile, “The thing about the darkness… is that it is abundant. We merely give them and their people, something else to worry about for awhile.”

"Then I know just where to start,” the pony-like being smirked, “We give Celestia’s heroes a taste of those heartless you speak of. Of course, what happens to them afterwards, is of no concern to me.”

The woman smirked, “Well, we are certainly thinking ahead I see. Then let us begin,” She turned to face the black pony figure as she turned and lead the way.


Somewhere in space

A lone Gummi ship bursts through unknown territory, shooting the final space-faring heartless that tried to take them out. It gives a rather victorious aileron roll, before activating it’s boosters and blasting towards the world ahead of it.

“So, this is the place?” the voice of a young man was heard inside the ship.

“Uh huh, Master Yen Sid said, ‘that this place would be important,’” another voice spoke. Although his dialect, to some, might be bit hard to understand him sometimes, but his sound would be coming from a duck.

“Gawrsh, it sure looks like a pretty place to live in,” the final voice definitely gave it a somewhat goofy tone to it. “But looks can be de-sheathing.”

“Deceiving, Goofy,” the duck-ish voice reprimanded swiftly, “I’m pretty sure what you said isn’t even a real word this time,” then he grumbled leaving the other two chuckle.

“Ya, sure you’re going to be okay by yourself, Sora?” The one now known as Goofy asked the young man who is already geared up and ready.

“You two worry too much, I’ll be fine for one year. Everyone else is training and doing their best to get ready for Xehanort. I can’t just sit around and do nothing,” He proceeds to flash a big silly grin and held his hand behind his head before he speaks again “Besides, this maybe Yen Sid’s way of giving me another Mark of Mastery Exam.” Sora, a young man who wields the fabled Keyblade; and one of only a certain few that is currently known to wield it. Under the orders of Master Yen Sid, he is sent, by far, his longest mission yet.

“And it’s not like, I won’t see you guys until then…. Right?” he said that last part with a bit of uncertainty, the three of them had always been a team since the day he became a keyblade bearer; a Special Trinity that knows one else could imitate.

His concern was misplaced once Goofy replied, “Well of course, we’ll always find time to check up on ya every now and again, right Donald?”

The final voice is obviously named Donald Duck. His name suits him well based on how he sounded. Then he replied, “That’s what Master Yen Sid told us to do anyway,” Then he gave a thumbs up and smiled back at the other two. Then they share a grin together.

“Thanks guys, I’ll be sure to pass this Exam,” Sora said cheerfully as he held up and clenched his hand into fist, “Then we’ll be back to what we do best.”

“Sora, no one said this was part of the Mark of Mastery,” Donald tried to correct him as he started preparing for the boy’s departure.

“No one said it wasn’t either,” Sora seemed to smirk and fold his arms as if winning this small argument. This only made Donald heave a sigh of resignation. It’s best to get back to the matter at hand, besides, it’s not like he knew either the true reason why are they here.


The Mysterious Tower

A few hours ago

“You want me to investigate a new world, for year?” Sora was a bit surprised by being on this task. Then he hastily added, “Uh, Sir?” Although he remembered his proper manners to a superior, but Donald‘s glare behind him did not go unnoticed. He honestly thought, Yen Sid would have him train here for a bit before taking the Exam once more.

The old wizard, sitting across the desk from them, had two very memorable features; his long gray beard that seemed to slightly separate into two points the farther away it was from his face, and that blue pointed hat on his head with star and moon designs. He gave a slow nod to Sora before speaking with sage like tone. “Indeed, however, I would not call it new. Rather, a world that decided to make itself known. I actually have an old friend from there that I keep in contact with.” he looked over towards a mirror that he pulled out from the wardrobe room. “They have asked for assistance, and in return they have opened up the pathway to reach them. They have even agreed to let this place be your training ground to unlock more abilities that still reside inside you, Sora.”

“New abilities?” Sora lifted up his hand to look at it, as if all the answers appear on his palm.

Yen Sid gave another slow nod and stroke his beard in thought. “However, it will still be new to you. It would require you to receive assistance from another to truly activate it, however I have no doubt that by the end of the year you’ll be able to harness it with your own strength alone.”

Sora finally lowered his hand and looked back toward the grand wizard before him, “So, I’ll be training there?”
“Indeed, though, your garments will transform you to blend in with that world for the majority of your stay. However, my friend has already devised a few methods where you can revert to your original form, when you need to train with, and more importantly, When you face a battle that requires you to fight at your full strength.

Sora was a bit confused about that last part, “Full strength? Isn’t this just a training mission, sir?” He’d understand going all out in training, but the way Yen Sid sounded like there was more he would be doing then just train.

With a shake of his head he spoke, “I did tell you that my friend asked for assistance, didn’t I?” That caused Sora sheepishly smile and scratched the back of his head for his short moment of forgetting that part. Though now he was even more eager to get there, to help out in anyway he could.

Yen Sid continued, “For one it seems, the darkness has started to take root in that world. It goes without saying that your first task would be to find this world’s keyhole and lock it, before the heartless find it.”

Sora gave a sharp nodded, eyes filled with determination. He remembered how his first adventures how he had hop from world to world, locking those keyholes. He didn’t want any world to blink out of existence. “Don’t worry, Master Yen Sid. Donald, Goofy, and I will definitely get the job done.” He looked back to his friends who unfortunately didn’t share the same look. “…. You guys, are coming…. Right?”

“Well, ya see, Sora-” Goofy had a sad expression as he avoided the Key bearer’s gaze.

“It’s not like we don’t want to or anything-” Donald had similar trouble looking at Sora as well.

“You guys… aren’t coming?” Sora could definitely feel a tug of sadness at that, every time he would go on adventures it was, for the majority of the time, with the three of them. Sure he would be glad if he could team up with Riku and Kairi, or Lea even, but he knew Riku was already busy with missions now that he became a Keyblade Master, and Kairi and Lea were out training with there’s so they could prepare for their turn at the Mark of Mastery. Besides, when it came with teamwork and battling as a squad, Donald and Goofy would be his first thought. Their Trinity limit was always a skill that he could always rely on whenever they faced overwhelming odds. It was something only they three of them could do.

Yen Sid decided to take it upon himself, to clarify what Sora’s friends were trying to say “This task, is more for your development then it is for theirs. I have already asked them to assist with Kairi and Lea, while you are away, but of course they will come to check up on you every now and then.” That seemed to lessen Sora’s sadness if only by a little. “Besides, knowing you Sora, I have a feeling that you will make new friends there to keep you company.” Sora smiled a bit now, the sound of meeting new friends did make it a lot better now. “You’ve always had a way of making friends fast, but this world has a lot to do with the magic of friendship, so you might be surprised.”

“Magic of Friendship?” Sora tilted his head with a confused look on his face.

The old wizard gave a soft chuckle and smiled. “Something you’ll come to understand in time. Friendship is a lot more tangible than one would believe.”


Back On the Gummi Ship

Present time

Sora was all ready to go now. Donald was tapping away at buttons in the pilot’s seat as well as pulling a lever or two as the ship entered descent. “Ok Sora, Master Yen Sid said that his friend will light up a path for you drop down on.”

“D-Drop down on? What do you mean by that?” Sora was a bit confused, and somewhat hesitant on the meaning of that sentence.

“Well uh, we’ve been told that Yen Sid’s friend only wanted a select few to know what you really are, so we have to send you down there by yourself so we don’t raise a panic with locals with the gummi,” Goofy clarified the situation.

Sora crossed his arms, then closed his eyes and thought. “I guess I can understand that, with the World Order and all, but how exactly am I dropping down there from this high up?”

He couldn’t help but notice the devious smirk on Donald’s face as he turned to a new button that was added to the ship. “Like this?” he pressed it with subtle evil chuckle.

Just then Sora happened to notice the circle of light that he had no idea he was standing on…. Come to think of it, that was new too. Did Donald have the Gummi refitted with some new device when I wasn’t looking?

Indeed Donald had done that very thing. It was Chip and Dale’s new invention that they wanted to have a field test on. So it was entirely experimental. Donald was trying to find the right moment to test it out. But after a certain Incident from before, He decided now was the best time. “This is for eating my Sea Salt Ice Cream!”

Then suddenly, a transparent orb of light surrounded Sora. And the circle of light below grew in size and then vanished into a shear hole below him with the world so far, far, far below him.

He looked down with a gulp before shooting his head back to Donald. “You're still mad about that?! I said I was sorr-AAAAUUGH!” Was all he managed to say as the orb shot down into the hole and out of the ship, falling at phenomenal speeds.

Goofy, could only wave down at the hole at his fallen friend. “Bye Sora, We’ll see you at the end of the month!” He then looked up at Donald. “Are you sure this new drop pod device is safe, Donald?” Showing some concern for their friend’s well being.

Donald simply waved it off before facing the controls to get the ship to ascend back into space. “Aw, he’ll be fine. It’s perfectly safe… maybe…. He fell from higher places anyway,” He stated to justify his actions.


High above Equestria

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Too fast, Too fast!” Sora was tumbling uncontrollably in the orb as He fell at breakneck speeds. He wished very much that the landing would be gentle enough for him to survive. When he finally righted himself so he was facing down towards the world below, He gave a small sigh of relief. At least now he’s got to see where he was going.

It was quite the view, he had to agree to that. The world looked expansive, and it screams at him to explore it. He would be more than happy to, but first he had to meet, Yen Sid’s friend. To get his bearings on everything once he landed, Oh and of course, trying to make sure he doesn’t die when he makes an impact with the ground. He could see that he was able to direct the orb somewhat, other than it falling of course.

He decided to look around for some sort of sign he was suppose to pick up on to tell him where to land. Donald said this “friend” was suppose to light up a path for him…. He then noticed a bright beacon of light coming from what looked like a castle below. After looking around for any other signs, he could only assume this was the rendezvous point.

As he descended he noticed that his outfit’s magic was started to take effect and glow. “Oh yeah, Yen Sid said this would happen.” He was rather curious on what the denizens of this world looked like anyway. When his clothes flashed a bright light, then he felt the Orb get hit by something. “That… can’t be good” “That… can’t be good.” It was too bright for him to see anything as his transformation continued. After a few moments, it all died down and he quickly looked around to see if his course had changed, too concerned to even look at himself properly yet to see his new form.

It was then that he knew, that the phrase “getting knocked off course” didn’t even cut it with how far away from the castle he was. Seeing that the beacon was now so far away yet so bright he couldn’t the castle it was coming from until it suddenly died down, probably the one that wielded the beacon saw his sudden change of course and got worried. “Nope, not good at all!” He looked down to see he was headed toward a forest’s edge, He happened to be quick enough to notice that there was a cottage not to far off from the forest… then he looked at his-
“Hoof?” he managed to say before his orb crashed down into the tree’s and impacted the ground, knocking him unconscious.


Cottage by the forest’s edge

A few minutes before impact

It was a bright a beautiful day for the yellow Pegasus that lived here. Celestia’s Sun was shining in the middle of a blue sky, void of any clouds. All the animals seem to be in a good mood. There was a bit of pep in her step as she went about to do her chores. Something about today, just seemed to brighten her spirits. “There you go, Mr. Squirrel fresh nuts from the market” she lowered a tiny bowl in front of a squirrel she had been helping recover after it hurt it’s leg. It made a full recovery, and was free to go after breakfast. It then began to chatter to her

“Oh me? I don’t know what it is, but everything seems perfect.” She couldn’t hide the adorable smile that never seemed to go away at all. “Maybe, I’ll meet some new animal friends today. That would be lovely.” It goes without saying that he perfect day was shattered the moment she heard the sound of something impact the ground. The first thing to come from her mouth as a “Eep!” and then a quick vanishing as she flew back to her home with the quickness, hiding under her table with her hooves over head, shivering from fear. After a good minute of hiding, and some “persuasion” from a white rabbit, she slowly peeked her head outside her door, her face mostly covered by her pink mane. After seeing that nothing scary was in her front lawn, she sighed with relief and had a bit more courage to step out and look around. When she turned to the forest she noticed a billow of dust and smoke rising out of the tree tops near her home. She would’ve left to tell one of her friends if her first reaction wasn’t “Oh, I hope an animal wasn’t hurt from that” without a second thought she flew over toward the forest, but at her usual speed.

It wasn’t long before she reached the point of impact, the dust had mostly settled now, and she could see no creature was seen nearby, which eased most of her worries. The only one left was whether or not a poor little animal was in that crater. She was also mindful that whatever it was that made the crater had to still be there, so that added fear to her worry. She inched herself closer to it at a painfully slow rate, body low to the ground as to hope that she would be less noticeable if it turned out to be a scary monster.

When she finally reached the edge of the crater, she peeked down into it. She didn’t see a hurt animal or a scary beast, thankfully, but what she did see surprised her even more.

“A pony?” her first instinct was to hide away before the pony would see her, but she picked up that he was actually unconscious, lying with his legs sprawled out. She couldn’t leave now. She had to help somehow, and so she did, in her own way.” She hovered down toward the pony and got a better look of him. His fur was brown, one could say caramel even. His mane and tail a darker shade, chocolate would probably be the closest similarity. He was an Earth Pony, though he didn’t seem as well toned as a stallion Earth Pony would be. His mane was spiky, to say the least. The best the shy mare could tell was that he looked around her age, maybe a bit older. He wore a hooded jacket, mostly black, white trimming, silver hardened cloth on both sleeves that resembled pauldrons. There were yellow belts with buckles at the end hanging off opposite sites of the hoodie. He had an undershirt with an interesting design. It was mostly navy blue, but at the stomach was a red trapezoid that was separated from the blue by a thin silver border. A small red saddle bag, with black belts wrapped around them to look like an “X” was placed on both sides of his flank. It looked like there were some items inside them. Finally to complete this ensemble, he sported a silver chain necklace with a Silver crown shaped symbol around his neck. The yellow mare suddenly thought of a certain friend that might want to see this pony’s clothes.

She proceeded to poke him softly with her for hoof a few times to get him to wake up. When that proofed fruitless she tried to yell at him to wake up. That didn’t work either since her idea of yelling was a soft “E-excuse me, S-sir?”

That could hardly be any louder then when one would normally speak. She looked around, no one else was around to help him. She had a nervous look as she was trying to decide what to do, before finally coming to the decision of taking him to her house. She couldn’t just leave him there after all. With the all of her strength she struggled but managed to pick up and carry the unconscious stallion as she flew back to her house.

“I just knew things were too perfect” she sighed. She looked back down at her passenger for a moment before looking forward again when her cottage came into view.

Author's Note:

Hello, I hope you enjoyed this Prologue, I posted this to basically grab some attention in the hopes that I might find someone who is willing to proof read this story. I already have the next 4 chapters made, but only this one is what I'm most confident that I did everything right. You'll understand what I mean if you checked my "Help Wanted" ad in the opening Summary from earlier. I am I would like to post the rest of the chapters I've written all at once since it's basically the beginning part, but I want to wait until I have some one have a look at it to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong Of course, I'll be looking at the comments for to see if you at least are interested in my story and/or might have some suggestions to help me make sure I'm portraying MLP characters correctly.

Now some things you should know if you decide to continue reading as I add more chapters. This story is basically a part of what I wanted to see in a Kingdom Hearts Cross over. So I adopted some ideas from other stories written already here. Like for Example Steel Soul's Kingdom Hearts story. However, I didn't want it to be a carbon copy, and honestly I wish there were somethings added to it. So I decided to just make one myself. Of course I'm still an fan Of Steel Souls story and will continue to read it, whenever they decide to continue it. In the mean time. I hope at least my story, would interest you as well, or atleast something you could read until one of the more well known authors adds another chapter in their tales. Now I promised my self that I would complete this no matter what, so whether you guys love it, or thing its utter trash. You better believe that I'm still gonna writing and posting it here.

As I post each chapter I'll write here basically what was going on when that Chapter was being made and a dip into my mind set in case I need to clarify why I wrote what I wrote.

So I thank you again for takign the time to read this and I hope topost the other 4 chapters soon. After those 4 are posted, I promise to atleast post the a chapter within 2 weeks after the last one was posted. If by any chance that I go over that, I'll write here why that happened and get it done ASAP. However if it ends up with me not posting within 5 weeks form the last post, then I promise to take first priority to type in 3 chapters to all post at once as an apology for the wait.

This sort of promise more for myself to be honest. I want to make sure I stay commited to finish what I started. and If I run into a slump, I'll definitely update to let you guys know.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy my story. If not, then I'm sorry, and I hope you find one you do like.

( Update: I'd like to thank Kingdom Harmony and joshuapunk3 for taking on the task. So to everyone else, I hope our efforts will make this story enjoyable for you. )

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