• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Spike Adventures: Spike Guards the Home Front

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Just after the departure of Sora and the girls

“There they go again” Spike mumbled to himself as he waved them off, the pegasus chariot racing off into the sky. “Off on another quest, to save the day and fight more heartless bad guys.” He then heaved a sigh before his waving arm dropped to his side and he kicked a rock. “And once again… I’m stuck watching the library.” He then proceeded to drag his sorry self back to the library before immediately flopping onto the couch face first.

“Ah, Spike my boy, I take it their departure went smoothly?” Merlin said from where he happened to be sitting on the far end of the couch, a saucer and cup full of tea floating by him as his hooves were holding a book he seemed interested in.

“Oo a uttah istha erwin.” Translation from couch face to English/Equish is: Smooth as Butter Mister Merlin.

“Ah, splendid! Then everything over in Canterlot should be right as rain in no time.” It would seem Merlin was fluent in the language.

Spike rolled onto his back now “Yeah, and they’ll probably learn some super cool move and fight off giant monsters and do all kinds of heroic stuff…” he turned his head to the side to look at nothing in particular. “And I’ll be here… again… waiting for them to come back.”

Merlin glanced over towards the little drake allowing a hint of a smirk to grace his features before he looked back at his book again ”Well someone has to keep an eye on home base while the main party is out.”

“Yeah, and what a challenge that is, valiantly defending the headquarters from the dreaded dust bunnies and misaligned books.” He heaved another sigh “I mean, it’s not like I don’t like my job here. I’m Twilight’s Number One Assistant-”


“Quiet you...” Spike pointed towards an owl that was perched in the open window “Anyway, It’s just that sometimes I want to help out with hero stuff too.”

“Hmm, that is quite the pickle.” Merlin smiled as he carefully shifted his gaze back to the dragon for a moment. “But perhaps there may be times when a problem comes up that only you are able to take care of.”

“Pffft, with all due respect Mr. Merlin, it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me.” Spike groaned as he gazed at the ceiling with a rather bored expression.

At that moment Merlin hopped off the couch and closed the book with his magic. “Well if that is the case, I suppose I might just have to change your mind.”

“Oh? How so?” Spike’s tone made it clear he wasn’t holding his breath.

“Well, I do believe I had a task I wanted to give Sora, however it would seem that more urgent matters have come up, as you no doubt saw.” Merlin carefully placed the book back into a vacant opening on the bookshelf. EXACTLY where he found it before.

Spike immediately perked up. “A job? For Sora?!” He practically leapt to his feet and in the span of a few heartbeats he was at the end of the couch looking at the old wizard. “You… You really think I can handle something like that?”

“Oh I am more than confident that you can, my dear boy. You definitely show that same spark of getting things done within your eyes as Sora does, that much is for certain.

“R-really?!” Spike was wide eyed, it may have been a small amount of praise, but it was enough to get the dragon’s attention. “Just like Sora?!” The image of Spike wearing Sora’s outfit while holding the keyblade skyward standing on top of a pile of heartless appeared in his mind.

“Technically yes, however, we won’t really know until we actually take on the task at hand.” Merlin then pulled out his watch and studied it. “Ahh here we go.” Just then the front door burst open as three familiar fillies barreled their way inside and slammed the door shut behind them, barricading it with their bodies. “Spike, we need help! Where’s Sora?!”

“He left for Canterlot already to have an adventure…” Spike pouted, whatever the crusader’s problem was he didn’t suspect it was that big. It was only once he sat up and finally looked at them that he got concerned due to the looks on their faces. “Ok… What happened?” At that moment, he could’ve sworn he heard some kind of repeated thumping noise outside, but it was too quiet right now to determine whether or not he was just hearing things..


CMC’s Recap

When the crusaders started retelling what they had done Spike somehow was imagining some kind of paper puppet show, with the three girls in chibi paper form with beady eyes. Scootaloo spoke first.

“Ok, so there we were trying to get our cutie marks in potion making.” The scene depicted the cutie mark puppets now standing around a big black cauldron with Sweetie Belle mixing the concoction.

“What? Why were you making potions?” Spike interjected

“Not important, Spike.” Sweetie Belle said

“Humor me.”

The three girls groaned as did their puppet forms before Scootaloo explained. “Ok, so that Mogson guy wouldn’t sell us any potions, he only accepts that ‘munny’ stuff he and Sora use.” The story back tracked to the puppets in front of an even smaller chibi version of Mogson who had his arms crossed and angry look on his face and the head animated into looking like he was shaking his head. The puppet CMC all shared looks of sadness.

“And why, pray tell, did you want to buy his potions?” Spike once again butted in.

“Details details, ugh!” Scootaloo groaned. Applebloom then decided to give the long and short of it.

“We were just curious ‘bout’em, Applejack told me when Sora used one on her, she didn’t have to drink it, it just turned inta’ green shiny lights that healed her wounds.” The image briefly back tracked to the train ride heartless battle where Sora was healing Applejack and perking her up for another round.

“Oh yeah, I remember that.” Twilight and Sora were happy to tell the story of what happened when they came back from Canterlot the last time. Then the image flipped back to the puppet CMC being denied by Paper Mogson.

“Yeah, we wanted to try some to see if they work,” Sweetie Belle added, “cuz Scootaloo crashes her scooter a lot.”

“Hey!” After Scootaloo’s shout a brief image of Scootaloo crashing into something and being thrown off of her scooter appeared before returning to the previous scene.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to have those for her.” Spike snickered

“Anyways,” Applebloom continued, “so that Mogson feller’ said that we couldn’t buy potions with bits, only with that ‘munny’ stuff that heartless drop whenever they get the stuffin’ knocked outta ‘em.” Next it showed a simple Shadow getting bonked on the head with a keyblade and Munny coming out of him like a pinata. Probably not quite as accurate but close enough.

“I’m gonna ask this right now just to be sure, but you didn’t try to fight them after that did you?” Spike practically groaned at that sentence as an image of the girls running at a heartless with wooden swords appeared.

“Hey give us SOME credit here, we know that’s a bad idea, besides only the guards or Sora, Rainbow and the others are allowed to fight them.” Scootaloo snapped.

“Can you blame me, given your track record?”

The girls decided to give no comment on that and moved on.

“Right, so,” Sweetie Belle picked it up this time “we then decided we could just make the potion ourselves.” Now the image was back to them standing around the cauldron mixing away once again.

“And I’m gonna go on a limb here and assume you never even bothered to ask what those potions are made of…”

At his words the CMC puppets now seemed to be dawning thoughtful looks as question marks floated above their heads. Sweetie Belle responded “Well… yeah, but how hard could it be?”

Scootaloo decided to join in “Yeah! The stuff was green with little stars and moons floating around inside it, so we grabbed some stuff from our houses.” Three images displayed one by one, first was Sweetie Bell grabbing star and moon shaped decorations from Rarity’s house. Next was Scootaloo grabbing a large cooking pot to use as a makeshift cauldron with empty bottles inside. Finally there was Applebloom. She wasn’t sure what to bring, but figured it had to be green so she grabbed a basket and filled it with leaves and grass from around the farm to make the potion base. Finally one final image appeared of the crusaders dumping everything into the pot and Scootaloo mixing it up.

“And you thought that would work?” Spike deadpanned.

Another image, this time of the three of them trying it. Immediately their faces turned green with Applebloom sticking out her tongue in disgust, Sweetie Belle with her cheeks puffed out and her hoof to cover her mouth, and Scootaloo hacking up a star shaped gem. All three girls could only reply in unison “Yeaaah…” with a shameful tone to their voices.

“Was this also an attempt to get a cutie mark in potion making?”

.... the puppet CMC all seem to be looking at the viewer with pouty faces

“Your silence says it all.” Spike said triumphantly

“Can we just continue the story, we’re getting side tracked” Scootaloo tried to change the subject.

“By all means…” Merlin decided to speak this time.

“Ahem, right then.” Scootaloo was gonna wrap it up now as the image changed back to the CMC puppets standing around the pot with abysmal looks. “So big surprise, the potion making was a flop, we had to cancel that idea.”

The image changes to Scootaloo perking up with a light bulb above her head as Applebloom spoke next. “Then Scoots had a ‘bright idea’ of how we could scrounge up some of that ‘munny’ stuff Mogson was talking about.

“I’m already not liking where this is going” Spike sighed.

“Well hehe, you’d be right,” Scootaloo said as the image changes to open fields where some paper Royal Guards were dispatching some paper heartless, “see I overheard earlier that the guard here in Ponyville got called over to take out a small group of heartless that wandered out of the Everfree Forest..... Soooo I thought uh, well…”

Sweetie Belle didn’t want to drag it on any longer “Her big plan was for us to sneak onto the battle and grab any dropped munny whenever a guard defeated a heartless.” In that same image a bush appeared with the puppet CMC’s heads sticking out of it and wobbling over to the fight.

“I… I just… I can’t even, girls…” Spike was at a loss for words.

“It gets worse…” Applebloom said with a nervous laugh.

“How much worse?”

“Well for one, we got spotted by the guard.” Scootaloo stated as an image of a guard pointing at their bush with the CMC heads giving a started look appeared.

For one?” Spike asked in disbelief, what more could they have-


It sounded like large footsteps approaching, leaving the visual imagery of the story to vanish from Spike’s mind and focus back on the girls that were now trembling and looking out the window. “We uh… grabbed the attention of a heartless…” Scootaloo said.

Spike and Merlin merely approached the front door, Spike picking up a stick leaning on the frame. It was the very same stick he had when he traveled with Sora and the girls into the Everfree, he had decided to keep it as a memento of the really cool moment where he teamed up with Sora to help fight. Plus it was a pretty sturdy stick to survive all that whacking and not break.

The girls decided to follow right behind them. Once they reached the outside Spike finally got to get good look at the heartless they claimed chased them down. “What in the?”

“Oh, I remember that, a Guard Armor I believe... How nostalgic.” Merlin was stroking his beard as he gazed at the towering enemy. All around it on the ground were unconscious and wounded guards

Spike just looked on in disbelief, the girls were now behind him holding onto things like rocks and sticks to try to look as threatening as possible with them, too bad their cuteness factor pretty much negates their attempt at intimidation.

“Well, now what?” Spike could only ask as he gripped his stick. This was bad, the ROYAL GUARD were the ones that were suppose to handle this when Sora’s away and they’re all out of commission. Are these the kind of big Heartless Sora fights all the time? How can I fight this?! I just got a stick! Spike was starting to tremble but remembered something Merlin! He seemed to be a powerful wizard.

Aren’t you selling yourself a bit short there, Spike?” Merlin’s voice came from his right causing the dragon to jump a little in shock.

“Wha! Jeez, warn me next time you do that!” Spike clutched his breath and started panting before he finally heard what the wizard said. “What do you mean selling myself short? Just look at it!” he pointed to the large heartless, it seemed dead set on heading towards them as it made it’s way over, ignoring the guards it had incapacitated.

“I am, but are you really trying your best, Spike?” Merlin simply stared at their approaching doom.

“What?! You’re saying I can beat it?!”

“Well, back in the forest you certainly handled those, er what were they called… timberwolves, yes?” Merlin simply replied.

“Yeah, but not by myself! Sora and that Manticore were there fighting with me… and it was mostly them!” Spike waved his free arm frantically.

“Well you’re not alone now either are you?”

Upon hearing this Spike stared back at the old stallion, then to the girls behind him.

“Hey if we can help, then we got your back Spike!” Scootaloo had a determined look on her face. If the big old wizard guy says they can do it, then she had nothing to be afraid of anymore. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were the same in that respect.

“Let’s kick his flank, Spike!” Sweetie Belle cheered with a pump of her hoof.

“Ah’ reckon if we do beat that fella he might drop lots of munny!” Applebloom added.

“No way, Really?!” Both girls looked back at her as if they had been awakened to a piece of profound knowledge.”

Spike simply stared back at them and heaved a heavy sigh. “Well… If you say we can do it Mr. Merlin…” he turned to face their opponent who had finally closed the distance, there was no longer anytime to chat now with the heartless already in striking range. He gripped his stick and ran right at it.

“Oh do be careful, it can throw it’s body parts at you in a sense!” Merlin replied

“Wait wha-Whoa!” Spike narrowly managed to avoid a giant flying fist by side jumping and rolling very quickly out of the way.

The girls practically screamed thinking Spike would’ve bit the big one there. “Wow! Spike was pretty quick there!” Sweetie Belle said.

Spike had to admit to himself, that was pretty cool. He wasn’t sure how he did that at first, but decided to roll with it for now. Finally out of his stupor he ran towards the embedded limb and took a swing at it. To his surprise, not only did the stick remain in one piece, but he managed to knock it away. “What?”

Merlin seemed to be holding a smirk, thankful for his hat, which was currently preventing them from seeing his horn glowing. That stick was no longer just an average stick for this fight. “Keep at it Spike, it takes more than one strike to fell this beast!” Merlin cheered he then turned to the girls “Say ladies, how about I give you three better tools than those so you can help out?

“Really?” all three of them said in unison as they turned to the wizard who ended up chuckling at the adorable looks on their faces.

“Yes, indeed, though let’s not let your sisters or Rainbow Dash know about it for now” he winked at them.

“Oooh, a Pinkie Promise then?” Applebloom suggested. This surprised Merlin a little, pondering why ponies would know such a promise. “Uh, sure. If that’s what is required.” He would soon find out how far off his thoughts on the subject were in a moment. Meanwhile, Spike had already been engaging the Heartless completely.

Spike now realized why there were no limbs attaching the hands and legs to the body, It gave the creature alot of freedom to literally fling parts of itself at his foes or have said part have a mind of it’s own to ruin Spike’s day. He had to admit, normally he’d be the one running right now from such a scary foe, but when it came to fighting heartless, for some reason he felt like he could stop them. Though most of that confidence usually came from being with the girls or Sora, this time his confidence came from how his supposedly makeshift weapon seemed sturdier than he thought, seeing as how it hadn’t so much as cracked from the punishment it was being put through. “I got you now!” Another thing surprising the baby dragon was how mobile he was right now, courtesy of a very bearded wizard to be sure.

He somehow managed to jump high enough to land on the other hand before leaping off of that to land on the torso, right in front of the floating head. Spike was unaware of the smirk that was glued onto his face as he started pounding away at the head, watching it get batted away by each impact, then try to return to it’s original spot quickly, just to get knocked away by another swing. He managed to get twenty or so good hits in before he suddenly felt something grab at him.

In his moment of confidence, he neglected the fact that the Guard Armor still had control of its hands. “Whoa! Let me go!” the hand picked him up and away from the torso, and went to slam him to the ground when suddenly an explosive blast struck it at it’s side, causing it to release Spike in response. “Yes!” when he landed he entered a combat roll before he tried to find what had caused the explosion. What he found was entirely unexpected. “That’s so cool!”

“YEEEAH! Take that!” Scootaloo cheered as she sat behind what looked like mounted toy blaster gun. She along with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were on the guns of what looked like a mini tank with a starry fantasy design, driven by Merlin who seemed to be having a lot more fun with this then he should be, given the current situation.

“Nice shot, Scootaloo! Keep it up!” He cheered on

“No way! Let me try!” Applebloom said before she fired her gun in a rapid fire volley of small light shots into the heartless’ side, pelting it with mini explosions and causing it to stumble a bit. “Hey, mine shoots different!” Whereas Scootaloo’s gun fired giant star missiles, Applebloom’s seemed to fire an automatic barrage of small bright meteors.

“Wait, then what does mine do?” Sweetie Belle said before taking aim with her gun. What came out was a beam of light that started burning and pushing one of the legs into the other, tripping them both over. “Wow! Check that out!”

“When did you guy’s get that?!” Spike stared on in astonishment at Merlin and the girls.

“Save the chit chat for later Spike, I do believe you cannot afford the luxury!” Merlin yelled back, and right on cue Spike noticed the feet and arms return to the torso, once again forming up as a full suit of armor.

“Oh uh, right!” Spike took his stance then charged back into the fray.

“Go for it Spike! We got your back!” Applebloom cheered as she and the girls started firing at the heartless. Scootaloo would blast at the torso to knock it around, Applebloom would pelt the feet if they ever got within stomping distance of the dragon, and Sweetie Belle would repel the hands to knock them off course whenever they tried to punch at him or helicopter spin in his direction. Meanwhile Merlin seemed to casually drive all around the battlefield. Always in the right spot for one if not all the girls to use their guns.

Spike’s battle was a lot easier now with back up and he would strike away at the body parts any time he had the chance. As time went on the Guard Armor was finally weakening to the point where it couldn’t hold itself together in one form and started falling to pieces. “This is it!” Spike called out and charged right for his foe. “I can fight too! AAAAA-guh!” mid way in his jump Merlin drove the tank right in front of him and the girls suddenly picked him up and dropped him in the seating area with them. “Guys?! What’s going on?! We almost have it!” Merlin didn’t hesitate to drive off and away from the heartless.

“Yes my boy, you and the girls showed it what for and have done a smashing job at it, but I’m afraid that our services are no longer required!” Merlin seemed to be racing off as fast as he could with the tank.

“What? Why?! We can’t leave it like that, it’ll just recover and attack Ponyville!


An earth shaking thud resounded throughout the area, the ground shaking enough to knock the tank itself into the air for a few seconds before it bounced back onto its tracks. This made Merlin finally slow down and make a hard 180 that caused the tank to skid and drift a bit, kicking up a cloud of dust that obscured everyone’s vision. This issue was only compounded further due to the fact that whatever had caused the crash had kicked up its own plume of dust as well.

“What was that?!” Scootaloo yelled through a coughing fit. She, Spike, and the girls had to cover their eyes and cough out any dusty air they had inhaled as they tried to understand the situation.

“A victory.” Merlin said simply. When the dust finally cleared and they all looked back at where the heartless last was, they were shocked by what they found instead.

An unconscious black and purple dragon.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! It's me again with a new little branch tot he story I like to call "Spike Adventures!" You see awhile back I been seeing some chatting here and there about Spike having a bigger role, Well how about this? :twilightsmile: "Spike gets it own side series. Yes I know, I could've just made it a separate story all together with its own chapter page and everything, but that didn't quite feel right to me and I wanted you to read something every deadline, so it was better to just have it run here and it all connects with the main story anyway so no big diff really.

Now what makes Spike Adventures different from the main story is that it genuinely his abit more lax in areas I have established with the main. For example: I cannot and will not post a main story chapter unless it AT THE VERY LEAST breaks through the 4k word count barrier. For Spike adventures, that issue is dropped in half. but just because it's bare minimum is lower does not mean I half to stop there.

These adventures ofcourse hold great significance tot he story and prepares Spike for what he will have to deal with in the future. I need to get Spike up to date combat wise with Sora and the girls and to do that. The CMC and Merlin we'll be molding this soon to be dragon warrior.

Speaking of Dragons, Was that Maleficent just now at the end? :rainbowderp:... Now that's some distance! :rainbowdetermined2:

Alright that's all I can say for now.... well one more thing. "What kind of spell did Merlin put on that stick for it to not break LOONG before the battle ended? haha anyway:

Next Chapter: Ominous things were bound to happen eventually folks.

I Hope you all enjoyed this SUB chapter and look forward to future main and sub ones.

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