• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 1: A Ponyville Welcome (Slight Re Edit)

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Sora’s eyes opened, with nothing but black to greet his view. He slowly sat up, then looked at himself…. There were his hands, was he dreaming all of that? Looking at the floor beneath him answered his own question.

( image found on derpicdn.net )

No, I know this place. He brought himself to his feet and looked around. I’m asleep…. I know that much. I don’t think I’m dreaming, either. He took a moment to really look at the glass floor beneath him, the only light and color in this realm at all. “Horses?” he walked about the floor trying to get a better look at everything the picture below him had to offer. As best as he could tell, they were two horses or ponies or whatever, but they had horns and wings. He’s heard of unicorns, and he is friends with a Pegasus. However, this is new. On both of these beings were tiaras and some rather regal-looking accessories. Were they royalty? Thinking back, he did remember that the last thing he saw before he passed out and wound up here was that when he lifted up his hand, he saw a hoof instead. Looking at himself again only made his theory more concrete that when he would wake up, he was definitely going look like one. However, that was for later. For now, what mattered was trying to find out why he was in this realm.


Sora whipped around when he heard his name, but he saw nothing. “Who’s there?” There was no immediate answer, but eventually the voice spoke again.

You will come here often as you remain in this world.

Sora continued to look for the owner of the voice, but when he finally decided it was fruitless to even try, he simply listened, but remained wary of anything. “What makes you say that?”

Just then, a path made of stained glass windows appeared at the edge of the floor he was standing on. You wish to gain the power that you were told to have, but this strength will be difficult to achieve on your own for now.

Sora stared at the path leading to what looked like a large column of some kind. It was safe to assume that he was standing on one as well. Seeing as there was not much else to do, he walked up the path to the next column. Upon reaching the new area, his first instinct was to get a good look at the floor.

( Image found on Deviantart.net, made by Shadowkixx )

They will help you in this endeavor. In turn, you will help them. You must make a bond with them.

“You mean like, be their friend?” He flashed a grin and rubbed a finger under his nose. “I would’ve done that anyway.” Sora was more than eager to meet new friends. He started to study the floor carefully, wanting to make sure he burned their image into his mind and not forget them. It be troublesome if he just walked past them, never knowing it.

An answer that was to be expected. Remember this: Friendship is a far more powerful force in this world. Your strength comes from the connection of all the hearts from your friends. You’ve used it as a weapon to fight against the darkness.

A familiar white door appeared in front of Sora

Now you must learn to hone this strength, and unlock what lies dormant inside you. These six will be just as important to you, as you are to them.

Sora looked over toward the door. Even though this was all serious business, to aid him in his future battles with the Xehanort, he couldn’t help but smile as he walked up to it and grabbed the handles. “Can’t wait to see them.” He pulled the handles and the double door slowly swung open. Light shot out of the opening and bathed him in a gentle warmth before he stepped inside.

Be wise in your choices, and courageous in your actions.


The Cottage

The yellow Pegasus had carried the stallion all the way to her home. Once she placed him on the couch comfortably, she remembered that she should check for any cuts or wounds. As best as she could tell, his face looked alright. Her cheeks turned a bit pink when she realized how long she was staring at his face and went to check the rest of him out. This ended up with her having to take his jacket and saddle bag off, as awkward as that felt for her. Perhaps it would’ve been better to take him to the hospital. As she continued to visually scan him, she realized that there wasn’t even a scratch on him. From the sound she heard and that crater in the ground that he was laying in, he must’ve fell from a really high place or had something crash on top of him. Yet, he was breathing and looked alright, save for the fact that he was a bit dirty from lying on the ground like that.

As she continued her examination, she happened to gaze at his cutie mark. It was rather elegant to look at: blue lines that connected at the bottom, then veered away from each other on the way up, before suddenly going back to each other and finishing off by dipping down a little before they are just about to touch, then curling towards where they connect at the bottom, then finishes the curl with their tips facing diagonally parallel from each other. This created a blue outline of a heart. At the center of this heart was a gold crown symbol that looked just like the crown piece on his necklace. It was simple, yet pretty to look at as well. The mare ended up staring at it for far too long when she finally noticed that not only was the stallion awake, but facing toward her with a very sleepy look on his face. She cringed and let out a rather adorable squeak as she quickly backed away from him, trying to hide her now red face with her hooves. Not the best first impression to a new pony when the first thing they see is you looking like you're staring at their plot.

She half expected him to be angry at her about it, but instead she heard, “Uh, hey there,” followed by a long yawn. “Sorry if I scared you there.” He then gave a sheepish smile thinking he was in the wrong.

The shy mare at first was too nervous to say or do anything, looking anywhere but towards him. However, she soon managed to respond softly, “I-It’s alright, I s-should’ve been paying more attention to notice you waking up.” She was trying her best to help them both forget that incident, thankful that he seemed to be too sleepy to notice what she was staring at. When she looked at him again, he just gave her a warm smile in return. That seemed to help her relax a bit more.

“Hey, no harm done, right?” He got a good look around. It was a rather cozy looking home; he noticed that there were quite a few bird houses, and what looked like a bed for dog or cat. “I uuuh, like your house. I’m going to hazard a guess that you like animals” This instantly perked up the timid Pegasus who instantly forgot her nervousness.

“Oh yes, I love all kinds of animals. I take care of them and any wild animals whenever they get sick.” She then proceeded to explain about her duties, and all the animals that lived with her.

Sora simply smiled and listened patiently, even when she started talking about helping a manticore with a thorn in its paw. He got her to talk to him, and that gave him a small victory to be proud of. He then decided to put in his two cents. “I actually know a few animals myself.” He sat up properly as she gasped and eagerly waited for him to continue. “Heh, well lets see.” He had a look of contemplation as he recalled his memories. “I know a lion, a deer, an elephant that could fly since it had REALLY big ears-” The mare was really excited about hearing that part. It took a while through their conversation when something dawned on him. “Oh that’s right, I never introduced myself,” he chuckled, scratching his mane with his hoof. This elicited a small giggle from the yellow Pegasus, now that she realized it as well. She was a bit amazed how quick it was to feel ok talking with this pony. She watched him flash a goofy smile and say “I’m Sora.” A unique name, she thought.

“Hello Sora, I-I’m Fluttershy.” She still kept a bit of a quiet tone, but the stallion was still able to pick it up. “S-so, you said you know a dragon?” She was eager to continue their conversation a bit longer, though he definitely didn’t seem to mind telling her more about it, as he picked up where he left off.

All in all for Sora, not a bad way to start out when you’ve made a new friend after waking up.


Golden Oaks Library

“Twilight!” The library was essentially a large hollowed out tree that doubled as a home for the librarian and her assistant, a small purple dragon, who was running down the stairs clutching a rolled up piece of paper yelling “Twilight! We got a letter from the Princess!” He reached the bottom of the stairs, running toward a purple Unicorn that seemed to instantly stop reading a book she was fond of and had a look of urgency on her face. “What? Let me see that, Spike.” The Unicorn, now known as Twilight, started making her horn glow in a magenta aura that also appeared on the paper Spike was holding, unfurling it and then bringing it to her face to read.

Dear Twilight,

I apologize to ask this of you, but a very important guest that was supposed to arrive here had an accident upon arrival and was knocked off course. The last they were seen was falling somewhere in the Everfree Forest, near Ponyville. He is very new to Equestria and will most likely be very confused on what is going on. I fear that he might get lost in the forest. I would like you and your friends to search for him from your side of the forest. I have already sent my guards to look for him in case he detoured away from civilization. I know you will have many questions and I assure you they will be answered. In fact, I hope that you do find him first. Have him rest somewhere for the night, then as soon as you and your friends are able, I would like you all to bring him to Canterlot, so that all can be explained. I await to hear from you soon.

Princess Celestia

Her face changed from furrowing a brow, to having a look of concern. “Spike, take a letter!” She then proceeded to grab her saddlebags and levitate a few items into them. Meanwhile, Spike had already taken out another piece of parchment and a quill.

“Ready when you are,” he said, and proceeded to write down word for word what she said before rolling up the parchment and setting it ablaze with his dragon fire, letting it burn up into nothing. “Ok, sent!” He hopped onto the Twilight’s back and they were off.

“Let’s gather the girls,” Twilight said, now at full speed down the road.


Somewhere above Ponyville

A lone small cloud floated above the village, and on top of it, a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail was laying down, grumbling the whole time. She had lost a bet and she knew that it wasn’t her fault that she lost. “Whoever put that stupid light ball in the middle of the sky deserves a hoof to the face. My hoof.” Her friend Applejack placed a bet that she couldn’t fly to Canterlot and back in 10 minutes: a challenge she felt was no trouble at all. She gave it everything she had and was making good time. She managed to grab a souvenir as proof, then shot right back to her friend, ready to wipe that smug look off her face and wear it herself. It was at that moment of daydreaming that she failed to notice a shining orb descending into her flight path. By the time she did realize, she could only catch a glimpse of it, forever burned in her memory as she crashed hard into it. Knocked into a daze, she dropped her souvenir and sent the orb careening into who-knows-where. She had managed to snap out of it quick enough to barely catch her souvenir before it hit the ground, but all that was too time consuming and was off by half a minute.

Now she has to help Applejack buck apples for a month. She was not going to like waking up so early in the morning for a whole month just to buck some apples out of trees. So here she was, moping about her lost bet, looking at her cheap, crummy souvenir that was basically some stupid snow globe of the castle. It doesn’t even do anything cool, other then you shake it up and watch fake snow float around the model inside. She felt like chucking it now.

“Rainbow Dash!” The blue Pegasus’ ears perked up and she poked her head over the cloud to look down and see “Twilight? What do you want? In case you haven’t noticed I’m busy” It was clear that she wasn’t; she was just grumpy.

Twilight hazarded an intelligent guess that her friend had to be the one that that would be lazily hiding up in that cloud. “Rainbow, this is important! Get down here!”

“Alright, Alright, don’t get your tail in a twist.” Rainbow got up with a huff and flew down to her friend. “So where’s the fire?” she had a half interested expression.

“Rainbow, I need you to help me gather the girls. A pony is lost in the Everfree Forest and the Princess wants us to look for them since they might have gotten lost near Ponyville.” Twilight went straight to the point on this one.

“Whoa, for real? And Celestia wants us to look for them? Must be one of those noble types or something.” She then started flying up. “Alright, I’ll go get AJ and Fluttershy, you can go get Rarity and Pinkie.”

Twilight nodded. “We’ll all meet up at Fluttershy’s house, then.” The two of them split ways.

Spike then decided to speak. “So who do you think this pony is, if the Princess is trying to find them?”

“I don’t know, but from the sound of the letter, it involves us as well as whatever it is they are here for.”


On a path leading to Ponyville

15 minutes later

“Huh, so that’s Ponyville right?” Sora was with Fluttershy as they made their down to it. Sora needed to get directions and to get his bearings on everything. Fluttershy wanted to help her new friend and to pick up some chicken feed since her supply was running a bit low. She was really thankful when Sora offered to help carry some back with her.

“Yes, I can show you around… that is, if you don’t mind.” She added that last part with a shy look on her face.

Sora simply shrugged and smiled. “Sure, I don’t mind. I might be here for a little while, so I’d like to know my way around.” He had to admit, he was a bit surprised how well-coordinated he was in this new body. Perhaps all the time he spent in the Pride Lands paid off, though he felt like it was a bit more then that. Of course, that thought brought him to another more mysterious one. When he woke up, Fluttershy said she took off his gear to check for any injuries. At first it took him a while get over the fact that it was ok to not wear clothes in this world; even more so in front of Fluttershy, and he tried to look as normal as possible as he tried to put his clothes on. However, that wasn’t what bugged him. If she did take his clothes off, then he would’ve reverted back to his true form… and yet he didn’t. What could that mean?” He pondered deeply about this to the point that he received a look of concern from his new friend.

“Sora? Are you alright?” She gently tapped her hoof on him bringing him back to reality in a blink of an eye.

“O-oh, hehe, sorry. I was just thinking.” After seeing her concerned look subside a bit, he gazed forward again to see that they reached the town. “Say, how about we go get your chicken feed first,” he suggested

“Really, are you sure? I mean, you don‘t have to if you don‘t want to.” Fluttershy didn’t want to burden him.

“Yeah, it’ll give me a good workout.” He would’ve given a thumbs up, but he remembered he had no hands.

“Oh, well alright. It’s actually right over here.” Fluttershy pointed to what looked like a rather quaint general store. Business seem to be going well for it today.

“Alright, you just need two bags of chicken feed, right? I’ll go on ahead and grab the bags, and you can go to the cashier and pay for it.” He went into a trot as he made his way into the store.

“Ok.” She gave a nod. He was a very nice pony, that much she was sure about. She was about to make her way toward to the door when she heard her name being called.

“Hey Fluttershy!” It was Rainbow Dash, who was making a fast descent toward her from the sky.

“Oh hello, Rainbow Dash. What are you doing here?” Fluttershy smiled at her friend.

“I came looking for you! There’s a pony lost in the Everfree Forest. Twilight is rounding up the gang so we can go find them.”

Fluttershy’s ears flipped back and her head lowered. “Oh dear, w-we don’t have to go in there, do we?” she muttered, completely forgetting the time earlier today how she “rescued” Sora from the forest.

“Well of course we do. He could get hurt or worse! So we gotta go in there, knock out any timber wolves or monsters in our way, and save him.” Rainbow Dash was now attempting to shadowbox an imaginary enemy in mid air.

“Um actually, I would rather not go into the spooky forest. I um, have to buy chicken feed and um-” Fluttershy was looking for any excuse to avoid entering that forest.

“Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash looked at her with a stern look. The poor yellow Pegasus, couldn’t say no now.

“Oh… well… ok then, I guess. Just let me pay for the chicken feed. I have someone that can take it to my home.” She flew into the store, noticing Sora out at the other end of the building, trying to heave two heavy bags, but eventually getting help by a passing pony to put them on his back. She turned to the cashier, pointing Sora out to him and giving the bits to him, before Rainbow Dash started pushing her out the door.

“Ok, you paid, now let’s get moving!” Once she got her outside, she flew with her toward her home. Sora happened to be there just in time to see a blue Pegasus push Fluttershy out and both of them into took to the skies. He tilted his head, unsure what that was all about until the cashier explained that Fluttershy managed to still pay for the feed and told him to relay a message to Sora that she had to go and apologized for leaving so abruptly.

“Hm, I guess it must be something important.” He looked back at the bird feed. “Well, I guess I’ll just take these back to her home, then. He nodded to the cashier, thanking him for the information, before he trotted out and down the path.


In front of Fluttershy’s Cottage

5 minutes later

As Rainbow and Fluttershy finally touched down on the ground, there were already 4 other ponies and a baby dragon already having a discussion. One pony was Twilight, and the dragon, of course, was Spike. Talking to them was an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail, wearing a Stetson hat, a white posh looking unicorn with a well kept purple mane and tail that ended in curls, and a very pink pony with a mane and tail only a slightly darker shade of that. The word “Cheerful” might be considered a vast understatement when you would look at her. “Hey guys! We’re here!” Rainbow announced.

Twilight was the first to speak. “Alright, we’re all together. Rainbow, did you manage to tell Fluttershy what’s going on?”

“Of course. Took a bit of convincing to get her here, though,” the speedy mare pointed out as Fluttershy gave a sheepish smile.

“Alright, well Princess Celestia seems to see this pony as really important, so the sooner we find them the better,” Twilight continued

“Well, what do they look like? Are they like some kind of Super Knight?!” The pink mare asked with a big grin on her face. “I’ve never thrown a party for a Super Knight. Maybe I‘ll have to make a Super Cake!” She was bouncing in place, already thinking up all the things said party would need.

“I don’t think there is such thing as a Super Knight, Pinkie,” Twilight deadpanned.

“Then is it one of them noble types, like the ones up in Canterlot?” The orange mare asked, with a southern twang to match that hat of hers.

The white Unicorn immediately perked up. “Oh, a noble from a far away land? I wonder what kind of clothes they wear? Now we definitely have to find them.” She seemed to have psyched herself up, though for slightly different reasons than the others.

“No, I mean, I don’t know who or what this pony is. The princess didn’t really say in the letter, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out who we’re looking for, right?” Twilight was trying to get them all to focus on the case at hand. When she saw the group nod, they began discussing on what they would be doing. When they came to the agreeable resolution of sticking together, they proceeded to make their way to the forest. It was at this point that a caramel colored pony happened to catch a glimpse of the group before they entered the forest.

“Oh hey, it’s Fluttershy.” Sora looked toward the other ponies. “Those must be her friends.” He then remembered his dream of that picture of six ponies, one being Fluttershy, and those other five from a distance seem to match the others. “Hmm, maybe it’s them I’m looking for?” He watched them enter the forest, then gave a shrug. “I’ll have to ask Fluttershy when she gets back, I suppose; Don’t want to get lost trying to look for them, anyway.” He made his way to Fluttershy’s cottage, taking the bags inside, then tried to decide where he was supposed to place them. He didn’t want to inconvenience her by placing those heavy bags somewhere they weren’t supposed to be. It took a few minutes to decide to just go back out and place it on the side of the front door. He would make the effort of moving them later for her when she got back. After giving a nod at his choice, he stole a look at the forest where he saw the girls enter. I wonder why they went in there anyway. That was when he happened to notice some shadows moving in the deeper part of the forest…. This unnerved him a little. Was that… Getting a bad feeling about this. He turned to head out of the front yard and started galloping into the forest, hoping that his hunch was wrong on this one.


Inside Everfree Forest

Watching far from the six ponies that ventured deeper into the woods, a figure was watching them carefully. “So these are the ones? Can’t say they look very threatening, but then again, the same could be said about that boy.” She seemed to hold some disdain in her voice at the mere mention of him. “Best to nip this one in the bud.”

She slipped back into the darkness of the woods, and soon after, many yellow eyes started to appear from where she once was. All of them were staring at the unsuspecting group of ponies ahead of them before dispersing and stalking their way towards them, only to be joined by even more of their own kind from other directions.

Author's Note:

Hello, all. A bit of a slow start, but the next chapter I promise will finally show some action. How do I know? I've already written it and the am already in the middle of writing Chapter 5. As soon as my two proof readers finish checking them out, you'll see them ASAP.

I also like to thank you all for your comments. I'm able to learn from your suggestions to make my future chapters better and to look back at the ones I wrote and tweak them before you guys see them. I always welcome your advice, and your all so polite about it. I am very grateful for that.

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the future ones coming.

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