• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 2: Save Who? (Re Edit)

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Somewhere in Everfree Forest

The unnerving chill in the air could be sensed with all six ponies and dragon that ventured into the forest. Constantly checking their surroundings, they traveled ever deeper into the forest. Rainbow Dash flew above the group, making 360s so often that it was a surprise she wasn’t getting herself dizzy. Applejack looked like she was about ready to buck something at the slightest disturbance. Fluttershy was keeping low and in the center of the group, trying her best to be as unnoticeable as possible to any monsters that might pop out. “Oh, I do hope we find this pony soon. The sooner we find them the sooner we- mud puddle, careful.” The white unicorn that was speaking was now diverting her path around the harmless mud puddle and pressing on. Soon after, Applejack just walked right through it without a care.

Twilight picked up what she was trying to say and voiced her opinions. “Believe me Rarity, I’d like this to be done as soon as possible then get home.”

“Yeah, no kidding, this place definitely creeping us all out.” Rainbow replied before she looked back for a moment, then deadpanned, “Most of us anyway.” She referred to a very happy and bouncy Pinkie as she just hopped over the mud puddle not even knowing it existed but not even touching it either.

“Oh come on Dashie, it’s like another an adventure!” The pink mare seemed to be cheering for that idea. “Maybe we’ll find some ancient ruins and fight super death golem guards and they’ll be like You shall not pass and then we’ll be like Nuh uh and then Boom, Woosh, Pow!” She then proceeded to reenact the scene in her head by standing on her hind hooves and making heroic poses.

“Um, I’m fine with just finding the pony then going home. That is if you don’t mind,” Fluttershy managed to squeak out as she looked around warily. Most of her face was hidden behind her pink mane. It was then that every pony heard a twig snap, then proceeded to form up together looking all around them for the source.

After a few seconds of silence something stepped into their view from some shrubs. It was pitch black all over, bipedal, very short, and came with its own pairs of antennas, claws, and big soulless yellow eyes. It seem to fidget around a bit, jerking its head left and right as if every second something different would catch its attention. Though it seemed to quickly calm and focus its sight on the 6 ponies and dragon in front of it.

“W-what IS that?” Rarity was the first to speak. She definitely wanted to keep her distance from that creature.

“I… don’t know… I don’t recall seeing it in any books.” Twilight replied before all eyes looked toward Fluttershy, who looked at the creature curiously for a moment, before shaking her head to confirm that she had no clue either. Twilight decided to carefully moved over to it. “H-hey, little guy… Are you lost?” Just then it jumped toward her, claws swiping at her face, but she narrowly stumbled back away from the strike with a shriek before falling to her haunches in fear. This caused Spike to fall off her back and unintentionally roll away a few feet.

Once the rest of the group stopped gasping and fearfully calling out her name, Rainbow was the first to respond by using her speed to fly at it then slam her hooves on it, effectively making it disperse into formless dark mist, which vanished as if it was never there. “No one hurts my friends!” She then turned to the purple Unicorn. “Twi, you ok?” All the others gathered around her to check for any wounds.

“I-I’m fine, everyone. Just a little startled.” She moved to get back on her hooves. “What was that?” No one had a clear answer.

“Well, whatever it was, it's gone now. That guy wasn’t tough at all,” Rainbow scoffed.

Uh, Rainbow, Ah think ya might want at hold off on bragging for a bit. Seems like that thing had friends.” Applejack was now looking around to the sight of many yellow glowing eyes appearing around them. Many of the creature they saw before seemed to swim through the ground and rise up in front of them, as well as another new foe that just suddenly appeared out of thin air. It had a metal helmet that looked like a chrome bird skull, with swirly eyes, and a single antenna like protrusion at the top that curled up in a slightly angular fashion. It was also bipedal, but stood upright. Its body was mostly blue with purple designs that went from its knees down to its shins, yet also looked like an outfit. It had black curled boots, four fingered hands that end with red tipped claws, metal wrist cuffs on both arms, and, to finish it all, a black heart like symbol on its chest outlined in red and crossed out with that very red outline. It looked somewhat more capable than its smaller comrades.

“We’re surrounded!” Fluttershy was hiding being Rarity, keeping as low as possible again.

“You don’t say?” Rainbow Dash quipped as she got into a ready stance. “Any ideas, anyone?”

“Ah got one” Applejack bucked an overzealous shadow into another one, making them disperse into mist and vanish. “Seems like it doesn’t take much ta make’em disappear. Figure we just gotta show’em they messin’ with the wrong girls.” She gave one of those large ones a solid head butt, knocking it away.

“I like that idea.” Rainbow was already off running into the creatures, turning them into nothing but mist.

“Seems like that’s our only option,” Twilight agreed. Her horn started to glow as she would either telekinetically fling the creatures around, hurl rocks and such at them, or fire magic beams at them directly. Each choice caused the same effect, their destruction.

Pinkie Pie was all over the place, bouncing on the creatures’ heads, disorienting them for the other ponies to K.O. She would even pull out various things from her mane and hurl them at the creatures, like a pie that smacked a taller one in the face, making it run blind and fall right into Pinkie’s own party cannon. She would then fire the unsuspecting creature into any huddled groups she could see, causing a massive dispersal of the creatures. Rarity was attacking similarly to Twilight, only her attacks seemed to aim at something more precise every time. A good example would be that every rock she threw would always go right between the eyes of every creature she struck them with. Fluttershy would either cheer whenever one of her friends knocked out one of those creatures, or hide away behind one of the girls in the process. She did make sure Spike didn’t go way over his head in battle and pull him away from any groups.

The girls were really putting away these foes with hardly any effort at all. The dark creatures’ attacks proved to be too simplistic to land any solid hits on their targets, and their lack of planning or strategy was easily pointed out by how they just ran at them mindlessly. It was only a matter of time before their forces dwindled or they would get scared off by their might.

“So why hasn’t it?” These thoughts crossed Twilight’s mind as she started to pant and feel a bit of pain in her head. She managed to shoot another beam straight through a few more of the creatures, dispersing them. However she was losing ground. Why do they still fight after so many of their kind have been defeated? Why do they just keep on coming? No creature could keep this up for so long. As she backed up while still fending the mysterious attackers, she felt herself bump into something. She looked back and noticed all the of the girls were mimicking her. This was bad; they all looked were showing signs of exhaustion. Even Pinkie Pie was showing some weariness as she had trouble aiming her next shot with her cannon. “What do we do now?”

Rainbow and Applejack still had fight left in them, but being outnumbered was making that less of an advantage. “No way I’m going out like this!” Rainbow dug a hoof into the dirt giving the most intimidating look she could give. Fluttershy was really worried now; her friend couldn’t take much more of this. If only they had more help. She wish she knew what to do as she watched Spike try to get in front his exhausted friends and defend them with a stick he picked up.

“Stay away from my friends you, monsters!” Fluttershy went over to grab the little dragon before he got himself hurt, but didn’t notice that one of the taller ones ran at the two of them. It pounced, claws out and falling towards them. The only thing she could think of at the moment was throw Spike back to her friends. When she did so, she closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

There was the sound of one of those creatures dispersing, as well as something “thunk-ing“ into the ground in front of her “Fluttershy!” that voice… she knew that voice. Her eyes peeked open, then widened when she saw what was in front of her. It wasn’t the creature, but an…. odd sword of some kind. She jumped and let out another “Eep” when someone landed in front of her. After the momentary fear washed over her, she finally got a look at the figure. Brown fur, chocolate spiky mane, black jacket. “S-Sora?” She was then greeted by her final confirmation, that big goofy grin.

“You got it.” His smile seemed to ease her worries, but so many questions started to rise up.


5 minutes earlier

Sora had been sprinting somewhat aimlessly into the forest. Every now and then, he would run into some creatures that strayed off from the group or, to his surprise, wolves made of wood trying to follow after any suspicious shadows that he could see from a distance. “I’m gonna get lost before I can even reach them. I think they’re close by somewhere.” He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. He completely focused on his sense of hearing and remained quiet. He then heard the faint sounds of some sort of commotion. He was definitely getting closer, and he was thankfully able to pinpoint the direction of all the noise and kicked off with as much speed as his hooves could give him. Every few feet, the sounds got louder; it sounded like those ponies were putting up a good fight. He just hoped to get there in time, seeing as he had the only method to truly banish them.

Before long, he was able to see the fight. Much to his relief, they had really handled the creatures enough, but he could see they were getting tired and backed into a corner. Some of them even showed faces of confusion at the beasts. He could only assume they never seen these beings before. That’s when he saw someone he knew: Fluttershy, who suddenly raced out of the group and toward some small bipedal reptile creature trying to swing a stick at the monsters. This wasn’t good. He had to act, and he did. He sprinted out, summoning his blade into his mouth. He cut his way through some unsuspecting Heartless before leaping into the air. He saw Fluttershy throw the reptile back toward the group of ponies as one of the creatures made an attempt at her life. He wasn’t going to let that happen. In mid air, he spun in rapidly in place one time before releasing his weapon from his mouth, hurling it at where he knew the Heartless would be. Landing a direct hit, it cut through the being with no resistance at all before it stuck into the ground. The Heartless ceased to exist as a crystal heart floated up from where it once was.


Present time

Why was he here? What is that sword? What is going on? All these answers had to wait as Sora looked forward again as the blade vanished from the ground it was thrown into and reappeared in Sora’s mouth. This astonished everyone more than his appearance here. Upon closer inspection, they could see the blade resembled some sort of key. The shaft was silver along with the teeth, connecting to a small blue cylinder piece that connected the shaft to the Yellow hand guards that made a slight trapezoid like shape around the hilt. Finally, dangling at the end of it was a silver chain that had a symbol at the end: it was one big circle, with two smaller ones on top of it. “I’ll take it from here, you go help your friends.” He then rushed at the creatures head on. The monsters returned in kind as they ran after him.

Before she could even protest, she saw the creatures that were in his path flying or dispersing as he ran right through them and started spinning like a top with his blade held out. He mowed them down before skidding to a stop with a rather confident smirk on his face. In the place of those creatures were reddish, sparkling, crystal like hearts that started drifting up into the sky before vanishing. This was definitely new to her and her friends since that never happened when they defeated them. This was when she started to feel like she could believe what he said and flew over to her friends to help them in anyway she could. Sora was already in the fray behind her.

Her friends were astonished at the turn of events. Some random stallion just appeared out of nowhere with some strange weapon saved their friend, then started to fight against the monsters. “Who’s is that?!” Twilight was the first to ask as Fluttershy returned to them. “He seems to know you.”

She flinched a bit after seeing them all stare at her with wide eyes. “Oh, um, h-his name is Sora. I just met him today, actually.” She and others turned back to the strange pony as he was cutting through the creatures like it was second nature to him.

Sora swiped through a tall one, then pivoted on his hoof and swung his blade vertically to knock a group of smaller ones high into the air. He then leapt into the air, spinning at full speed as he flew between them, reaching them easily. They helplessly were caught up in the flurry of attacks that he made by spinning wildly in mid air and were destroyed on the spot. A taller one leapt at him, ready to swipe at him, but this only aided his enemy as he needed to string up a combo. He was already defying gravity as he gave the creature a flurry of swipes, as if each swing was what kept him floating in place. However, he got a bit too wild with his last attack and accidentally lost his grip on his weapon. Out of instinct he reached out to it with his hoof and was surprised to see that it caught it as if it was his actual hand. Even more astonishing was the fact that he felt like he was gripping the hilt. Questions were running through his mind, but the feeling that he was starting to descend brought him back to reality. No time to ask questions now, just absorb the knowledge and use it. He smirked as he vertically twirled around with his weapon out, slapping it onto the creature’s head, spiking it back to the ground, causing it to disperse upon impact, and releasing the heart held within it. Sora landed where it once was on three hooves, his right fore hoof held out and holding his blade. “Alright, things just got more interesting.” He tried to stand upright, but that proved to be difficult. Guess it would take a bit more time in this body before he could do something about that. However, he did notice that he could stand up long enough get a few hits on a foe before either going back on all fours, or leaping into the air. He once again took that knowledge to heart as his attacks could randomly shift gears from four-legged to brief two-legged combat. This in turn made aerial combat a common thing to see from him. At one point, he saw a group lined up unintentionally and grinned as he stood on his hind legs once more. He took the blade from his mouth and into his hoof before hurling it with all his might at the line up. A wave of black mist and red hearts were all that was left of those creatures as Sora summoned his weapon back to his mouth and rapidly spun in place to K.O. the creatures that tried to surround him.

The creatures were completely distracted at the new fighter and seemed to mindlessly go after him instead now. Fluttershy and her friends were at a loss for words as they watched the stallion cut down the creatures like they were nothing. Twilight’s mind was constantly shelling out questions, and every new thing she observed just added in another load of them that it was fearful that her head might explode. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike were marveling at the amazing feats the stallion had been making. Spike seemed to be trying to mimic each of Sora’s swings as best as he could every time he cut down a foe, and Pinkie was cheering and eating popcorn just enjoying the show. “I knew it! He is a Super Knight!” she added as she watched him teach those meanies a lesson. Rainbow and Applejack stood there, jaws dropped at the sudden display.

“H-how is he doin’ that?” Applejack asked. She then saw her blue Pegasus friend fly after him.

“I dunno, but I’m not gonna just sit around and let take all the fun.” Thanks to that little breather their new friend gave them, everyone was able to recuperate and join the fight as well.

Sora was greeted by a rainbow blur as it shot right passed him and blasted through a group of enemies on his right, annihilating their existence. He was surprised at the speed, but smiled when he noticed that it was one of ponies. “Looks like they’re ready for another round.” He looked around to see all the battle ready ponies were already taking down the creatures at their end. This only caused his morale to spike as he continued his onslaught.


Not too far off from the battle

You really try my patience, boy.” The dark female voice returned as its owner stood there watching her creatures finally dwindling now that Sora had arrived. “Must you be there at every turn…. no matter.” Darkness started to engulf her. “This time, you will have no way to stop me.” She started to give a sly smile before giving out a rather sickening dark laugh that only grew as time went on until the darkness around her teleported her away from the forest.


The battle finally ended when Sora did a leaping strike at the last creature that Applejack bucked into the air for him. “Alright! That should do it!” Sora made his keyblade vanish as he sat on his haunches and stretched. “Everyb-er-pony Ok?” He had to remember the mannerisms of this world to keep his disguise as he looked around, but had the wind knocked out of him as a pink pony tackled him. He was on his back as the pink offender stood over him, invading his personal space as her face was right in front of his. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! You were amazing, how did you do all those fancy moves, and what was that sword you used?! How’d you make it disappear?! You’re the best Super Knight I ever saw! Well, you're also the only Super Knight I saw, but I think you’re the best!” Her mouth was going a mile a minute as she assaulted the poor stallion below her, who only blinked a few times and had no clue when it would end.

“Super Knight?” he asked before a magenta aura engulfed the hyperactive mare, and lifted her off him and towards the purple caster.

“Sorry about that, she can get pretty excitable,” Twilight tried to explain as Sora finally got to his hooves and laughed a little.

“No worries, got hit with harder things before.” He smiled before suddenly, Twilight was right in front of him, staring at him intently. This definitely made him feel uncomfortable as she walked around him examining every inch.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you and how do you know Fluttershy?” Twilight asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

“Oh, well, I’m Sora!” Sora said, his smile returning again. “Your friend Fluttershy actually found me knocked out in the forest earlier today.” This caused everyone else to turn to the timid mare, who finally realized as well that he was who they were looking for.

“You knew where the pony was this whole time? Why didn’t you say anything?” Rainbow flew up to her.

“W-well, at the time I didn’t hear about the Princess looking for him and it had been a long while before Rainbow Dash told me that someone was lost in the forest. I had no idea it was a royal request until Twilight said so. In fact, Sora was with me at the time when Rainbow Dash found me. Though he went into the store first so I guess Rainbow Dash didn‘t notice him.” This made everyone turned to Rainbow, who flinched on the spot.

“What? Ok, so I may have shortened the explanation a bit and had been a little hasty getting her to the group…” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof and chuckled nervously. As Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Spike just slumped and heaved a heavy sigh, Sora and Fluttershy just looked at each other before smiling at this silly little event.

“Well, how about we just get back to Ponyville for now. I have a lot questions for you, buster.” Twilight poked her hoof at Sora’s barrel a few times before she picked up Spike and placed him on her back and started walking. “But I’d rather it be at the comfort and safety of the library.” The other girls soon joined Twilight, leaving Sora in thought. This is definitely going to be an interesting first few days, I can tell. He joined the rest of the group as they headed back to Ponyville as Rarity was giving his outfit a once over.

“I say! Sora, was it? You must tell me who designed your outfit. It's so adventurous and unique!” She drilled him with questions about his attire through a majority of the walk back. She was already excited to start planning out clothes revolving around his outfit’s design as well.


Canterlot Castle, Throne Room

20 minutes after Sora and Company headed for Ponyville

Two tall ponies, far taller than any other pony, with their own set of wings and a horn seemed to have troubling things going over their mind. They were sisters, Royal Sisters that overlooked the entirety of their Kingdom. The younger sister had a dark purple coat, and her mane and tail were like the starry night sky itself as specks of light were seen in a gentle ever flowing purple void. Her horseshoes were a much lighter shade of her color, but had their own sparkles as well. Her tiara and necklace were pitch black like most of her Cutie Mark. However, on her Cutie Mark and necklace was a white crescent moon. She watched her older sister pace back and forth deep in thought and worry.

Her sister was in some ways the opposite of her in appearance. Her coat was white, her mane and tail had a kind of rainbow effect as each color was its own separate part: ranging from green, to blue, to pink, and even lighter shade of blue. She was taller than her younger sister, ergo her horseshoes, necklace, and tiara were a bit larger as well. Her tiara and necklace had a purple diamond shaped gem as their centerpiece, and finally her Cutie Mark was the symbol of the sun. These two were the Royal Princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna. They were alicorns that held great power; so much so that they had control of the sun and moon. It was their duty to keep their ponies safe, so sometimes they would have to ask for outside help when they alone were not enough to stop impending dangers, as strange as that may sound given their abilities.

“Sister, you’re going to wear a rut on the floor if you keep doing that,” Luna said to her sister, concern unmistakably present in her voice. The sudden accident for the arrival weighed on both their minds, but Celestia seemed to be more worried than Luna.

“I know, but what can I do, Lulu? He’s under our care for now and I tried to make it as safe a landing as possible.” Celestia sighed as she finally stopped walking, but lowered her head in shame. “I promised a very dear friend that everything would be alright, but…”

“Accidents happen, Celly. We can no more control them than we can the universe.” Luna tried to calm her sister down, then smiled and quipped, “Though controlling the sun and moon is still pretty good, don’t you agree?” This made them both share a giggle at the joke. “Everything will be fine. We asked for his assistance after all, so he should be well aware that he’s here for more than his own training. Also, Twilight and her friends are looking for him, so it’s only a matter of time before we hear news from them.”

Celestia felt relief start to set in. It was true that she was told of many of this boy’s feats in his previous adventures, so one could imagine how relieved she was when a letter from Twilight appeared. “Oh thank goodness,” Celestia smiled as she opened the letter.

“You see?” Luna simply smiled at her.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am pleased to inform you that we have located the pony you were looking for. His name is Sora, and he is a rather strange stallion. I’m sure you already know what he is capable of and I would like to know as soon as possible. I am attempting to get more information from him, though he told me that he couldn’t answer everything until he is able to speak to you first about it. My friends and I will head over to Canterlot via the train by tomorrow.

Changing topic, when we were searching for Sora, we ran across strange creatures. They were completely hostile, but seemed mindless. Sora had said that these creatures were called “Heartless”. He has agreed to explain into more detail about them, but I feel like they might be the reason you asked for him to come here. I hope to see and hear from you soon.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Celestia lowered the letter, happy that things finally worked out in the end, though it would seem Sora was abiding by the World Laws until asked otherwise. She had to stifle another giggle. Twilight would definitely not like waiting to know more about this.

“I’ll go and tell the guards to return to the castle, then.” Luna smiled as she walked on by to the doorway.

“Very well, I’ll get to work on a reply.” Celestia levitated a quill and paper to herself and got to writing. “I wonder if this is a sign of things to come,” she said to herself. As soon as she finished, she decided she needed some fresh air. The balcony seemed like a good place to be right now. “Sora, I do hope you’re willing to take on the tasks ahead of you from now on.”

Author's Note:

Alright! Chapter 2 is here!, that just leaves two more chapters already written out to go. After Chapter 4 it won't be as quick to see these new Chapter's come out so, don't get used to the speed your seeing right now haha. As I've said before. that after the 4th one, each new Chapter after that, should be up and ready within two weeks prior of the last Chapter. I'm also hoping that my two proof readers will assist me with suggestions and ideas whenever I come across a writer's block. Which I hope I never, have but just incase that does happen, I should be fine with them.

Alright, this Chapter. As I promised, here is some action in the form of Sora and the Mane 6 knocking some heartless around. Sora's way of fighting in this and in future chapters has sort of been an idea of mine thanks to some inspiration from reading Mekapix and Steel Soul's KH fictions. I liked how they both portrayed it, though I had some interesting thoughts would work as well. Not that I'm saying their ideas were bad, on the contrary I thought they were awesome. I'm just basically thinking of another method combat would be played out. I'm more excited to get that certain point where things get crazy, but as a writer, I have to follow a method to this the story isn't rushed. I really hate it when a story rushes to a certain part in a story.

The Next Chapter.... I just want to say before it get posted here. What you will see there, is the ONLY time I'm going to do that, I am not good at that sort of thing, nor will I claim that I will and it makes me feel awkward when I wrote it. But I needed something "eventful" to happen there. So to those that like that... I hope you enjoy, to those that are kind of like me about it, Like I said, only it will happen. :twilightsheepish:

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to the future ones.

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