• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 21: Home Sweet Home

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Just outside of the Library

Sora was making his way down the path to reach his new home, but his mind was on other matters. “What was I so red in the face for?... Was what she said the reason? Now that I think about it.” he remembered the hug fluttershy gave him, and the many other ones that Pinkie gave him. He never looked in a mirror but did he blush during those times. Well, normally when a pretty girl hugs you, that ha- He stopped walking for a moment as his eyes widened What…. Where was my mind heading to? he closed his eyes and tapped his hoof against his forehead “OK, ok this is getting a little strange. Let’s just…. Just head home for now.”

He looked up to see that the construction was indeed done at his home, however what he found as odd was a new structure that looked like it just recently attached to the front of it. “It looks like a kiosk or something”Curiosity got the better of him when he saw a Red Pom Pom moving about behind the counter. Once he made his way over he spoke “Mogson, it that you?”

The gruff voice was gave it away if the pom pom didn’t“Huh?! What? Hold on, we’re not open yet, kupo! Come back tomor-” When mogson finally floated up from under the counter he then smiled “Oh, it’s just you!” He then gestured to the kiosk, “What do you think? It’s not done yet, I still need to build the shelves to actually stock my wares, Hmm… Should build an extension for storage as well, kupo.” he then rubbed his chin. “Say you don’t mind that the synthesizer is technically “in” your house do you?” he pointed to the somewhat small doorway on the wall that led to inside his house.

“Oh, uh, I uh guess not so long as it doesn’t keep me up at night?”

“Oh don’t you worry about that! My store will only run during the day. “I don’t have that kind of youth to pull all nighters, kupo” he then cleared his throat. “By the way, I got a good look at your new pad, sonny. It’s looks pretty cozy, though they seem to only supply you with the bare minimum furniture. He then looked at him. “Though judging by your looks you don’t seem to be the type that’s good with interior decorating, kupo.”

Sora could only shrug “Probably not. I mostly slept in the gummi ship after I was swept away form my world the first time.”

Mogson nodded “I see, I see. Well tell you what? Since I’m such a nice guy, and your helping me out by letting me live and run my business here, if you do some good things around here, or perhaps help endorse my products, kupo. I can order or synthesize some furniture or decorations for the place. Cuz let’s face it. Once you go in there, you’re gonna know what I mean by “bare” minumum, kupo.” Sora thought about it and nodded, seemed fair and what harm could it be to have a nice looking house while he was here. “Of course, you can donate some moolah in any thing you want as well. Just remember. For orders outside this world, that’s gonna cost money, while anything here would cost “bits” as those ponies would call it, kupo. So if you see like some super cool chair or poster on the mognet catalogue, Don’t even both giving me bits. No Munny, No Business, and vice versa. I’ll be sure to request Equestrian interior decorating catalogues by tommorrow.”

Sora smiled, he had to admit, this sort of caught it interest. If he was going to live here, he could at least put some effort in its looks, in case of visitors. “Alright, I think I’m for that.”

Mogson nodded “Good, cuz you were gonna help me with it anyway. If I’m gonna be staying here, I atleast want to enjoy my time whenever I’m inside. Anyway, I’m yammering too much, kupo. We can talk more after you check the place out. Go ahead, I’ll be here for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, You’ll have to wait tomorrow if you wanted to stock up on supplies or buy accessories. But you’re still free to order anything on the outer worlds catalogue if you want. I still need to get my hands on an Equestrian catalog so Save your bits if you were hoping to get some pony furniture, kupo.” Mogson apparently wanted to make this clear.

Sora nodded “Sure, that’s fine, I’ll check that out after going inside” he then made his way to the front door, eager to get a look, and sure enough. Mogson was right. “The place almost looked Empty. What WAS there looked nice, if not simple and few in number. Immediately on his left there was a somewhat large extrusion from the wall. He was about ponder the purpose of it when he remembered that on the other side of it. Was the moogle shop Mogson was still working on. “Oh, the synthesizer must be in there.”

Now that he thought about it. He never did get to see what those looked like. And judging how there were no openings or windows to look into that wide extension form the wall, it seemed like it was meant to be that way. “Hey wait… How did he do that?” He looked at the extension once more. Surely the construction workers didn’t build that part. They’d have no reason to. And yet it looks like a professional stuck it in. How long did it take him to build it for that matter? Questions started filling his head to the point that he decided to just put if off until he talked to the old timer later. He decided to check the rest of his house.

His first stop was the door on the far end corner of the living room. Once he opened it, he got a good look inside and his eyes showed some interest. As he expected it was the training room. It was a rather large, area, equipped with training dummies. Proper ones. What looked like exercise equipment, training weapons held on racks and in barrels, But for the most part it was a big vacant room with a large mat in the center, probably for sparring. Perhaps Rainbow and Applejack would be up for that. After taking a few swings at one of the dummies for the heck of it, Sora left the training room and made his way to the stairs.

Upon reaching the top of them, he was greeted to just one large room. No surprise, it wasn’t the most exciting to look at. However, because of its size, it held a lot of potential for all sorts of furniture he could put in it. As for furniture, he saw a pretty generic bed, wooden, dresser, and doorway leading to the bathroom. There was a small night stand with a lamp on the side of the bed to take note of as well. “Well, atleast I can sleep in my own bed tonight.”

Sora started walking downstairs. “It has been a long day and the sun will set soon, He decided to just speak with Mogson about the other world catalog. After a short flight down the steps and a walk outside the first thing that that he heard was a crashing sound “What?!” He turned his head to the source and already saw boxes in front of the stand Mogson was working on. “When did…” Well he was going to head over there anyway.

Upon reaching the front counter he could hear grumbling. “Jeez Louise, Nearly broke that piece, kupo” the small door in the back wall opened up revealing Mogson wiping his paws together and already flying to one of the opened boxes “Hey, kiddo… You hear that?” he chuckled as he lifted up what looked like crafting material “Ah don’t mind me, I figured I’d synthesize some things for myself for the house, kupo. Don’t worry, I’m just taking a part of your bedroom is all.

“Well, I can see what you mean now, so I guess it couldn’t hurt to look at that catalog you have.” Sora was now inspecting the contents of one of the opened boxes, it was filled with potions “Also, How’d you get all these things here? I wasn't even inside for more than 10 minutes.”

“Ah, ah, trade secrets, my boy, kupo” Mogson came back out holding what looked like a large magazine and plopped it on the counter and opened it up. “Can’t have competitors matching our speedy services after all.” He flipped through a few pages and waved him over. “Now are you gonna purchase something from this thing or what?”

Seeing his answer get deflected so easily, he decided to comply and trot over to the counter and got a look for himself. As they flipped back and forth around the magazine, Sora was seeing quite a few interesting things inside. The furniture ranged from things like couches and appliances to even things like posters or pictures. Sora caught a glimpse of a Struggle Poster. Which was strange I thought that was only a thing for Twilight Town. Maybe the sport’s name is starting to get around. Upon looking at the poster his immediate thoughts were that it might gain some interest with Rainbow and Applejack if he ever set it up. He continued looking on. There was quite a few exotic looking appliances that were up for grabs. Perhaps they were the work of some artisan in like Gepetto. Hm, I wonder how he and Pinocchio are doing? Seeing all this cookware made him think of Pinkie Pie, she’d probably want to bake some sweet treats with them if she ever got the chance.

He noticed a tea set next on the list, it wasn’t exactly furniture, but for some reason it was on the catalog, he could see Fluttershy and Rarity enjoying a cup if he ever bought it. However, he would need some more furniture like couches and coffee tables to make it more comfortable to have it. The next thing he noticed was a bookcase that was for sale, it looked rather nice and would definitely match with the walls inside the house. He was sure that Twilight might show up and talk to him about filling it with books. There were other sorts of furniture, but he decided to look at those another time.

He wanted to purchase something of good value and would make things more accommodating, he wanted to save the rest of his Munny so he could replenish his potions he used in the past and perhaps synthesize some materials he collected he was thankful for enchanted deep pockets but even those were going reach their limit since he didn’t have the gummi ship’s storage on hand. So the first thing he purchased was a storage chest to put materials in for later.

“Good thinking, kupo, wouldn’t want you running into some mithril only to find out your pockets are stuffed to the brim already. “I should have it sent in tomorrow morning, I’ll place it in the bedroom.”

Storage chest purchased: Now you can toss in stuff you don’t need into it… Just don’t treat it like a garbage bin…

Sora decided to at least buy one more thing before he called it quits, probably one to help his friends accommodate to his house. But what to choose. As if some higher being simply rolled some sort of dice because even he couldn’t decide, he randomly made a decision. “Uh how about that tea set, I mean I never made tea, but it doesn’t sound too hard to do.”

“About as easy as boiling water and throwing a leaf or flavor pack into it, anyway, kupo.” Mogson chuckled as he marked the tea set off the list as well and received Sora’s Munny. “Alright, I’ll have that tea set for you by tomorrow, I’ll even throw in a tea kettle just cuz I like ya, kid”

Tea Set Purchased: Definitely something for ponies that like to be more relaxed in your house… Though you don’t seem all that willing to throw a Tea party, or at least the kind in wonderland…

With that done, Mogson closed up the catalog for now “I’ll be sure to get the latest issues when I can, kiddo.” He started flying to the back of the door. Oh before you go, sorry for asking so much from you, but I was hoping you could help me out a bit tomorrow, kupo.”

“Uuuh, ok, help out with what?” Sora raised an eyebrow.

“Well you see, we’re in a new world that just learned about heartless and what not. And no doubt there’s some of them pony folk slashing up those critters without so much as thinking twice about the things they drop, kupo”

Sora nodded, this was true, it was obvious the Royal guards and anyone brave enough to fight heartless wouldn’t find any value in the money or any other items the heartless would drop.

“You see my point?” Mogson continued “It’s a travesty is what it is, kupo! These locals need to be educated on such things or my shop will be all but abandoned.”

“Ok, so what do you want me to do about it?” Sora got the point already so he decided to cut to the chase.

“It’s simple, tomorrow morning just meet me at the shop and I’ll explain more when you get here. You do this for me and I got something special for you, I promise, kupo.”

Sora was now getting pretty interested about this and seeing as the sun was setting, perhaps it was best to just call it a night anyway. “Alright I guess, I am curious on what this would be all about”


The Next Day

The first thing Sora could hear first thing in the morning was loud banging and clanging right next to his ear “AAAAH!!” He shot out of his bed his legs scrambled about the covers tangling him around and making him fall face first to the wood floor as he fell off the bed.

“Rise and Shine, kiddo! You got work to do, kupo!” It was Mogson holding a pot and a large metal ladle. “Get that sleep out of your eyes and get some breakfast, my grand opening will be in less than an hour!” For an old guy he sure seemed pretty spry. “Come on now, we don’t got all day and I need customers, kupo! Oh yeah I placed your Chest right across from the bed and decided to leave tea set at the kitchen counter. The cabinets are full as it is with food and dishes. I’d say you should buy it’s own stand for it be placed on, kupo.”

“Whoa wait, huh?” Sora was shaking the covers off his tangled body and finally getting on his hooves. “Wait? Breakfast?” hearing that perked him up and the scent of it was more than enough to knock him out of his groggy state.

“Of course, It’s the most important meal of the day after all, kupo. I can already tell by the look of ya that you’re not much of a Home Ec guy. So, since you’re letting me stay here and run my shop, I’ll be making our meals. Just don’t go complaining about this and that, kupo. If it’s on your plate and you’re not allergic to it, that’s what you’re getting.”

He really couldn’t say anything about that, It’s not like he had time to actually start learning how to cook, so the kitchen would’ve probably have gathered dust from disuse as he’d probably buy take out or something.

“Well, quit standing there, you gotta help me out remember, go eat, kupo!” And like that Mogson flew out the door and down stairs. Sora decided not to delay any longer as he picked up his jacket and saddle bags he hung on corners of the footboard and fumbled to get them on before making his way for the door. He stopped when he was passing the chest… and decided to dump some materials he had been carrying into it. Giving his bags more storage space for future endeavors, then left the room and went down the stairs.

Once down there he looked over at the kitchen table and saw what was on the menu. “Oh sweet! An Omelette!” he was already taking a seat and digging in. “Thanks Mogson!” he said between bites.

Mogson just chuckled as he was carrying his plate and a glass of orange juice outside “So then he does have table manners. Your welcome sport, I’ll be over at the shop. Still need to tweak a few things so I’ll eat and work, kupo.”

Sora continued eating, “Man, he knows how to cook” He thoroughly killed that meal with vigor before finally stepping outside, only to receive another surprise. Somehow from the last time he spoke to the Moogle until now, extra space was extended to the shop. “He did say, he was gonna add an extension… but I thought he doesn’t pull all nighters… How’d he...” He shook his head it was probably part of that “trade secret” for the reason why.

Mogson then popped his head out from behind the counter “Ah there you are, enjoy your meal, kupo?”

Sora nodded “Yeah, you’re a really good cook, surprisingly”

“What do you mean, ‘surprisingly’, kid?” Mogson sounded offended “I’ll have you know that cooking is a bit of a hobby of mine, kupo. It’s not like running a moogle shop is full of excitement every day after all.”

“Well that would explain how your able to eat all those snacks yesterday.” Sora gave a smirk as he poked the old moogle in the belly “Where do you put it all?”

The Moogle huffed as he rubbed his gut “Running a business requires A LOT of energy my friend, kupo.” He then made a proud pose “I wouldn’t be the tycoon I am today without something to keep my engines running, kupo. Now let’s get things ready for my grand opening, There'll be a herd of customers marching their way here!” Moogle rolled up his imaginary sleeves as he got his stocks all lined up and signs and lists all set up.

“Whoa, you managed to get your shop advertised already?” Sora sat back once again surprised how far ahead the old timer planned everything.

“You betcha, kupo! I managed to recruit help on that from the lovely lady of course” He beamed

“Lovely lady? You mean Fluttershy?”



Fluttershy was in the middle of Ponyville with a stack of papers on her back while waving one in her hooves as she shouted to the citizens “Um, excuse me… there is a… I mean please check out the moogle shop… that is, if it’s ok with you.” The ponies didn’t seem to notice her very well and the ones that did, had no clue she was trying to get their attention, since her voice was drowned out by the multiple chatter and sounds of a busy street . “Oh dear....


Back to Sora’s House

Sora had a pretty good idea how that was working out. “I’ll… help her out.” He got to his hooves and made his way down the path

“Hey! Where you going?! I’ll need you to endorse my goods!” Mogson called out

“I know, don’t worry I’ll be back by then!” He called out but was then tackled to the ground by a rainbow blur “Ow…” he opened his eyes and looked up to notice a cyan pegasus staring right back into his

She had a big grin on her face “Morning, Spiky! I see your house is done, So that must mean we can train in it too right?!” Well she gets points for just getting straight to what’s on her mind.

“Uh, yeah it’s done, um I thought you still had to help Applejack every morning for the rest of this month” Sora cocked his head to the side. I think I’m used to getting tackled by these girls now… I’m pretty sure that’s not a good thing

The look on her face betrayed her words as her gaze shifted to look at something else more interesting “Uuuh yeah, totally, but she figured it be ok I take ONE day off to meet my awesome buddy, Sora here, right?” Again with the smile, but it now had more of a pleading look to it.

Sora got back up and sighed as he dusted himself off. “You’re really dead set on fusing aren’t you?”

“Of course I am! It’s SO not fair! How did Pinkie get it, before me?!”

“Hey! Are you gonna stand there and keep talking with the rainbow haired guy all day? I still need help here, kupo!” Mogson called out watching the whole scene.

A vein appeared on Rainbow’s face and her eye twitched as she made a scowl before whipping her head towards the source of the voice. “I’m a Mare you jerk!” After a short stare down she finally got a good look at who spoke “What the hay is that?!”

“Oh yeah, Rainbow that’s Mogson. He’s a Moogle who came to Equestria to set up a Moogle shop here. He’s from space like me.” Sora seemed to talk about Mogson in a rather nonchalant way.

“Another alien! Awesome!” She immediately flew up to the little guy scaring him half to death with how fast she crossed she was already at his counter “Whatcha selling?!”

“Oooh, are you looking to buy, kupo?” this gave Mogson’s mood a complete reversal as he smiled and thrusted his arms up. “Ahem! Welcome to the Moogle here to supply you with everything you need for fighting heartless and other baddies you may come across!”

“Oh really?! Like what?” Rainbow was looking at the shelves behind him. “Hey that looks like those potions and blue glowy blocks Sora used before!”

“Exactly” Sora finally came up to counter. “Moogle shops is where I stock up on supplies or synthesize things.”

“Synthesize?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow

“But of course, he is a keyblade wielder after all, so these are common knowledge to him, kupo. Basically speaking, Behind that door there is my synthesizer, no moogle shop is complete without one. If you bring materials dropped by heartless with the right kinds and amounts I can create many things, kupo. Like stronger potions or ethers, accessories that enhances your abilities and strengths, weapons though those ones would require a lot of material and cash compared to the previous options, and there is much more that it can make as well, kupo.”

“Aw sweet! Set me up!” She whipped out her bag of bits and slamming it on the counter.

Immediately Mogson got a look of it and shook his head before pushing it away. “Sorry these items can’t be bought buy bits.”

“What?! Then how the hay am I supposed to buy those? Incase you haven’t noticed, bits is money! What kind of merchant doesn’t take money?!”

Again Mogson shook his head at the pegasus “This kind of money is only useful for your world. What I’m selling is something clearly out of this world. If you want to purchase my wares or use my synthesizer, you’ll need to have munny.”

“What? Are you talking about, I gave you money right there!” Rainbow pointed at her bag of bits.

Aaaand I can see where this is gonna be a problem in the future Sora shook his head before speaking up. “Hold up, Dash. Let me clear up what he means.


Golden Oaks Library

“Well, they’re certainly getting chatty over there” Merlin stood by a window looking out at Sora’s home next door, listening to the conversation the moogle and blue pegasus were making before Sora joined in.

Behind him, Twilight was learning to hone Fire and blizzard until fluttershy arrived before they could REALLY continue with the lessons. She felt like she was close to taking Fire to the next level soon, Merlin called it Fira and from what he said, it was much more explosive than Fire, however, She was also told that the move could also be used as a defensive measure if needed, She would have to work on that after enhancing the spell.

“Here we go…” She shot another fireball from her horn at a bunched up group of tea kettles, cups, and saucers annihilating them in an instant. “Yes! I’m getting better at this.” the more she used this kind of magic, the more she felt like it used up a different kind of magical energy. Whenever she would feel like she ran out of juice, it didn’t cause her a headache like whenever she used Equestrian magic, though it did give her a sense that something in her was exhausted. Yet her body was fine. She couldn’t quite accurately put her hoof on what it was.

It was the only thing that helped her make sense of how Fluttershy was able to cast spells as well. Everything she learned about magic was basically getting laughed at it’s face whenever Sora or fluttershy used magic. She wanted to master it, and then one day, understand it. It’s entirely new field never been touched upon, and if even Fluttershy and Sora could use it, who else could? All this excited her and made ever so eager to learn more about it, and it showed in her progress in Merlin’s teachings. She was the Element of Magic, so she felt it was her duty to explore every path of magic.

Merlin finally pried his eyes away from the window to turn to the unicorn “I must say, Ms. Sparkle your aptitude in the arcane is quite refreshing to see for this old man.. Er or I guess, stallion would be precise” he chuckled “Though perhaps it’s best that we turn that eagerness to learn in a different direction for a moment.”

At this the Librarian perked up. “Something new for me to learn?”

He nods as he stroked his beard, “Indeed, however It would appear time another matter needs to be attend to.” He looked up the stairway.

A confused expression adorned her face as she was about to ask but immediately was interrupted by her number one assistant “Twilight!! A letter! A letter from the Princess!” the little dragon was scurrying down the steps before tripping and tumbling the rest of the way there, yet that didn’t seem to deter him from his mission as he got on his feet held the scroll out, panting as he spoke.

“There’s trouble in Canterlot… again!”

Author's Note:

Alright folks this is it. The last "Chill" Chapter for the time being. So I wanted to make sure I stated soem things in this chapter before Chapter 22 rolls in.

Alright Let's start with big obvious. Yes I will sometimes treat this story as if it were a game sequel to the series. Yes, I have implemented a housing system. Why? Because of some future plot and also romance paths that will take place int he future. So I figured, lets make it like the "player" would buy special furniture for their house so that a certain pony or ponies would com in to interact with it or with him about it. Hey if you guys have cool housing ideas that Sora can buy or make via synthesizer, I'd love to hear them. I intend to make sure that by the end of this story, that house will no longer have the word "empty" Anywhere inside it.

For added immersion I suppose I may have decided to add "THAT" sound effect for items you get for housing. ONLY for housing related things. I'm not gonna play it whenever Sora picks up a drop.... that be a lot more needed work as it is haha.

Alright, moving away from that subject. I Hope you all made your decision firmly. cuz the next fusion WILL Happen Next Chapter, so fingers crossed that you guessed right!

Not much else I can say at this point other than that after we wrap up this next plot session in the story and reach another set of Chill Chapters, Some things will be a little different about them, and a holiday will be part of one of them. Yes you all know what it is so have fun thinking up how that chapter will work.

With that said:

Next Chapter: Rolling around at the Speed of Fat Cat Dude (For those that think they can "read between the lines" of this Chapter hint: No this isn't a "early hint" that Rainbow will be the one, its for another reason and it makes me laugh, It's anypony's game.)

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones!

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