• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 7: Farmer's Key and Form Release

As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music.
Completely optional: Your free to ignore this

Sora noticed that he was back in reality again, only this time, he felt like he was standing on his hind legs… Odd, normally he would lose balance by now and get back on all fours. He looked down to confirm him still standing on two legs, but then took notice of the weapon in his right hand, no longer the Kingdom Key, but an entirely new Keyblade.

The Shaft a was like a Reddish Cleaver-like blade with three apples lined up along the side of the top part of it, acting as the teeth of a Key, the Hilt was a black colored grip, the hand guard that surrounded it were two depictions of Apple Trees that mirrored each other, where they connect two what looked like the necklace and gem of the element of honest. Finally, from right under the gem, was a red keychain that hung off it. The centerpiece was simply a red apple.

The Keyblade seemed simple and to the point of what it themed, yet powerful looking as well, he could even feel some weight to it, more weight then he felt with the past keyblades he used so swinging it around might slightly not be as fast as how he would normally would. Sora felt like it would get the job done no matter what. Which reminded of Applejack, she seemed like the pony with that kind of work ethic from what he seen and given the fact that she was a farmer as well.

What in the hay is going on? A voice in his head… A very familiar southern voice

…. Applejack? Sora asked his mind surprised to hear her like this

Sora? What is this? I don’t… feel like ma’self, and what’s that weapon in my hoof? Wait… that’s not my hoof… that’s yours. Sora’s head suddenly jerked up on it’s own, which caught him off guard. Wait… Am I… Am I inside you? Sora felt like he could sense Applejack’s feelings of shock, fear, and confusion right now.

Uuuuh, I’m not sure… it seems so, but don’t worry, this has to be temporary, like a drive form or something. He tried to calm her down with more guesswork, however there was one flaw to this.

Y-yer just guessing! Ah’ can hear what ya thinking’ and yer just guessing. Now he could sense her starting panicking. And what are drive forms! Sora took notice that his weapon holding hoof was starting to shake as if he himself was going to freak out. He knew he felt fine… For the most part, but Applejack wasn’t.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ok, ok I don’t know what’s going on, but you said it yourself before: “Now is not the time” Right? He tried to bring her back to reality to calm her down and seeing that his hoof stopped shaking, it was working. We’ll figure this out later, I promise, but right now we have some kind of new power, and we ARE going to use it to help our friends with it.

Sora, now feeling Applejack finally calming down and sensed her regaining her focus, he noticed that his body was no longer as tense as it was before. She then heaved a sigh Y-yer right, sugarcube, thanks for that. We can worry about those things later.

“Sora, I can’t find-” the two them stopped their inner conversation at the sound of that familiar voice.

Fluttershy! They said in unison before Sora’s head turned to look back at her. She seemed utterly shocked about something.

“Hey” Sora finally spoke through his mouth to Fluttershy.

Whats with that face? It’s almost how you looked when you saw my real form.

Ah’m not sure, maybe sumthin is different about ya’ now. Applejack could only assume as much.

They were then brought back to the battle they were in when the look on Fluttershy turned from shock to fear when she looked behind Sora “T-they’re coming back!

“Huh?” Sora and Applejack were confused for only half a second before their initial task to protect their friend flooded back to mind. “Oh yeah!” Sora looked forward again just in time to the Heartless finally broke free of being frozen and were rushing toward them. “Alright! Lets see what this new Keyblade can do” he ran at the group, shocked that he could on his hind legs, but it only lasted about five steps before he could feel that he was going lose balance again, then just launched himself at them with a lunge. Apparently this new form, seemed more coordinated, but not completely. Something he would have to keep in mind, now.

With his Keyblade held back, and both Sora and Applejack were battle ready, his body then did something he didn’t expect. It twirled around a few times with his Keyblade held out. He mowed through the center of the group by spinning like a top in mid air for a short moment before landing on his two feet, but it wasn’t over yet. His body then pulled back the Keyblade and through it like a tomahawk right into the newly created opening He made in the group. It didn’t hit any of them but once it lodged itself into the ground and created an earth shaking shockwave that wave that blasted and scattered the heartless away from each other and the Keyblade, none of them survived the impact and multiple captive hearts were released at the same time.

“D…. Did I just do that?… Was that you Applejack?” Sora was the one surprised now, Applejack sharing the same feeling after her short moment of “battle mode” was turned off.

Ah don’t know. Ah was thinkin’ of crashin’ right through them then throwin’ that Keyblade at’em to blast them away. Wait, how did I know that would happen.

Sora was at a loss as to why this happened as he summoned the Keyblade to his hoof. This time speaking to her in his mind Well I was thinking of spin slashing at them, So I guess, my thoughts some how, mixed with your thoughts… Which created that unique attack we just did. It was utterly lost on the two of them on how that worked. He then noticed a Darkball coming at them Let me see something, AJ. Don’t think of anything He took two steps at it.

Um, ok She replied as he then jumped at the heartless then strung up a string of aerial combos before smacking it away with an overhead smash, he slammed into the ground in a burst of mist as he landed at where it once was.

Hmm, can’t swing this around as fast, so I can’t leave as many strikes. Sora looked at the Keyblade, then back at where the darkball was seen last. But it looks like that doesn’t matter, since this thing dishes out more damage. He then noticed a book few soldiers coming at them. “Ok” AJ, your up!

What? she was confused on what he wanted

You think about how to attack them, and this time I won’t

Uuuh, ok, I guess Sora then felt his head face the closest soldier then both his hooves grip onto the keyblades handle before chopping down on the soldier splitting it in half and then mist, releasing another captive heart, as the keyblade crashed and embedded itself into the grass shaking the area around them. This caused the other two soldiers to lose balance for a moment. Applejack didn’t waist any time as she went with her base instincts and caused Sora to go on all fours, turn and buck one out of existence the head butt the other away before summoning the Keyblade to his mouth and running the right through it as she dashed right past it.

So we both, CAN control my body. Sora came to the conclusion before joining in the control

Ah gotta say, this all just strange to me Applejack stated But, it does seem mighty useful in a fight. There confidence started to build.

Yeah, we just gotta work together and who knows what else we can do! Sora cheered

This was when a certain butter yellow mare made herself known “Sora!” causing the stallion to turn back to see Fluttershy fly over to them. “Whats going on? You and your Keyblade look different, I can’t find Applejack anywhere, and you have Applejack’s element on your jacket.

Hearing this caused Sora and Applejack to “look at themselves” Just as Fluttershy said, Sora saw the Element of Honesty on the back of his jacket as if it was sewn there the whole time. He noted the blonde streaks in his tail then pulled down some of his spiky mane in front of him to see the same streaks in it as well.

Well, you called it, AJ Sora said before replying to Fluttershy, “Uuh, don’t worry, I’ll explain later I promise, but Applejack is fine, trust me.” He said to the shy mare, as he placed a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down. Seeing her he then finally noticed the bag she was holding “Hey, what’s that you got there?”

Once looking at the bag, she was reminded of her mission “O-oh, that’s right. This is for you” she held the bag in front of him to which he stared at it for a moment before taking it.

Oh that’s right, the princess wanted us ta’ give that to ya Applejack said, and was about to explain but Fluttershy beat her to it.

“The princess said it would um, release your true self. I’m not entirely sure what that means though.” Fluttershy said hoping Sora would be able to know. To which it took him half a second to realize what that mean.

“Oh that’s really useful” he put the sack in one of his saddlebags for now. “Thanks Fluttershy” he gave a big grin that was contagious despite the battle field they were in. Fluttershy couldn’t help but give a small smile to share the enthusiasm

“Oh that’s right. The Princess said to only use them when no other ponies are around.” Which made sense to Sora, no doubt the princess wanted to keep the other worlds secret to the everyone else. Although there were no guards, he figured that the could handle these heartless without him going all out.

Couldn’t agree with ya more there, Sora Applejack, having the ability to listen in to his thoughts, decided to add in her two bits in his decision.

Alright then, lets go help our friends! Sora replied back then looked at Fluttershy “Ready to get back in action” he looked at Fluttershy when he asked that.

“Oh, um I don’t well… I don’t really like to fight, you see…” Fluttershy looked away. Of course, Sora should’ve picked that up by now from the previous battles they had.

“Right, sorry about that” he turned to hordes of heartless that were fighting their other friends. “You have your own way of fighting after all” he said before dashing off.”

“My own way of fighting?” Fluttershy was confused on what he meant by that. Nevertheless she flapped her wings and lifted herself off the ground and followed behind him. Eager to help her friends. Even if she didn’t know how yet.



The other girls had been giving it their all to keep as much of the heartless away from Sora Applejack and Fluttershy once that strange event occurred. It was safe to assume they were more then surprised and clueless on what that whole lightshow was about, then seeing Sora’s mane and tail change along with his eyes and jacket warranted so many questions Twilight so desperately wanted to ask, Rainbow and Rarity also with similar thoughts on that as well. Pinkie seemed to suddenly be cheering “FUSION POWER” once she saw the changes, confusing the others. They couldn’t help but notice Applejack was nowhere to be seen.

“What in Celestia happened over there?” Twilight asked as she magically flung a book master into a group of soldiers ending their fight prematurely, before whipping around and firing a few bolts at another book master and a Darkball that were approaching.

“I haven’t the foggiest, Twilight!“ Rarity had fired a bolt of magic right in a Large Body’s face expertly through the opening of it’s “helmet” and between it’s eyes. This causing the large tub of darkness to stumble where it bumped against Pinkie’s party cannon that she filled a Darkball she managed to capture into it.

“And boom goes the dynamite!” Pinkie slammed her hooves on the detonation button on the cannon and the cannon fired the Darkball point blank into the Large Body’s back, blasting right through it and dispersing it. The Darkball now careening into other heartless ricocheting off of them to only ricochet off another and destroying them at the same time this ended when the Darkball then bounced off a Hookbat and into the castle wall, both of them now just black mist.

Rainbow had mostly focused on the flying enemies, trapping them by flying around them fast enough to make tornadoes before flying over the tornado and then shooting through the eye of it ramming through the helpless enemies and destroying them before landing on the ground. “Woo! Can’t beat this Pegasus when it comes to air combat!” she took a moment “appreciate” her air superiority over these things.

That was when Sora ran past her “Applejack says, to quit gloating and get back to fighting! Sorry, told me to say it!” this resulting in Rainbow Dash’s confident smirk to change to an annoyed scowl. “Well you can tell her to-” That was when she noticed the changes on Sora. “What happened to him… IS that AJ’s element?” she then noticed Fluttershy fly by her.

“Excuse me, Rainbow Dash” before continuing off after Sora.

“… What the hay is going on?!” was all Rainbow could say

Sora was sprinting on fours, Keyblade in his mouth as he slashed his way into hordes of Heartless, then spinning rapidly on the spot whenever he was surrounded. Alright AJ, lets try that combined thinking again.

You got it, sugarcube. Applejack replied as Sora’s body then charged into another group. Both minds now focused on the battle, Sora’s fighting style changed again. He when it looked like he was going to ram into the Heartless, he jumped up high over them. Now with Keyblade in his hooves again he raised it over his head, then swung it downward, the force shooting him back to earth before the He and Keyblade collided into heartless dispersing those that were under him while the others were scattered from the force of air and the massive shockwave they emitted.

No time was wasted as Sora was no running after the surviving heartless to cut them down. When he reached a Bookmaster he gave it three hits before on his fourth strike he flipped the Keyblade so the teeth could hook onto the heartless, then with full force he slingshot-ed it into two Large Bodies, surprisingly taking them both out at once along with the book master.

He didn’t stop there, he whipped around and flicked his Keyblade out as hard as he could toward a small group of darkballs and soldiers that were to close to each other for there own good as the spinning blade sliced right them and impaled into a book master, causing it to crash into the ground and then disperse before, Sora summoned the Keyblade back.

Fluttershy watched in amazement at how Sora was taking on so many heartless on his own. She noticed how his fighting style seemed to change to a more brute force style. Was it because of that Keyblade he had? Was it because of his appearance? Also, how did he know that Applejack was ok? So many questions that had to wait when she noticed another Large Body charging at her. She backed away frantically, but was once again rescued as Sora was already between them and on his hind legs

“Back off!” he held the Keyblade out in a nonchalant way of guarding, somehow easily able to stop that giant charging fat heartless without even budging. Then retaliated a counterattack, he took a step forward and held his Keyblade over and around his chest and to his left side then quite literally, swatted the Large Body away like it was an annoying bug. Seeing that the danger had been averted, he looked back at Fluttershy “You ok?

Fluttershy looked on in amazement. Sure he was strong, but he never did that before. She was told that the stomach of those Large Bodies would bounce any attack off it, even Sora’s in his form. Yet there he was, just smacked the heartless at that very spot like it was nothing, to help her. “Y-yes, I think so”

Sora gave a smile and nodded “Good” before turning around, eyes filled with determination. “Stay to close to us ok?”

“Us?” Fluttershy asked, causing him to falter in his stance.

Heh, oh yeah, she can’t hear you Sora’s face gave a look that was like he accidentally blurted out a world secret.

He could hear Applejack sighing in his mind Well, they were gonna find out anyway. Lets just take care of the heartless and explain later.

Sora relayed to Fluttershy about explaining what he meant before running off, this time joining the other girls.

Fluttershy looked on as he ran off to the others. As much as she wanted to join and help them… She was starting to wonder what she could even do to help right now. She wasn’t a fighter and no where near brave enough to go near the heartless, all she could do right now is watch from the sidelines and help if anypony got hurt. She put a hoof to her chest, feeling the her Element instead. For being a bearer, she didn’t feel anymore special then how she normally felt when she wore it. Nevertheless flew over to her friends. She may not know what to do in terms of fighting, but she was going to at anything she could do.

The battle had raged on as the army of heartless were finally dwindling down. The fight ended when Sora hammered down his Keyblade on a book master he jumped up to. When he had landed, the Courtyard was now completely void of heartless, the group finally took that to take a breather, Twilight and Rarity especially after using so much magic.

“Alright…. That’s… the last of them” Rainbow said, pretty winded herself as she went all out. Pinkie Pie, although flashing that big grin, sprawled out on the ground next to her party cannon, her heaving body a clear sign that she was recovering, as she giggled

“You were having a lot of fun, Dashie”

“W-what? So what if I did? They were bad guys anyway” Rainbow said in her defense.

This only made the pink mare giggle even more. “I know, I was having fun too! Fighting heartless is one of those things in the series the fans enjoy doing, after all!”

“What?” Rainbow looked at Pinkie

“What?” Pinkie’s smile didn’t falter as she acted like she didn’t say anything.

Fluttershy was with Twilight and Rarity, checking for any injuries on them and helping anyway she could before checking up on others since the both of them seemed to be the most exhausted out of the group. “Do you need anything?

“No, I think we just… we just need a moment to catch our breath.” Twilight was panting as Fluttershy was relieved to find no damage on her or Rarity.

“Indeed, darling. Just a spot of rest, and we’ll be right as rain again” Rarity reassured the yellow mare as she decided to rest under the shade of a tree.

Sora, had walked over to the girls. He appeared to be the one that was the least effected by exhaustion as he only lightly panted. “You guy’s did pretty good here.” He smiled.

Rainbow puffed out her chest “Was there ever any doubt?” Sora had a feeling that Applejack would be rolling her eyes right now.

Half expected her ta’ say that. Give ’er an inch and she’ll go a mile

Twilight then decided to speak. “By the way, Sora, I’ve been meaning to ask, Where’s Applejack, she was with you last time we saw her.

Sora perked up at that as if a spotlight was suddenly placed on him. The other girls looked at him as well.

“Come to think of it, you do look different. What’s with those streaks in your mane and tail?” Rainbow asked

“Yes, and why do I see, Applejack’s element of Honesty on the back of your jacket?” Rarity asked soon after. A small part of her was actually wondering how perfectly it was positioned, right in the center of the back. She felt like that was the perfect place to add on some sort of back centerpiece. Applejack’s gem was confirmation of that. She suddenly had a thought of how her element would look as a substitute.

Seeing everyone’s attention focused on him he got a little nervous Well… Here’s hoping they believe me he said to Applejack. “Well, as strange as this sounds… I think she’s inside me” the group stare of disbelief was more then visible to him. Except for Pinkie who seemed really interested now.

“Fusion Power!” She cheered “That’s so cool!”

“What? No, Pinkie, that’s not… wait” Twilight was tripping over her words trying to comprehend all this before shooting a glance back at Sora. “Sora, what do you mean? Where’s Applejack?”

Really wish I knew how to get you out now. Sora sighed

Feelings mutual, Sora. No offense, Ah’ just want mah body back Applejack replied Just tell them what happened. They might not believe it, but it’s all we can tell’em.

Sora gave a nodded and started explaining what occurred after, when Applejack was still there. Thankfully Fluttershy was there to confirm the part about Applejack’s gem glowing and floating in front of Sora. So it helped in giving his explanation more credibility. This made no sense to anypony, especially to Twilight. She had previously wanted to do research on Sora’s Keyblade when they first met, But now, more then ever did that urge started nagging at the back of her mind.

“Well, Fluttershy said she saw that gem floating thing so I believe that, but it’s kind of hard to believe that she’s inside your head right now.” Twilight responded.

“Well, I don’t think she’s just in my head” Sora said

“How would we know that your telling the truth about that?” Rainbow floated in front of him, clearly skeptical of the whole thing.

Before Sora could defend him self he paused and looked like he was listening to someone… then nodded and said to Rainbow Dash. “Apparently, Applejack wanted me to tell you right now, that she still hasn’t forgotten the bet you lost to her and expects to see you first thing in the morning when we get back to Ponyville.”

This immediately transformed Rainbow’s look of skepticism to that of shock and concern “I was hoping she would forget about that… How do you know that?” She backed up a bit before saying. “Applejack really is inside you!”

“Rainbow, you can’t possibly be seri-” Twilight stopped talking when she saw Rainbow shake her head suddenly.

“Twilight, Applejack and I never told anyone about that bet we had. There was no reason to tell anyone about it since we got all caught up looking for him when he first got to Ponyville.” Rainbow then turns to look at the girls “But he knows, somehow.”

Everyone was quiet as they all looked at the Key bearer. It would explain all the changes on him. Applejack had green eyes, Sora’s eyes were matching that color right now. Sora sported blonde streaks in his mane and fur, the very same color for Applejack, However the most powerful piece of evidence was Applejack’s gem on Sora’s jacket and his Keyblade was completely different, the apple themed look of it when they saw it definitely reminded them of the Farmer pony in question.

“But… it’s just not, possible” Twilight was trying to rack her brain around this. How could this pony, from out of nowhere, have such an effect on the elements. Why would Applejack be, for lack of a better word, fused with Sora, and what does that mean for the rest of them?

Rarity decided to voice her opinion. “Everypony, as much as we all would like to get to the bottom of this, I believe we should return to the princesses, now that everything has been handled here.” She then turned to Twilight “Perhaps they might know more about this as well and hopefully know a way to separate Applejack and Sora.”

Sora raised a hoof and pointed it toward the Fashionista “That’s a great idea, Rarity. They basically gave you these um, Elements of Harmony, Right?” He had to take a moment to remember the name. “Maybe she knew this would happen, too”

Of Course, Twilight thought to herself. Why didn’t she think of it before, It was more then clear, that Celestia and Luna knew all about this Keyblade and heartless stuff. So it was highly likely that they expected Sora and Applejack’s… Fusion… thingy. She was dismayed that she was getting used to Pinkie’s description of it, but what else would you call it? “Your right, Rarity. Alright, everypony. Let’s head back to the castle and find the Princesses”

“Right!” the group said in unison along with a nod. However, before they could turn to leave-

“Leaving so soon, boy?” A dark female voice was heard, one Sora knew all to well. As this others were now looking around in a heightened state of awareness, Sora turned around to face the opposite direction. Applejack being able to sense his feelings, picked up that he was already getting ready to fight someone he knew.

Sora, who was that? She had to ask

A portal of darkness appeared a few yards in front of him. Causing the others to turn and face that portal as well, either in shock, determination to take on whoever was coming through the portal, or just plain fear. When the portal left, a being like nothing the girls had ever scene before came into view. Sickly pale skin, bipedal, a long mostly black robe and some kind of head wear that hat extrusions similar looking to horns. A long staff with a green orb on top of it, held with something that wasn’t a hoof or a paw, it looked like a minotaur’s hand. If she was directly in front of them, she would tower over them with her height as she gave the most, devious smile.

“Maleficent…” Sora had summoned back his Keyblade as he was ready to go.

“The feeling is mutual, you little wretch” the two of them locked eyes with each other, and the tension could be felt by the girls.

“Someone you know?” Rainbow said as she right next to Sora, crouched and ready to fly at any moment.

“Yeah… I’m guessing your why I was called here” Sora dug his hoof into ground trying to look intimidating.

“Well, don’t I feel popular, if the Princesses are so concerned about me.” she laughed for a moment. When it did end her smile left as she looked back at Sora “If your trying to scare me by making that face, That ridiculous form your charading in is more amusing then intimidating.”

“Form?” Twilight repeated the word before looking over to Sora “What does she mean?”

“Oh? You mean you haven’t told them? Well, well, and here I thought you all were friends.” Maleficent then pointed her staff toward Sora “I’m afraid this… pony, you know so well is lying to you all about who he really is.” Now all the girls were looking at Sora, all in disbelief at her words, yet that nagging feeling that she could be right, was there as well and had no attention of going away in their mind.

Sora then made his rebuttal “I wasn’t lying, I just couldn’t say at the time!” Sora then turned to the girls “I was going to tell you all once we reached the Princesses OK’d it.”

Tell us what?” Rainbow asked before looking back at Maleficent to see she was already conjuring something. “Heads up, she’s doing something!” Rainbow shot for her, but was stopped in a wall of green fire appeared in front of the witch.

The distraction was perfect for her, it gave her enough time to summon a heartless that would complete the task she needed it for. From behind her, appeared a giant. When she turned to look at it, she couldn’t help but laugh “A fitting, opponent I suppose” Behind her was what looked like a gargantuan horse shaped heartless, however the only things to consider it a heartless, was the yellow eyes that glowed through the armor over it’s head, and the Heartless insignia that engraved on said armor.

It’s entire body seemed to mostly be covered with orange metallic armor that hugged it’s true shape like it was fused to it’s skin. The bottom jaw, pitch black mane and tail were the only thing not covered in armor. Looking at the mouth, it didn’t resemble a Pony’s at all. It shared the look of it’s heartless kind in the shape of a jagged mouth that reached as far back as the where the cheek and neck would meet.

If Maleficent towered over Sora and the girls, this Heartless was a skyscraper in comparison. “Hear me Heartless!” Maleficent called out in a loud echoing voice as she disappeared while everyone was staring at their new foe. “Destroy these… ponies, before you and claim their hearts!”

The giant responded by staring down at the group, and then suddenly threatening spike extrusions, shot out of the armor of it’s body, one on the helmet, imitating a unicorn horn, one on both sides of the shoulders and hips, Another on the chest and finally one on the back as well. These spikes weren’t for show as they were glowing now, obviously there was another extra feature for them. The battle started when it reared back on it’s hind legs before slamming it’s forelegs back down, causing the ground to shake terribly before charged right at them.

“Scatter!” Sora called out to the girls, who all complied without a second. Sora held his ground as he stood on his hind legs, Keyblade in hoof once again.

Yer not thinkin’ what ah’ think yer thinkin’ you? Applejack asked as she noticed Sora’s other hoof digging into his saddle bag and into the other bag inside, quickly pulling out one of those illuminated pearl like objects from inside it. Time seemed to slow down as they mentally spoke to each other

There’s nopony else around but us, and I was gonna show you guys anyway. A grin appeared on Sora’s muzzle when he said that.

Sora could sense a smile coming form Applejack, Fair point, The princess said you just need to bite down on that thing.

Without a word Sora popped the bead into his mouth and a crunch was heard

In unison the two said together Lets go! Form Release! It was a phrase the two of them felt like they should’ve said, they didn’t question it at the time as so much was happening that even the Heartless had to stop in it’s tracks and back up as blinding light cascaded form Sora’s body.

The girls had to shield their eyes, while Pinkie Pie seemed to have Sunglasses on to watch somehow “Ooooooooh, so Bright!”

When the light finally dissipated What Stood in Sora’s place shocked and amazed the girls. It had the same shirt, jacket with Applejack’s gem on the back, the spiky “mane” with lines of blonde, and the green eyes as well to help them realize it was still Sora, along with that chain necklace with the silver crown centerpiece. It was even holding the same keyblade. However, that’s where the similarities ended.

It was bipedal, like Maleficent, no fur as well, but he didn’t have pale skin, rather a more fleshy color, It had black baggy shorts, that stopped a little below the knees, The red saddlebags seemed to change into cargo like pockets that were attached to the shorts as well. His shoes, a yellow and blue design, seemed somewhat larger then he would actually need, and it’s “laces” were two black straps crossed over one another in an “X” shape for both shoes.

“Sora?” Fluttershy looked on at the new figure, was that really him? Is that what the Princess meant by “true self”… She didn’t know what else to say, and could only watch.

This creature stood in Sora’s place. Now staring defiantly at the giant heartless, who was now, over that little light show and went back to charging him. Applejack! Sora held the Keyblade in front of him.

Yeah! I know! Applejack replied, now Sora’s body took a step forward. Turning the blade broadside and lifting it a little above his head and placing his left hand on the broadside of the opposite end of the Keyblade as well. Once the heartless was right upon them to lower and swing it’s head into Sora, he thrusted the Keyblade out at it in a defensive parry. There was a loud “CLANG!” of metal contacting metal.

The cause, caused the rest of Sora and Applejack’s friend to stare in utter disbelief. He had not only blocked the attack, but stopped it dead in that spot, not even pushed back an inch. Feels good to be back He said before he took another step forward, pushed the heartless head up.

After being thrown up, it’s head went back down to look at Sora, but he was already under it. He leapt up at the exposed under jaw and unleashed a powerful upward swing. This caused the Heartless to rear back in surprise and pain. Sora however, took the initiative as he sprinted at one of it’s hind legs before running just passed it, stopping, pivoting on one foot, then swung at the leg like it was a golf ball.

Pinkie suddenly screamed “FOOOUURRR!!” in Sora’s place, for some reason, that felt like the appropriate thing to say as she watched with excitement. The heartless now on one leg and losing balance fast, ended up falling onto it’s back. The spike protruding form it was now impaled into the ground, making it stuck as it wiggled and writhed to break free.

Sora and Applejack had the same idea of what to do next, but before they could do anything, they noticed the little representation of Applejack’s element of honesty on the Keyblade started to glow brightly. “Huh?” Sora held the Keyblade in front of him to get a better look. It was emanating it own light.

What’s happenin’ to the Keyblade?

Sora could only shrug, but their answer would soon arrive.

Your bond, is strong enough to awaken the power that sleeps within you. Open your hearts and receive this gift. It was that voice from before, somehow echoing in their minds.

What the-… Open our hearts… Applejack was confused, until Sora ran another thought through his head on what that meant. Sora could felt like she was nodding to the idea. It’s worth a shot ah’ s’pose.

Trust me, I do it all the time Sora reassured her as he placed a hand to his chest, and focused, Applejack focusing as well….. Then they saw it. A vision of what would happen next, the moment they heard the burst of light escaping the Keyblade “OK!” they said in unison as Sora lifted the Keyblade above him vertically. The Keyblade itself seemed to expel a small blast of energy, before it started morphing and lengthening, like it was suddenly made out of rubber. The hand guards retreated into the the necklace looking bottom part, which also receded into the where the gem was. Only the keychain remained where it was. Suddenly the gem shot up through the hilt, up the growing shaft, and stopped at the top where the teeth were.

The shaft was now thinning into a pole like structure. The grip also increasing in size to match the Pole, then the running halfway up the shaft to where Sora could now hold onto the weapon with two hands parallel along it. Meanwhile the “pole” stretched to one and a half his actual height and the gem at the top started spinning wildly before tip itself, in a flash of light, turned into what looked like a Huge metallic Barrel, this time the Gem was on both ends of and even larger to just fit inside the circles.

All of this happened in the span of 3 seconds. It goes without, the looks on the other girls faces was said it all. They basically seen 3 transformations in one day. The 2nd one being the biggest. Pinkie cheered, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to close, Fluttershy couldn’t look away, Rarity taken aback, and Twilight… Well Twilight would definitely need time to recover from all this new information that displayed before her.

Sora quickly grabbed onto the transformed weapon with both hands when gravity started to pull down the barrel part. “It’s a big Hammer!” he looked amazed. “Keyblades can do this?”

Well ah’ say we put this beauty to use! Applejack had Sora look back at the giant horse heartless, now finally starting to get out from it’s predicament

You got it! Sora sprinted toward the Creature , jumped onto it’s stomach, before twirling around with the hammer in a somewhat diagonal fashion with the hammer to give it some speed on the swing. “Eat This!” Sora yelled out before his last twirl used to slam the head down hard onto the armored underside. A blast of air and energy shot away from the point of impact in a radial fashion as a loud booming Thud echoed throughout the courtyard. The ground shook as the metal underneath where the head slammed on, suddenly cracked like an egg, then spreading out trails of cracks away formt he point of impact Until it was a good, 10 foot radius, then that radius shattered completely, exposing the black vulnerable underside.

Of course this caused the Heartless to respond violently to the pain of it all as it jerked its body around writhing, sending Sora to tumble off it as it finally started to get back on it’s feet.

“That was so Awesome!” Rainbow was started to compete with Pinkie’s excitement after seeing that powerful attack and flew off to help him. The rest of the girls not far behind. Even Twilight, after Rarity managed to coax her back into reality.

At this point the heartless had just about enough of this, and finally started putting it’s spikes to use. Dark Energy started charging from them and suddenly from the tips of the spikes, many dark bolts scattered out from them. All being fired in every direction. “Everyone, stay close to me!” Twilight was able to react in time be and activate a barrier spell around the girls, once the full force of the attack finally reached them. Rainbow and Sora, however, was too far away to hear, and doing their best to dodge as much of the bolts as they could.

At that moment Rainbow was now right next to Sora as they were still on the defensive. Then a thought occurred to him. You know… I haven’t used magic once after I linked with you.

Ah’ don’t know if ya can, Sora. Sora ducked and rolled away from a line of dark bolts Ah’m an Earth Pony and we don’t exactly cast Spells

And I’m not even sure I can cast spells with the Keyblade like this He took a glance at the massive hammer he was holding. He was now back to back with Rainbow Dash. Still, At this point, it’s worth a shot! He held his hammer upright and slammed the bottom of the pole to the ground. This causing Rainbow to look back at him in curiosity

“What are you doing?!” she asked, but it was soon answered with Sora’s shout.

“Reflega!” With his hands on the pole he made the hammer spin rapidly in place. And he lucked out. It wasn’t quite as strong as how it normally would be, but it was enough for a small dome of transparent hexagons to surround Sora and Rainbow Dash, blocking all the bolts. He smirked and then started to cast that same spell repeatedly until finally the barrage of bolts stopped. Now he was glad the two of them were so close to the Heartless, as the 2nd part of the spell kicked in and in a fury in response to all the bolts that it stopped.

Countless explosions of light surrounded the two of them and damaging the Heartless foreleg, ending up with it being forced to involuntarily, take a knee.

“Gotta bust those spikes!” Sora yelled out to the others as he sprinted toward the one on it’s chest. He jumped up, and gave an overhead swing that had so much force, it made him spin a few times in mid air, striking it three times in the process and breaking it off before the Heartless could get back up. “Rainbow! The Jaw!” once he landed he pointed to the exposed under jaw to her.

The rainbow mare smirked and blasted right into it fore hooves first. She hit it at an angle so the heartless was knocked to the and nearly tipped over. Sora was already sprinting toward it, before making a running jump at it’s spinning his body around horizontally mid flight one time to wind up a powerful over the shoulder swing at the creature’s side, Knocking it over completely and shattering another portion of armor, exposing yet another vulnerable spot.

Pinkie at this point already had her party cannon loaded and firing over and over at the opening Sora created earlier on it’s under belly. Rarity was levitating rocks and any other hard objects she could find that wasn’t stuck in the ground and firing them precisely at the brand knew opening that Sora created, pelting it with a barrage, lifting the things back up with her magic again, and repeating the process.

Fluttershy was helping Twilight recover. So much magic use and then holding up barrier for so long really took it out of her. Rarity was still fighting mainly since their conversation and watching Sora solo the giant heartless for a short while helped a lot. The same was said for Twilight, but holding up for that barrage earlier brought her back to a state of exhaustion. After seeing Sora break a spike, she decided to only use her magic for barriers until all of the spikes are broken.

Sora was now on top of the creature wailing on the spike sticking out of it’s shoulder. It only took a handful of strikes before that spike was knocked off an sent flying. He was about to make a dash for the hip spike before he felt the Heartless start to move and get back on it’s feet. Sora jumped off before getting thrown off from the force This time, running toward the tail and jumping onto it before the heartless decided go crazy and stomp and jump around the courtyard causing shockwaves all around in the process.

Rainbow was now switched to rescue duty as she started grabbing any of the girls that were trying to run away blitzing by where Rarity once was before a giant metal hoof crashed down on that empty spot. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I shudder to think what might have been”

“No worries, I got your back!” Rainbow replied with a confident smile before landing her next to Twilight. Pinkie had already retreated there as well. It seemed the Heartless was more concerned of shaking Sora off it. He managed to get on top of the creature’s back, and hold onto the spike as the monster tried it’s best to buck him off.

“Oh Boy!” Sora held onto the spike as tight he could.

This is nothing, Sora! Just get that hammer ready! For some reason Sora felt like that shouldn’t surprise him for Applejack to say that. Regardless no matter how wild the Heartless was when trying to throw him off. Sora never let go. So when the moment came when it stopped for a moment, Sora released his hold on the spike, and started swinging away at it until it broke off after the 3rd golf like wing sent it careening out of the courtyard. Another one down! Apple jack commented. That was when the horse heartless had enough and charged up it’s spikes again. “Uh Oh!” Sora then yelled to his friends “Brace! It’s gonna fire again!” Sora then looked toward the back of it’s head.

The same idea appeared for both Sora and Applejack Ah’m with ya, pardner. As the dark bolts started shooting out. Sora started running Head of the hammer held far behind and low.

Once the girls were together, Twilight barely made it in time to pull up another barrier around them. As a constant barrage pelted against the magenta dome around them. Twilight gave it everything she got.

“GO SORA, GO APPLEJACK!” the girls all saw Pinkie Pie waving a tiny cheer flag that said “Go Team” looking at the top of the heartless’ back.

Sora was running at full speed ignoring the bolts that homed in on him only to miss and crash at where he once was, Some even passing by his body just narrowly. “It’s over!!” He yelled when he was close enough to the neck. There wasn’t enough time for a wind up since he was under fire he swung with his entire body forward so fast his feet came off the ground and unleash the strongest overhead smash he could muster in his current position onto the back of it‘s head.

This was more then enough force to cut the attack short and slam the giant head to the grass below it, even so much as printing it’s head onto the dirt. Sora landed next to it. It was utterly dazed now and armor on it‘s head, was cracked all over, and it looked like the toughest armor the monster was wearing. Shall we? Sora winded back that, neither of them not even paying attention to the blinking the gems on it were making.

Like buckin’ a tree At Applejack’s response, Sora fired away, striking that armored head with a batter’s swing. It goes without saying that helmet, along with the horn like spike on it shattered into useless pieces. It’s head pretty much whipped away from the point of impact, dragging the rest of it’s body with it a few yards away from Sora, ending when it’s head crashed into the Castle wall.

Twilight had released the barrier the second the firing stopped and nearly dropped to the ground, but Fluttershy caught her and eased her down gently “I got you, Twilight”

“Urrgh… Thanks” Twilight barely managed to say. She opted to staying on the ground for the time being until she felt better, she had managed to look up in time too see Sora smash the heartless into the wall, now there was no closing that mouth of hers as she looked up in amazement. “What power… How is he able to do that?”

“Dude is cleaning up shop over there” Rainbow watched as the heartless as it stumbled to get back on it’s feet, but then looked ready to charge at Sora.

Sora started running a it as well with a smirk on his face. Still not taking notice that the gems on his hammer were blinking really fast now. This hammer is awesome! How are we able to do that?

I haven’t the foggiest, sugarcube. Let’s just focus on our opponent for now Applejack chimed in as Sora was now leaping into the air again. He was gonna have another go at the monster’s head. Let’s give this next one some more oomph!

Right! Sora agreed and just when the head was reach of that long hammer, He gave it every ounce of power he had, and gave an over the shoulder slash…

And Whiffed…

Time seemed to suddenly slow down for Sora and the girls when this happened. It seemed all of a sudden, that hammer, returned back to it’s Keyblade form again, so suffice to say, it did not connect. To which everyones response in that short amount of time:

Sora: “Ah-”

Applejack: Oh boy

Rarity: “Oh dear”

Pinkie: Not Good

Twilight: “What?!”

Fluttershy: Sora!

Rainbow: Buck…

The heartless rammed into the keyblader sending him flying back, but in mid air he made a flip and it somehow seemed to stop his forward motion and land on the ground on his feet. “Ow, Thank you Aerial Recovery” he held his head and shook it a few times before the pain, at the very least, diminished greatly.

What happened to the hammer? Applejack asked as they both watched start to make another charge at him.

“I’m going to guess that the time limit ran out for it” He got into his battle stance “That’s ok, We’ll just have to make due without-” a flash of light surrounded him, just like that, his true form went away and he was back in his pony form away. “… Either of those, apparently…”

Yer kiddin’ me

When the heartless rammed it’s head into him again, he blocked it like he did the first time. He held, but he was pushed back a few feet. That was when a humongous rock smashed into the side of it’s expose face.

“Take that, you ruffian!” Rarity said identifying herself as the culprit, and stomped her hoof to emphasize her insult.

Rarity, you are awesome!” Sora cheered to her as he put the Keyblade to his mouth and was on all fours sprinting, to it’s side. Jumped then gave a power swing to one of the spikes on it’s hips. As powerful as that was, it wasn’t as strong as the hammer so he had to unleash a barrage before finishing with upper slash that finally cut through the spike and off the heartless. Then gravity took effect sending him back to the ground.

Two more to go! Good thinking’, Sora we need to take those out right now, I don’t think Twilight can withstand another one. A quick glance back at the other girls, would confirm that Twilight, was definitely out of the fight for the time being.

Then let’s get some help Sora then called out “Pinkie! Party Cannon!”

As if on Cue, Pinkie was barreling down to Sora and the beast riding on her cannon with a pink army helmet on her head, giving a salute “Okie dokie lokie!” she rolled right under the heartless, amazingly avoiding it trying to stomp on her.

“Rainbow! We need a distraction!” Sora followed after Pinkie.

“On it!” and just like that the athlete was off giving a flying to it’s muzzle, causing it to stumble a bit. When it regained it’s footing, Rainbow landed on top of it’s face and at it in the eyes, before blowing a raspberry “Come and get me, ugly!” and flew off. The taunt was a success as the heartless was after now.

Pinkie made her cannon make a hard turn until it was facing the heartless. “What should I use, Bowling ball, kitchen sink, cupcakes, Bob-ombs,” as she called out each item as she pulled them from literally out of nowhere, before tossing them behind her carelessly, the last one she threw seemed to light it’s fuse before it was thrown back.

“None of those, Pinkie” Sora shook his head to each suggestion Is it weird that I’m starting to get used to this now?

Just don’t think on it too much, you’ll only get a headache Was Applejack’s response

“What do you have in mind?” Pinkie asked, starting to get excited wondering what it could be?”

Sora immediately hopped into the cannon “Think you can line up the shot to get the last two spikes?”

Already startin’ to regret this plan

Pinkie adjusted her hat made a serious face that looked absolutely silly “No problem” she started to adjust the aim.

Meanwhile Rainbow was flying circles around the creature, generally pestering it and taunting it whenever it would miss getting her. “You can’t even hit the side of AJ’s barn!” She would dodge, stomps, charges, and even whenever it thought it could catch her with it’s mouth, she in return would ram into any open spots in it’s armor or straight up go for the face with a corkscrew spin to drill in the damage. Then she would back off to avoid it’s retaliation. Only for Rarity to drag it’s attention away whenever she threw head objects at it’s weak points, never once missing. “Another one for you, brute”

“Ok, I think we got a good lock” Pinkie said as she turned the cannon at what she believed was the right spot. She was leaning over the cannon, one eye closed, and her tongue sticking out as she focused completely.

“Uuuh, Pinkie, not to rush you, but it’s spikes are starting to glow again” Sora said with his head sticking out of the cannon. Sure enough, it looked like the horse heartless had about enough of this, and was starting to charge it’s attack, the girls were getting worried, as Twilight struggled to her feet to try to prepare another barrier, much to Fluttershy’s protest. “We’re no even aimed at it completely.”

“Don’t you worry your spike head about that Sora. I know my friends, and this is the perfect spot! She grinned brightly “And a one and a two-”

“Pinkie what are you counting f-”

“And BOOM!” She slammed down on the button and Sora shot out of the cannon and through the air like he was flying.


Sora remember, how ah’ said ah’ trust you? Well ya need ta’ trust in what Pinkie said. She wouldn’t have shot us on this path if it weren’t gonna work, and we need to stop that attack at all costs! Sora could sense the her getting very worried. This was causing his body to shake like before. He ignored that however and listened to her words. She was right about stopping the attack, and for the short time he’s spent to get to know these ponies, he knew that Applejack, being the element of honesty meant what she said.

Well, if he’s asking her to trust him. It’s only fair that he do the same. Alright, I believe you Applejack. Sora held his Keyblade in front of himself before lifting it over his head. Gonna need a lot of spin to cut through them.

Feeling his friend’s heart finally start to calm down he smiled when she replied You got it! Sora then swung down so hard and so fast he was spinning rapidly in mid air and was imitating a saw blade.

It was at that moment that Rainbow had flown nearby the other girls when she noticed Sora spinning off course. “Rarity! We knock it forward a bit!” She charge off while Rarity had hurled another large boulder trailing behind Rainbow, she gave it as much force as she could muster. First Rainbow rammed into it, knocking it off balance, she then quickly flew up to dodge the boulder that came in form behind her as it crashed exactly on the same spot Rainbow hit.

This caused the Heartless to stumble a few yards to it’s side before righting itself again. This time it was ready to fire so kept in place to fire. Just as the tips were starting to glow to release another barrage. Shing! the sound of a blade cutting through something was heard. Both Spikes were now disconnected from the heartless and fell spinning to the ground. Stopping that barrage attack for good.

Just as Pinkie said, Sora was at the right place at just the right time. He landed onto the ground with a tuck and roll until he was back to his feet and turned to face the monster. It was a done deal at this point, the beast had no more trump card and was now forced to rely on it’s normal attacks, with which the group had already figured out how to avoid.

Sora didn’t waist a second after he landed as he hurled the Keyblade right into it’s face “Need a lift!” He ran a few steps before losing balance and jumped up instead, where rainbow flew in from behind, grabbed him, then flew up above the creature. “Take us up high.” Sora said, she complied and they were so high up they were the same height ast the top of the highest castle tower. “Now throw me at it.”

“What? Are you serious?” Rainbow looked at him like he was crazy

Sora simply nodded “Trust me, I’ll be fine” he said as he got his Keyblade ready.

It took a short moment of debating with herself before she finally agreed with his insane request. She let go but quickly grabbed onto his free hoof, twisted her body around with him in tow, then whipped him downward before letting go and he shot off like a rocket. Sora Now held his the Keyblade behind him to gain as much speed as possible, as he was charging a lot of energy to this next attack.

This time, we’re putting it down! Sora said to Applejack

Give it everythin’ ya’ got! Applejack replied as she put all her focus and energy on this last attack as well. Just when they were a meter above it, Sora flipped to an upright position, Keyblade held over his head, but pulled so far back the tip of the blade nearly touching his back.

It was at this moment that everyone held their breath and watched, as Sora then whipped his weapon in an over head chop while shooting at the heartless like a comet. There was a brief flash of light, and the sound of metal cutting through something, and now Sora was just under it now, a small crater now under his hooves.

Above him, the heartless, kept still for what felt like ages for everyone, before finally, black mist started escaping from rapidly. It started leaning to the side as it’s body just went limp. Before it even hit the ground, it started vanishing, and was completely gone when a rather large crystal heart escaped it’s vaporizing body, and floated up toward the sky before vanishing as well. Just like that, it was like the heartless never existed. Everyone finally breathed again. Exhaustion, clearly on most of their faces.

Sora, stood up straight as he looked at his Keyblade. Questions running through his mind as he sat back. Onto the ground, only to shoot back up from hearing Maleficent’s voice echo through out the courtyard. “Very well done, your teamwork is most commendable.”

As everyone looked around warily Rainbow Dash spoke up. “You mad, we stopped your assault on the castle?!” at this she was rewarded with a rather sinister laugh that gave her chills

“Believe me, if my intention were to storm and take over the castle, I would’ve invaded it with a more intimidating force. My task is complete and we have what we need. I bid you all farewell.” This was when she addressed his Sora in particular “Oh and you boy, next time I see you, I will make due on my promise and destroy you” She gave that part a more serious tone in her voice, before no one could sense her presence anymore.

Sounds like someone has a grudge on ya’ Applejack finally spoke

You could say that was Sora’s response. Everyone started gathering toward Fluttershy and Twilight who was now looking a lot better then before.

“What did she mean when she said she got what she needed?” Twilight looked over to Sora hoping he would have the answer, only to see him give a shrug.

“Not a clue really.” he was reluctant to say “I figured she was here to take over, but it sounds like she was distracting us while her true motive was being taken care of by somepony else. She did say ‘we‘ after all” To they all agreed on.

“We should go to the Princesses, see if they might have an idea” Twilight said as she started walking, only to lean to the side, but was caught by Rainbow.

“Take it easy there, Twi. the fights over, for now. You can take your time.”

The purple mare groaned “But, we have to tell the princess. We can’t just leisurely stroll down the hall at a time like this.”

“Twilight, everyone’s exhausted.” Sora replied before seeing a familiar Pink Pony bounce ahead. “Most of us are exhausted. We took care of the crisis at hand and we can’t do anything else right now” This was when Twilight was at Sora’s face, making him flinch back.

“Don’t thing I’ve forgotten about you buster” her eyes were narrowed as she looked at suspiciously “What was all that?! What are you?! Your not even a pony, are you? Why hide such things?!” It was like Twilight discovered new found energy when he was drilling Sora with so many questions, as he slowly back pedaled away from her. The other girls couldn’t’ deny that they wanted answers as well, so they didn’t stop her.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you know I was going to tell you anyway before this whole mess happened.” At that short moment of remembering why they were here in the first place, Twilight, finally backed away from him, but the glare never left her face.

“You better, I want to know what in Celestia’s name is going on around here. Heartless, Maleficent, you, and all the magic and things you can do.”

“I promise, really.” Sora reassured her, and suddenly all that energy seemed to magically disappear, however she didn’t need to lean on anyone for support. “Come on, lets just head over to the princesses, and we can continue where we left off, and hopefully she may know how Applejack and I can separate.” As if on cue Applejack’s gem on the back of Sora’s jacket, started glowing brightly to which they all had to look. Suddenly, the gem separated from his clothes as the blonde streaks in his hair disappeared and his green eyes turned back to blue. Sora turned to face the gem as it started forming light around it into pony-like figure. Then just like that, the light dissipated revealing Applejack standing right next to Sora.

“Applejack!” the group rushed over to her sharing worried looks, along with hugs and even laughter, relieved to see their farmer friend was safe and in her own body again.

“Hey girls, glad to be back, and I‘m fine, really.” she said while hugging them back.

“How, how were you two able to separate?” Twilight had to ask.

Applejack simply shook her head. “Not a clue, Twi. One second I was inside Sora looking through his eyes at you, the next second, I’m standing right next to him looking at you all.” She gave as best of a description as she could make.

“Um, not to ruin the moment guys, but I was kind of wondering” Sora chimed in as he walked toward Twilight and Applejack. “Didn’t she have like a necklace, cause now all of sudden she has those metal things on her legs.” After hearing this, they all took another look at Applejack as she did as well. True to what he said, Applejack was no longer wearing the element on honesty around her neck, and for some reason, she was wearing orange metallic gauntlets that started from her shoulders reaching all the way to her hooves.

Both of them looked mirror images of one another. Metal plates that overlapped one over the other as they traveled up the leg, facing away from the wearer, facing toward her, revealed what lied underneath the places as it wrapped around the legs. It was a kind of chain mail like armor this being the only thing that wasn’t orange, but rather a silver-like color. On her shoulders looked like round hard metal pauldrons. On one the right pauldrons was Applejack’s element right in the center of it.

To finish off. For her hooves, it looked like metal horseshoes that that went under and over them. The front part traveling up farther up the leg then the others by a few inches. They looked like they were attached to the rest of the gauntlet somehow, if the matching designs didn’t hint at it. Applejack lifted up a hoof and was surprised to notice that they weren’t heavy at all. “What… What is this?”

The girls all looked over to Sora, to which he had to shake his head and reply. “Don’t look at me. This all new territory for me as well.

Twilight, looked back at Applejack’s gauntlets. “This is going to be a long day.”


Back inside the castle

“Are you certain, my royal guard” Celestia and Luna were following a guard that was leading them to the royal library. With the castle finally cleared of those heartless, it was only then that the guard seemed to approach and ask them an impossible question. How could Celestia be fighting the heartless, when he saw her enter the library.

“Yes your highness. I am one of the guards that are on duty guarding the doorway there” he replied before they rounded a corner and down the last hallway before the library came into view. “You came up to us saying that you would be in there for awhile and to not disturb you, no matter what”

Celestia and Luna shared looks of concern, already having an idea on who this imposter was. When they reached the door the other guard that decided to stay at his post incase anything happened looked over to see Celestia coming toward them, and his eyes betrayed his bewilderment and shock at seeing her. “We gotta open the door now!” the other got said, to snap him out of his shock. “The Celestia we let in was a fake!” the other guard complied and helped thrust the door open.

When Celestia and Luna entered, they notice that books and documents were scattered all over the place, they were now on full alert and ready to for anything as they walked in deeper. The Royal guards fanning out and weapons at the ready the path of thrown books and papers led to a part of the library that held things that was to be hidden from the public. This increased their worry. They were after dangerous information.

Upon reaching the area, the could here some one laughing “This has to be it!” They turned the corner, ready to face the enemy. But when they did, they saw another Celestia facing away looking at a book “You know, I was actually surprised how long my ruse managed to work. Some security you have there, Celestia” the image started to change right before as she turned around and revealed her true self.

“Chrysalis! What are doing here?!” Luna stepped forward

“How dare you enter our Kingdom” Celestia did the same.

“Now, now… is that anyway to treat a guest” Chrysalis smirked

“You are not welcomed here” Celestia said as both her and her sister’s horns started to glow.

“Oh, dear, I do believe, you don’t have the time to worry about little old me” she feigned a concerned look before giving an evil grin and spoke “Get them”. Just like that, heartless soldiers jumped onto the guards and princesses distracting them successfully as they had to look away and deal with them immediately. When they finished to look back, Chrysalis was gone.

“Guards, get everyone on full alert, block off all exits and search for her” Luna said to the guards that were with them.

“We will remain here, for the time being. If you see u anywhere else, you arrest us on the spot.” the guards saluted and sprinted off at full speed.

“Sister… What was she after” Luna asked as she gazed around the room and scattered books.

“I don’t know, Lulu… but I feel that it will only complicate things even more.” Celestia replied softly.

The castle invasion was successfully deterred, but at a cost that no one at the time could fully comprehend how bad.

Author's Note:

Alright! this sucker, was a long one to write, to the point where after I sent it to get proofread, I took a few days to let my brain chill. Which is Why after I post this, I will just now be starting on Chapter 8. Sooo, that one might or might not take a bit longer to come out. I decided to take out the explanations of Sora for the next chapter when I saw the word count after I finished writing the boss fight. lol, it was long enough as is.

I waiting to get into this kind of stuff, I did say that the girls would get something out of this as well. Didn't I?

Onto the job polls! the majority, says 3, while others say 2. but after talking with some of you, I can definitely make option 3 so it satisfy the previous two options. Kind of pumped for when they finally get back to Ponyville for that. haha.

I honestly have no idea what else to say, and if I do I'll just post it in Chapter 8's Author Notes. So I'll end it here so I can get to writing :3

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones!

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