• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Friendship For All

Two years ago, I was crowned as the sole Princess of Equestria. Can you believe it? Me! Twilight Sparkle. The antisocial bookworm who had no interest in making friends was crowned as not only the Princess of Equestria, but also the Princess of Friendship. Everything changed when I moved to Ponyville. I met my best friends, defeated Nightmare Moon, found the Elements of Harmony, and discovered what friendship could really be!

I've faced a lot of hardships since then. I've battled with the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. I've defeated the terrible Centaur, Tirek. Banished the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. Fought the King of Darkness, King Sombra. Fought with the Pillars of Equestria against the Pony of Shadows. Found a new student in my old enemy Starlight Glimmer. Thwarted the plans of the manipulative filly, Cozy Glow. And my friends and I defeated a villainous trio bent on ruling Equestria.

But one of my greatest challenges came in the form of Dr. Ivo Robotnik. A mad genius from another dimension who came to Equestria to add it to his Empire. That was when I met one of my very best friends. Sonic the Hedgehog. We stopped Robotnik and saved Equestria, solidifying our friendship with one another.

But Robotnik just can't seem to take a hint. Last year he joined forces with King Sombra and another mad genius, Dr. Otto Octavius. They created their own dimension and wanted to conquer the entire Multiverse. We teamed up with another hero who would grow to become one of my best friends. Peter Parker. The Amazing Spider-Man. We stopped them and saved the Multiverse.

After that adventure, Equis, Mobius, and Earth started negotiating peace treaties between the three dimensions. I helped in making that possible. I showed that friendship doesn't have to stick to one world. It can be shared with other worlds. A year later and we finally agreed on a peace treaty.

In fact in just a few days, the leaders of the other worlds will be arriving on Equis to partake in the "Friendship United Festival" I cannot wait to show these worlds what the Magic of Friendship is! Nothing can possibly go wrong!

But what Twilight Sparkle doesn't know, is that her entire world is about to change forever. I have seen many outcomes. Many possibilities. It is my task to watch over the Multiverse, never to interfere. Just witness the stories unfold. But it appears that these events will make me question my oath. Should I interfere to prevent the devastation that is to follow?

But if I interfere, I might change things for the better, or worse. But if I don't, this war that is coming. The chaos that it will leave in its wake.

May not bring a tomorrow. But all is not lost, however. Our story and fate lies....

With a bunch of A-Holes

Paramount Pictures presents

In association with Hasbro, Sega, Insomniac Games and Marvel Studios

An AllSpark Pictures Production


























Peter Quill, Star Lord, Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ex-Ravager. One of the galaxy's greatest heroes....for the right price. Supply an ample amount of Credits, whatever job you got, he's your guy. He's even saved the galaxy for free, not that he was happy about it, but still.

The captain of the Milano was currently sitting in his chair, his headphones blaring in his ears. His eyes were closed as he bobbed his head to the music, not a care in the world.

"Do ya really wanna, do ya really wanna taste it~" Quill sang in a hushed tone.


"What's going up must come down~" Quill continued.


"Do ya really wanna, do ya really wanna taste it? Baby, you're losing ground~"


Quill's eyes shot open, startled by the sudden yelling, his headphones falling off of his head as he fell backwards off his chair. He groaned in pain before sitting up. He looked around and saw who shouted his name.

Gamora, The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy.

Quill sighed in annoyance and lowered his head. He got back to his feet, saying to Gamora, "Really, Gamora? Really? You couldn't just tap my shoulder? You just HAD to make me fall on my ass?"

Gamora smirked, "Hey, I just woke you up. YOU were the one who fell on your ass."

Peter rolled his eyes as he dusted himself off, "Well, at least I fell graciously."

Gamora chuckled, "Sure you did." She replied sarcastically.

Peter slumped, sighing in defeat, "Moving on." He straightened himself and asked, "So what was so important that you had shout in my ear?"

Gamora began to take her seat, "Just thought I'd tell you that we're nearing the source of the distress signal."

As Peter sat his chair upright, Gamora sat in her seat. She took out her sword and examined it. Peter fixed his hair with his hands and took a seat. It was then that the door leading into the room opened, revealing a giant tree and a talking Racoon.

"I am Groot." Groot said as he walked in.

"Look, all I'm saying is that maybe we could earn some extra Credits on the side." Rocket replied as he walked beside his giant friend.

"I am Groot."

Rocket shrugged, "So a few planets might blow up, so what?! Think of all those flarking Credits."

Groot crossed his arms, shaking his head in disapproval. Rocket sighed as he walked to his seat.

"You're no fun..." He grumbled as he took a seat.

Groot then walked past Quill and sat down in his seat.

Peter arched a confused eyebrow at the Racoon, "Uh, what exactly were you talking about, Rocket?"

Rocket waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it, Quill. Just keep pretendin' that you're the captain."

Quill crossed his arms, "I'm not PRETENDING Rocket. I AM the captain."

Rocket smirked, "Sure, sure. Whatever you say."


Quill turned around to see another member of his team enter the bridge. A green skinned man with multiple tattoos all over his body.

Drax held up a bottle, "This dagger cleaning product is very inefficient. The whole bottle had to be used." He tossed the bottle to Quill, who caught it in his hands.

As Drax went to his seat, Peter got a good look at the bottle and his jaw dropped, "YOU USED MY SHAMPOO?! DRAX! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET THIS STUFF?! THIS WAS MY LAST BOTTLE!!!"

Drax shrugged as he took a seat, "I don't see how it could've been yours. It was in MY sleeping quarters."

It was then that Peter frowned, "Alright. Who put my shampoo in Drax's room?"

Rocket couldn't hold it in anymore. He busted out laughing, revealing that it was him that put the shampoo in Drax's room.

"Ahahahahahaha!!! That's......that's so......FLARKIN' FUNNY!!!" Rocket said between laughs.

Peter gritted his teeth, "You dick!"

He then threw the bottle at Rocket's head, causing the Racoon to fall off his chair. Rocket rubbed the back of his head and grumbled as he got back into his seat.

Gamora rolled her eyes, "If you two are done being morons! We're......here?"

It was then that they arrived at the source of the distress signal. When they saw what Gamora saw, all of their eyes shot open in disbelief. There were multiple dead bodies floating through space along with some debris. Body after body, all cold and lifeless.

But these were no ordinary people. They were soldiers.

They were Nova Corp.

Someone had attacked their prison ship....and won.

"What madness is this?!" Drax asked no one specifically.

"I.....Am....Groot." Groot said in disbelief.

"Who the flark has the kind of firepower to take out a massive Nova Corp prison ship?!" Rocket asked.

"I don't know. But we gotta...." He stop mid sentence when a giant shadow loomed over the Milano, "Oh, you've gotta be shittin' me."

Everyone's jaws dropped when they saw the giant ship that caused all this.

And boy did they regret answering that distress signal.

The Sanctuary II.

Gamora and Drax gritted their teeth.

"Thanos." They both said in unison.

The S.H.I.E.L.D Triskelion. S.H.I.E.L.D's new base of operations. Soldiers on the inside and outside, always on guard and patrol. But that's not all that is here. After the rediscovery of the six Infinity Stones, Tony Stark had them encased in an Asgardian box, only to be opened by an enchantment that only an Asgardian would know. S.H.I.E.L.D kept them stored inside a security vault, where only authorized personnel could access.

Inside the Command Room, a man with an eyepatch was currently overseeing how his operations were running.

Nick Fury kept a watchful eye of his operations. He was heavily involved with the negotiations between Earth, Mobius, and Equis. S.H.I.E.L.D and G.U.N had developed a good working relationship with one another since their worlds became aware of one another. He just spoke with Commander Tower a few hours ago, setting up defenses for the Friendship United Festival tomorrow.

Nothing was going to disrupt this event.

The door leading into the Command Room opened. Nick turned around and saw a woman approach him.

"Hill." Fury greeted with a nod.

"Sir." Maria Hill responded.

She walked up to him and stood by his side, keeping watch over the Triskelion's operations.

She turned to the director, "Sir, I still believe that you should attend tomorrow's festival on Equis. Represent S.H.I.E.L.D, show that we are in support of this union."

Fury sighed, "I can't. The Avengers are already attending the festival tomorrow, leaving Earth defenseless. I'll be damned if I let that happen. Besides, I'm not going anywhere until those six stones downstairs are secure."

"We've recently gotten confirmation from Reed Richards that we can send them into the Negative Zone." Maria informed.

"It's taken this long to get confirmation. What with the treaty negotiations and all. I'm going to make sure that those stones are gone. Never to be used by anyone ever again."

Meanwhile, down in the security vault. A S.H.I.E.L.D Agent reached into his pocket and took out a phone. He dialed up a number and placed it near his ear.

"Sir, I've found them."

"Good. Open the vault and prepare for extraction."

The Agent hung up and approached the keypad. He then typed in the code to open the vault. When he pressed the enter key, the vault started to unlock. The Agent crossed his arms as the door opened. Once the vault was completely open, he walked in, walking past several dangerous items. The Makluan Rings. Devil's Breath. The Tesseract. But the Agent didn't care about any of those items. He went straight for the Asgardian box.

The Agent then took out his phone and dialed up the number once more.

He placed the phone up to his ear, "Ready for extraction."

Suddenly, a violent explosion shook the entire Triskelion. Nick and Maria held onto the railing in front of them, trying to stay standing.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Fury shouted.

The alarms started blaring throughout the entire Triskelion.


Nick and Hill looked at one another before making a run for the vault. They ran to the elevator, but it appeared that it wasn't operational due to the explosion. They made a beeline for the staircase and ran down at a quick pace. Once they reached the right level, Fury kicked the staircase door down with his boot and continued to run to the vault.

When they reached the hallway leading to the vault, they saw several S.H.I.E.L.D Agents shooting at soldiers dressed in yellow.

Fury gritted his teeth, "A.I.M."

Fury and Maria dashed to the vault, punching and kicking any A.I.M Agents that got in their way. Once they got into the vault, they saw the S.H.I.E.L.D Agent that betrayed them, being held in the air, not by an A.I.M Agent....

But a robot hedgehog.

Metal Sonic snapped the Agent's neck and tossed him aside, his limp body rolling across the floor. Metal then turned and took the box, and with it, the Infinity Stones.

Fury and Hill took out their guns and aimed them at Metal.

"DROP IT! NOW!" Maria ordered.

Metal turned to them as his chest started to light up. Nick and Maria's eyes widened as the made a run for the door. Metal fired a chest blast at the two, both of them getting behind cover to avoid being hit. Metal's chest dimmed as he turned around and flew out of the hole in the wall behind him.

Every A.I.M Agent pressed a button on their wrists, activating their secret jetpacks. They then flew out of the facility, escaping with the stones.

Fury ran to the whole in the wall and saw Metal Sonic and the A.I.M Agents flying away. Fury wasn't happy. He turned to Hill with a serious expression on his face.

"I want every S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent searching signs of A.I.M and Dr. Ivo Robotnik! I want those stones found!"

Morning in Equestria shimmered. In fact, it shined.

It was a wonderful morning in the city of Canterlot. Ponies and Guards were moving around, helping set up the Friendship United Festival. There were food stalls, balloons, and even some residents from Stark Industries came and helped set up various Stark Expo booths for the festival.

Thanks to the work of Twilight Sparkle, Tails, and Tony Stark, an interdimensional gateway was built so that everyone could traverse the three universes. Think of it as a new airport.

Speaking of the Princess, she was walking around Canterlot, sporting a new look.

She was really growing into her Alicornhood.

She turned to Spike, who was walking alongside her with a checklist.

"Okay, Food Stands?"


"Stark Booths?"




Twilight smirked, "Everything in between?"

Spike smiled in response, "Check."

Twilight sighed, "Great. Now we just have to do a few more check ups and we'll be good to go."

"You nervous?"

Twilight gave him a small smile, "A little. This is big, Spike. Like REALLY big! With all the negotiations and talks with all the worlds governments, this has to be perfect. Faust knows I've put a lot into maintaining a sustainable relationship with both Earth AND Mobius. I just want everything to go right."

"It will, Twilight. I promise you, everything will be fine. Plus, you'll be happy to know that the girls will be here first thing tomorrow. Sonic and his friends will be here representing Mobius, Peter and the Avengers will be here representing Earth. Celestia and Luna will be here as well. It's all going to go great! I know it!"

Twilight smiled at the baby dragon and side hugged him with her wing, "I know, Spike. I know."

The two looked up into the sky and saw the Wonderbolts training for their performance tomorrow, sans Rainbow Dash, who decided to spend a little time in Ponyville with the rest of her friends.

Twilight smiled contently, "Everything is going to be just fine. Everything will go the way it's supposed to."

Metal Sonic flew through a massive storm, raindrops bouncing off of him as he flew. He then spotted his destination in the distance. A giant metallic base rose up from the depths below, airship after airship parked on its landing strip. Metal landed on the ground with a loud clank and walked inside, where two A.I.M Agents escorted him in.

Metal entered the Command Deck of the base, the door closing behind him. The two Agents backed off as Metal held out the box with the stones inside. It was then that an egg shaped man stepped out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face.

The man with the master plan, Dr. Eggman.

"Ah, Metal Sonic! I assume the extraction worked?"

Metal stepped forward and handed his master the box.

Eggman chuckled, "You've done well, my creation. Now, it's time to get to work!"

"I couldn't agree more, Doctor."

Eggman looked up and saw the source of the voice floating down in his giant chair.

Eggman smiled, "M.O.D.O.K. The extraction went perfectly!"

M.O.D.O.K nodded, "Good. I knew great things would follow after I freed you from the raft!"

Eggman smirked, "Well, when you told me your plan, I just couldn't resist!" He then looked down at the box, "Now comes the difficult part. Getting the stones out of the box. Luckily for us, we have a means of opening the box. We just don't know where he is."

"The trickster always loved to play games. I still don't see why we need his help to access the stones."

"Because only an Asgardian can unlock the box you possess."

Both villains turned to see a figure step out of the shadows with a mischievous smile on his face.

Loki smiled in anticipation as he approached the two villains.

"Now, shall we get started?" Loki asked as he took the box.

As Eggman and M.O.D.O.K stared at the Trickster God, Loki's hands began to glow green, as did the box.

"With this spell, the Infinity Stones shall be yours!"

The box then began to unlock, the glow disappearing from both the box and Loki's hands. The box then opened up, revealing the six Infinity Stones.

Loki smiled, "You're welcome."

M.O.D.O.K smiled and turned to Eggman, "Shall we move forward with the plan?"

Eggman was excited, ecstatic, thrilled, all of the above. He smiled as he stared at the stones.

"Yes. Let's."

Author's Note:

From this moment onward, everything will change

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