• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Age Of Ultron (Part 2)

"J.A.R.V.I.S, GET THOSE SHIELDS UP, NOW!" Fury shouted as Ultron Supreme's army flew down from his citadel.

J.A.R.V.I.S complied as Stark Tower was suddenly surrounded by a blue holographic shield. Nick turned to Celestia with a grim look on his face. The two leaders nodded to one another as Fury placed two of his fingers up to his ear.

"Hill! We're under attack by unknown forces! Send in reinforcements from the Triskelion immediately!" Fury ordered.

Whatever Maria said in response fell on deaf ears as Fury's attention was drawn to the the various laser blasts hitting the shields thanks to the approaching Ultron Fortresses.

"Shield at 80%" J.A.R.V.I.S informed.

Nick and Celestia looked at one another as Hawkeye and Knuckles readied themselves.

This was not good.

"GET THOSE CIVILIANS OUT OF HERE, NOW!!!" Cap shouted as he protected himself from an array of missiles with his shield.

Once the missiles had stopped firing, Cap lowered his shield to see Ultron Sentry's and Ultron Slayers stomping towards him, firing bullets, rockets, whatever they had in their arsenal. While Cap was holding off the approaching forces, Rarity and Amy were making sure civilians were getting to safety.

An Ultron Sentry aimed one of its Gatling Guns at Amy and prepared to fire. But thanks to Hulk, who landed on top of the machine and crushed its head with a mighty punch, Amy was unharmed as she continued to evacuate the remaining civilians.

Meanwhile, Tails, Black Widow, Applejack, and Fluttershy were flying the Quinjet, which was piloted by none other than Tails, and were shooting the approaching army of Ultron Sentries and Ultron Slayers making their way through the streets of New York.

As he flew through the air, Thor couldn't help but glance at the massive citadel floating above Earth's atmosphere. He frowned but continued to demolish the Ultron Sentries flying towards Stark Tower. Thor raised Mjolnir into the air and shot lightning into the sky. He then pulled down his arm, in doing so, Mjolnir shot out a bolt of lightning that sent an incoming Ultron Sentry right into Luna's path.

She pierced the Ultron Sentry's chest with her horn and blew it apart with a burst of magic.

She smiled at the God of Thunder, but the moment was interrupted by a sudden large tremor. Before anyone could question what had occurred another large tremor shook the ground. It was then followed by another tremor, they were coming at a faster pace. Everyone turned around towards Central Park. What they saw caused everyone's eyes to widen in shock and fear.

Two very large Ultron Wreckers were walking towards the tower.

These Ultron Wreckers were the size of skyscrapers and were not showing any signs of slowing down.

Cap took a step back and placed two of his fingers to his ear, "Everyone get to the tower! NOW!"

Fury took a step back as the two Ultron Wreckers walked towards the tower.

"Hill, where the hell are our reinforcements!?"


Fury sighed angrily as Celestia lit up her horn and flared her wings.

"Twilight, where are you?" Celestia thought to herself as she readied herself for the approaching danger.

"This is going very well." Ultron said to himself as he floated down from the sky.

He outstretched his arms as he took in his surroundings.

His utopia.

The peace that he offered to the entire Multiverse.

"Peace in our time."

"Tony, have you figured a way out of this?!" Rainbow asked frantically.

Tony shook his head, "Ultron destroyed my armor, I can't get us out of this."

"No, but maybe I can."

Everyone turned their heads to Shadow, wondering what he meant by that.

"What do you mean, Shadow?" Twilight asked.

Shadow exhaled as he turned to Twilight, "If I can teleport to Stark Tower, I could inform the others of our situation."

"But Shadow. You've never teleported that great a distance before." Sonic said to his friend in a worried tone.

"The amount of power you would use up, you'd basically be a dead man walking." Peter agreed.

Shadow frowned, "Do any of you have any better ideas?"

It was then that Tony's eyes shot open.

He just got an idea.

"Shadow wouldn't need to tell everyone where we are."

Everyone looked to the genius in confusion.

"Where are you going with this?" Rainbow asked.

Tony smirked at the confused Pegasus, "I'm saying that all Shadow would need to do is say a certain command to J.A.R.V.I.S and we could take the fight to Ultron himself."

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" Shadow asked.

"The Heart of Iron Protocol."

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, "What's that?"

"You'll see." Tony replied with a smirk.

"Shield at 30%," J.A.R.V.I.S informed the team, "At this rate we will be breached within minutes!"

Every single one of the heroes regrouped inside the tower, preparing as Ultron's forces were about to break through the shield protecting the tower.

"Great observation, J.A.R.V.I.S!" Hawkeye shouted sarcastically.

"Does anyone have anything useful to share?" Amy asked.

"Shield at 25%"

"NOT HELPING, J.A.R.V.I.S!!!" Amy shouted in a panicked tone.

Cap stood in front of the group, his shield ready on his arm, "Get ready! They're about to break through!"

"DANGER! SHIELD AT 10%--" J.A.R.V.I.S informed but was cut off as the window in front of the group shattered as one of the Ultron Wreckers smashed through the shield.

Before anyone could react, Ultron Supreme flew into the tower and landed in front of the group with a sick grin on his face.

"Avengers. THIS is my gift to you all. From my world to yours. Immortality."

"You're not offering us immortality!" Natasha shouted as she aimed her side arm at the malicious A.I.

"You're offering us hell!" Knuckles finished as he smashed his fists together.

Ultron sighed as he dragged his palm down his face, "It seems that no matter what dimension I go to, organics are so short sighted." He then began walking slowly to the group, "You all just don't see the big picture. I have ascended beyond my primitive form. I have achieved perfection, as has my universe.

"I extend this gift to your universe. To your people. I bring nothing but peace and tranquility to your world and yet, you refuse? You organics are so.....primitive. Why can't you understand? The only way for organic life to survive, is to evolve."


Ultron shifted his focus to Applejack, who stepped forward towards the A.I.

"Tha world can be saved through tha Magic of Friendship! If we all come together, then there ain't nothin' that can keep us down for long! Tha fact is that ya nothing but a bully, Ultron!"

"A ruffian!" Rarity added with a shout.

"A meany bo-beeny!" Pinkie shouted.

"A jerk." Fluttershy added quietly.

"Through friendship there ain't a single chance that we'll EVER surrender to you, ya dirty varmint! We'll seek justice for the lives ya've taken! Why don't ya just pack it up and git outta here!" Applejack finished with a shout.

Ultron looked unimpressed as he folded his arms, "I honestly expected that from you, Applejack. I mean, you're Equestrian."

Applejack and the other Equestrians glared daggers at the robot.

"And what is THAT meant to mean?!" Rarity demanded to know.

Ultron shrugged, "You're naïve. You see the best in people, even when there is nothing there. Take this for example, and bear with me. Starlight Glimmer removed your Cutie Marks, the very thing that makes you special, and started a cult by doing the exact same thing to her home town. She sprouted on and on about equality when in actuality, she was nothing but a lying hypocrite.

"You exposed her and she vowed vengeance upon you. When she came back, she screwed with time and created multiple ruined timelines, each of them with an extended body count. When time was reset, those timelines vanished into nothingness, resulting in even more casualties. Even after all of that, you still accepted her when she should have been tried and executed for her crimes.

"You sprout on about heroism and justice, yet, where was the justice for all the lives Starlight Glimmer took?"

The Equestrians were dead silent. How could they even respond to that?

Ultron chuckled, "See how flawed your ideology is? If you really take the time to break it down, it doesn't mean shit, does it? As I said, you're naïve. But that's about to change. You may not seem eager to join me right now, but soon your minds and bodies will be begging for my salvation."

"Go to hell." Cap said through his gritted teeth.

"No. But I'll make a hell for you." Ultron turned to the Equestrians, "You used to represent the Elements of Harmony. Let me ask you, where do you see the harmony in humanity? Allow to inform you of what humans really are. They're liars. Thieves. Murderers. If you wish to stand together with these killers...."

Ultron outstretched his arms.

"You can die together."

It was then that Ultron's army flew through the broken window behind him and began their attack.

Author's Note:

Stand together. Die together

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