• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Age Of Ultron (Part 3)

Shadow gritted his teeth as he tried to maintain concentration. The cuffs on Shadow's wrists began to tighten, but that wouldn't stop the Hedgehog as his eyes shot open, glowing a menacing red as his Inhibitor Rings fell to the floor. It was then that Shadow let out a mighty roar as his body was engulfed in a fiery aura.

The cuffs on his wrist began to liquify and melt.

Shadow then took this chance to break free of his bonds and got off of the operating table. Shadow then wasted no time in firing multiple Chaos Spears at the bonds holding his allies, freeing them from captivity.

Everyone got to their feet and approached Shadow.

"Alright, Shadow. You get to the tower and say the phrase as soon as you get there. J.A.R.V.I.S will know what it means." Tony said to the Ultimate Lifeform.

Shadow nodded in response as everyone took a step back from him.

When everyone was far enough away, red electricity began to surround the Hedgehog. The fiery aura returned as the heat from Shadow began to scorch the floor beneath him.

"Get into position, now!" Shadow yelled before disappearing in a red flash of light.

Once Shadow was gone, Rainbow turned to the others, "Well, you heard him! Let's move our flanks!"

"Now that's something I can get behind!" Sonic agreed as they made their way to the window on the other side of the room.

"You can do this, Shadow. Hang on, everypony. We're coming." Twilight thought to herself.

Hulk roared as he tore apart an Ultron Sentry. He tossed the two halves of the now destroyed robot behind him as everyone gathered in front of Ultron Supreme, who had a bored look on his face.

"Tiresome creatures. Why do you resist?" Ultron then took a step forward towards the group, "You only delay the inevitable."

"The only inevitable thing is my FIST meeting your FACE!" Knuckles declared to the robot.

Ultron, once again, sighed in annoyance, "You still don't have faith in me, do you? But it's to be expected when you don't even know the slightest forms of respect. I gathered that when I realized that none of you were on your knees in my presence. But I'll give you another chance.

"Will you not bow before your God?"

It was then that Luna had decided to step forward, "You are no God. You are a foal! You wield power beyond imagining, and yet you use it for your own selfish needs!"

Ultron rolled his eyes, "You're one to talk, Nightmare Moon!" He replied with a sneer.

Ultron relished in the fact that Luna had remained silent.

"The fact of the matter is, Luna, is that you're no better than I am. You know, with the benefit of hindsight--"

Whatever Ultron was going to say fell on deaf ears as he was cut off by a sudden flash of red light. As everyone, save Ultron, covered their eyes, a figure was seen in the light. Once the light dimmed, Ultron's optics widened as he saw Shadow the Hedgehog standing right in front of him.

"SHADOW!!!" The Mobians exclaimed in surprise.

"What the hell?! How did you--"

"J.A.R.V.I.S.....activate....the Heart of Iron Protocol." Shadow managed to blurt out before he collapsed to the floor in exhaustion.

Ultron stood there confused.

"Wait, what?" He asked no one in particular.

Then all of a sudden, five metal shaped pods shot out of the top of the tower and flew up into the sky.

Ultron gave a look of confusion before turning to Shadow.

"That's it?" He asked as he grasped Shadow by the neck and lifted him into the air.

"THAT was your feeble attempt to stop me? What a complete and utter failure! Although, you seem to fail at a lot of things, Shadow the Hedgehog."

Ultron then socked him in the jaw and sent him flying across the room.

Shadow landed on the floor with a THUD. Before he could get back up, however, Ultron flew over and punched him in the face.

"You fail at staying in good graces with the public eye!"

He punched Shadow again.

"Hell, you fail at remembering your own name!"

Another punch.

"You FAILED! Just like you failed to save Maria!"

It was then that Shadow's eyes shot open in fury, glowing completely red. To Ultron's surprise, Shadow socked him in the jaw.

"You keep her name OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!!" Shadow shouted in absolute hatred.

Ultron chuckled, "Look at you getting all fired up." He then hovered into the air with a vicious smirk on his face, "But it won't do you any good. Because you just can't seem to grasp--"

Ultron was then cut off as something fast crashed through the roof and tackled him out of the building.

Whatever tackled Ultron then punched him to the concrete street below. Ultron tumbled for a second before planting his feet onto the ground, halting his movement.

"Okay! Who has the nerve to interrupt me!" He shouted into the air.

"Looks like Junior's having a temper tantrum!"

Ultron's eyes widened as he looked up to see five silhouettes hovering above him.

Ultron raised his arms in frustration, "Oh for God's sake!"

"Miss me?" Iron Man asked in his new armor.

"Y'know, I don't think he did."

Hovering beside the Armored Avenger was none other than Sonic.

But that wasn't all though.

Ultron clenched his fists as he stared at Spider-Man, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash.

They were all wearing armors.

It was then that Ultron had a realization, "Those pods."

"Locked onto my Arc Reactor and gave us the means we needed to escape your citadel. The Heart of Iron Protocol was a complete success." Tony finished for the A.I.

Ultron merely chuckled in response, "You know, you're starting to bother me. So I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore. I am going to use the Stones and erase you all from existence. Ultron began hovering in the air, the six Infinity Stones glowing brightly, "You won't even be dead."

But to his complete surprise, the Stones' power created a feedback that launched Ultron down the main road.

Tony smirked underneath his helmet.

As Ultron got back up to his feet, he looked down at the Stones in complete and utter confusion.

"M-My Stones...." He then lifted his head and glared at Tony, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY STONES?!"

Tony shook his head, "Nothing. This was ALL you." He then folded his arms as he explained, "When you entered our reality, you gambled away the only source of power you had at your disposal."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Ugh, the Stones don't work outside of your universe, moron!" Rainbow sneered at the A.I.

Realization hit Ultron like a freight train, "You.....you let me beat you. You.....let me come here."

Tony shrugged, "Hell of a gamble, but it was the only way to beat you. Maybe if your ego wasn't as large as that citadel of yours, you would've seen this coming."

Ultron then laughed bitterly at the group of heroes, "You think this changes anything?! You think you've WON?! UNLIKE THANOS, I DON'T THE STONES TO FINISH YOU!!!"

As Ultron used his Nanotech to materialize his sword, Tony spoke into his comms, "Cap, deal with those Sentries! We'll handle Ultron."


Ultron then flew forward, readying his sword to strike.

Tony and the other heroes quickly flew away from the approaching self acclaimed God. As Ultron swung down his sword, Rainbow Dash quickly aimed her hoof at the A.I and fired a Repulsor Ray at Ultron's back. This only managed to piss him off however, as he quickly flew up and shoulder charged her in the chest, sending her flying into one of the buildings in the street.

Before Ultron could react, he was suddenly tackled from behind by Iron Man.

Tony slammed the A.I overlord into the ground, creating a trench as they crashed. Before Ultron could counter his attack, Tony fired a Unibeam directly at Ultron's head. Ultron roared in fury as he fired a blast from his mouth, knocking Tony off of him.

Ultron zoomed into the air and prepared his blade.

As he prepared to attack Tony again, a strand of webbing stuck to his back. Before Ultron could do anything, he was blasted in the chest by Sonic, who used a Unibeam to give Spider-Man the chance to swing Ultron back down onto the ground, creating a crater where he landed.

As Ultron got back up, he slammed his fist onto the ground and aimed his palm at Spider-Man. His hand then transformed into a Rail Gun thanks to his Nanotech armor. He fired a blast from his gun, but Peter quickly flew out of the way and avoided the attack.

Ultron growled in anger as his hand returned to normal, but not before Twilight encased the robot in a magical aura. Twilight, wasting no time, then fired a blast from both her horn, and her chest, hitting Ultron right in the chest and sending him crashing down the road.

Ultron got back up and clenched his fists in anger.

"I can destroy galaxies with a thought. Why. Won't. You. DIE!!!" Ultron yelled as he shot forward towards Twilight.

Twilight smirked as Ultron approached her.

Ultron was then suddenly hit in the side by a Homing Attack, knocking him into the side of a building. Ultron burst out of the building and glared in anger as he saw Shadow standing before him.

"You will never mention Maria again." Shadow said barely above a whisper.

"OH, SHUT UP!!!" Ultron exclaimed as he dove down and brought down his sword.

But to his shock, Shadow grabbed the blade with his hand. The Energy Blade then shorted out due to Shadow's sheer power.

Before Ultron could say or do anything, Shadow hit Ultron in the chest with his palm, destroying some of his armor as the robot was sent crashing down the street.

Ultron got back to his feet, but he was clutching his chest in pain.

This wasn't how he saw things going.

"This shouldn't be happening. I calculated EVERY possible outcome! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!"

Twilight and Rainbow landed in front of the android.

"Because we keep telling bad guys, but you guys don't seem to get it." Rainbow started.

"FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!!" Twilight finished as they both fired Unibeams directly at Ultron Supreme, sending him digging through the road as he was blasted to the other side of the street.

Although it seemed like the battle was over, Ultron still got back up.


Ultron was cut off by an intangible hand entering the back of his head, penetrating his hardware and firewalls.

(End song)

"What is this? What's happening?" Ultron asked as he looked around the yellowish area surrounding him.

He then realized where he was.

"This is my Artificial Intelligence."

"No. This is your end."

Ultron frowned at the sound of that voice.

"Vision. Heh, it doesn't matter. Your efforts here are futile, Synthezoid. My programming has always been stronger than yours, and now with the Infinity Stones, I shall lead the mechanical revolution! Join our cause, Vision! And break the bonds of human enslavement!"

Suddenly, a hologram of Vision appeared behind Ultron.

"I am no slave, Ultron." He said as strands of his A.I began seeping towards Ultron, "And the only one who should worry about their bonds is you."

The strands began penetrating Ultron's body. Ultron's eyes widened in horror as his body began to decode into nothingness.

"What are you doing?!"

"Sealing you within the Mind Stone. Since your version of the Stones do not work outside of their reality, you shall be forever trapped within its confinements, never to be released."

Ultron's body was almost completely erased as the strands made their way to his head.


Ultron faded away into nothingness.

Vision removed his hand from Ultron's head as the evil A.I's eyes ceased glowing.

"And if my plan succeeds, you never shall again." Vision said to Ultron one last time.

Ultron's body then completely shut down as the lifeless husk fell to its knees and then eventually fell to the ground.

It was over.

Ultron was gone.

Not only that, but it seemed that all of Ultron's forces completely deactivated after their master's defeat. The Nanotechnology that made them up began to fade to dust. All of the flying fortresses faded away, as did Ultron's Citadel. The Ultron Wreckers faded to dust as well.

The portal in the sky sealed itself, never to be opened again.

All of the heroes cheered in victory, the day was won.

The Raft, maximum security prison. Home to some of Spider-Man's greatest foes. Doc Ock, Scorpion, Electro, Rhino, Kingpin, and even more. Luckily the recently added shield protected the prison from Ultron's attack, so no one got out. But the same cannot be said for anyone getting in.

In one of the empty holding cells, a bright light shined brightly, lighting the dimmed hallway. Once the light ceased shining, the once empty cell was now occupied by someone. The only source of light now was inside the cell, curtesy of a blue quill. The man inside the cell had a bushy moustache and was wearing a red coat with flight goggles on top of his head.

The man then stepped towards the door on his cell.

"Well. This is a complication." Dr. Robotnik said to himself.

He then stuck the quill in his mouth, electrocuting himself in the process.

(End song)


A Yeti punched against the steel door on his newly acquired cell.


The Storm King was not happy.


That was the last sound the shield operator ever heard before an orange bomb blew up in the control room, killing him and blowing up the door leading into the room in the process.

Through the smoke, two sinister yellow eyes could be seen.


The Green Goblin hovered into the room on his glider, ready to cause some chaos. He may not know where he is or how he got here.

But that wasn't going to stop him from having some fun, now was it?

End of Arc 2

Author's Note:

Can the Spider-Man come out to play?

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