• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Battle For The Infinity Stones (Part 2)

From atop Stark Tower, the malignant android known as Ultron stared down below from from the destroyed window caused by Lord Tirek. He gazed down with curiosity, it was all he could really do since Dr. Strange prevented him from accessing his hostile thoughts. He folded his arms over his metallic chest as he shook his head in disappointment, the chaos being ensued by these creatures is exactly why he wanted them all gone, but alas, he couldn't do a thing right now.

But a sudden voice broke his train of thought, "Enjoying the show?" Ultron turned around to see Discord limping into the room, bruises covering his entire body. But he wasn't the only one to enter and bother him, as Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike all limped in as well.

Discord grunted as he leaned himself against the wall to balance himself while Ultron turned away, "How could I? All this destruction and chaos is more your style, Draconequus." Ultron replied as he continued watching the battle unfold below. Discord moved from his leaning position and limped over towards Ultron while Fluttershy and Rarity watched over Spike, who had passed out from exhaustion.

Discord stopped next to Ultron and replied, "That may be true, but THIS isn't really my style." Ultron turned to the Draconequus and tilted his head in confusion. "I prefer messing around with people, y'know, turning the road into soap or making the clouds rain Chocolate Milk."

Ultron shook his head, this supposed Embodiment of Chaos was nothing more than a prankster. His brand of chaos could be compared to that of a toddler breaking down a tower of blocks, annoying sure, but not worth the effort of giving a damn.

"You believe yourself to be a Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, yet you lack the proper vision to truly embrace your title. You could have the entire world at your fingertips, yet you waste your abilities with cheap games and pranks."

Discord scoffed and rolled his eyes, like this android was one to talk about living up to their titles! The Draconequus placed his mismatched hands on his hips in a huff and replied, "Oh suure, like you're any better mister Savior of Mankind! Your idea of saving the Human race is by committing mass genocide!"

Ultron turned to the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony and decided to educate him, "It's evolution. The world is in chaos, it's full of corruption and hate, war and death. In Genesis, God decided to return the world to its pre-creation state by flooding the entire planet. He saw the state his world was in and decided that it was time to wipe the slate clean and start again. That's all I'm doing now, I'm doing God's work, I'm saving the world he created, ensuring it returns to its perfect state, as it should be."

Discord eyed the robot for a moment before taking a cautious step back, "And I thought I was crazy." He mumbled to himself.

Ultron shrugged, he didn't care what this mismatched cretin thought of him and his goals, he knew his motives were right and just, "What you call crazy, I call vision." Ultron replied before he turned around to continue watching the battle unfold below, "I may not be able to access my hostile thoughts, but I CAN think logically. If these idiotic creatures kill each other, then the Titan will wipe out half of all life. Once he has done that, then I can kill the rest." He then placed his hands behind his back and chuckled darkly, "It's the only logical solution."

"Slow down, Hedgehog, I just wanna blast you into smithereens!" Eggman used his Egg Robo X to create a blue shockwave by hitting the ground with a Ground Punch. Sonic smirked before speeding away, out of the shockwaves range and avoiding Eggman's attack.

Once the shockwave dissipated, The Egg Robo X stood upright as Sonic sped back into Eggman's view.

The blue Hedgehog leaned against a street light and stuck his tongue out, angering Eggman significantly. Eggman fired a blast from the mech's hands and destroyed the street light. But Sonic had already sped away, not that it was a surprise to Eggman, he was used to this by now.

"YOOHOO!" Eggman turned his mech around and saw Rainbow Dash hovering in the air with her forelegs crossed over one another, "Hey, Eggface! You didn't forget about ME, did you?" Eggman fired another blast, but RD sped off away from his line of sight.

The Egg Robo X turned its whole body around and saw Sonic lying on the bonnet of a car, whistling a happy tune, "Come on, Egghead, surely you're faster than that." The Hedgehog sped away as the car suddenly exploded due to Eggman firing another blast from his mech.

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Rainbow taunted from behind him.

No matter how hard Eggman tried, he just couldn't hit them with his attacks. Every time he fired, they moved away at impossible speeds. Eggman exhaled as he massaged his forehead with his hand, "One wasn't enough, was it? You just HAD to give me two annoying blue speedsters to deal with, didn't you universe!!!"

Suddenly, both Sonic and Rainbow Dash sped right in front of The Egg Robo X.

"I mean, I am The Fastest Flyer in Equestria for a reason, y'know." RD boasted with a proud smile on her face.

Sonic smirked as he pointed his thumb at his chest, "And I'M The Fastest Thing Alive--"

"Allegedly!" Rainbow interrupted, much to Sonic's annoyance.

The blue Hedgehog rolled his eyes and continued, "Anyway, you get the idea, Egghead. Face it, you'll never catch us."

Eggman's face turned into one of pure evil as he adjusted his glasses with his index finger, "But that won't stop me from trying!" The mad doctor then took to the air and chased after both Sonic and Rainbow Dash, firing blast after blast in an attempt to kill them both.

As The Egg Robo X soared past, Spider-Man quickly Web-Zipped away from an incoming electric blast. Peter flipped through the air a few times before he landed on the ground in a crouched position. Electro turned his body around to face his enemy.

But before Electro could attack, Peter's Spidey-Sense went off, alerting him of the incoming danger behind him. Spider-Man crouched down before performing a massive leap into the air as Rhino charged right under him. Peter swung through the air and stuck himself to the side of a building.

Peter's eyes then widened as he looked down and saw three buzz saws headed straight for him. Spidey bounced off the building as the buzz saws disappeared. Mysterio, who was standing in the middle of the road, fired an energy blast from his hands.

Spidey dodged the attack by leaning to the left and kicked Mysterio in the chest with both of his feet, knocking the charlatan to the ground. Peter backflipped through the air... Only to be tackled from behind by Vulture. Adrian Toomes had a firm grip around Peter's neck as he slammed him into one of the windows in a nearby building.

As the two adversaries flew through the office, Peter shot webbing into Vulture's eyes, blinding the villain and causing him to release Spider-Man.

Spidey rolled across the carpet as Vulture flew right out the window, but the hero couldn't rest just yet as Scorpion suddenly smashed through the ceiling and landed on the webbed themed hero. Gargan rolled Peter onto his back and raised his tail into the air, ready to bring it down onto Spidey's face.

Thinking quickly, Peter switched his Web Shooters from Normal Mode to Electric Mode and fired an electrified web right into Gargan's face. As Scorpion spasmed violently, Peter kicked Gargan off of him, causing the villain to crash into the ceiling.

As Scorpion began falling back down, Peter jumped to his feet and performed a Spin Kick just before Gargan could hit the ground. Scorpion crashed landed into one of the many cubicles in the office building, groaning in pain from being electrocuted.

As Peter exhaled, wanting to take a minute to catch his breath, a metal tentacle shot up from the floor and gripped its claws onto Spidey's foot. Peter screamed as he was dragged down into the floor below.

Otto used his tentacle to slam Spider-Man onto the floor before bringing his enemy right up to his face.

"O-Otto... What could you possibly gain from doing this?!" Peter shouted, wanting an explanation as to why Octavius was doing this.

Doc Ock sighed, disappointed that his former student couldn't see the bigger picture, "Oh Parker, out of all the simpletons in your team, I expected you to actually see the bright side of this. With the Stones destroyed, Thanos won't get a chance to wipe out half of the universe! We will be victorious!"

"But our worlds will stay merged forever!" Peter retorted.

Otto simply looked at his former protégé in disappointment, "Peter, I always knew you were smart, but I didn't think you were naïve. Allow this to be my final lesson to you, sometimes the ends justify the means."

Doctor Octopus then threw Peter right out of the window, ending this conversation. But Spider-Man wasn't done yet, as he shot two lines of web at attached them to the building, He then propelled himself forward and kicked Otto right in the chest, sending him crashing through the multiple walls in the office building.

As the two arch enemies crashed out of the building, Doctor Doom shoulder charged Iron Man to the street below. The Armored Avenger slid to a stop before shooting out a Unibeam blast from his Arc Reactor. Doom scoffed and activated his shield to protect him from the blast.

Out of nowhere, the front of Doom's shield swirled with energy before it let loose a green laser that knocked Tony into the side of a parked car. Stark groaned as Doom landed on the ground, his shield dissipating.

Victor was about to attack once more, but a giant, rubbery hand got a firm grip around his body. Doctor Doom was then raised up into the air before being slammed down onto the ground.

The giant hand released the villain and shrunk itself to normal size as Reed Richards turned his arm back into normal length. Mr. Fantastic walked over to Iron Man and helped him up onto his feet, "This is starting to get out of hand." Richards declared to Iron Man.

"Ugh... You're tellin' me." Stark replied as his systems rebooted.

They then both turned to face Doom, who was getting back onto his feet, and readied themselves for a fight.

(End song)

Doom glared at Richards and Stark, his cape flapping in the wind, his gaze not leaving either of them.

Not even for a moment.

Reed took a step forward, hoping to reason with Doom, "Victor, we shouldn't be wasting time fighting one another!"

"I agree, hand over the Stones and then we can focus on what truly matters!" Doom retorted, not letting up on getting the Infinity Stones.

Iron Man was growing angry now at Doom's stubbornness, "What do you actually hope to gain here, Doom?!"

"For the last time, I am trying to SAVE everyone! Don't you understand, you two are not the heroes here, Doom is!!!"

Reed scoffed, as did Tony, seemingly over hearing Doom's nonsense, "If you truly believe that THIS is the way to be a hero, then I PITY you, Victor!"

And with that, Doom lost it.

His eyes snapped open, showing his unyielding rage towards his rival.

If there was one thing you should not do... It's pity Victor Von Doom.

Doom shook with rage as he glared daggers at Reed, "No-one pities Doom! I'll have your head, Richards! I SWEAR IT!!!" Doom then shot forward, his boot thrusters igniting, and attempted to continue their previous battle. But he never got the chance as two bright lights shot down from the sky and landed between Doom and his enemies.

Everyone shielded their eyes from the yellow and blue lights, not wanting to go blind anytime soon.

Once the lights disappeared, Doom got a good look at who had intruded on his vengeance.

There stood two figures.

Nova Prime and Captain Marvel.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Nova Prime declared while Carol Danvers flew up to Doom.

"We don't have time for this, Thanos' arrival is only hours away. But that doesn't mean that his forces aren't already on their way!" Captain Marvel informed the Latverian monarch.

Doom wanted to retort but Tony beat him to it, "Carol, how long do we have?"

Danvers turned around to her friend with a grim expression on her face, "Less than 24 hours."

Reed walked over towards Doom, "Victor, you heard her, Thanos' forces are already on their way. Instead of wasting time fighting each other, we could be preparing for Thanos' arrival. We could be setting up defenses, getting the Stones as far away from one another as possible."

"If you really want to help the world, Doom, then stand down and help us prepare for the approaching battle." Nova Prime piped up before folding his arms, "We are running out of time."

Doom hated to admit it, but they had a point. Time was of the essence and they were wasting precious time fighting one another. The Avengers and their allies weren't going to hand over the Stones willingly, he knew that, but if he tried taking them by force, then more time would be wasted.

Doom decided that the risk of his future rule over the world outweighed his ego.

Victor activated his communication system inside his mask and gave the order, "Enough, it is clear that this battle is lost. The Titan draws near and we are wasting time. I will not have my future monarchy put at risk when there is time to prepare for the Titan's arrival. Stand Down! Doom commands it!" Doom was about to turn off his Comms but then decided to add one more thing, "Oh, and make sure the Centaur returns the magic he stole. If he refuses, or if any of you refuse to comply, then you shall deal with me."

Doom then ended the broadcast and folded his arms as he glared at Reed Richards and the other heroes.

"Thank you, Victor. You've done a good thing here today." Reed thanked his former ally.

Doctor Doom scoffed, "Let us make one thing clear, Richards, I only called off the attack due to the threat the Titan presents. We shall try your way for now, but if the Stones are in any danger of falling into the Titan's hands..."

Reed already knew where this was going, "Then we shall destroy them. But only as a last resort." Reed then turned to Stark as the explosions around them began to settle down, "Whatever it takes."

Tony nodded before replying, "Whatever it takes."

Author's Note:

19 Hours until Thanos' arrival

Hey, Deadpool here! The Author asked me to do this shit, so here we are! Here's a question for you readers out there! Who do you think was right, Doom for wanting to destroy the Stones, or Stark and the heroes for wanting to find another way? We're curious as to what you think! Leave a comment while I flush all of the Authors clothes down the crapper!

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