• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Battle For The Time Stone (Part 1)

The large group of heroes approached the doors leading to the landing pad, where the Green Goblin and the Time Stone were currently waiting for them. After getting Raimi-Verse Spider-Man up to speed, they made their way towards the landing pad to reclaim the Time Stone.

The group of heroes stood before the doors, waiting with anticipation to get the Stone back and set things right. As Miles, Peter, and Webb-Verse Peter loaded up their Web Cartridges, Raimi-Verse Peter looked at them in confusion.

"What are those for?" He asked his counterparts.

All the Spider-Men turned to the confused counterpart with Peter responding, "It's just our Web Fluid. Why do you ask?"

Raimi-Verse Peter proceeded to remove his glove and shot out a string of web from his wrist. Everyone exclaimed in shock as the web hit the wall.

Sonic turned to Raimi-Verse Peter with shock written all over his face, "Th-That came OUT OF YOU!"

Raimi-Verse Peter nodded, "Yeah," He then turned to the other Spider-Men, "You guys can't do that, huh?"

They all shook their heads, "No." They all said together.

Webb-Verse Spider-Man gazed at Raimi-Verse Peter's wrist, "How on earth does that even..."

Twilight was practically geeking out, "This is so fascinating!!! How does that work? You make your own Web Fluid in your body! Where does it--" She was cut off by the sounds of the door leading to the landing pad opening up.

Once the doors were open, everyone could see that it was raining down heavily with lightning striking in the background. They could also see the Green Goblin, who was standing on his glider, floating down from the sky. He laughed like a mad man before he glanced at the three Spider-Men, specifically Raimi-Verse Spider-Man.

Goblin smiled behind his mask, "Peter, I knew you would come for me."

Raimi-Verse Spidey took a step forward, "It's over, Goblin! You're outnumbered, you've lost, how can't you see that?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I've seen more than I could have ever imagined! I also see you, Peter. You're struggling to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose." He opened the palm of his hand to allow the Time Stone to levitate slightly above his hand, "I've been blessed by the Gods with this pebble! And with this Stone, I am a God among men! The fact is, Peter, is that Gods don't have to choose what they want," Goblin then snatched the Stone from its position with his hand, causing the raindrops to pause in time, "We take!"

It was then that all the Spider-Men took a step forward and stood next to Raimi-Verse Spider-Man.

"Stone or not..." Peter started.

"...It's not gonna stop us from taking you down..." Miles continued.

"...Because with great power, comes great responsibility!" Webb-Verse Peter finished as they all got ready for battle.

Goblin wasn't threatened, in fact he was giddy, "You forget one thing. TIME IS ON MY SIDE!!!"

Goblin then used the Time Stone to freeze all the other heroes in place, all except the four Spider-Men. As the Spider-Men got ready to fight, Goblin laughed in their faces as he hovered up into the air.

"The itsy bitsy Spider came down the water spout! Down came the Goblin and took the Spider out~ HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Goblin taunted the four Wall Crawlers before zooming down towards them on his glider.

As Goblin flew down towards the landing pad, he fired two missiles from the bottom of his glider as a surprise attack. While Miles and Webb-Verse Spidey leapt out of the way, both Spider-Man and Raimi-Verse Spider-Man grabbed the two missiles with lines of web and tossed them back at the cackling mad man.

Goblin merely smirked behind his mask as he tightened his grip on the Time Stone and suddenly disappeared. What he really did was move forward in time to not only avoid the two missiles, but to get behind the two Spider-Men so he could hurl two Pumpkin Bombs without them noticing.

Fortunately for the two Web Heads, their Spider-Senses kicked in to alert them both of the incoming danger. Both Spider-Men quickly Web Zipped away just in time to avoid the resulting explosions from the Pumpkin Bombs. Before Goblin could attack again, he saw Miles leaping towards him, reeling back his fist for a punch, through the corner of his vision.

Goblin quickly turned to the young hero and froze him in time, preventing him from attacking. Goblin then zoomed forward and punched Miles in the face, not only unfreezing him, but sending him back down to the landing pad. Webb-Verse Spidey tried Web Zipping towards Goblin from behind, but Goblin clutched the Time Stone and suddenly appeared behind the hero.

Goblin then quickly flew up to him and shoulder charged him back down to the landing pad.

Goblin cackled as he flew back to the front of the landing pad while the four Spider-Men regrouped in front of the villain. Green Goblin used the Time Stone to summon four Time Portals in front of him. Goblin then threw 12 Razor Bats into the Time Portals.

Before any of the Spiders could react, their Spider-Senses went crazy as one Time Portal opened behind them.

Just as they turned around, three Razor Bats zoomed through the Time Portal at high speeds. Just as Miles and Webb-Verse Peter flipped to avoid the Razor Bats, three more portals opened around them. It was then that the rest of the Razor Bats zoomed towards the heroes.

The Spider-Men managed to avoid dying from the Razor Bats, but they did get cuts on them from not being careful enough, resulting in some of the Razor Bats hitting them. Once they had room to breathe, Goblin zoomed down, his blades extended on his glider.

Raimi-Verse Peter's Spider-Sense went off, giving him the opportunity to flip over Goblin and his glider, avoiding death once again. Goblin turned back around and froze Raimi-Verse Peter with the Time Stone.

As Goblin tried to stab him again, both Miles and Peter shot two lines of web each and attached them to the back of Goblin's glider. As Goblin was suddenly halted in place, he turned to see the other two Spider-Men. He was about to use the Stone again, but it was suddenly kicked out of his hand by Webb-Verse Spidey, allowing Raimi-Verse Spidey to be free from his confinement.

As the Time Stone bounced on the landing pad, Raimi-Verse Spider-Man shot a line of web at Goblin's chest and Web Zipped over to the villain. He then delivered a mighty punch to the mad man's face, breaking the yellow lenses on his mask and cracking the mask slightly.

Goblin flew off his glider and landed harshly on the landing pad as time returned to normal.

(End song)

Goblin tried getting back up, but the four Spider-Men loomed over him as the other heroes were freed.

"It's over, Gobby." Raimi-Verse Peter declared to the villain.

Goblin chuckled evilly in response. As everyone walked over towards the fallen Goblin, Sonic Wachowski noticed the Time Stone on the floor. He began walking over towards it to make sure that nobody else could get their hands on it. But he stopped dead in his tracks when a bullet pierced through the ground in front of him.

He looked up to see what made the shot, only to scowl when he saw a familiar looking Drone hovering over him.

It was then that an army of Drones floated up from beneath the landing pad and surrounded the landing pad. The Drones had their guns trained on everyone who was on the landing pad, making sure none of them moved a muscle. As Sonic Wachowski took a step back, the Time Stone was picked up off the ground by none other than Dr. Robotnik, who had a smug grin on his face.

Storm King and Infinite were right behind him, with Storm King having his arms crossed over his chest while Infinite simply hovered above the ground.

Robotnik smirked at his most hated enemy, "Hello, Hedgehog. Did you miss me?"

"Eggman." Sonic Wachowski said with a scowl.

Twilight's eyes shot wide open, "Another Robotnik?! How is this possible?!"

Sonic on the other hand, simply pinched the bridge of his nose, "Figures, another Sonic, another Eggman, it makes sense when you think about it."

Robotnik had a sick grin on his face, "You know, I must thank you, Hedgehog. You did all the hard work for me, you and your new friends. And what a weird assortment of friends you have," He then took notice of Tom and Maddie, "Ah, Mr. Wachowski. Fancy meeting you here, you know we should really stop meeting like this."

Tom placed his arm around his wife to protect her, "I'd rather stop seeing you permanently."

Robotnik chuckled, "We'll take care of that in a moment."

While this was going on, Storm King and Tempest glared daggers at one another.

"Tempest." Storm King said with a smirk.

"Since when are you this idiot's lap dog?" Tempest replied as she pointed towards Robotnik.

"I'm nobody's lap dog. That Stone is as good as mine." Storm King replied with a mischievous grin on his face.

Infinite merely watched this exchange with his arms folded. He was already planning on taking the Stone for himself so he could take it back the fight against The Resistance, he just had to wait for the right moment.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Goblin had pressed a button on his wrist, activating his glider. The glider hovered silently behind Robotnik as he talked. The glider then extended its blade as it prepared to strike.

The glider then shot forward and almost stabbed Robotnik in the back.

The key word being almost.

Robotnik had clutched onto the Time Stone and stopped the glider dead in its tracks.

Robotnik turned around to face the frozen glider, "Look at that. A sneak attack. Note the lack of surprise."

Storm King, after seeing this display of power, had grown impatient, "Enough! Quit toying with them and give me the Time....Rock thing! Now!!!"

Robotnik then put on a fake expression of sympathy, "Oh, you poor naïve creature. It's not your fault, a more advanced intellect would've seen this move coming a mile away, or one point six kilometers."

Suddenly, half of Robotnik's Drones set their sights on both Storm King and Infinite. While Infinite merely clenched his fists in anger, Storm King snarled in anger.


Robotnik rolled his eyes, "Oh please, it's not like you two weren't going to do the same to me! The only difference being, Storm Dunce, is that I'm not only smarter, but I'm way more cunning, and overall, I'm just BETTER than you!!!"

"You'll pay for this, you buffoon!" Infinite snarled.

Robotnik then burst out into laughter, "Hahahahahahaha!!! Hehehehehehe!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! I'm sorry," He placed his hand over his chest, "That just hit me funny. The fact that you think that you'll make me pay for this is just hilarious to me. How are you going to do that," He then gazed down at the Time Stone in his hand, "When time is on my side?!"

A green, fiery aura suddenly appeared over Robotnik as he floated into the air with a wicked grin on his face.

Sonic Wachowski's eyes shot open in worry and horror, "Oh no."

Robotnik turned to his nemesis, "Hedgehog, it's time to say goodbye to humanity!"

"NO!!!" Both Sonic's shouted as they boosted forward towards the mad genius.

Robotnik tightened his grip on the Stone, which froze everything around him. Everyone was frozen in place, the two Sonic's, the Storm King, who was charging at the villain from behind, even the rain was frozen in time.

Robotnik laughed like the villain he is, "Oh-oh-oh!" He floated down to Sonic Wachowski and got in his face, "Even with your max speed, it still falls short to the Stone in my possession!" He then floated over to the frozen Storm King and leaned on his shoulder, "Excuse me, is Greg here?!" When he got no response, he stopped leaning on the frozen villain, "Thank you!"

Robotnik then floated to the center of the gathered heroes and started dancing like a crazy person. He jumped around, performed The Robot, and eventually slid back and did a spin. Robotnik then floated up into the air and hovered over the landing pad.

Robotnik then unfroze time and laughed evilly as everyone stumbled.

"Say, Hedgehog!" Robotnik shouted, getting Sonic Wachowski's attention, "Let's see if this Stone here has enough juice to bring back an old friend of ours!"

Robotnik then clutched onto the Stone again, creating a green shockwave that knocked everyone to the ground. Robotnik smiled as a Time Tornado engulfed him. As everyone got back up, something began walking out of the Time Tornado, something big.

Red eyes shined through as the Time Tornado began to dissipate. The Wachowski's eyes shot wide open as everyone took a step back away from the giant, metallic behemoth before them.

Everyone was shocked and a little nervous at the sight of the Death Egg Robot.

But before anyone could react, the Death Egg Robot reeled back a fist and punched the main building of The Raft, causing the entire building to come crashing down upon the heroes and villains.

Robotnik, who was piloting the massive robot, laughed like a mad man, "HAHAHAHAHA!!! No please, don't get up, take your time! Besides, I've got ALL the time in the world!"

Author's Note:

Wanna see how BIG a man I can be?

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