• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Friendship United Festival (Part 1)

Stark Tower, home to Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and the Invincible Iron Man, one of the founding members of The Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Tony closed his suitcase and made his way for the Tech Wing, where everyone else was waiting for him. He turned his head back slightly and asked, "J.A.R.V.I.S? Be a dear and put the tower on high alert, just in case." He said with a smirk.

"Already done, sir. Am I correct in assuming that you'll be taking your best suit?" J.A.R.V.I.S asked.

Tony patted his suitcase, "Never leave home without it."

"Keep in mind, sir. Since that you'll be in a different dimension, I will not be able to keep contact with you. So if you get into trouble over there, I will not be able to help you."

Tony smiled, "Don't worry about it J.A.R.V.I.S," Tony then made his way to the elevator and smiled, "Besides, you're talking to me of all people."

As the elevator doors shut, J.A.R.V.I.S sighed, "That is what I am worried about."

The elevator doors opened as Tony readjusted his tie. Once his tie was to his liking, he picked up his suitcase and walked into the Tech Wing, whistling as he walked. He entered the Tech Wing, where the other members of The Avengers were currently waiting for him.

Natasha Romanoff loaded her guns and concealed them under her jacket.

Tony smiled, "Do you bring your guns with you everywhere you go?"

Romanoff showed a small smirk, "I could ask you the same about your armor."

Tony chuckled, "Touché."

Tony glanced at Clint as he walked through the Tech Wing, "Gotta say, Clint. Loving the new hairstyle. Gonna be honest, the bald look didn't work for you. Just sayin'."

Clint chuckled, "Aye, I was trying something new, you dick."

"And now we know that it doesn't work. Leave the baldness to Fury."

Tony then walked past Clint and saw Thor.

Tony raised an eyebrow, "Not looking bad, Thor."

Thor looked at himself before laughing, "Thank you, my friend! Although this is not the attire I am used to, I shall make the most of it at the festivities."

Tony smirked as he then walked over towards the Interdimensional Gateway, where Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers were waiting for him.

Steve Rogers was wearing a new suit. It was a mix between his current suit and his old suit he used in World War 2.

Tony raised an eyebrow as he looked at his friend, "You do know that this is a somewhat formal event, right?"

"I'm aware, Tony."

"So.....what is this?"

Steve shrugged, "Just being prepared."

Tony shrugged as well and turned to Bruce, "How we looking, Banner? Everything stable?"

Bruce adjusted his glasses and turned to Tony, "Everything is looking stable, Tony. We're all ready to go."

"Then what are we waiting for? Everyone's here."

Steve frowned a little, "Tony, we're missing someone."


Natasha sighed, "The Web-Head?"

"I'm here!"

Each Avenger turned to the elevator door as it opened, revealing Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, who was in a new suit.

Tony then whistled, impressed by the smarts this kid has, "Not bad, kid. So, we ready to go?"

Peter removed his mask and smiled, "Yep. Tony, believe me when I say that none of you are prepared for what's on the other side of that portal."

Clint shrugged, "Meh, we've been through a lot, kid."

"Although if I step through that portal and turn into a colorful, talking horse, I'm not gonna be happy." Tony said as he put on his glasses.

Thor chuckled as he raised his hammer, "TO THE FRIENDSHIP UNITED FESTIVAL!!!"

Tony exhaled as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "That name...…needs work."

Steve placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and smiled, "Aw, come on. I think it's kinda cute."

Tony scoffed as he smiled, "You would."

They all then entered the Gateway one by one, leaving Earth to attend the Friendship United Festival on Equis.

Station Square, a city prospering with life. Mobians going about their day to day lives, not living in fear. Ever since Eggman was captured on Earth, Mobius has been at peace. Sure there is the occasional threat here and there, but not as big as what they were all used to.

Today was a special day for young Miles Prower. Not only was he returning to Equis to see his friends again, but for three straight days, he would be a Stark Intern. He was giddy, excited beyond belief. To think that when he was younger he was bullied everyday because of his two tails. Now he was best friends with the hero of Mobius.

Tails zipped up his duffel bag and made his way down the staircase. He had decided to move to Station Square, it was nicer there. He walked through his living room and walked out the backdoor, entering the backyard where the Interdimensional Gateway was waiting. Tails walked over to the control console and placed his bag down.

As he typed on the keypad, his backdoor opened. He turned around to see two of his friends walk out into the backyard.

Knuckles the Echidna

And Amy Rose.

Amy dropped her suitcase to the ground and ran over to her twin tailed friend. The two friends hugged one another while Knuckles crossed his arms and smirked at the scene.

The embrace ended and they parted, smiling at one another, "Wow, Amy. Nice makeover." Tails complimented.

Amy giggled, "Thanks. We ARE representing our home, so I have to look my best."

Tails turned and walked over to Knuckles. The two friends fist bumped one another and chuckled.

"I thought you didn't chuckle, Knuckles?" Tails joked.

Knuckles smirked, "Don't tell Sonic."

Tails then raised an eyebrow, "I'm surprised that you could come. I would have thought that guarding the Master Emerald would have kept you from attending."

Knuckles shrugged, "Meh, I wouldn't miss this. Besides, I have something to make sure it doesn't get stolen."

Knuckles' safe guard was none other than a sticky note placed on the Master Emerald.

The note said...

Gone on vacation. Don't steal pls.

Tails and Amy gave the Echidna looks that screamed "Are you serious?"

Knuckles shrugged, "What? Eggman's gone. Nobody's going to steal it...….probably."

Amy and Tails sighed, this wasn't anything new. Knuckles may be strong, but he can be a bit of a bonehead sometimes. Knuckles then sat down on the grass, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Amy sighed and placed her hands on her hips, "Where is he? I swear that hedgehog has no concept of time."

"Well what do you expect? This is Sonic we're talking about." Tails replied.

Knuckles smirked as he closed his eyes, "He's probably on a run or something."

Just as that sentence was spoken, a very large Sonic Boom was heard. They all turned their heads and saw a blue streak hop over the fence and come to a stop in front of them, dust rising up due to the blur skidding to a stop. As the dust settled, the blue aura surrounding Sonic disappeared.

Sonic smirked, "Sup, everyone? Did I keep you waiting?"

Knuckles smirked as he got up to his feet, "Eh, a few minutes earlier wouldn't have been so bad."

The two friends fist bumped as Amy walked over and hugged the Blue Blur. Amy has since gotten over her obsession with Sonic, happily accepting that they are just friends. Sonic then turned around and rushed over to his little brother, tackling him in a brotherly hug.

As Tails and Sonic laughed, Sonic got the Fox in a headlock and gave him a noogie.

"H-HEY! NO FAIR!!!" Tails shouted as he laughed.

Sonic let Tails go and they gave each other a fist bump.

"Alrighty. Ready to get this show on the road?" Sonic asked with a smile.

Tails nodded, "Yep! We just gotta wait for one more person."

Sonic then looked around, noticing that someone was missing, "Huh. I'm surprised that he isn't already here."

"Who says I'm not?"

They all turned and looked up at the roof, where they all saw a black Hedgehog standing there with his arms crossed.

Shadow jumped off the roof and landed in front of the group in a superhero landing pose. As he got to his feet, Sonic smirked.

"I knew you'd come, Shadz! I knew you wouldn't resist seeing your friends again."

Shadow scoffed, and folded his arms, "Let's make one thing very clear, Hedgehog. I'm going to this festival as a representative of G.U.N. I could care less about friendship."

Sonic laughed, "Still grouchy, I see."

Shadow gritted his teeth, "Watch it, Faker! And don't call me Shadz!"

Amy smirked, "Shadow, you may put on a mean façade, but I know that you're excited to see Pinkie Pie again."

Shadow tensed and shivered, "Ugh, please don't mention that Pony, she just doesn't know when to take a hint."

Tails raised his index finger, "How long have you been waiting on my roof?"

"Approximately 32 minutes and 7 seconds."

"Creepy much?"

Shadow scoffed once more. Tails then walked over to the computer console and typed in the coordinates to Equis. Once Tails pressed the final key, the Gateway whirled to life as it activated. The Mobians then gathered in front of the Gateway, ready to enter.

Sonic looked to his friends, "Ready?"

As everyone else nodded, Shadow rolled his eyes, "Let's just get this over with."

Sonic chuckled and they all walked into the portal, heading to Canterlot to attend the festival.

"I've fulfilled my end of the bargain, now it's your turn." The God of Mischief said as he handed the Infinity Stones to Dr. Eggman.

M.O.D.O.K rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes, yes, I know." He then pressed a button on the arm of his chair.

Suddenly, A.I.M's Scientist Supreme walked in holding a casket of sorts.

The Scientist Supreme handed Loki the casket. The Trickster God smiled with glee as he held the casket.

"The Casket of Ancient Winters. At last."

Eggman smiled, "Then our business is concluded. You gave us the Stones, and we gave you the casket. New York is yours."

Loki smirked, "A pleasure doing business with you."

Loki then disappeared in a whirl of green fire, departing from the A.I.M base.

M.O.D.O.K turned to Eggman, "Shall we get started?"

Eggman nodded in response. The two villains then left the room. As they walked/floated down the hallway, M.O.D.O.K turned his head to Eggman, "Are you certain that this will work?"

Eggman chuckled, "I've run all the calculations three times. With the Infinity Stones, this is bound to work."

They reached the end of the hallway and entered a massive room. In the center of the room was a massive reactor of sorts, A.I.M Bots, Badniks, and A.I.M Scientists were adding last minute repairs to the reactor.

Eggman smiled as he turned to M.O.D.O.K, "Behold.....The Convergence Reactor!"

The Friendship United Festival was going perfectly. Ponies, Mobians, and Humans were getting along, the Stark Booths were full, everyone was happy. Twilight was walking down the main street with her friends, who had arrived a few hours ago from Ponyville.

"Hoo Wee!!! Well, Twi. I gotta say that ya really pulled through with this festival." Applejack complimented.

"Yeah, this has gotta be, like, the BIGGEST party ever!!!" Pinkie added as she bounced around Twilight.

Everyone else nodded in agreement, which caused Twilight to blush.

"Well, I can't take all the credit. It was a combined effort from everypony. WE made this happen. WE unified three different worlds with the Magic of Friendship. WE made all of this possible."

"Well yeah, I mean we're awesome!" Rainbow added.

"I'm so proud of us." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"I concur, darling. This truly is a momentous occasion." Rarity complimented.

Twilight smiled, "Now, come on. The others will be here soon."

Twilight's friends nodded and they walked to the center of the festival. As they walked, Twilight and her friends greeted everyone that passed them. This felt good. This felt right. This felt like true harmony. As they passed a Stark Booth, a portal opened up in front of them, causing them all to stop.

Twilight smiled as Tony Stark stepped through alongside the other Avengers.

Tony exhaled as he patted himself down, making sure that he was still Human, "Okay, we're not talking horses. Crisis averted."

Twilight giggled and approached the Billionaire, "Welcome to Equis, Mister Stark."

Tony waved his hand dismissively, "Please, Mister Stark was my father. And I'd rather not be reminded of that asshole for as long as possible." He replied with a smirk.

Twilight and Tony shook hands/hooves, the Mane 6 and The Avengers doing the same with each other. After the greetings were done, it was then that Twilight noticed a certain Wall Crawler.

"PETER!" Twilight shouted in excitement as she flew over to him.

"HEY, TWI!" Peter replied as the two embraced in a hug, Twilight's forelegs wrapped around Peter's neck.

The embrace ended as they parted, "How are you?" Twilight asked.

"I'm doing great! Loving the new look by the way." Peter replied.

Twilight smirked, "I could say the same with you. Nice suit."

"Thanks. It has the latest tech installed inside it."

Twilight practically beamed, but noticed the portal, it hasn't closed yet. She was about to question it when suddenly, a blue streak shot out of the portal and swept Twilight off her hooves. The streak skidded to a stop, revealing Sonic, who held Twilight bridal style.

The Hedgehog looked down into Twilight's eyes, "Hey, Twi."

Twilight was speechless. Her cheeks heating up. That's odd. This hasn't happened before. Why couldn't she talk? Why were there butterflies in her stomach? She'd have to look into this later.

"H.....hey." Twilight said, blushing like crazy.

Sonic chuckled as he set her down on the ground. They both turned to see the other Mobians walk out of the portal. Sonic turned to Twilight, "Well don't just stand there, say hi for once in your life." He joked.

Twilight rolled her eyes and nudged him with her wing. Everyone was happy to see each other. Tails and Tony were talking, Rarity was admiring Amy's new look, Applejack and Knuckles bumped fists/hooves, Pinkie was annoying Shadow, everyone was talking.

Steve then walked over to Twilight, "Your highness. It's good to see you again."

Twilight smiled and nodded, "Likewise, Cap. But you don't have to call me that. Just call me Twilight."

Steve chuckled, "Okay.....Twilight."

After a few minutes, Twilight cleared her throat and got everyone's attention, "Okay everybody. If you would follow me into the castle and I'll show you all to your rooms."

As she led everyone to the castle, Sonic sped up and walked side by side with Twilight.

"You look good, Twi."

Twilight blushed and giggled.

"Thanks, Sonic."

Author's Note:

Nothing will ever be the same

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