• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 9,128 Views, 931 Comments

A Shadow Brought to Light - k12314

A young stallion, named Shadow Weaver, ha never led a good life. At least, not until SHE came along.

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Chapter 13: Nightmare


(Third Person)

Pinkie sat in Shadow's hospital room, holding his hoof and hoping for the best. She had a bandage around her torso from a deep cut she got trying to scare off the Manticore, but nothing too serious. Shadow, however, was much worse for wear. He had a bandage around his torso and head, casts on both of his forelegs. His breaths were short and strained, as he had at least five broken ribs. The doctor had asked her to leave a few times, but she wouldn't listen. Eventually the doctor just gave up. After a few hours, Nurse Redheart came in, and gave Pinkie a friendly nod. She looked Shadow over a bit, and did a few regular checkups on all of his wounds, and wrote it all down on a clipboard.

"Nurse... When's he gonna wake up?" Pinkie shuffled uncomfortably in her seat a bit, both excited for and fearful of the answer. Redheart rubbed the back of her head, and sighed.

"I'm sorry Pinkie, but I really have no idea. But hey, he's alive, right? He'll be fine. Don't worry." She gave Pinkie a reassuring smile thank Pinkie couldn't help but return.

"She's right. He'll be fine... But still, I can't help but worry..." Pinkie shook the thought out of her head. She needed to relax. She hops off of her chair, and gives Shadow one final look over, and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Get well soon..." She trotted out of the hospital, Shadow being the only thing she could think about, and all she could do was worry.


(First Person)

I felt like I was falling, but I was just standing there. It was dark... But not the regular kind that I know and love, but the kind that sends a shiver down your spine. I had no idea where I was.

"All I remember is being with the CMC, then climbing the mountain... Then the Manticore... And then... OH NO! PINKS!" Then, as if fate decided to toy with me, I saw Pinks in front of me. I started to walk towards her, but as I moved, she got farther away. I went from a trot to a full on gallop, but the distance just widened, and she eventually faded into the dark. I just stared. This was a nightmare. A horrible, horrible nightmare. Even though I realized that, it was still just as bad.

"PINKS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Then, I almost threw up due to the voice I heard.

"Oh, you don't need her! I'm your friend... Oh, wait! You stabbed me!" It was Quick Fix. I never mentioned his name... Just thinking about him is painful.

"Fix? I... I'm sorry..." Suddenly, he appeared in front of me. He looked like he did before I did what I did. A pale grey coat, a black mane, dark green eyes, a bunch of dots up and down his forehooves from needles, really skinny, bags under his eyes... And an evil, yellow-toothed smile.

"Oh, don't try to apologize. You can't fix DEAD, Shadow. Face it... She probably doesn't even care. You're just a lowlife, like me! You don't deserve her!"

I took a few steps back. I was fighting a losing battle. "You-You're wrong! She cares about me, and I care about her!"

"HA! Well, you certainly have WONDERFUL taste! She's the party pony! She'll screw anything with a pulse! She's probably having sex with some other stallion while you rot in the hospital! She's already bored with you..."

I felt tears gathering in my eyes. "Is it true...? Did I really fall for her, just to get thrown away like trash?" I tried to push the thought into the back of my head, but it just sprang right back. Fix closed his eyes and furrowed his brow, and nodded.

"You see what I mean? She'll do you, and then throw you away. She lives too fast for you. You've just been left in the dust."

I collapsed, and started crying. "You're right... I'm sorry! I should have just given you what you wanted... I thought of the money before my friend... And now you're dead, and I'm being used by some pink whore!" I started shouting and slamming my hooves on the nonexistent ground.

"Yeah, I was the one who was always right." He sat down next to me, and just watched me cry.

After about ten minutes, I wiped my face on my hooves. "You know, Fix... I don't think I want to wake up. I think I like it in here with you. You're my only real friend."

He smiled, and his yellow teeth showed again. I would have grimaced, but it was a normal sight when you were friends with him. "Don't worry about it, Shadow. You can stay as long as you like. Who needs all of those other ponies anyways?"

I nodded and let out a little laugh. "Yeah..."


(Third Person)

Days went by, and Shadow wouldn't wake up. Every day, Pinkie sat there, growing more and more worried. The doctors didn't know what was wrong. Pinkie refused to give up on him though. One day, Nurse Redheart confronted her about it.

"Pinkie, you should really go home. We don't think he's going to wake up for a while now. Is he really that important to you? Who is he anyways?"

Pinkie did something really out of character. She glared at Redheart, and spoke in a very serious tone. "He's the stallion I want to be with for the rest of my life. He and I have so much in common, and I care about him. He's always really nice, and he never gets mad at me, even if I do something really stupid. I love him, and I know he loves me back. So, to answer your question, yes, he really is that important to me."

Redheart looked at Shadow, and back to Pinkie, and smiled. "We'll try our best to wake him up, don't worry. I promise you we'll get him up and about ASAP." Pinkie's eyes shined, and she gave one of her huge, toothy grins.

Unfortunately, they had no idea what was going on in his head.

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