• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 9,128 Views, 931 Comments

A Shadow Brought to Light - k12314

A young stallion, named Shadow Weaver, ha never led a good life. At least, not until SHE came along.

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Chapter 20: Deep Thought



Finally, things were going back to normal. Well, as normal as things can get around Ponyville. I was still living in the guest room of Sugarcube Corner, and everypony has managed to cope with or get over the incident. I, however, was NOT feeling normal. I had a lot on my mind, and was trying to gather my thoughts.

"They found me, and they're hurting my friends instead of me directly. I can't let this go on, but if I try to take them head on, I'll be killed, no doubting it. But, if I sit back and do nothing, I'll watch as all of my friends are hurt, or even worse. What do I do?! I can't just go to the authorities, they'll just be slipped some bits under the tabled and I'll be cast aside, and then I'll be dealt with as a direct threat. I'm backed into a corner here..."

"What's wrong, Shadow?" Pinks hopped onto my bed and sat down next to me. She must've seen me and noticed I was in deep thought.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I was just thinking, that's all." She pursed her lips, and strengthened her stare a bit. She wasn't buying it. I let out a long sigh. "Alright... I'm just worried about you and everypony else, is all." She dropped her serious look, and smiled at me.


"You know full well why. What happened to you wasn't the last thing that gang will try to do to make me pay. They'll either do something even worse than hurt you, or they'll do something to somepony else. I'm trying to not worry about it, but I just can't."

"That means you're just genuinely concerned. You aren't soulless, no matter what you think about yourself. Me and everypony else have seen that part of you. You're a good pony, you were just mixed up in some bad things. As Rarity would say, 'Rough around the edges, but a diamond nonetheless.'" I chuckled a little bit.

"I guess so. No wonder Spike took to me so easily." We both started laughing. I felt my worries slipping away.

"You know, Shadow... It seems a little tight up here for a pony to be living, don't you think?" She gestured around the guest room/attic. It was small, but I didn't mind.

"I don't think so. I like it. It feels cozy."

"Well, it doesn't seem right to have you stuck up here. There is another room you could stay in you know..." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"There is?" She giggled a little bit, and her expression went from just happy, to flirtatious.

"Mine." I felt my face redden, and my heart skipped a beat.

"U-Um... Th-That sounds nice- I-I-I mean, I'd love to, but- No, that came out wrong!" Pinks was giggling at me, but I couldn't laugh at myself. I was too busy freaking out. "Are you... Messing with me?"

"Well..." Pinks looked away from me. "No. I'd actually really like it if you said yes..." I almost facehoofed.

"Really, Pinks? Of all the things you could ask me... UGH." I calmed myself down a bit, and I stopped blushing as badly. "Well..." AH FORGET IT. "You know what? Why the hay not?" She just stared at me for a second, and then put on that signature gigantic, ear-to-ear, toothy grin of hers.

"YAY!" She pulled me into a hug.

"You seem a bit... Too excited. You planning something?" She let go, and blushed deeply before looking away.

"N-No... What makes you say that?" I chuckled at my small victory. "I knew it. Oh well, no turning back now."

"Nothing, never mind. Forget I said anything. What time is it anyways?" I looked out the window, and saw that Luna's moon was already high in the sky. It was around ten or eleven at night "Wow. It's late." I looked back at Pinks, and her smile had somehow widened. "Uh-oh."

"So, Shadow... How about we make this the first night you stay in my room?" I fought back the blush coming on, and nodded. And of course, I swallowed hard.

"She better not try anything..." I walked with her down the stairs, and to her room. It was still as pink as ever. Of course, I didn't really care. A room is a room. I looked over a few dressers and looked at all of the pictures. Sure enough, there were none of her with her real parents, or when she was on the rock farm. They're all from when she was found and raised by the Cakes. She was really cute when she was little. Her hair was even poofy and curly back then too. I chuckled a bit, and looked at the present day Pinks. She seemed so happy and content, but I knew better. She was actually very insecure about losing anypony she cared about, and her feelings were easily hurt. Under that cute, happy exterior lies a pony who has been hurt badly. Not physically, but emotionally. Being cast away by her family, who already treated her like dirt, just because she tried to brighten up their lives. Forced to survive on her own, living off of trash and scraps, sleeping in alleyways, nopony in the world to care for her. To love her.

And then the Cakes came along. They took her in, and gave her a home. A family. Not connected by biology, but by the bond they forged together. They lived together, they laughed together, they cried together... And they formed a bond that nopony could break. Pinks had a wonderful life: Friends, a family, a place to live, love. But there was something else she wanted. She wanted to share that love with another pony.

And that pony was me. I don't know why, but I guess when I came along, something in her mind clicked, and she gradually fell for me. I guess I did too. And after thinking of all that, I made my decision.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with this mare. She's done so much for me, and I've barely done anything for her. I can't see myself with anypony else..."

"Shadow?" I snapped out of my deep thought again at the sound of Pinks' voice.

"Yeah Pinks?"

"Are you ready to go to bed? It's getting a bit late." I smiled, and nodded. We climbed into her bed, and even though I felt a bit awkward at first, I eventually felt... Right, for lack of a better word. Pinks yawned. "Goodnight, Shadow." She closed her eyes, and almost immediately fell asleep... And wrapped her hooves around me. I chuckled a bit, and wrapped my hooves around her.

"Goodnight, Pinks... I love you."

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