• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 9,112 Views, 931 Comments

A Shadow Brought to Light - k12314

A young stallion, named Shadow Weaver, ha never led a good life. At least, not until SHE came along.

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Chapter 36: Back From the Edge


"I don't even get to say goodbye... Life isn't fair. I already knew that, but..."

My mind was clouded with depression. All I could think was depressing thoughts, and sorrowful memories kept rearing their ugly heads. Quick Fix, my parents, all the gangs and druggies I worked with, the lives I ruined with my drug deals... I'm a monster. I've destroyed so many things, yet I take anything that comes my way. I never give. I'm selfish. I take, and destroy. What good am I?

"I'm worthless. Everything I do turns out bad in the end. Why do I even try...? What's the point?"

I let out a long, stressed sigh. I wanted to just turn back and try to apologize, but I thought that nopony would listen, and just get angrier at me.

"Where the hay am I gonna go now? Maybe Las Pegasus... Goddesses know that there's a lot of gang issues there. I could find work easily. I just hope I don't end up gambling what money I make away... Or blow it all on booze."

I never was one to gamble. Or drink. But with what I was going through, I had half a mind to start.

I looked out down the path leading away from Ponyville, the place I'd called home for two months. The place where I'd met the love of my life. And the place where I broke her heart. I had to leave it behind. All of it. The memories, the pain... Everything.

I turned around, and gave Ponyville one last look. "Goodbye..."

I hung my head, and began trudging down the road. It was all over. The end of a chapter. The turn of the page.

Until a rope tangled around my legs.

"ACK!" I fell over, and before I knew it, I was being hog-tied. "What the- AJ?!"

Indeed, it was the orange mare who was tying me up, and she looked pretty darn angry with me.

I started yanking at the rope, trying to break free. "Lemme go!"

AJ put a hoof on the end of my hooves, and held me still. "Would ya' calm down? We jus' wanna talk t' ya!"

"So you tie me up?!"

AJ tipped her hat out of her eyes. "We didn't want ya' runnin' off."

I closed my eyes, and let out another sigh. "... Good point. Alright, say what you want to say..."

(Listen to this)

AJ suddenly didn't look so angry. Instead, she looked regretful.

"Ah' jus' wanna say... Ah'm sorry. Ah' started that lil' spat with ya'. This whole thing 's my fault. Ah' shoulda been more understandin'."

I furrowed my brow. "You mean to say that you think this is your fault." She nodded. "That's ridiculous. It's my fault. I always say things that I shouldn't, and I end up starting these big arguments." I remembered when I started an argument between my parents, and my father almost beat my mother to death. I closed my eyes, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"... Ah'm guessin' Ah'm not changin' yer' mind, then?" I shook my head. "... Ah' don't understand ya'. Ya' seem like such a nice stallion, but yer' not nice to the one pony ya' really need t' be nice to."

I cocked my eyebrow. "And who might that be?"

AJ pointed at me. "Yerself. Ya' always blame yerself fer' everythin', and ya' never stop t' think what yer' self-loathin' is doin' to the ponies around ya'. We're worried about ya. We all love ya', Pinkie 'specially. Ah' think Ah've said all Ah can say." She turned, and headed back into Ponyville, but not before looking back to me. "Think 'bout what Ah've said now, y'hear?"

Rarity cleared her throat. "Darling, if it means anything to you... I'm terribly sorry for smacking you, and for all of those things I said. It was very uncouth... I hope you can forgive me."

Twilight just looked at me, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, and Fluttershy already had tears running down her face.

"... I can't believe I even thought of leaving. I've got six of the best friends a pony could ask for, and I was just about to throw it all away. I have so much here... I can't just up and leave. I've taken too much, and I can't give any of it back. I've taken everypony's time, friendship... And love."

Twilight trotted off with Rarity, knowing there was nothing else they could say, but Fluttershy stayed behind.

"Shadow... Listen. I know that I might not be able to change your mind about anything, but you're a wonderful pony. You're kind, and you're caring. Just think of everything you've done for Pinkie. You've given her something that only you could give. You've given her your heart, and she gave you yours. If there's anything you stay for, it should be her... That's all I can say. I hope you make the right decision." She flew off, and I was left there, with nothing but my thoughts.

"Wait. Still tied up. Well, I guess I'm not leaving anytime soon... Where's Pinks at...?"

"Right here." I would have jumped if I weren't tied down. Pinks walked out from behind me, and gave me a smile. It was a sad, knowing smile, as if she understood everything that was going through my head. "Hey..."

I closed my eyes, not able to look at her. "Hi..."

I felt her fiddling with the rope a bit, and then I was free. I stood up, and shook out my legs.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" Her smile disappeared after saying that. She looked straight into my eyes, and I saw a tear run down her cheek. I wiped it away, but I kept my hoof on her cheek.

"No... I can't just leave you like that. You're too important to me to just leave behind."

She placed her hoof on mine, and I saw her tears start to pick up the pace, falling at a steady flow, puddling below her. I pulled her into a hug.

"Shadow... You had me worried sick. I thought you were gonna walk down that path, and I was never gonna see you again."

I nuzzled the side of her neck a bit. "I couldn't do that to you, or anypony else. They're my friends, and you... You're so much more than that, I don't even know a proper word for it."

I heard her giggle a little bit. "You're such a flirt, you know that?"

"Heh, but you wouldn't have me any other way, would you?" I gently pushed out of the hug, and stared straight into her eyes. "Pinks... There's something I wanna ask you."

I saw her eyes light up, and her smile returned. "Yeah?"

"... Darn it. Now that I have the opportunity, I don't know how to ask this..." I fell to my haunches, and Pinks followed me. She laid her head on my chest, and let out a content sigh.

"Just say what you think is right." I wrapped my forehooves around her head, and held her closely. I swallowed hard, and I felt the nervousness and anxiety coming on.

"O-OK... Pinks... Will you... Will you...?"

Pinks rubbed her face against me a little, and giggled. "Just let it out."

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes.

"It's now, or never."

"Pinks... Will you marry me?"

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