• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 9,128 Views, 931 Comments

A Shadow Brought to Light - k12314

A young stallion, named Shadow Weaver, ha never led a good life. At least, not until SHE came along.

  • ...

Chapter 50: Greatest Day Ever


I know, I know, this took forever, and it's really short. I'm sorry... I really am. It's just... Have you ever played a new video game, and you just kept playing it and playing it until you burnt yourself out and couldn't do it anymore? That's basically what I did with writing. But now I'm getting myself back in the groove, so don't worry about it. Again, I'm so sorry this took so long. Without further ado, A Shadow Brought to Light: Chapter 50.

Well... This wasn't how I expected myself to react at all.

"Somepony help me. I think I'm having a panic attack." I tugged at the collar of my suit. I was sweating a little. That's right: It's my wedding day. I was having a complete mental breakdown, and I couldn't get myself to relax. Mr. Cake and I were standing in the dressing room of the courthouse, which was pretty much always used for weddings, seeing as to how there was never any crime in Ponyville. I was freaking out, and Mr. Cake was trying to calm me down.

Sounds fun, huh?

"Shadow, calm down!" Mr. Cake gave me a little slap on the side of the head. "Sheesh... You don't need to get so worked up. Like my father always said, 'marriage is just like dating, only more official.'"

"... Your dad doesn't sound very responsible, Mr. Cake."

"Oh, no, he was very responsible. Laid back, but responsible."

"... Right." I took a few deep breaths, and managed to calm myself down just a little bit. I was still really nervous, though. "I'm just afraid I may do something stupid or clumsy and mess things up."

"Stop thinking like that, then! Think positive. It's what I do!" Mr. Cake smiled widely. He was right, and I knew it, but I couldn't help but be nervous. There were a million things that could go wrong, and they all wouldn't get out of my head.

"OK. I'll stop..." Can't. "And try to calm down." Also can't. Ain't life just grand sometimes? It's as if Celestia herself was watching me suffer for her own entertainment. I hope not.

"Good. And there aren't that many ponies out there. Only..." Mr. Cake walked over to the door, and peeked out. "... All of Ponyville. That must be Pinkie's doing."

"That mare is trying to kill me." I slumped down into the small couch in the corner, and tried to at least stop sweating. "I swear, this is the most stressful thing I've ever had to do in my life..."

"What about all those things you did before?"

"At least I was good at that! I've never even been to a wedding, I have no idea what I'm doing!" I then realized that the whole wedding could have been a bad idea. After that, I realized that was a very stupid thought. I was having a bit of a hard time controlling my thoughts, all things considered.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad! It isn't like you're doing something completely insane."

I stared at him for a moment, mulling over his words. He was right, I wasn't doing anything insane, just important. But that's why I was so nervous, because marriage isn't something to take lightly. At all. "No, but I still have a right to be nervous. I think this is one of those things you want to do, but you only feel great about it afterwards..."

"That..." Mr. Cake raised his hoof, but paused for a moment, thinking. "Is actually a very accurate description."

"Yeah, I know that." I ran a hoof through my hair. "Oh jeez... I feel like I'm gonna pass out."

Oh, and it gets even worse right here. I heard a knock on the door. "Shadow, Darling? It's about ready to start, are you finished?" That's right. I was running out of time to calm down, and Rarity just put the pressure of that fact on me. Wonderful, right?

"Celestia help me..." I felt woozy all of a sudden, and almost lost my balance. Mr. Cake caught me.

"Shadow, just calm down! Sheesh, I was scared during my wedding too, but this is just ridiculous!"

"You aren't the one marrying Pinks."

Mr. Cake looked absolutely shocked I'd said that. "How could you say that?"

"I love her, but she's a handful, you know? I know what I'm getting myself into, it's just... I can't explain it. I don't like not being able to explain things, especially when they freak me out."

"I can understand that."

Rarity suddenly barged in unexpectedly. "Shadow! No more dilly-dallying, you have to come! Now! There's no time to waste!"

"... Erm..." I sighed, wishing I had a little more time to calm myself. "Fine... Lets go."

I trotted along behind her, and I walked down the aisle, most of Ponyville in the audience. There were a couple ponies I didn't recognize sitting in the back. Two younger ponies, and an old one, who looked pretty wise and kind. I payed them no mind, they were probably just Ponyvillians I'd not met before. I headed to the altar, and almost immediately, the mare at the organ started playing "Here Comes the Bride."

"... Oh my Celestia..."

And there came Pinks, in an amazing dress. It was, of course, very pink. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't beautiful in every way I could think of. She slowly approached, each step she took making my heart race even faster.

"So, whaddya think?"

"..." I had no idea of what to say to her. I was stunned, to say the least. "You look... Brilliant."

That got me one of her little giggles. The priest cleared his throat, a polite way of telling us to shut up.


"I do."

Those words came out of her mouth like nothing, but there was so much behind them that I can't even explain it now.

"I now pronounce you stallion and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest smiled warmly. I felt my face go beet red as I leaned in to kiss Pinks, but she practically tackled me to the ground before I could even say "mwah."

Which sucks, because I really wanted to do that. I would just say "oh well, maybe next time" but there isn't going to be a next time... Hopefully.

As I trotted down the aisle with Pinks, massive smiles on both our faces, that old stallion with the bodyguards motioned me over. I was sure he was just going to congratulate me, so I decided to listen. Besides, it would've been mean to just blow him off.

"Sit down, Shadow."

"How does he know my name...? Maybe Pinks told him."

I sat down next to him, and he looked at me with his old, tired eyes. He looked... Sad, for some reason.

"You know who I am?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, I don't."

He closed his eyes, and let out a stressed sigh. "You know those fellas you owe a lot of money to?"

I felt my blood run cold. "W-Wait... How do you- Who are you?" I was afraid I already knew.

"Well... Think of me as their "owner" of sorts... Now, I know you're thinking I'm here to have you dragged off and killed or something, but... I have something else in mind."

"Torture? Free labor? Blackmailing my new family? Oh Celestia help me..."

I was absolutely terrified, if you can't tell. And for a good reason, obviously. This was a very powerful stallion, and I owed him a lot of money. Those two aren't a good combo. And now I was face-to-face with this stallion. Heck, I was scared I'd wake up with Gummy's head in my bed the next morning.

"Well... I heard about your wedding here today, and first, congratulations... I remember my wedding day. My wife is dead and gone now, and seeing this... Well, it's nice. And you know what? You remind me of me when I was your age. Young, confident, not willing to go down without a fight..."

"Oh he's so gonna try to kill me."

"I respect that. You're a good kid. A trouble maker, but a good kid. And it looks like you've got quite a life ahead of you. I'm not gonna take that away from you over some money. I can't just let you off scot-free, I need that money, but... Maybe we can hash out some terms."

I blinked, trying to register what I'd just heard. "You mean... I can just... Go? I'm not in the deep end anymore?"

"Well, you need to pay what you owe, but I'm willing to let you pay whatever you can, whenever you can. I would suggest you don't forget. Otherwise things might not be so... Peaceful for you."

I swallowed hard, knowing what he meant. But he was giving me a chance, and that? That was just... Wonderful. I felt like the luckiest stallion alive. I most likely was at that moment. Even luckier than that stallion with the three four leaf clovers as a Cutie Mark.

"Th-Thank you... I'm grateful. I mean it. This is very kind of you."

He waved a hoof dismissively. "Like I said, you remind me of me. Besides, you're still young. I can't just take the gift of youth from you. I'll let you do that yourself."

"Uh... What?"

He laughed a bit, and shook his head. "Nothing. You'll see what I mean in a few years... You can go now. I won't bother you anymore, if you don't do anything to upset me."

I still couldn't believe it, even as I stood up and walked outside to a crowd of ponies waiting for me. Pinks, her family, the Cakes, and everypony else, like Twilight, and Rainbow. I felt a massive smile break across my face as I joined them all in heading off to some fancy restaurant for an after-party. Pinks, of course, was by my side.

"Hey, who was that old stallion?"

I shrugged. "Just an old friend. He had a few words for me. In fact, you know that debt I have?"

"Yeah...?" She cocked her eyebrow curiously.

"Well... Lets just say I'm not in a ton of trouble anymore. I still have to pay, but they're going to be much less... Forceful about it."

Pinks' eyes widened as she smiled ear to ear. "You mean no more scary things happening? No more fighting, no more of you going to the hospital...?"

"Yeah. It's finally over, more or less. I just gotta find a way to pay off this debt, bit by bit. I'm pretty sure working at Sugarcube Corner'll work out. And if not, I can always get another job."

Pinks pulled me into a hug while we kept walking, everypony else just chatting away in the background. "I'm glad you worked that out, Shadow... Now maybe you can start fresh. You know, forget all that bad stuff you did and start all over again. With me!"

I let out a small laugh, and considered that for a second. "You know, maybe it is time to just lock all that stuff away... Even if it doesn't bug me anymore, it's gotta go completely... You're right. Time to start all over again. You and me...

Bring this Shadow to light."


Bet you weren't expecting that, huh? Ha ha ha ha... Please don't murder me with a rusty spoon.

Comments ( 48 )

When I saw this i was like, "Yes..... YES! YESSSSS!" :moustache:
Then I read the ending and it was like, "HNNNNNNNRRRRGGGG" *takes rusty spoon, about to use it as a very- very long range throwing knife*
Then I remembered it was the 50th chapter and tossed it, "meh."

Awesome job you've done in your writing dude, it was a pleasure to read it word per word since it began.
I hope you continue to make more literary art, you truely are an... inspirational writer.

...now it's over. :fluttershysad:

......*turns to talk to a guy behind*

I have to say, very nice! I'm a bit sad it ended, but I suppose if you dragged it on it would have eventually died out. Better to end it now then have it shrivel up slowly, right? Anyway, I do hope your next piece (there is going to be a next piece, right? :fluttershysad:) will be as good as this one. Keep up the good work!

While the chapter and story are beautifully written, I feel that this is a bit of a cop out. There's plenty more you could do with this story. (marriage life, pregnancy, and child raising) But i will admit that it is a decent end. It's just that a decent end to a fantastic story is a letdown.

Edit: good ending, im a bit sad though, actually im. Really. Sad.


Oh well. You better make a sequel with Pinks getting pregnant maybe sometime soon, or else....:pinkiecrazy:

The wait is now understandable since that will be me on Oct 2. I will be playing the shit out of resident evil 6:rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

When I saw that this was a wedding chapter, I just knew the story was ending.

At first I was like. YES THIS UPDATED! :pinkiehappy:
Then I was like. It's over? :fluttercry:
Now my brain demands a sequel. :flutterrage:
I mean, if you want to. :fluttershysad:

I am wondering if this is really the end or just a joke...But I guess in about 3 months when the next chapter is released we will know it xD

i dont care if its over im just happy for him
ps you are a great aouther man you are a god in my eyes and i hope that you know that i apricate all your hard work and dont care if you take fifty years to write the next chapter in le retour because i would love you and your work anyway
Edit: Looks like its time... to bring this shadow to light


OH FOR FU- :facehoof:



Holy shit, Big Boss is saluting me.

... Where'd my pants go? :rainbowlaugh:

But seriously, thanks.

Like Pharilax said, I had to end it now, lest it die out. I'll admit, it IS a cop-out, but at least I ENDED it, instead if it just dying away. I can understand the disappointment, though. I was actually scared to check the comments after I published this because I thought you'd all be FUMING at me. I refused to log on until now because I was so damn scared. :twilightsheepish:

*Stares at Spoon in hand*.....Don't worry little spoony, one of these days you can kill someone. But not today.

Majora: Fine, i won't murder you with a rusty spoon, that's why I always have a shiny spoon on me!

Mask: Sequel plz!

Now for a real response. It was a decent ending, not too amazing, but it did its by ending the fiction. I'm looking forward to a sequel. And if not, for once, I will be disappointed. :fluttercry:

Eh... :ajsleepy:
Sorry, but I just... I'm out of ideas for this story. That's why I had to end it so quickly, so it wouldn't just DIE. Yes, it's a cop-out, but at least I ended it, right?

1331928 You could just ask for some help, ya know? But it was a good idea to end it. I was beginning to forget about this fiction, even though I never could really do such a thing. Also, I hope you didn't have a thousand rusty spoons crashing through your window already. Feel better man. And how are you doing in pokemon ruby?


Thanks... And I'm doing well, I just haven't been able to record at all, because I haven't been home alone a lot lately. And my computer is giving me trouble. When Doug sends me a new computer (Hopefully coming this week or the next) I'll be ready and raring to go by then. OH! Also, I DID manage to get Bandicam working with my MSX2 emulator, so I recorded myself owning it up at the endgame of "Metal Gear." No voice, sadly, but still. 1337 skillz. :rainbowlaugh:
Metal Gear owned by your's truely.

wheres the rusty spoon

*Looks at rusty spoon*

Next time baby...

Needs more sequel

Weres my spoon?
*Opens vault*
Crap, I seemed to miss placed my spoon, I'll just use a knife
So...Wana know why I use a knife?


I see what you did there. Another thing: Why do they call it a hacksaw? :pinkiecrazy:

I dont get it...it dosn't hack;Hacking is what you do with daggers and axes AND KNIVES!

Wow. I can't believe it's over. This story has meant a lot to me. It was one of the first fics I ever followed and it inspired me to write one myself. K, thank you for such a wonderful story. Can't wait to read more of what you write, cause I know it will be amazing.

In the quick description, it says "ha" instead of "has", just thought I'd let you know. Oh, and this is my 3rd time reading this story. I for one think it's way better than your other fics. One of the best fics on the site, even.


I completely agree. I like this story a lot better than my others. That's why I haven't done much with my others. I just wish people would read my new story. I'm pretty proud of it, but since nobody's really reading it, I haven't bothered to work on it.

The gusta is too high.

Gold. Absolute gold.

i was liking the story.
then pinkie died (like in every other **** fic)
so that kills the story and i stopped:facehoof:

2852855 thank you, finally someone sees my genius :pinkiehappy:

3245717 26 comments in a row... :twilightsmile:

NEED :pinkiegasp:
SEQUEL :pinkiegasp:
NOOOOOW :pinkiecrazy:

2740078 It was an alternate ending.... there are about 4-6 of 'em.


Ow haha, sorry for not noticing earlier.

-looks to see mountain of Doctor Pepper, Pepsi, and broken tea glasses. Looks at clock- i have been reading for seven hours. . . . When all i said was, "Eh, i'll read fimfiction for like another ten minutes" over and over and over. I normally don't sot down and read chronicals. Yes your work was THAT GOOD. Good job, i plan to read much more.

Please don't murder me with a rusty spoon.

I would never dream of it...I'll just send the Crusaders to live with you for awhile...

Great ending! I don't say this often, but this ending was on par with 'LOYALTY' which was one of my favorite endings of all time. In the history of ever. Ever.

There really should be a sequel. It's a pretty good story:pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2:

No! It's too cruel! He doesn't deserve it! EVERYPONY FOR THEMSELVES!!!!

10/10 I loved it :pinkiehappy:

1. Never read this story until now
2. 10/10

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