• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 9,128 Views, 931 Comments

A Shadow Brought to Light - k12314

A young stallion, named Shadow Weaver, ha never led a good life. At least, not until SHE came along.

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Chapter 9: Revelations


The next day, I woke up feeling better than ever. I felt like everything was going to go wonderfully that day, and nothing could change that, not even Discord himself...! But, sadly, I'm not a morning pony, so instead of jumping out of bed, I simply rolled out, and said the most enthusiastic line ever uttered by a pony.

"Urgh..." Amazing, I know. After that wonderful show of energy, Pinkie burst into the room.

"MORNING SLEEPYHEAD!" She hopped up and down right in front of me.

"Morning Pinkie... You're ALWAYS energetic, aren't you?"

"Yep! Why wouldn't I be?" She stopped bouncing and tilted her head.

"I just thought that you would need some coffee or something to get you started in the morning... But apparently you're always hyper and ready." I tried, and failed, to stifle a chuckle. But eventually, Pinkie started doing it too... And before we knew it, we were straight up laughing.

"Wh-Why are we laughing!?" Pinkie was rolling around on the floor, clutching at her sides.

"I-I have no idea!"

After about a whole minute of laughing, we eventually managed to stop. "So, Pinkie... Why are you up here again?"

She put her hoof on her chin. "Hmmm... I dunno! I guess I just wanted to see you!" Then she pounced at me and started giving me a hug, which I returned. We just sat there, hugging, for a few minutes. In that time, I learned that her mane actually does smell like cotton candy. After she broke away from me, neither of us moved. We just stared at each other.

"We're in my room, sitting on my bed, alone... OK LET'S GO DOWNSTAIRS." I jumped up from the bed and rushed down the stairs to the door. "Uh, I'm just gonna get some breakfast!"

"Oh! OK! I'll come with you, I'm hungry too!" she bounce alongside me, apparently unaware of what I thought she was trying. Paranoia got to me yet again. Curse my head for being in the gutter...

"So, what do you want for breakfast, cutie?" My face went red.


"You heard me..." She closed her eyes halfway, and put on a seductive smile.

"O-Oh... Um... I-I'm not hungry anymore..." I looked away from her, my face still beet red. She just giggled at me like I was a ghostie... Wait, what did I just say? Oh, whatever...

"Well, I'm gonna go hang out with Dashie, maybe pull a few pranks! Bye-bye, Shadow!" She skipped out the door, and I managed to make my heart stop trying to escape my chest.

"She KNOWS I get freaked out when she says those things... At least I think she does, unless she's completely oblivious."

Then, somepony cleared their throat. It was Mrs. Cake, and Mr. Cake was standing with her. They had very serious expressions on their faces.

"Oh... Hey. You two need something?" I took a step back. I was a little intimidated, seeing as to how they owned the building.

"Yes, actually. We need to talk to you about Pinkie..." Mr. Cake motioned for me to sit down at the nearby table, which I did. They sat down next to me.

"So... You and Pinkie are an item now, huh?" Mrs. Cake was staring at me intently, as if she thought I was planning something.

"Y-Yeah... I promise you that I'm not just going to use your daughter, if that's what you me-" Mr. Cake cut me off.

"And that right there is why we want to talk to you... You see, Pinkie isn't our daughter. We just take care of her and let her work and live here. I'm assuming she does everything in her power to be with you and be nice to you?" He raised his eyebrow, his expression still serious and firm.

"Yeah... Why?" I was getting really nervous. I hate it when I'm stared at.

"We know about your past. Pinkie told us all about it. We don't think any less of you, but now we know why Pinkie fell for you. It's because you were similar to how she was. Lonely, antisocial, and sometimes even violent. She had her parents, but they were bad to her. She tried throwing them a party once, and they had a blast... But the day after, they scolded her, saying that those kinds of things weren't tolerated in the Pie household. So she ran off. She came to Ponyville and lived in the streets. One day, Applejack found her trying to steal an apple, but instead of turning her in, Applejack was really nice to her, and started to give her food almost every day. Eventually, she brought Pinkie here. We felt so sorry for the poor girl, that we decided to take her in and raise her as our own... We think that she heard about your past, and saw all the similarities, and then... There you have it. She fell for you. We just want to ask one thing... Don't break our Pinkie's heart, OK?" Mrs. Cake gave me a warm, almost motherly smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I promise. I couldn't do that to such an... Interesting mare." We all laughed.

"That's good to hear, son. Now you go off and do whatever it is you kids do these days." Mr. Cake gave me a friendly punch on the shoulder, which made me cringe. But I knew that he meant well.

"She's being so good to me... I should do something for her... I know just the thing."

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Can you two help me with something?"


(Third Person)

Pinkie trotted along with Rainbow Dash, laughing almost maniacally due to the last prank they pulled. Rainbow was twisting around and rolling in the air. "Oh man! Did you see the look on his face!? He never saw that bucket of tar coming!"

Pinkie fell over at that. "Or the feathers!"

They both kept laughing, but something was bugging Pinkie. The pranking was supposed to help get it, well, HIM, off her mind, but it wouldn't work.

"He still acts a little controlled around me... Do I make him uncomfortable or something? Maybe I'm acting too outward... I know! I'll ask Dashie for help!"

"Hey Dashie... Can you tell me something?" Pinkie looked up at Rainbow, hoping that her best friend would have some noteworthy advice.

"Yeah, sure Pinks. What's up?" She leaned backwards and crossed her hind legs, and wrapped her forelegs behind her head.

"You've had all sorts of stallions hit on you, so I think you would know something about relationships... What do you do if somepony you're with acts really awkward around you?"

"I dunno about those kinds of things. I never really went out with any of those stallions. I want a guy who can keep up with me! If you want advice on all that mushy stuff, ask Rarity." She struck a mock heroic pose in the air, but Pinkie was already galloping at full speed to The Carousel Boutique.

She arrived in ten seconds flat. Rainbow would've been proud. When the little bell above the door jingled, Rarity raced to the front room, and smiled when she saw Pinkie. "Hello Pinkie! What do you need, darling?"

"I was hoping you could give me some romantic advice. You see, there's this stallion who I think is super-duper sweet, and we went on a date yesterday, but today he was acting a little awkward around me. I think I might be getting all of these frownzie-wownzies from nowhere, but I wanted to make sure."

"OH! You have a coltfriend? Who is it? I bet it's that Shadow fellow." Pinkie's face went red. "I KNEW IT! I'm happy for you two, darling... And I think he's just acting like that because he's head over hooves in love with you! He just doesn't know how to properly act around the mare of his dreams! I bet he's a real romantic one. He is really quiet..."

"Wowie-Zowie... You really think so Rarity? That's super! Oooooh! I can't wait to ask him about it and then tell him I l-" She shoved her hoof in her mouth to stop herself, and she was practically glowing red. Rarity's eyes were wide and sparkling.

"OH! YOU'RE BOTH IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER! That's so ADORABLE! I wish you two the best. Now, you run along, and tell that stallion how you feel. Good luck!" She waved as Pinkie bolted out the door.

Here we go again...

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