• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 9,128 Views, 931 Comments

A Shadow Brought to Light - k12314

A young stallion, named Shadow Weaver, ha never led a good life. At least, not until SHE came along.

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Chapter 22: Insanity


"Pinkamena...?" I put my hoof on her shoulder. "Pinks, what's going on-" She swatted my hoof away, and gave me an angry look that sent chills down my spine.

"I TOLD you, my name isn't Pinkie Pie, so don't call me that! My name is Pinkamena!" Scary...

"OK... 'Pinkamena,' what have you done with Pinks?"

"Well, she was really sad because she was talking about the time when it was me in control, not her. Her mental hold on me weakened, and I took control. This doesn't happen very often, and I always take the chance when it presents itself." She laughed like a psychopath.

"Alright, you're completely insane. I want Pinks back. Now!" I was getting a bit frustrated, and she kept on laughing. I decided to just wait until she stopped.

"You know... I'm jealous of Pinkie." I cocked my eyebrow.

"Why? Is it because she's always happy?" She giggled, but in a really creepy way. She inched a bit closer.


"Because she isn't alone?" She inched even closer.


"Then what is it?" She inched even closer, and put her face right in front of mine.

"She has love." She forced her lips to mine, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't push her away. I felt her trying to stick her tongue in my mouth, so I couldn't yell out. She eventually let go to breathe.

"... I feel so violated..." I wiped my mouth with my hoof. Pinkamena started moving towards me again.

"That's not all I want..."

"What more could you POSSIBLY want?"

"I want ALL of you!" I slowly started to piece it together in my mind.

"All of me.

We're sitting on a bed.

And she's insane."

"OH MY SWEET CELESTIA NO!" I practically kicked down the door on my way out of Pinks' room. I bolted out of the bakery, and thought of where I could hide. "If she's in Pinks' head, she knows about all of my normal hangouts... Crud..." I looked over the small pockets of ponies that were milling about, but didn't see anypony I knew. "Oh no oh no oh no oh no..."

"Oh Shaaaaadowwww..." I turned around to see Pinkamena rushing straight at me.

"... Great." And into an alleyway I go. I slid behind a dumpster and poked one side of my head out from behind it. I saw Pinkamena bolt by me, and then out the other end of the alleyway. "Phew..." I started out of the alleyway, when...

"Hey there, big guy..." Just take a WILD GUESS at who it was.

"... Really? You can do that too? I thought that was just Pinks." She shook her head, and then pounced at me. I just barely managed to sidestep her. "BAD KITTY!" I dashed off again, hoping that I manage to lose her again. After a few minutes, I looked behind me, expecting to see her way off in the distance, but instead, she was only a few feet behind me.

"Come on, stop running! Nopony can escape Pinkamena!" Frightening...

"Sorry, but I don't feel like being raped today!" I picked up the pace, but that only succeeded in causing a slow in her progress. She was still slowly gaining on me. I looked back in front of me, and saw the Library coming into view. "It's my only chance..." I started panting a bit, and my heart felt like it was going to burst right out of my chest. I felt my legs starting to burn, too. "I haven't run like this since..." I shoved the thought away, and focused on the task at hand: Staying away from my marefriend-gone-mad until I can get her help.

"Come on, stop running! I'll even introduce you to my friends! I'm sure you'll love Rocky!" I don't even wanna know.

I almost slammed into the door, and started banging on it with my hooves. "TWILIGHT! LEMMEINLEMMEINLEMMEINLEMMEINLEMMEIN-" The door swung open to reveal a very annoyed looking Twilight, but I ignored that, and instead jumped inside and slammed the door behind me, and started shoving all sorts of furniture and other things in front of the door.

"What's this all about, Shadow?! I was studying!" She glared at me, but she noticed the panic in my eyes. "What's going on...?"

"Pinks' gone completely mental! Her mane is straight, and her coat is a bit darker, and SHE'S TRYING TO DO THINGS TO ME!"

"What kinds of things?"

"She wants to... *Ahem.*" Twilight cocked her eyebrow at me, and I facehoofed.

"You know, she wants to... 'Go to bed with me.'" Her eyebrow raised even further, and I groaned loudly.

"SHE WANTS TO RAPE ME." Her eyebrow went down, and her eyes shrunk. "Yeah, I know. So... WHATDOIDO?"

"U-Um... W-Well, I don't really know what to do in a situation like this... Lemme find a book-"

"Dangit, Twilight, we don't have time for that! Books can't solve all of our problems... Is there anywhere here that I can hide?" She thought for a second, and then smiled broadly.

"My basement! It's pretty dark down, and you'd blend in well." I nodded, and followed her down the stairs, which led to a basement that seemed to just be dug right out of the ground below the library, but with a cobble floor. I slunked into the darkest corner I could find, and just in time. I heard the door upstairs blast open, and the blockade items could be heard slamming and clattering against the ground. Twilight slowly went up the stairs, afraid of what Pinkamena may do to her. I perked up my ears, and tried my best to listen to their conversation.

"Hello... Pinkie Pie... What's going on?"

"Did Shadow come in here?"

"Um... Yeah, but he left."

"Mind if I take a look around?"

"Not at all..." I heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs, and saw none other than Pinkamena. She looked around a bit, moved a few panels off of machines, looked inside, checked around the corners... And eventually came to mine. She stared right at me, and reached her hoof towards me. I closed my eyes, and concentrated hard on being completely still, and silent.

I waited.

And waited.

I opened my eyes, and saw that Pinkamena's hoof was... Inside of me?! I lifted my own hooves to my face... And saw nothing. "What the..." I took a step forward, and made no noise at all. "What the heck is up with me? I don't remember anything like this happening ever since Twilight gave me a horn..." I pondered this for about a minute, until...

"AHA! I don't know how you got there, but I found you!" I snapped out of it, and looked to see Pinkamena advancing towards me.

"What a wonderful time for something to wear off..." I backed up a bit... And bumped into a machine. "Um... Pinkamena, please don't do this..."

"Oh, but I will... I'm gonna enjoy this..." I put up a good struggle, but she managed to knock me over, and then got on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I thought I was done for...

Until a purple aura enveloped Pinkamena.

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