• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 13,174 Views, 439 Comments

Pony bound - Shortcourt

Losing your innate body isn't as easy as it seems, especially on earth.

  • ...

Not tonight

“You still love me, right?”

My eyes widened. “Of course I do, baby. What makes you think I don’t?” I wanted to say.

That should be a real simple question. It is a simple question, but it is also complicated. This is surely an anomaly: My girlfriend is asking me do I still love her. I should straight out and say yes, not ponder what I should say. I do love her but what is her interpretation of love? If I told her I loved her, she would probably say “prove it” and kiss me.

... I don’t know about that one. Sounds like a cliche plot development device used in chick flicks.

First of all, I want to establish what love is: Love is lust, happiness, joy, interest; lascivious interaction. Okay, that was a crappy example, but the epitome of love in my opinion is sacrificing your body in bed or in violence; mainly in bed. Do I love Jessica? Yes! But, she is a stallion now... and let me be honest, she is different now. I’m not shallow, but the phrase “You love people for their personalities” is pure bullshit! I’m sure nobody would want to stick with a 500 pound chick. Heck, nobody would want to kiss a chick with dirty lips either.

Yeah, the phrase is relatively true though. You will find love based on their personality, but there are so many average looking people out there that the particular term is accurate to the fullest. Most of the women on the planet who are hot are prostitutes, and everyone knows that them having Std’s is plausible..

Okay, I need to think outside the box and distinguish Jessica and my personalities. I don’t know why, but she seems unaffected about my gender being changed. That, or she still thinks I’m male.

Nah, impossible. She isn’t dumb, my voice gives it away. But, how does her sexuality get involved into this equation? Well, I’m aware of her sexuality. Jessica is straight, not bi or lesbian. Okay, she did tap some girls’ asses at my school, but that was in a playful manner. It’s not like she ogled or groped them.

Then again, you never know. Females have more freedom than males if you look at it from society’s perspective. When you see two women hug, you think it’s cute. It is actually is, don’t get me wrong. But, girls who are really gay take advantage of this privilege and is dismissed when judging season is here. Now guys, however, know that they will be perceived gay for hugging another man. Consequences don’t matter, if you try to play it off, you’re a closet fag trying to be glib.

No, those are not my words. That is from the perspective of the majority of America. This happened to me once actually. One of my bros was going on vacation during the summer, and this affected me somewhat because it’s our routine to stir lava up and pour it on the ground during break. Not literally, but you get me. We were real close, closer than nemo genes. He was like the younger brother I never had. Of course, Katie compensates for this when she kicks my ass in video games. Girls can play video games, don’t let the stereotypes fool you.

Anyways, his name was David. We went to school together from kindergarten till ninth grade. Yes, he somehow, someway got accepted to the same school I got accepted to.

Okay, I’m lying. I kinda stalked him when I transferred to his school.

Haha, you know you’re chatting.
Heh, yeah. It was actually the other way around. No, I’m serious.

Okay, besides me stalking him, I lived an everyday basis with him. Like I said, that day hit me like the bullet that hit Abraham Lincoln: It was sudden, abrupt, unforeseen; you get the picture. It was unexpected and I wasn't prepared for it, just like I’m not prepared to answer this question since I don’t know what she means!

But, I realized it wasn’t a vacation; he was moving to a different country. Where he was moving to was concealed by his parents orders. I don’t know why, but that put the nail in the coffin. That was probably the last time I was ever going to see him, and I really enjoyed being with him. Despite him being a jerk, he helped me fit in correctly.

Of course, being the emotional wimp I am, I was maudlin when he announced he was leaving. I didn’t cry, but I wanted to. Since it was probably the last time I would see him, I wanted to give him some brotherly love.

I hugged him.

Guess what he did? Nothing. That’s right, I hugged him to show how much he meant to me, and he is just going to be emotionless? No, him refusing to hug me was an unrequited act, but that’s not what daggered me; it was his words. He said: ‘Dude, why are you hugging me? Are you a faggot or something?’

Yep, he really said that. I always knew he had enmity towards gays, but I ignored it. I was like that somewhat when I was being raised, school influences you. But, then I became more receptive and learned that everyone has the right to be equally happy and miserable. So, that became my philosophy.

But still, I realized what a homophobic, backstabbing, prejudice, condescending, snobbish, jerkish, maggotous, judgmental jack ass he was! After all we went through, he is gonna leave me in the dirt like that?

Matter of fact, forget him. I always hated that guy somewhat. I mean, he was my comrade in the beginning, but then he went to the “gangsta” side and started becoming a bigger prick everyday. The only reason I stuck around with him was because I was too shy to make new friends in high school the first day.

Out of our duet, he was the more social one. Trust me, he got his ass kicked many times for that too. The difference between us is that he never thinks before he speaks. He says what’s on his mind, which made him socially active but annoying. Anything, whether it be negative or positive. Hell, the idiot didn’t even pronounce some of the words he spoke.

Plus, he was no good either. I doubt I would have Jessica if I submitted to his every deed. Yes, David thought of himself as a pimp. He actually popularized calling girls bitches in our old school. Every time he said that to a female, I expected him to get slapped. However, the opposite happened: he got a lot of chicks and ditched them for bigger pairs.

I don’t know how that was possible, considering David was a frog faced mook. But, I guess those girls were just whores who settled for any man. Jessica actually was one before, but after she accosted me one day offering me sex, I declined. I just didn’t decline, I confronted her.

To be honest, I think I saved her life. I should have done that to the other girls, but I hated them. Jessica was always nice to everyone, but she still was promiscuous. Yes, I talked to her about being careful wearing revealing clothes in public, and she listened. Till this day, she still wears those clothes; only around me though.

Or if she does wear it in public, you make sure to bring your gun, you feel me?

Yes, I support a woman behaving sexy towards their man. I support them doing everything to their man, kid. However, when they show it to another man, that’s when I start to knock snow off people’s cones!

Anyway, the morale of this story is to never trust a ho. Cause if you do, you will lose your money and be demoralized. Also, I pity anyone with the name “David”.

[i]Look on the bright side, you can hug your friends without being called gay. You made a point, females are more akin to getting away with stuff since they aren’t as restricted gender -wise.
I actually do. I go to private school; there aren’t as much homophobes there.

Still, my brain nailed it. Now you understand my analogy. When I see Jessica do something slightly sexual, the first thing that comes to my mind isn’t the usual slurs. Well, Jessica’s situation is debatable since she is on me, but... never mind. I contradicted myself once again. Screw it, I’m starting to think like these cats.

Yup. This is the great white America. United under God my flank. More like united over Satan cause we all have been indoctrinated by the Illuminati!

Illuminati is not real....
...... We are all in the Illuminati.

Bottom line: This is why the question is so tricky. Jessica isn’t about the talk, she just wants to walk. And I don’t want to even think about that.

Then don’t.

“Yes... of course I do.” I said faintly.

She quirked one of her eyebrows at me. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I asked rhetorically. Suddenly, another thought popped up in my head. So far, she has asked me a couple of questions, but I didn't ask her my main question.

“Wait, why are you here?”

Good question I asked. She was absent from school for two days and wasn’t answering her phone. I didn’t schedule an appointment with her; did she come by her own will? And for god’s sake, why is she asking me that question?

I saw tears well up in her eyes. “You don’t want me to be here?”

Is it me or it’s easier for ponies to cry?

Oh, brain is right. I guess ponies have no inclination to hold back emotions. Or maybe they just can’t for some reason. I only cry when I start slipping, but it’s very easy for water to come to your eyes, I think. Well, what would I know? I just turned into one a few hours ago. I’m probably just chatting; but the ponies in the show are always crying. Do I look like a pony from the show? Yes. My thoughts were influenced chiefly because of that.

“No! I do, I’m just-”

“She is here because of a text message, Shawn.” Mom interrupted.

Text message? What text message? I didn’t touch my phone today; not with these hooves. Hell no. Wait, maybe Katie texted her to come over? Did I text her while I was daydreaming? Things happen for a reason, sadly.

I winced at her uncertainly. “What message?”

Jessica tears sucked up into her eyes. How animated. “Oh, so you don’t know?”

I looked Jessica in her eyes. They were blue, just like her old ones. They looked inquisitive and.. anxious. I probably got her shook by contemplating on how I should answer. Her mane was green just like the fur, and don’t let me get started on size.. I would expect Jessica to not be so big since she is 16, but instead of being the size of a colt, she looks like a grown stallion!

Well, about 2 inches shorter, but her height clearly dominated my petite frame. That can really lower your self confidence, knowing your girlfriend is bigger than you. Hell, being smaller in the first place is enough to lower your self-confidence.

As for appearance wise....is it me or does she look hot? Nah, just kidding. I’m not feeling anything.

“Mom, what is she talking about? Did you or Katie tell her to come over? And can you please get off me!” I twitched while delivering the last line.

She quickly obliged and removed her hooves around me. She got up all on fours and blushed. I rolled on my stomach and used my hooves to hoist myself on all fours, wiggling slightly. I’m still not used to standing like this, but I’m gaining more control slowly.

Mom glanced at me for a second. She sighed while her eyes rolled up slightly. “Jessica got a text message from your phone that said “I don’t love you” and something else.” Mom stated laid back.

I frowned. “I never touched my phone.”

“We know, it was Dante.” Katie muttered.

My pupils shrank.

‘It was Dante.. Dante..’

I knew something was fishy when we entered my room; if the door being slightly open wasn’t an indication. Darn it! I should have been more analytical. How did I catch the needle when.. okay, that was obvious. It’s not my fault actually; the opened door could have been coincidental. I probably left it open. Wait, no I didn’t. Katie closed the door. But then she could have-

Denial is your worst misfortune....

“What?” Dad acclaimed. “What the hell is wrong with that boy! How did he do that?”

“Somebody forgot to lock their phone.” Mom said while rolling her eyes.


Oh god, screw scrutinizing; I should have locked my phone instead of getting too comfortable! I had a reason to be comfortable because I never thought anyone would invade my stuff like that, but I was sooooooooooooooooo wrong. After all those years of watching sexy videos without being pressed, I didn’t feel the need to add security. Matter of fact, I didn’t add security because I didn’t have the attention span to create a code! Putting a code in every time you use your phone is tedious.

Don’t stress yourself, bro. You shouldn’t need to lock your phone away from your siblings. Your bro is scum, bro.

That’s... true...

My eyebrows arched and I felt my face turn hot. “I... didn’t feel the need to.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Well, you should think of this as a lesson.” she chided.

I should think of this as a lesson? I should?! This would have never happened if Dante would have just kept his hands off my stuff!

I didn’t expect Mom to be like this. Mom never took favorites, but it seems like she is annoyed with me for some reason. What did I do? Just cause I forgot to lock my phone means I’m an idiot?

My cheeks flushed. “Why are you acting like it’s my fault?” I quired.

She sighed. “I’m not acting like it’s your fault, Shawn. I’m just mad that you didn’t lock your phone after I told you to.”

I grimaced. I opened my mouth for a second, but no volume was found as I stumbled trying to conjure a word. I gave up and closed it, feeling defeated . Those words really got me; it feels like the cat took my tongue. I don’t know, but I feel like I.. deserve it? No, it’s not that, but I feel like my stubbornness is the reason for this. The fact that Jessica was frightened is enough to make me flip, but if you look at the sequence of things; she wouldn’t be here. But, he had no right in the first place. So, am I still in the wrong? Ugh! This is so confusing; why can’t I say anything?

Bro, your bro is being a little petty punk for trying to cut the ties between you two.

Despite my brain’s statement being correct, I... give up. Mom is nagging me and my brain is saying what I’m thinking. I’ll just go with both of them and stop being so self-recriminating. My perturbation is making me soft.

Yes, you must not have too much remorse! In other words, being passive isn’t right in this situation.

“I couldn’t believe he did it at first, but now I know.” Jessica asked while walking towards the couch.

Her, or should I say his deep voice knocked me out my reverie. My eyes spinned around for a second. I’m sorry, but that voice isn’t what I’m use to hearing. Especially from Jessica! If I was in my room doing nothing and that voice popped out of nowhere, I would freak.

As for that notation, Dante was nice to Jessica, I think. He never talked to her actually. No wonder she knows nothing about him. Still, this isn’t something he would do! Is he that angry that I defended myself?

You had to. Thought he wouldn’t kill? Goddammit he will!

“Is this because of earlier?” Dad questioned irately.

Mom and Katie nodded on instinct. Shoot, he really is beefing with me because of that crap! Damn it, he gets me so angry sometimes!

Wait, does Jessica know? If she does, then why did he- never mind. She just wanted to confirm because that is the lowest of lowest, next to him banging her without my discretion.

“You should really talk to him, Dad.” Katie suggested while she stretched on the couch.

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “Katie is right, you guys should fix him! He got Jessica scared by sending a faux message, almost tried to hurt me, and he even knocked Katie over!” I shouted the last line with extra potency.

The room went silent. I saw Mom and Dad’s face freeze, their pupils staying in one place while their mouths gaped open. Strange, their ghastly looks came right after I revealed to them what he did to Katie.

Wait, did I tell them what he did to Katie?

“He knocked Katie over!?” Jessica asked with wroth concern in her voice.

I blinked. I looked at Mom and Dad’s faces, only to realize the hard concentrated glares they were giving me had a hint of oblivion in it. I never told them what Dante did to Katie. Okay, this is understandable somewhat. You see, I feel violated and precarious right now. When I told them what Dante did to me, they were shocked, but not the same when I told them what Katie received from Dante. No, Katie isn't prosperous, but she is a girl, which means they are obviously going to be more protective of her. She isn't helpless and can defend herself, but being violent wouldn’t do her any good against Dante. The outcome would be predictable.

Oh yeah, she is fourteen while Dante is nineteen. Yep, that is one of the salient differences between me and her. Now me, I’m not gonna start. Now do you see how fucked up this is? I must praise Katie for her magnanimous display; I surely do owe her.

I looked at Katie for a second. My eyes dilated, meaning I’m asking her is it alright. She nodded. The only reason I asked this is because Katie doesn’t want anybody to appease her. Yeah, she is quite rough in the outside, but she still has a sensitive side. That’s expected, but I think she wanted to conceal this part of the dilemma permanently. Of course, so did I; but Dante’s brute like attitude makes the unforeseen seen. I’m not too keen about it either.

I sighed. “Yes. She did it for me too. She stood in front of him and he didn’t care; he just came for me.”

“DANTE!!!” Dad called out..

My ears twisted at my dad’s voice. It sounded so venomous, so angry. Yep, it’s about to go down.

I used my left hoof to rub my right ear. It doesn’t really soothe it, but it’s a necessity since my ears are so sensitive. I think this is the first time I’m feeling my ears. Once again, I must say it feels like an oversized human ear. Only if I had fingers, I could give a full analysis.

“Yes!?” A voice shouted from upstairs. Yep, it’s definitely Dante.

“Get down here!” Dad echoed.

I flinched. For some reason, that scream gives me the spooks.

As everyone in the room became silent, I looked at the t.v. and saw something that caught my attention.

Ponies. Ponies on tv....

Yeah, it was CBS at Six o’ clock. I could tell by the time graphic at the bottom right hand on the screen. What I see on the screen intrigues me: It’s a bunch of ponies in a field... mingling? I don’t know what the exact location is, but it must be an isolated city. The reporter, who is African American and is wearing a blue suit with a red tie, is walking through the field while reporting on what he sees. Darn, and here I thought they were gonna interview one of them.

Wow, this is... cool? I wonder where this place is. I should visit it. It looks new since a bunch of towns are being built.

I continued watching, but something in the background caught my attention. My eyes broadened. A yellow pony in the background with a pink mane was walking down the road. The pony looked dangerously close to Fluttershy.

Is the mane 6 on earth?

I squinted my eyes. Never mind, she doesn’t have wings. Plus, I didn’t see a cutie mark.

Dad inspected with T.V. . “Where is thi-”

“Shh!” I interrupted him. I’m sorry, but I need to hear what this guy is saying. This is the first time I see ponies being covered on T.V.

"This place was discovered not too long ago by a pony that goes by the name of -”

“Yes!” a gruff voice barked.

My ears dangled as the hoarse voice collided with the reporter man’s words. The volume of it dominated the man in the tv’s voice, meaning I missed what he said. Damn it! He was about to announce the person who discovered the city!

I turned around to the homo-sapien who owns that voice. Suddenly, a hard glare appeared on my face as I finally meet a pair of familiar eyes on the railing of the staircase. The combination of interrupting the reporter and doing the unthinkable, it’s inevitable I would be pissed. It’s him.

Oh god, I waited for this moment the whole day. Okay, not the whole day, but ever since I got home. He crossed the line trying to add Jessica into this, so now I’m gonna cross his line. But how? Should I just approach him and hit him or ask him questions? But, will hitting him do anything? How about if he is ready this time?

Give him the Mike Tyson then.

“Get downstairs this instant, boy.” Dad demanded vehemently.

He sucked his teeth and walked down stairs. Is it me or is he avoiding eye contact with me?

“... Yes Dad?” Dante muttered.

Oh, is he suppose to be angry. If he had any integrity, he would take this tongue lashing like a man, not like a spoiled brat.

Dad crossed his arms. “What do you mean ‘yes’? Dante, what is wrong with you?” his voice softened and became more emphatic at the end.

Yes, I would really like to know. Tell me before I end up doing something I don’t want to. You see, if the tables turned, Dante would knock me out the first second he sees me. He’s lucky I’m patient; sending a false message to your gf is a good way to get your ass kicked.

That’s animal cruelty! Do you hate animals, sir?

A grin started to emerge on my face as the corner of my lips lifted. That particular joke my brain made left a ticklish taste on my tongue, and I feel like sneezing any second. Feeling the need to erupt with laughter, I put a hoof in my mouth, trying to impede my laughter.

Stop it man. That's too funny.

He shrugged, ignoring my creepy gesture.“Nothing is wrong.”

Dad scowled. “Don’t be stupid. You attacking Shawn despite his current state is already one thing, but you had to knock over Katie just to get to him? You better talk to me, boy.”

Oh yeah, he apparently attacked me because he hates ponies. If I told Dad I watched MLP, he probably would support me getting the masculinity knocked into me. I guess it’s too late now, huh?

I removed my hoof from my mouth and my grin faded. Though, my face still has a hint of amusement now that I’m seeing Dante get pressed.

Dante looked at him offended. “She was in the way. If she stayed out of it, she wouldn’t have fell.”

I cringed and directed a gaze at Katie. Her face mingled fury and bemusement. Okay, I think Dante is at the point where he is spitting nonsense in attempt to cover up without being demure. He knows he is in the wrong, but he isn’t the type to put up a battle. But, what battle is he putting up? What excuse is that? He thinks that justifies his action? He is in quicksand at this moment.

“ARE YOU STUPID!” Katie snapped. She folded her hands on the couch and quickly bolted off the couch, emphasizing how pissed she became thanks to Dante’s meaning-less accusation.

“I wouldn’t get in the way if you never had nailed Shawn to the wall like that!”

My head drew back. Damn, things are heating up now.

Of course, I knew Katie wasn’t going to take

Dante clenched his fist. “You should have minded your damn business!” Dante retorted.

Yeah, you attacked me cause I watch MLP. Take your own advice, idiot.

Oh yeah, it is not her business since one of her siblings was about to get slack jawed. It’s definitely her fault for possessing fealty like a real sister. Yeah, seems legit.

....and I need to stop being a sarcastic putz.

He is acting like I’m an outsider or something. I really triggered his irrational side by telling him I watch ponies? You know, Katie shouldn't even be arguing. But, Dante has to pull something out his ass to get her started. She doesn’t even need to answer back, Dante is ruining his credibility himself everytime he speaks.

Before Katie can speak, Dad's voice ringed in my ear. “Both of you be quiet!”

I saw Mom touch Katie shoulders and whispered something into her ears while Jessica is staring at the scene in shock. It’s a shame that Jessica has to see my family argue like that. Yeah, I seen her family argue though, so we’re even?

“Dante.. what is your problem? Why do you hate Shawn because he turned into a pony? Why did you send that message?” Mom asked with a hint of concern in her tone.

“What’s my problem? Haha.” he laughed hysterically. “What is your son’s problem? You never told me he was gay!” he said while pointing his finger at me.

My ears dropped. Shoot. He is gonna spill my beans now isn’t he? Once again, the scene from earlier is coming back to my vision.


My shoulders shook instinctively. Oh snaps, did Dad just... slap him?

YES! But... why do I feel something

My life flashed before my eyes. Ah, after revisiting a hunting moment, I understand why. I’ve been slapped like that before. It hurts, it’s painfully embarrassing; it stings!

But... it’s definitely what Dante needed! I’m glad dad pulled an eager *inb4* because I was fully prepared to smack something.

Dante’s head cocked back after receiving the power Hades slap. He slowly started to turn his head back to it’s regular position.

“Don’t you ever touch Katie like that again, got it?” Dad threatened.

He rubbed his cheek. He looked at Dad with killers intention while his brows tightened.“Hmm.”

Looks like he has gone used to those slaps and basically brushed off Dad’s warning. Weird.

“Another thing.” he started. “Watch your mouth. Shawn isn’t gay.”

I don’t know why, but when he said ‘watch your mouth’ it sounded like me being gay would be the worse thing possible. Thank god I’m not. But, will he conceive me as one when Dante tells the real reason?

“He has a girlfriend, stupid.” Jessica says this time.

I glanced at her quickly and smirked. She noticed my cheeky look and waved a hoof genially. Classic Jessica. Once again, it’s hard seeing Jessica as a guy when she has the same name! I really can’t wait till I talk to her about the irony...

“Exactly. So, why did you try to end his relationship?” Mom catechized.

“First of all!” Dante began, raising the volume of his voice. “He watches a little girl’s show! Se-”

“Sorry, but what does that have to do with being gay?” I caustically inquired.

Crap, is that all I can say? I guess so, I never really plotted down what to say. I mean, I hoped to keep this particular thing clandestine until I die, but this mook is gonna snitch. He probably did it because he thinks it will vindicate him; fat chance of that happening. Yeah, he really thinks me watching a t.v show, which was originally out of my demographic, makes it appropriate to beat me up. If this was Germany, this would definitely help his case considering Hitler was the paragon of masculinity. Well, maybe.... maybe not. I... don’t know. I’m actually scared to think what my parents will think about me know. Do I dare looked at their expressions.

I looked at Mom and Dad’s faces. Surprisingly, they didn’t bear any quizzical looks; it looked unimpressed to say the least. Not at the revelation, but at Dante’s antics. It’s like they are mentally facepalming at how Dante believes a t.v. show translates your sexuality. That, or it’s the latter. I still expected some wide eyes though. Wouldn’t your initial reaction to finding out your son watches a little girl’s show be confused?

“Yeah, a show with freaking ponies as the main cast doesn’t make you gay. Yeah, you’re right, bro!” he said sarcastically. Same straw man argument used. I wish ponies were manly in everyone’s eyes.

Hold me back brain!
No! Do not repress! Thou shall not hold backeth his feelings, for thou shouteth beth numbeth.
... What?

“...Are you talking about My Little Pony?” Mom asked with uncertainty....

I slightly tilted my head as my eyebrows pinched. Wait, how does she know about that show?

Oh, silly question. How can you not know about that show? It’s ubiquitous on the internet, has an international following; hell, Fox news even gave bronies some exposure! Yeah, it’s unavoidable.

But, how does she know he was talking about that show?
I dunno, maybe her childhood is a factor? Yes, it sounded like she was asking for confirmation, but I never told her anything about me liking the show, right?

Wait, does she know? Does both of them know? If they do, then why are they so neutral? And how come they never talked to me about it?

“Yes! Don’t you see something wrong with this!”

“No, you’re just a bigot!” Jessica answered.

Thank you! She took the words out my mouth!

Dante turned and fixed a nasty look towards Jessica. “Shut up, horse!”

My eyes widened as my left eye brow raised incredulity. I want to believe I have ear wax in my ear, but that isn’t possible since I washed up this morning. Plus, these ears are brand new after all.

Did he just call her a..
I’m not trying to investigate, but don’t let him talk to your guy- er girl friend like that.

Okay, I'm fine if he said that to me. Actually, I'm not. Matter of fact, him saying that to Katie, Jessica, or anybody else I care for. Saying that to me is already a felony, but when Jessica is involved, that’s where he’s pressing my buttons.

“You shut u-”

“Watch your mouth, Dante.” I said coldly, interrupting Jessica unintentionally.

He chuckled sadistically. “Yeah. Okay. What are you gonna do?” he teased. “What can you do?”

“Dante, shut up.” Dad bluntly ordered. “You too, Shawn.”

Shoot, where is the freedom of expression in here? I hastily turned my head towards Dad, feeling my mane brush against my neck. “Dad.. let me talk, okay?”

Dad looked like he was gonna say something, but avoided it by shutting it. Though, the look on his face still shows approval. Of course Dad doesn’t have a problem; he loves sibling rivalries anyway.

Don’t forget he hates Dante secretly.
That too.

I smiled, but the moment I turned towards Dante, my look took a 180 turn. “You don’t want to find out.. And I don’t wrestle; I'll knock the gang signs out your mouth.”

Yes, of course. I pulled a forgettable memory from his high school album. Dante actually was on the wrestling team. He got kicked off cause all he was doing was rubbing boy’s butts instead of following the objective. And he calls me gay? Ironic.

I head Katie and Jessica snicker in the background. Mom, however, wasn’t impressed. “Shawn, listen to your-”

“You and what army?” Dante continued. “You don’t have the balls to beef with me!”

Ouch. Low blow. Very lowww blow!

I frowned. “How about you, Dante? You never told me you were able to feel anything after what I did to you!”

He smirked. “You’re trying to raise your voice at me? That’s cute.” He crossed his arms and leaned his head back slightly. “Look on the bright side, you’re girlfriend has enough nuts for both of you.”

Okay, it didn’t take me too long to understand what he meant.

“Shut up monkey boy.” she shouted.

I didn’t turned towards Jessica, but mentally smirked at her comment. Oh god, did Dante get Jessica in ghetto mode? I hope he did; this is gonna be a double team.

He uncrossed his arms and his pupils dilated slightly. He stared at Jessica for a few seconds, but his mouth ended up twisting into a sardonic smile. “Matter of fact, you don’t want to touch her-”

Why did he freeze?

Dante put two of his hands on his face, whilst opening his mouth. His pose reminds me of that classic screaming painting. Of course, he is doing that only because another joke is up his sleeve. “Raggedy Andy and Andy! Raggedy Andy and Ann? ”

My eyes ferociously glinted. Oh heck no! Not only did he call call me “Ann”, but he called Jessica a gay? Calling me gay? I’m going to get this kid!!

Brain, give me something witty to say.
Say his ass is jealous of the shit that comes out his mouth.
....... I can’t curse in front of my parents. That was a good one though.
Don’t be a punk.
It’s not called being a punk; it’s called having respect.
Forget respect! Go all out on this mother-
Honestly bro, can you make a joke without cursing?
Fine! I warn you, it will be wack. Call him a butt pirate.
Too sexual.
Are you dumb? He was making sex jokes this whole time!
Okay..don’t finish that.
Call him a doodle head.
..... No one line insult?
Uh, yo momma so fat-
We have the same mother..
Oh shit! Say-
You know what? Forget it, i’m not getting a good signal.
How about you just be honest without any juvenile tactics? Forget joking, tell him off like you told us off earlier. Do it live.
Thanks brain! Yeah, we will do it live.
I said screw it!
Give me one more-
Okay! Sorry!
Fucking thing sucks!

“You think I’m scared of you!?” I bellowed. He cringed on instinct, all sights of amusement removed from his face.

Me reacting like this was bound to happen. Dante knew I was pissed, but he kept doing to it seek pleasure. That turns me off to say the least. Right now, this isn’t about saying anything witty; it’s about me getting this off my chest.

“Just shut up! You know what? You’re just mad that you never had luck with women , so you had to try and ruin my relationship with Jessica to please your twisted ass!”

“SHAWN!” Dad hollered.

Once again, I ignored him, continuing my rant. “And you still are mad because of what I did to you earlier, right?” I started to walk towards him. “You had it coming; you are attacking me because of my show preferences. I should be attacking you because of your religion, but I don’t attack people based on their beliefs! For the fact, religion tells more about a person than a show does!”

“What religion?” Mom asked.

I didn’t take her question into consideration but continued studying Dante’s movements. Dante didn’t blink or move back while I got closer, but wore an absent stare. “Nothing to say, huh?” I raised my head up to make good eye contact with him “Ever since this catastrophe happened, you have been nothing but a dead root on my bark! Even with my current predicament, you had to enforce your policy to keep America free of you know-what.”

He continued glaring at me without responding. I’m getting to him. “Well, no one cares about your policy! Masochists like you are the real faggots!”

I closed my eyes. “Look, I’m sorry that no one wants to stick with you. I’m really sorry.” I glared, “Matter of fact, I’m sorry you are you! No wonder no one wants to go out with you; you’re a narcissistic piece of crap. Your failure for life doesn't mean you get to try and mess up something that you will never have! The fact me kicking you there triggered this is pretty fucking pathetic!”

Mom gasped. It was probably due to my vulgar language; but I said it cause I don’t care at the moment. I will deal with the repercussions later if necessary, but this gives me the impression that my words are like a jagged edge. So, guess I’m stabbing Dante with it.

I got up on all fours and put my hooves on his stomach for emphasis to my statement.

Yeah, stomach. See why it sucks being small?

I looked at his face closely; his eyes is reminiscent of that callous clerk lady from earlier. He really thinks this emo phase is gonna get me to back down?

I forced my face into his by putting my muzzle on his nose.. “You know if I was still human, I doubt you would do anything thing you did today!” I smirked. “I know you’re fake. You can’t pick on anyone you’re own size, so you take advantage people who are smaller than you, right?”

He blinked. My smirk withered and turned upside down. “Well, don’t let my size fool you. I’m still the same Shawn. The one that you didn’t bang with cause you knew I wasn’t fragile.” I pushed my face closer. “Well, I still ain’t! You went too far: You were always a pain in the chest, but you were never a stain on my undergarments!” I yelled while I felt tears start to come out my eyes.

Yes, that’s right, tears! Me lashing out at him created quite an emotion zone, but I unfortunately got caught in it.On that note, I’ve been prone to immerse in my words deeply recently. I thought the whole hormones thing was over exaggerated, but it’s true. I suddenly don’t feel the urge to repress most of my emotions, but it still bothers me.

It’s okay, let out all your emotions.
I would bawl though. I still have to, but not as much. Feel me?

He blinked stoically. I hope he is registering this. “Get off my back! You got your ass handed to you earlier for a good reason; and it pains me to see you still holding a grudge because of it!”

I put my left hoof on his chest. “If I were in your position- wait, I wouldn’t be because I’m not as recklessly stupid as you! You’re being a little girl, move on! You are the one who should have got your gender changed, sissy boy!” I teased while pain was still evident in my voice..

The room went quiet as the only thing translucent was my small sobs. I sniffed. “I’ve been through hell all day, man. I just want to go back to my old life.” I shut my eyes seamlessly, “But why am I telling this to you? Remember my birthday when you got me nothing? Remember when you said: It’s better to give, but I don’t give a f?”


I smirked. “Well.. I wouldn’t expect that from an apathetic jerk like you! Just hop off.. get a psychiatrist.... get a new personality.... get something worthwhile to do! Life is short, and you seem deprived of any life!” His eyes danced around my face obscurely.

I frowned venomously. “This is your last warning. The next time you use my name in vain, I’ll leave lying where you stand; consequences be damned! ”

I raised my left hoof and moved it to towards my face. I wiped the tears from my eyes and sniffed. Wow, fur feels nice. “So... anything you would like to say?” I asked nicely, regaining my composure.

Once again, the cat got his tongue. I really hope it’s permanent. “Hehe.. good. Now, shut the hell up!” I shrieked.

I huffed. “Look at you, I didn’t even hit you! Punk!”

He didn’t reply, but continued his emotionless streak by not showing anything vivid of human like reactions.

Something tells me I did a number against him, but I don’t feel satisfied completely. I really want to.. debase him. I want to humiliate him and end his day! That would exhilarate me.

I think you’re going too far..
Heck no! He tried to ruin my relationship with Jessica and made derogatory jokes towards her! He deserves this!

I formed saliva in my mouth, hypothesizing my next action. I opened my mouth and almost pushed my lips forward to spit on the chump. But, something hindered me from doing it..

Okay bro... you don’t need to do that. That’s unnecessary....
You sound pretty sanctimonious telling me not to spit on him while you encouraged me to curse him off.
Yes... but... I don’t think spitting on him would resolve anything..
Wow brain. I’m sorry, but you told me not to be a pussy cat earlier? You are being one right now! Why are you acting so soft at the moment?
Yeah, but you basically knocked him on the ground without touching him. That’s class A humiliation; spitting on him is unnecessary. The question is: Why are you insatiable? You made a point already.
.... You’re right..
Plus, that isn’t very lady like.
Okay, you shut the hell up.

“Hmph.” I walked next to him, contemplating if I should step on his stomach.

Don’t let the devil consume you!
Brain... are you okay? You’re acting.. different?
Don’t worry about that; just forget about the loser.

I walked past him and proceeded to the stairs. I took one quick glance at my family and Jessica’s faces. They looked at me in horror, obviously corrupted after my episode. It was so emotional and... inspirationaly terrible?

I sighed and turned my attention towards the stairs.

Stairs. We meet again.

I hesitantly pounded one of hooves on the first step. I never walked up them or down. I fell down them, however.

Darn stairs.

The sounds of my hooves surfaced into my ear as I was walking the corridor upstairs. My hooves rhymed with my grunts as I moved in concession.



*Clip Clop*

*Grr Grr*

*Clip Clop Clop*

*Grr Grr Grr*

“Ugh!” I moaned. “Stupid hooves! So damn annoying!”

I leisurely lifted my left fore hoof and dropped it, experimenting if taking a more patient approach would deduce the annoying sound.


Is this some kind of joke?

“Ffffffffffffish.” I muttered.

Yes, I can’t believe I’m letting the sound of my hooves get to me. Kinda childish, but I’m really pissed off at the moment. My brother.. no... that dastardly bastard downstairs really got to me head. Yes, he got me so angry that I disinherited him. It takes alot to declare your own blood not blood. I wanted to punch him, but I couldn’t. But, I need to punch something to relieve the stress!


I closed my eyes as the feeling of me bumping into an inanimate object became a stimulus. Yep, thinking while walking makes it easy for that to happen, don’t judge.

I opened my eyes. Oh, great.. it was the door.

....the door.... the omen...

My brows furrowed as the door was open slightly. The creak of the door made some of my room noticeable. And it’s still open.. Dante was definitely in this room. I turned around and put my hind legs in the air. I twisted my neck in order to get a good scenery of the door. Suddenly, I motioned it forward with power.


Yeah, I bucked my door open instead of opening it regularly. It relieved me since my needs of punching something has been fulfilled. I still wish it was Dante replacing the door. The door doesn’t deserve this.

Quoted for truth. Punching something instead of the source won’t satisfy you completely. It will be better hitting the cause of your belligerence, yes?

I’m sorry bro, but-
It’s okay brain, I bucked all my anger out.

I walked in the door and was greeted by the same sight.

Shattered glass was still spread across the floor next to my mirror. There was like seven or eight pieces, but they all had a small size. And the smaller the glass is, the easier it is to get caught in your foot.

I watched my step as I attempted to walk deeper into my room with out getting glass stuck anywhere. As I moved, the annoying sound of my hooves was absent. I guess it’s susceptible when you’re in a capacious shallow area, no?

“I should really clean this up, but...” I put my hooves in front of my face, “I don’t have fingers...”

Okay, instead of mourning my loss, I should try to move on.

I sighed and skimmed towards my bed. While I shifted my head left, my mouth gaped open as an upsetting sight came into my vision.

My bed from earlier was.. ruined. The sheets were splattered across the bed, the blanket was hanging off the bed, and the pillows weren’t stack neatly anymore; they weren’t even on the bed anymore! Nope, they were on the floor as well. It’s a junk yard, do I need to explain more?

That filthy bastard!!

Of course Dante was the one who committed this crime. It was obvious he was in this room since: 1.The door was open slightly. 2 He always messes up my bed. He isn’t good at covering up is he? Or maybe he did it to upset me more?

Yeah, it’s his niche. Ever since his I won that bet actually. Not only that, but he is a messy s.o.b. on purpose. Usually, I would tolerate his antics; but I’m not feeling it today. Add him disrespecting Jessica, me, framing me and messing up my bed? That’s.... unbelievable.

I growled fiercely. For once, that actually sounded like a dog instead of a puppy. “Whatever. I’m not cleaning that mess.”

That reminds me...

I walked to the dresser next to my bed. What lied on the surface of the dresser was a lamp- which I need to run on- a Ps3 controller, and an Iphone.

What is my controller doing up here anyways?

I turned half of my body towards north of my room. I see a 50 inch screen tv with a Playstation slim on the floor next to it. I can confirm that Dante brought the ps3 in my room. No wonder my bed went through hell: He moves alot while playing. Didn’t I tell him to sit on the floor?

I frowned. “That’s it, he is banned from this room until the bet is over!” I squeaked. Twitch.

I, truthfully, sounded like a mouse. I thought I got over this voice, but the sounds I make sometimes has me dubious about my purpose in life. I still have no idea why I couldn’t keep my old voice. Why did my voice change completely if I’m the same person operating the same brain?

The question is... why aren’t you in the kitchen? Just kidding! Seriously, lighten up, dog.

Oh yeah,the phone is the main thing. This small device has caused all of this drama in the afternoon mainly. All because I didn’t arm it. That is soooooo fascinatingly retarded! Not only would putting a lock on it prevent this scrutiny, but it would also be a big middle finger to Dante.

I sighed and stood up on my hind legs. I pressed my head on the lamp’s switch. I lowered it, shutting the light on.


Despite it getting in my eyes slightly, I ignored and continued with the task at hand. I gradually lifted my forehooves and squeezed them on both sides of the phone, giving it the impression of a scissor or any other material that resembles one.

I grinned as I felt a firm grip.'All I have to do is lift it’.

I steadily uplifted the phone from the dresser and then started to descend. While I was lowering my calloused hooves, I noticed how the phone wasn’t sliding through. Usually when I put both of my hands on something, the slippery feeling would start to show as it smoothly slides down my hands. Does hooves prevent that or what?

Meh... I still prefer fingers.

Oh my, my fingers... How am I gonna play games? Well, I don’t really care about video games. But, how will I go on the internet and type?

Speaking of the internet, I should check it out. I’m sure it will enlighten me with this sudden appearance of ponies. Oh yeah, especially the U.N. Which reminds me.... why was Mom so calm? Maybe they changed their decision?

Don’t forget about that land full of ponies.
That too.

I dropped my phone on the floor. It was a soft landing since it was close to ground level. “Lets see.... I guess I have to work it like this.”

I pressed the Square button in the middle of the phone to light the phone up. As suspected, it was still on. However, I encountered a frustrating conundrum immediately after turning it on.

It was the: “Please swipe across the screen” screen. Despite me not creating a password, this prompt still pops up. That is really stupid in my opinion. Why does it even do that?

It’s a screen saver... it conserves energy..

Now, if I had fingers, this wouldn’t be a problem. It is a problem since my fingers are history and I’m not sure my hooves will compensate for them. You know how when you use a pencil or any other object it won't calibrate with the phone? Well, there you go.

I sighed. “Well, it won’t hurt to try.” I put my hoof on the line on the screen and swiped it left. My eyes widened. It didn’t move. I repeated the action. Once again, no response.

I frowned. I placed my hoof on the line once again and swiped it towards it’s destined direction, but the son of a bitch refused to acquisitive.

I growled. “C’mon you piece of shit....” I stamped my hoof on the screen with power and pressed on the line until I saw it light up. To my surprise, I actually got it to glow. A smug smile stretched across my face.

“Good! Now, let me just-” As I motioned it left, the light faded.

Calm down bro. Don’t let the-

A million of emotions are flying through my head as I am staring at the phone. There is already a million things I cannot do with hooves, and it pains me too see I can’t even use my phone anymore without the help of a human. That means I can’t read the message until Katie, Dad, or Mom makes their way in my room

I can’t even enter my phone’s screen.

I sat down and closed my eyes. I crossed my hind legs and connected my fore hooves with each other. This is a rare occasion, but it’s the best answer at the moment.

You’re praying?
I believe in God, what are you chatting about?
Hypocrite! You said you don’t include yourself in religion, meaning you don’t perform any religious practices!
That is true, but I need to talk to someone at the moment. Now, please hush.

I sighed, preparing myself to try and communicate with God. I cleared my mind of the random frivolities surfacing through it and concentrated on what I’m preparing to do.

“Dear God, I know I am a sinner. Yes, I am one and I will probably sin again. Lord, please forgive me, for I am an ignorant teenager who has been through his suffering, but doesn’t know the severity of his actions. I am not perfect, but I believe I am a good kid who is surviving the devil’s funk. I’m a leader, not a follower. I’m trying everyday to be like you lord, but instead of augmenting, I’m abasing slowly. I lost every human characteristic, Lord. I am helpless in this current downgraded state. I admit, I was curious about being a pony, but now I am- ”

I'm wasting my time aren't I?

I got off my flank and knocked the phone away. I put my forehooves on my mane and pushed it back in frustration. “What was I thinking? Praying for my own selfish needs? The is the biggest offender of debilitating God!”

I can’t believe it. Here I was, praying to the deity, who I ignored my whole life, for selfish reasons. It seems I was right about my self in that false prayer: I am oblivious and I just sinned. Even if this was God’s doing, I guess I deserve it.

I wrapped my hooves around my stomach and started shaking. “No..... I don’t deserve this.. I’m not a bad person!” Why am I shaking like I’m anemic?

“I-I j-just need to calm down” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay... I’m just overreacting. I’ve been doing that alot lately.”

Slap yourself. That always works.

I raised my hoof and struck myself across the cheek. “Ha, okay. I’m good now.” I closed my eyes and started to hum a tune. As a nice feminine voice humming entered my ears, thoughts started to come across my mind.

I opened my eyes. “Wait, who is the fema-” I froze. I was humming a tune!

Brain! Is that you?
I’m talking to you feminist brain!
She is not responding or some reason.

I gulped. That’s a bad sign....

She isn’t dead, if that’s what you’re alluding to.
....Why would I think that, brain? That’s...nonsensical!
Oh, okay. What’s the sign then?
You- never mind.
I’m just messing with you. She is just sleeping; we brains need our rest, you feel me?
Yeah, especially when it’s thanksgiving.
You wouldn’t understand.

“Okay Shawn... enough with the theatrics.” I scolded myself out loud. “Maybe I shoul-”

My talking was interrupted when a familiar face entered my door. I forgot I didn’t close my door.

Well, I need company anyways. I was killing myself. The phrase “You’re better off alone” leads to suicide basically. Yeah, ‘Control yourself! You’re better off alone! Destroy yourself! See who gives a fuck!’ comes to mind.

“May I come in?” the rough voice asked politely.

I shrugged. “You don’t have to ask. Just watch your step, Jessica.” Once again, it is so weird calling this stallion Jessica.

My little Jessica is now bigger than me? Now has a deeper voice than me? Now has wings while I have jack? Seriously, if only I was a Pegasus..

She smiled and entered the room cautiously. “What’s up?”

I stared at her. If I told you, would you jump on it?

I wanted to say that, it would be soooo epic. Alas, I would look like an idiot saying that. Darn it brain, stop filling my head up with sexual innuendos!

“I’m just.. getting used to my new body.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t play with yourself yet? Geez Shawn, I’m surprised!”

I scowled. “No! I mean I’m trying to unlock my phone.” I already knew she was perverted, but never that. Well, not right now of course.

She nodded in understanding. “I see. Hooves don’t work, huh? That sucks.”

I rolled my eyes. “Tell me about it. I have a lot of music on that too! What if I want to go out and can’t unlock it? Am I gonna tell some stranger to unlock my phone?”

She chuckled. “That would be funny. Of course, that would be stupid since it would be easy for someone to steal from you.”

My eye brows contracted. “What are you implying?”

“Oh, nothing.” she circled her hoof on the floor. “It’s just that it’s easy to steal from a pony?”

That is true. I’m not gonna lie, but I wasn’t considering that anyways. It was just a joke to be frank. “Not this one, I would hit any fool who tried to step up to me!”

She nodded. “Yeah... like you almost did to Dante?”

I started to walk forward. “Yeah, he was asking for it. But, I think I did enough damage. “

While I walked passed her, her eyes spied on me apprehensively. “ I would have done more. How dare he try to break up our relationship?”

My eyes widened. Not at Jessica’s statement, but at my desktop. On top of my computer was the clothes I had slept in last night. It was an orange Pajama shirt with mismatching blue and purple pajamas. Kinda an odd pair, but I like it.

Eccentric dude. Eccentric.

How did those get there? Matter of fact, how did they get off my body? I don’t remember taking them off. Was it because I got too small and it slipped off my body? Even if it did, it would have still been on my bed. That is interesting to say the least. Maybe I was sleepwalking?

“Shawn, did you hear me?” Jessica said, snapping me back into reality.

I shook my head. “Yeah, I heard you. I actually wanted to punch him, but I think that is over kill.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m still proud of you for bitching him out like that!” So I did bitch him out.

I turned around. “I wouldn’t call it bitching out, I would call it... you’re right.”

She smirked. “It’s okay, you got the fool to land straight on his ass without touching him!”

My cheeks heated up. The rapid compliments is flattering. “Thanks. I should have done that earlier, heh.”

She stared at me quizzically. “By the way, what did you do to him that made him act like a little jerk?

Great, why did I mention that? I sighed. “I really don’t want to talk about it. He is still my brother, despite his shitty behavior.”

She looked at me sympathetically. “Okay. Whatever it was, it must have been bad. I mean, if you got him sending a faux message, then shit must have went down. Why did he attack you again?”

I deadpanned. Honestly, it surprised me how she forgot that information so quickly. She was downstairs a few minutes ago. Then again. there was alot of commotion going on. The neighbors probably are recovering if they aren’t knocking on the door.

Then again, did I even tell her the name of the show? I know she caught some episodes on my iphone while ago, but she probably doesn’t know the name.

She saw the title screen, how could she possibly not know?

“Well, it’s because of that show I told you about.”

She rubbed her chin. “Be more specific, please?”

I face hooved. “The one with the ponies.”

Her face gleamed. “Oh. Hey, don’t we look exactly like them?”

No crap sherlock.
Sherlock keeps his crap in his toilet, brain.
Very funny.. seriously, is your girlfriend a blonde? She is dumb!
Watch your mouth, brain. My sister is a blonde.
My point stands! Blondes are stupid. There hair is like that because they dyed it with bleach, inevitably removing the brain cells from their brain.
You seem to have enmity towards blondes.
Hell yes! They’re worse than scene girls! Matter of fact, scene boys are worse. To quote Saritorius:

Beware the man with a tinted mane
For it is theft thou soul doth contain
He longs for your brother's oxen
He longs for your boy's ass
When he is near, keep both well-chained!

“Yeah, we do. We do look out of place on earth, though.” I said.

She waved a hoof dismissively. “So what? Being a pony is awesome! Look, I have wings!”

I gave a fake smile. “That’s very nice, Jessica. Did you learn how to use them, yet?” I said with clenched teeth, feeling jealousy override me.

She stretched her wings. “Psh, yeah. I would fly now, but that would break your roof.”

Wow, the masses transforming into ponies started today and she still knows how to fly. She is erudite to say the least. But, I don’t know about that; she was out of school for three days. The casualties of humans probably started taking place last week!

“How long?” I interrupted.

She blinked. “I don’t-”

“How long have you been a pony?”

She blinked. “Oh! Since Wednesday! Why did you think I didn’t go to school?”

Wednesday. That’s... four days? So, she adapted good in four days.... meaning...

“Wait, why didn’t you answer my calls or messages?”

“Well, I didn’t want you to hear my voice and I was too afraid to put a pencil in my mouth.” she explained. “But, I sucked up and used it to check my messages today. That’s how I saw the message..”

Makes sense. Oh yeah, Jessica doesn’t use a touch screen phone, which is the norm. She still has her blackberry from all those years ago. She is frugal, so she likes to save things. Honestly, I should buy her a new phone, but it seems she can work with her current one perfectly.

“What did it say?” I uttered.

She cringed. “Why do you want to know? It was a simple break up message. Do we need to get technical?”

I lowered my head and rubbed it in irritation. Looks like I need to be more direct. “WAS IT IN EBONICS OR WHAT!” I snapped.

“Oh. No it wasn’t!” she shot back.

I rolled my eyes. “That’s all I wanted to know.” Looks like he captured my texting style. No wonder Jessica believed it was mine.

“Wait! Why did you come all the way here when you could have just text me back?”

Her eyes darted. “Well... I actually was gonna kick your ass if you said no.”

Her? Kick my ass? Haha! Good one!

“You can’t beat me up!” I said energetically. .

“Are you dumb? I would sit on you and you would die!”

I glared at her menacingly. “Bitch, I woul-” I froze as I realized how big she looked. Even though I don’t need to look up to see her eyes, I could already predict how we would look together in a mirror. Plus, her wing, which was about 6 inches, was evidence. This observation is enough to predict the future...

I sighed. “I would punch you and you would fall like a hooker on speed.”

Sbe laughed sardonically. “You know Shawn, you sound so cute speaking hard like that.” she cooed. “I mean, maybe before you could, but I’m the man now!”

Did she just refer to herself as a man?

I winced. “Jessica... did you jus-”

“Blah!” she interrupted. “Don’t call me Jessica, it sounds gay.”


“That’s your name, dummy!” I acclaimed.

She giggled. “Shawn, that name doesn’t fit me anymore. You can call me that, but I’m a guy now.. sooo.”

Two straight times...TWO STRAIGHT TIMES! Okay, Jessica outright told me that she is comfortable being called a guy. Another thing, how in the world could she detest her own name? Well, calling a stallion ‘Jessica’ won’t sound right. Meh, I still stand my point. I got my gender changed but I’m still keeping my name intact. Why? It feels correct that’s why.

But, Jessica doesn’t think it’s politically correct? Even though it’s a girl inside, she is ignoring those facts and coping better than a genderqueer?

I stared at he- I mean him. “Wow, you’re sure? I didn’t know you were taking it this well, Jessica.”

He shrugged. “Trust me, I was uncomfortable at first. I never wanted to go out in public again. I actually was crying at first, but then everything became natural. It just felt regular.”

I twitched. “So, you don’t miss your femininity?”

“Trust me, I do. But, I got use to being a guy and got use to..” he looked between his legs. “Yeah, that extra equipment.”

Wow, I never seen this before! It’s hard to believe a girly girl like Jessica actually got accustomed to the manly side of things in a few days. Then again, every time this scenario plays out, a girl is always likely to adapt easier than a boy. Why? I have no idea, but there has to be a good reason.

I think the chick/dude goes both ways.

“There has to be an arcane reason....” I muttered while turning around. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I bent over and intentionally shook my flank. I blushed in embarrassment.

Damn bro!
It's an experiment!

I heard a ‘poof’ sound.,My eyebrows melded and I turned around. I saw the pegasus’s wings erect, standing up and shaping real hard. Yep, my suspicion is confirmed. Still, I never knew wing boners were real; I thought it was something the fandom made up? Yeah, we see a scene with Rainbow Dash’s wings up. So what? It was probably an animation problem for drinking sake!

I deadpanned. “You’re bi-sexual aren’t you?”

He nodded. “Oh my god, how did you know?”

I smirked. “You got a wing boner when you saw me bend over.” Jesus, this will scar me forever.

He looked at me bemused. “A wha?”

I pointed at his wings. He turned around and squeaked. “Oh! Well, now you know! I like boys and girls!”

I knew it!

That must explain why is it was so easy for Jessica to adjust to being male. I would have never thought because of the way she conducted herself. Though, that is stereotypical assumptions.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I questioned.

He shrugged. “Because smart guy, I thought you would have known. I mean, I was touching your sister’s butt all the time.. so.”

I twitched. He did grope girls! “Please stay away from Katie...” I implored.

“I don’t need her...” he rubbed my mane. “I got you right here....”

Okay, ordinarily, I would accept this sign of affection. But, the problem is.... Jessica is a freaking stallion now! And.... I’m not gay or bi; I’m straight! That’s right, straight! And I don’t really appreciate this sign of affection!

I slapped his hoof off. He flinched and took a few steps back. He gave me a “wtf” look. I guess I should explain.

"Sorry, but you caught me off guard. I wasn’t ready.” I lied.

He clenched his teeth while he gave a sly smile. “Well, stop horsing around and come here! It’s been awhile since we done it.” He beckoned towards the bed.

I blinked. “Uh, I’m not sleepy.”

He facehooved. “No stupid, we are not going to sleep yet!”

I shifted my eyes away from him. “Then what are we gonna do..” I asked.

I know what we are gonna do. Scratch that, I know what he wants to do. See what I meant by promiscuous? Jessica wants to have sex already!

“Well... I’m thinking we can teach each other some new moves...” he said in a seductive voice.

I cleared my throat. “Okay. One move I learned is the... uh... electric chair!” I shouted.

Really? The electric chair?
Don’t judge me.

He stared at me abstractly. “Uh.. electric chair?”

I bit my lip and nodded.

He chuckled. “Last time I checked, the electric chair is when you shock someone to death. Will you put me to sleep with the electric chair? Sounds delicious!”

I rolled my eyes. “I guess so..”

“So.. how does it go?” Damn it! Is he persistent or just retarded?

“It goes like-” I was interrupted when he injected his hoof in my mouth.

“Shh.. don’t tell me, just show me.”

I frowned. I mumbled something inaudible,.

He removed his hoof from my mouth. “What?”

“I said ‘no’” I blurted out.

His eyelids began to abate. “What do you mean ‘no’?”

I sighed. “I mean I’m not ready to do it yet.”

He scowled. “Come on Shawn, you-”

“No!” I erupted. “I just changed this morning! I’m not ready!”

He giggled. “Who cares? Shawn, you’re a girl now. You need to-”

“I don’t need to do anything!” I hollered.

He looked at me bewildered. “Why are you yelling at me?”

I twitched. “Why? Because you’re.. ugh! I just got my species and gender changed and you’re already inviting me for intimate relationships! Do you have any idea how messed up that is?”

“No. I mean ye-”

“No? No!?” I repeated. “I’ll tell you: I was a guy my whole life. I liked girls my whole life! This isn’t any different; I have the same feelings. I am not gonna take a penis inside me!”

I huffed. I studied his expression, which was mixed with hurt and anger.

Darn it, why am I keep yelling at people? Jessica doesn’t deserve to be yelled at, but his ignorance was pissing me off. It was obvious that I was making excused so I can avoid sexy time from a different perspective.

“I thought you said you loved me?”

Silence filled the room. Where is he getting at with this?

I don’t know if he didn’t hear me earlier, but I made it clear that I loved Jessica. I even told him earlier when he tackled me unexpectedly. Why is he bringing this back up? Did I give off the impression that I don’t love him?

“I do love you.” I admitted.

He smirked. “Don’t lie to me, motherfucker.”

“What are you-”

“CUT THE SHIT!” he bellowed. “You don’t love me anymore!”

I felt my heart crack a little. That line... it got me startled.The sight of getting yelled out truthfully strikes a nerve in me. hearing yelling is one thing, but being yelled at? But, I was probably asking for it since I yelled at him first.

“Yes I do! I always did and always will!” I retorted.

“Bullshit bitch! If you loved me, you would shut up and listen to me! You were fronting the whole time, little cunt!”

Okay, getting yelled at is one thing, but claiming that I’m a liar is where I cross the line. Also, that four letter word...

I growled. “Well excuse me! It’s not my fault I’m not bi-sexual! You expect me to change positions like that? A quarter back just doesn’t become a receiver like that!”

His scowl maintained. “I lied about that...”

Oh god, my voice box. I can’t feel myself talking.

“... Really?”

He nodded. Tears started to fall from his eyes. “I just said that because everyone believes that. I was completely straight when I was a girl, but after since I changed, I’ve been attracted to girls.”

He wiped tears from his eyes. “But, I still am iffy about getting into bed with them. I was hoping you were a guy actually, but you being a girl made it better.”

His eyes reddened. “But, I made an exception for you! I wanted to do it with you even though I'm still not comfortable! That’s why I asked you that question! I didn’t want to tell your parents we were doing it; it was meant to be between us!

Tears rolled down my cheeks as he delivered every line. Damn, why do I keep crying? Is this normal? Jessica is crying too so I guess my theory about ponies was correct.

But, I can’t believe he was just lying! He... no... she was straight the whole time. Here I was, thinking she was an inconsiderate asshole, but I’m actually the inconsiderate asshole! She just wanted to test it out.. and I refused? I can’t believe I was so stupid! The whole time, I was thinking about avoiding this situation even though it occurring was inevitable! Now, I look like I don’t love her!

Bro.... you do.
No! I don’t because I don’t want to-
Shut up!
Sorry, but you’re acting weak! Instead of thinking, you’re crying. You don’t need sex to love someone; you just need to promise and protect someone there whole life!
....You’re right, brain. Thanks.
Bro, I’m making it up to you. I was unbearable earlier, but... this is mostly because I hate seeing you like this. Gah! I’m getting mushy too!
Brain, you’re not the only one..

“You don’t get it, do you?” I said, absorbing my tears

“Huh?” he gazed at me puzzled.

I took a deep breath. “Love. Notice the ‘l; in love. The l stands for ‘live’, correct?” He nodded while sniffing.

I sighed. “Exactly. Love is when you live your life on an everyday basis with the person you chose as your soulmate. Love is a choice, and it-fuck it!” I shouted, agitated that I’m about to tell a history report about the most overrated word in the dictionary.

My cheeks flushed. “Jessica, you need to understand that love isn’t all about sex. No, sex is a big part of it, but not the main part.” I looked in Jessica’s eyes to make sure I have his full attention, because I’m not repeating this. “That’s right, the main part of love is dedicating your life to the person you love.”

I pondered my words for a second. “Yeah, for example: Taking a bullet for someone is love, being there for a person to comfort them when they’re distraught is love, and sticking by their side all the time, no matter the circumstances, is love!”

I pressed my face in his and gritted my teeth. “Do you understand now? Sex is important, but just because I said no doesn’t mean that I hate you! If you loved me, you would know me and understand my perspective!” I removed my face from his muzzle.

“But, Shaw-”

“Another thing,” I said while rolling my eyes. “Even if you aren’t bi-sexual, it’s quite easy look at a female, yes?”

His eyes drifted. “Yeah, your point?”

I frowned. “My point is that it’s easier for girls to adopt than guys because while girls have more freedom, they get a chance to admire each other body while guys don’t! They can’t. Lets just say this: If a guy doesn’t want anything in their butt, why would they want anything inside them?”


I lifted my hoof in front of his face. “You should respect my decision and let it go without trying to press me! It’s one night, move on. Hell, you asked that question liked you loved me,” I pointed an accusating hoof. “But, you were fronting, bitch!” That’s an epic line. Only if Morgan Freeman said it, then my life would be complete.

I turned around, hiding my face. “I’m sorry Jessica, I really wasn’t expecting you to ask me this. I thought you had enough common sense, dude. I really did.”

I felt something hard tap my shoulder. “Shawn.. I am honestly-”

I cut him off by raising a hoof reproachfully. “Nah, it’s okay. I am making a big deal out of this, I know. These hormones are making my mood swing south easily. Know I know how you felt when I--”

My words ended when I felt a pair of lips touch mines. The lips felt warm, comfortable.... relaxing? It was complicated to say the least. But, it felt reassuring. It feels like I can just lay back and chill.

As I felt hooves wrap around my body, I closed my eyes and decided to let nature flow, despite it feeling wrong a little. Once again, what is the cause of this beautiful sensation?

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a green pegasus stallion. My face felt hot as I just realized what happened. I’ve been kissed... by a stallion.

But, it felt better than I expected! Maybe that’s why I couldn’t identify what was on my lips? Oh god.

After what felt like eternity of kissing, he finally ejected his apple lips.


I just stood memorized. I was staring into Jessica’s eyes, registering the type of stunt he just pulled. His mouth gaped open as his eyes were locked on mine.

His eyes showed many emotions at once: Confusement, meekness, apprehensiveness. I really wanted to say something, but this moment is completely awkward. But, it’s hard to play it off when you’re looking at someone who caused it!

His skin started to perspire. “I’m sorry, but you looked so hot when you were angry!”

I continued staring, but my cheeks tinted at the compliment slightly. “Uh.. thanks?” I whispered.

His eyes shifted nervously. “So.... I think I should leave now..”

My eyes enlarged. “Why? What’s the rush?”

He removed his hooves from my body and started to walk towards the door. “I think I over stayed my welcomed.” Wait, didn’t I say that one time when we were dating.

I put my hoof on my lips and rubbed it. I smelled it and smiled dreamily. “Smells like icy....” I cooed.

I shivered and walked towards my bed. I hopped on the bed and walked three circles around it before I curled into a ball. “I’m gonna pretend that didn’t happen...” I muttered.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I can’t believe I just stayed there and took it like I wanted it! I also liked the smell. Could I secretly be attracted to stallions? Is my brain transforming quicker than i thought? I acted real girly a few seconds ago.

For the first time of my life , I feel sexually confused.

Also, I still have no idea how fanfics depiction of girls turning into guys was accurate. Jessica is a completely different person! She is like a total guy right now! She proved that a few seconds ago.

As for me... I was out of character completely. Yep, it’s safe to say we reversed roles.

You know, maybe she is happy about being a stallion because she doesn’t have to bleed for a week anymore.

Proofread by Holographic.

Author's Note:

P.S. Jessica becoming fully male is a parody of mane six gb fics where they adapt quickly. Samaru actually told me about this, so I incorporated it in my new chapter. So, yeah....

P.S.S. Sorry, but I had to use that Bill O'Riley reference.