• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 13,175 Views, 439 Comments

Pony bound - Shortcourt

Losing your innate body isn't as easy as it seems, especially on earth.

  • ...

[Interlude] Pony Sandusky

Uncensored version

“Get the fuck up!”

“Grr..” I turned my body away from the loud sound and covered my head with the closet pillow near me.

“Get the fuck up!”

I growled. I continued squirming in the covers as I’m trying to render that sound nonexistent. I still have no idea why I chose that as my alarm; it’s foolishly and freaking fractious. Did that even make sense? Yep, must be my dormant state playing with my head again.

“Get the f-”

I formed a fist and banged the phone. “Shut up...”

I removed the pillow from my head and threw it on the floor. While I was looking at the ground, I realized something returned. I held a pair of red colored palms in front of my face and grinned. I turned them around and puffed my cheeks out. “I got my hands back!”

My eyes gaped open as a familiar deep voice manifested it’s way in my ears. My head started to feel cold as my body temperature lowered dramatically. “My.. voice is back!”

I laughed gleefully. “No giggling either! Wait, does that mean-” I placed my hand under my covers and slickly moved it towards the end of the bed. I felt something and squeezed it. My eyes popped out as I squeezed too hard. Yep, I’m a man again.

My god, that whole pony thing was a dream! I knew it was too weird to be true! But, it felt so realistic. I mean, I felt pain, saw the time and went to the bathroom. It was a supernatural one, but it certainly could be classified as a nightmare.

I hugged myself, “Oh manhood! How much I missed you!” I can feel myself too. Yep, it’s real.

This must means that Jessica is female again! Oh wow, everything has to be normal again!

I got out my bed and stretched as a cold breeze blew on my neck. I looked at my stomach and got a good view at my abs. I came to conclusion that I am shirtless.

“Six-pack, I missed you the most.”

Hey brain, I’m back again!

I shrugged. “You know, I forgot how I looked.” I rubbed my chin. “Hey, my mirror must be back!”

As I walked towards the mirror, long hair brushing against my neck was no longer present You know, this radical discovery has got me believing that my prayers must have been answered! What a great way to wake up.

As the mirror came into my view, I accosted it apace. I’m excited to see my face again, because I honestly forgot how I originally looked. Pretty messed up how I can remember a yellow pony’s face but not mine, huh?

Well, being a pony wasn’t that bad, but the factors of being an earth pony and a mare really ruined the experience. Overall, it was fun a little, but earth is no place for a pony evidently. Everything was too big! Oh yeah, there was meat everywhere, which was the second-to worst thing I had to give up.

“Like I would ever do that.” I sneered.

As I neared the mirror, my reflection was invisible. I raised an eyebrow and inspected the mirror. It looked foggy and it was obvious a bunch of stains were on it. I face palmed.

“Oh, the mirror is covered in something.”

I put a finger on the mirror and began rubbing the oblivating substance. As I rubbed, the actual mirror became clearer to me. I frowned and put my hand on the mirror, deciding to speed up the process.

“Okay, lets see how I look!”

I closed my eyes and rubbed the mirror in all directions with no patience. After feeling complete glass, I opened my eyes. My eyes broadened. “What?” I muttered in my regular voice.

It’s my worst enemy: That pony who I transformed into during my dream. What is she doing here?

I moved my head left, only to see the pony do the same. I opened my tongue and blew a raspberry. The pony mimicked my exact movements. Wait, this is playing out exactly like my old dream!

I lifted my hand up and proceeded to perform an explicit gesture. I attempted to stick my middle finger up, but my hand felt calloused. I looked at it bemused, but it translated to horror as I noticed my anatomy was replaced with equine anatomy. Not again.

I stared at the pony in the mirror. I came to conclusion that I have become a pony again. Did I?

I sighed. “My voice is still the same.. so?” I put my left hoof in between my legs. I rubbed beneath the crotch spot and something felt missing. However, something replaced it once again.

I shivered. “You know, this feels too weird on me,” What am I talking about? I had one the whole day yesterday. I shrugged. “at least I still have the sam-” I paused as the same high-pitched voice I had in my dream ringed in my ears. The same feminine, raspy voice came from my mouth!

“But...I had my voice a few seconds ago...” I stuttered inaudibly. “I didn’t even feel like my body changed!”

This doesn’t make sense: I woke up as a human and immediately transformed into a pony after I saw my reflection. What in the flippity flop man? I’m not allowed to see my human self? Is this a consequence for not enjoying being a pony? Why didn’t I feel my body morphing!

I sighed. “Maybe this is another dream?” I queried as I continued staring at the despondent pony in the mirror.

I sighed and put my hooves on my mane. “Get it together, Shawn. It is just another dream in a dream,” I froze. “So, if I’m dreaming in a dream; will I wake up in another dream when I’m done this dream?” Oh no, I’m thinking about inception in my dream. That’s the worst possible thing!

“I need to get out of here...” I muttered. I looked at the mirror wistfully. “Should I- nah, I’m not jumping into a mirror again; dream or no dream.”

After terminating that reckless action, I placed my hoof on my chin and rubbed it seldomly. After pondering what course of action to take, I came to a plausible conclusion: I don’t know how to break out of lucid dreams.

I grunted sheepishly. “I guess I should just-”

My words were interrupted when the sound of a door creaking open was heard. I raised an eyebrow as I averted my head towards the door. Holy captain crunch.

What stood five inches in front of me was another pony. This pony however was smaller than the average pony. Judging by the face and the mane, it was a filly.

Despite being a filly, she was about two or four inches shorter than me. But, she looked much younger than me as her huge blue eyes represented innocence. Her mane style was the same as mine and was colored green with yellow highlights. She had wings that looked undeveloped and was lacking a cutie mark on her flank.

I couldn’t help but smile. The ponies from the show were already cute, but seeing a filly in the flesh is overkill! It’s over, I am going to let my emotions out.

I squeed. I’m glad brain isn’t here, he wouldn’t find that amusing. Still, whose child is this? Why is a filly in my house? Is this a part of the dream or something?

My grin withered as I looked at her quizzically. “Hi.” I greeted.

Her eyebrows contracted, but she replied by waving her hoof at my direction. The room became silent as a taut atmosphere arose. I’m not sure if she can talk or if she if she is scared of me. Either way, I have to try and interrogate.

My eyes shifted nervously. “So... can you talk?”

She giggled. “Of course I can, Mom.”

I nodded. “Oh, okay. I was just- WHAT!?”

She flinched. “What do you mean ‘what?’”

I pointed at her while the bones in my hoof were cracking, causing me to quiver involuntarily. “What did you just call me!?”

She grinned. “I called you Mom! You are my mommy, right?” she asked. However, this wasn’t a question. My body started to shake at the terrible implications in my brain. Okay, this is definitely a dream. No, not a dream, but a nightmare! Matter of fact, this could be brain showing me a horror show through his horror-scope!

Brain! Get me out! This is getting weird!

She walked towards me and laid her head on my chest. She rubbed it affectionately and made a cute sound. Okay, it was adorable, but the title she gave me a few seconds ago is dominating my other emotions! I don’t care, I just want out!

As I looked at her face, she began to remind me of a couple of ponies. Okay, firstly, her mane was done in the same style as mine. Yep, it was slightly puffy and even had some of my mane color in it; the yellow to be precise. Second, the eyes looked a lot like stallion Jessica’s eyes. The coat was a greenish-yellow, but the wings stood out the most. Why? Because not only does Jessica have wings, but her wings also resembles them..

Her cherubic eyes locked onto mine’s. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

Here she goes again, calling me ‘mom. No, no, no, no times 1000x! I’m no one's mother, darn it!

I was about to protest, but another figure came in the room. My mouth gaped open.

“Hello sweetie.” the crackling voice said.

This wasn’t a pony though. No, it was a human man who I never saw in my life! He was wearing boxers, white leg-length socks, but the thing that got me the most was he had gray hair. Actually, he barely had hair. He looked like an..... old man..


As I looked at him with more precision, I not only noticed wrinkles, but I noticed he his.... wait, what? Ew.

I gulped and covered my eyes. “Jesus, man! Put that thing in your pants!” I chided.

Man, people sure are disrespectful! How can you walk in someone’s house and not make use of your boxers? That sight was so disturbing I forgot that he called me ‘sweetie’.

Yep. Perfectly normal. Wait, sweetie? Isn’t that a pet name for couples? So, that must mean.....

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” I screamed to the top of my lungs.


I blinked as I awakened. I looked around the room and noticed everything looked the same as yesterday. My mirror was still broken, the Ps3 was upstairs; I was still curled into a ball. Everything from yesterday stayed the same.

I gasped. “Oh my god, it was just a dream.”

Yes bro?
I had a dream some filly kept calling me her “momma”. This random man was calling me ‘sweetie’ .
.... That dream is so fucked up.
I know, right?
Do you have a dick in your head or something?

I face hooved. “My mind is twisted.” I uncurled myself and rolled out the bed. Maybe my dream was so twisted because I was sleeping twisted?

As I landed on all fours, I began to recap my lurid dream. Okay, that filly I saw had me alluding to the thought that me and Jessica did ‘it’. But, the problem with that theory is that some man came out of nowhere; meaning that we made that baby! But, how is that possible? We’re two different species, breeding is out the question.

Well, at least I know that dream wasn’t foreshadowing anything. I mean, wouldn’t it be weird if I actually married a seventy something year old man? Especially if we are living in my mom’s house, but wouldn’t he get arrested?

Don’t question your dreams, it’s better to leave it alone.

Besides that creepy scene, the only thing I loved about that dream was the fact that I retained my old voice for awhile. Heck, I retained everything! But, my anticipation of seeing my old face was killed when that mare became my physical form one more. It was also ruined when I realized I nourished a foal of my own; and the father wasn’t a pony either!


Suddenly, I felt my stomach twist inside a little. My lower body hardened as I put my hoof on it. Apparently, my stomach is working as a stimulus at the moment.

I scowled. “Now is the perfect time to use the bathroom.”

I proceeded to exit the room, feeling a necessity to dispel this grimy feeling from my body. The dream must have been sending a message though. I can’t place it directly, but I can feel I will be in for a hell of a ride this whole week. I guess that dream I had is suppose to initiate everything.

I grimaced. “Where the hell does the old man come in the equation? It would make more sense if it was a stallion, but an old man?”

Dreams aren’t meant to convey a message; they are meant to satisfy you or piss you off.

I shrugged. “Seems legit.”


“Sup?” I said through the phone.

“Who are you? Katie, is this you?” A female voice answered.

I frowned. “No, Im Shawn. The question is: Who are you and where is KaiseShawn?”

“Oh, it is you Shawn. Sup, boy? Why do you sound like that?” the voice replied.

I gulped. “Really? KaiseShawn? Are you...”

Author's Note:

So yeah... another chapter is done. Sorry for the delay, I was occupied with some real life grievances. This chapter was easy to visualize, but hard to condense in words because of my absence from my computer. I'm satisfied with this one in a haughty and psychotic way, but this isn't a staid chapter.

So yeah, nothing to say really. This is just a filler chapter done for comedy purposes. Everything gets serious again next chapter, which will be out sometime in may since it is another 10k monster (yay) So, in the mean time, mollify yourself the with the coming attractions at the end of the chapter.