• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 13,175 Views, 439 Comments

Pony bound - Shortcourt

Losing your innate body isn't as easy as it seems, especially on earth.

  • ...


12:15 A.M.

I was sitting in a small, claustrophobic room with my hooves tightly handcuffed, which I think is totally superfluous. C’mon, I’m already in a room that is locked from the inside, so what would handcuffing me accomplish? Are they worried I might punch a hole through the wall? C’mon now, I’m not dumb/strong enough to attempt that. I mean, it’s nice that they believe I possess that type of strength though.

Sorry to blow your high, but they just cuffed your hooves so they can abuse you without you trying to retaliate.

Don’t jink it, dude.

I irritably blew a piece of mane out my face. Like I said, superfluous. Hell, me being arrested was totally superfluous. What I did wasn’t even that bad! I mean, it was pretty messed up but I apologized shortly after! I didn’t even choke the kid that long either. But then again, his face did look pretty ghastly...

Atleast you wasn’t placed in a animal cell or something. Be grateful you’re being treated like a human.

You’re right.

I sighed. I’m just vexed, man. This is the second time today I’m disappearing, which means I might be on extended punishment when I come home... again! When I came home earlier Mom didn’t really say anything since she was so relieved I was safe, especially in that feral weather, but now I’m pretty certain I’m busted. I wonder how’s she’s doing...
Shawn’s Dad pov

While Diane passed out from an overdose of alcohol, Ray and I were on our 150th shot cup.

“So... w-wwher Sh-shawn attt?” A very drunken Ray asked.

I shrugged while calmly taking another shot of liquor. “I-I don’t know. Shawn disappears every day and always come home s-safe, so *burp* why should I worry?”

“I don’t know... I-I haven’t seen him since yesterday...” he muttered.

“W-would you stop worrying-before you die again?” I croaked while gulping down the cup with ease. I then took my hat off the table and placed it on my head.

He grimaced. "Why is there a lampshade on your head?"


As for the room itself, it was pretty... I don’t even know how to describe it. It looks like the typical interrogation room you would see on Law and Order. The lights were dimmed (similar to the hospital room a few days ago) there was a pretty long table with chairs in each side of it, even though none of the chairs weren't occupied. Finally, the two officers who arrested me were there. One of them was a (description) who was sitting on the table casually, while the other one was a (description). He was standing right behind me, and when I mean behind me I mean so close I felt him breathing on my neck.

I cringed. Yeah, this is not gonna work out. I curled my hindlegs on the pegs of the chair and used my body weight to bounce it a few centimeters away from the man.

The officer on the table sighed and focused his eyes on me for the first time. His eyes were incredibly red and restless, like Mel Blanc during his final years of voicing. I’m getting a very professional vibe from him already, which means I don’t have to worry about bias. “Well well... Ms.Hopkins-”

“Please just call me Shawn,” I requested promptly, unintentionally breaking into his sentence.

He sighed again. “You have the right to remain silent until you are asked to speak, but you do not have the right to make requests, because I am not obligated to fulfill your desires.”

I blinked in astonishment. My tongue was on the verge of remarking smartly, but I thought better of myself and nodded. I’m now receiving a ‘reckless’ cop signal from him. “Okay...”

“As I was saying, it seems you have recently been arrested for assault. The victim's mother was also claiming you made racial remarks as well. Even though she decided to not press charges, what do you say in your defense?” he inquired while raising an eyebrow.

“What’s not true? The first part, second part, or the whole thing?”

“Aha, so it is true. You admit to choking a young boy, huh?” he said while getting up in my face.

I turned my head around whilst biting my lip. “I d-don’t know if that’s t-the necessary-way to p-put it w-when you-”

“Stop with the circumlocution and answer!” he barked while slamming his hands on the table.

“Alright I did!” I confessed while instinctively flinching in response to the agitated gesture. “It’s only because I confused him with an alien, which was a very stupid mistake, okay! I swear to my dead that’s the reason! If I was able to see the family, I would address a long, formal, apology that issues how truly-”

“Calm down, Ma’am. No one is accusing you of anything... we just want to hear your side,” he re-assured in the same deadpan voice. Wow, how ‘re-assuring’.

“Yeah, it’s not an extremely serious case or anything,” the other officer chimed in. “We recently talked to the boy and he seemed to be doing okay. No serious injuries or anything. He also said he forgives you.”

I’m free... I’m free? I’m free... I’m free! I’m free! Hahahahahaha, oh man!

I was ready to unleash a ballad of excitement and throw my hooves in the air, but I was once again reminded that I’m handcuffed.“Oh... so why am I still arrested then?” I asked while lifting my hooves up, bringing attention to the restraint devices wrapped around them.

“Sorry, we will get that off you as soon as possible. But still, there was still a better course of action you could’ve taken. If you didn’t try to engage in the ‘superhero’ role by fighting aliens, you wouldn’t be in this mess. Leave the crime fighting to the police, okay?” he said calmly.

‘Leave the crime fighting to the police, okay?’’ I mused in my head. Hmm, I will have to keep that in mind.

I nodded. “Okay, I understand...”

“You do? Because if we find out you get in trouble again, we will be very disappointed...” the deadpan one muttered. “In fact, we would be very-”

“Alright alright, I get it!” I hissed.

He quirked one of his eyebrows suspiciously, provoking me to mimick his gesture. I don’t know why he’s telling me they would be disappointed anyways; I don’t care if they’re disappointed. I don’t know them like that, haha!

But honestly, these officers are pretty cool. Almost as cool as the other ones. What’s with the sudden amount of venerable officers showing up? Not that I have a problem with it, but I expected at least some tyranny that was along the lines of what Brain said. Actually, looking at the situation, I think I over-exaggerated everything.

My stress from a few days ago were exaggerated, my problems we exaggerated, and chasing after the aliens only augmented my problems. The officers are right, I should stop trying to fight crime and go back to being a regular citizen, because I already had enough exposure with the aliens for one month. Being superman isn’t as great as I envisioned... or should I say ‘Krypto the superpony’. Plus, now that I know exorcism is the key to freeing people from aliens, all I have to do is spread the word. If you think about it, the aliens haven’t really made any noise outside of possessing people. It’s almost as if the world became more peaceful when they started appearing...

“Hello? Hello? Ma’am?” the more down-to-earth alien repeated while waving his hand in my face.

The officer’s words snapped me back to reality. “Huh?” I asked while blinking innocently.

“Oh nothing... I was just having an epiphany.”

“Ohhhh... about what?”

I sighed and raised my hooves to rub my chin. “Oh, you know... it’s about-” My sentence was halted as I realized my wrist movements were still restricted. I frowned and said, “Hey, can you help me out here?”

30 minutes later

When I first left the police station, I couldn’t prevent myself from taking a deep breath, sucking in the all fresh air through my lungs and nostrils. Finally... finally! I’m finally out of this... playground of Satan! I was literally in that jail cell for nine something hours. Did I mind telling you that it was cold as hell? Yeah, it wasn’t cold at all. It was a microwave in there. Maybe that’s why I saw so many women in their bras and panties when I was walking down the hall. They did look hot after all (sexy hot and temperature hot, hehe)

Yup, even though I had my own jail cell, I can say it didn’t make the experience any more pleasant, especially considering the fact I could have had a naked woman as an inmate. Jail was just tedious, hot, and irritating! I never felt so... irritated in my life! I rather go to hell than jail honestly. Man, I can rant about jail for days, but I will summarize it with one sentence: Orange may be the new black, but it certainly isn’t the new yellow.

But yeah, I’m free. ...Horray? I would be more ecstatic, but apparently I have to walk home by myself. I called Dad and he finally picked up, although he was very drunk. He had no hesitance coming to pick me up, but I declined. If he drives while intoxicated, he’s gonna get arrested. Nah, I’m just going to walk myself. I’m almost a grown ass mare-er man after all.

You know, from getting arrested to listening to that officer’s advice, it was kinda inevitable I was going to have an epiphany. I did have one, and I can totally say this ‘superhero’ crap isn’t for me. I got my uncle back and found out exorcising aliens is the only way to extract them from people’s bodies; what else do I need? I’m just gonna let the police handle this. In fact, when I get home I’m going to call up Jo and tell him to spread the word.

I felt a smile creep upon my lips. I can finally live a normal life again... kinda.

Now lets see, where am I exactly?” I said to no one in particular while looking at the street signs. Ave J between E57 street, huh? I’m not that far from home. I mean, I kinda am... but it’s just one train ride. I just need to take the train, walk 4 stops and I’m right next to my house. There’s just one problem...

I’m broke. I have no money and I don’t think anyone is going to swipe for me. Not only that, but I hate asking people for stuff! I have too much pride, and one day my pride is going to send me to hell!

Wait, what am I chatting about? I have no pride when it’s necessary! I keep forgetting I’m a multi-colored cartoon pony, which means it’s going to be hard for anyone to say no to me. Saying no to me is like not giving any change to a broke person when you’re going to the atm to exchange your quarters and dimes for dollar bills!

I smiled slyly while closing my eyes. "Haha, this is going to be easier than taking candy from a baby."

Meaning it would take 3.8 of a pound, so physically speaking, you would need to lash out 3.8 of persuasiveness to get a swipe, which is very difficult on a 0/5 scale. As for a 0/10 scale, it is pretty goddamn easy.

What are you talking about?

Oh sorry, my fault. I forgot you don’t watch awesome scientific shows like mythbusters and settle on little kids shows like syd the science kid, don’t you you stupid little kid?

Nah because I got laid already.

...I’m a brain, retard.

Leave me alone, man. I’m tired, alright!?
Outside the Train Station

Before I could board the train, I was searching outside for possible people to ‘swipe’ for me. I could just go in and ask one of the security guards to let me in, but I’ve talked to enough ‘authority’ for one day. Sadly, I only saw two people outside.

The first person I saw was a tall, big-boned, black man with shades that concealed his eyes. His mouth was also covered with a red bandana, and his attire consisted of saggy blue jeans and a black, baggy coat.

My right eye twitched. Yeah... I’m not asking him. I swiftly turned towards the other human, who was pleasantly more pleasant looking. It was a lithe black woman who wore a modest blue dress underneath a short, brown fur coat. Now this I can work with.

A cheeky smirk appeared on my face. Oh, luck... what would I do without you?

Oh lucky charms... what would I eat without you?

“Excuse me, Ma’am,” I said meekly, doing my ‘Fluttershy’ impression.

“Hmm?” she hummed while looking down at me.

“Um, can I please get a swipe?”

She raised an eyebrow quizzically. “But I’m not going on the train. I’m actually waiting for a cab.”

Darn it!

My lips twisted in a half-frown/half-smile. “Oh... but can you swipe for me, please? Or give me 2.15$? I really just want to go home and it’s getting... very very dark out here,” I implored while voluntarily dropping my ears, widening my eyes as much as I can to get the full puppy dog eyes effect. I noticed her cheeks color were flushing as seconds went by, which means it’s working.


I feigned a cough. “I mean if you don’t, I’ll understand.... It’s my fault for not bring money after all anyways...”

She bit her lip and forcefully averted her head from mine. “Ugh! You poor thing! Here, take this!” she said while ripping a metro card from her purse. “Take it! I don’t even use the train anymore!”

My jaw hung open. Wait a second, it actually worked? It actually worked! Yo, somebody pinch me cause I must be dreaming.

My wish came true as I felt a huge pinch vibrate my sides. “Ahh!” I yelped while hopping forward, nearly tripping over the lady’s legs. What the hell? I said pinch me not bite me!

“Alright!” I started in a confrontational voice, slowly but deliberately turning my head around. “Who is the dirty son of a bi-bi-bi-b-b-b-” I stuttered, my eyes broadening the more I look at my offender.

“That dirty son of a who?” the red glorifying man asked menacingly, lowering his head to get a better glance at me.

“Why did you pinch me?” I queried, trying my best to ignore his question while maintaining an unfazed prose.

“Why are you so nervous for?” he muttered.

To my surprise I was indeed shaking in trepidation. Man, so much for being unfazed. “Uhhhh.... I’m not used to looking at pretty gi- ugh I mean h-handsssssome d-dudes l-like you!”

Dammit, I’m so used to using that on females! I would never imagine doing it to a dude, unless i’m joking of course.

My response seem to leave little to no effect on him. “Funny, because my face is covered up completely.”

“What is going on here?” the woman chimed in.

I’m not sure if the man frowned or not, but his brows knitted on instinct. “Well, I was gonna try and flirt with you, but then I saw this little horse come out of nowhere!”

“I’m not a horse!” I clamoured.

“My fault.... I saw this horse fucker!”

I deadpanned. Gangster or not, no one talks to me like that! Before I could slap the taste out of his mouth, the lady stepped in front of me. “Hey!” I called out in protest.

She ignored me and proceeded to talk to the man. “Why are you talking to her like that? What did she do to you?”

He crossed his arms. “Nah, you got it all twisted, ma. This is the same one from earlier who choked that kid for no reason!”

My heart started thumping. Oh shittttt. Is that the reason he pinched me? I thought he read my thoughts for a second. It would be crazy because I- what the hell am I saying? This isn’t any better at all!

“Don’t listen to him!” I exclaimed while tugging on the woman’s dress. “ I didn’t do nothing like that at all!”

“...I don’t know who to believe,” she replied, her voice laden with incredulity.

“Stop frontin, horse! Everyone already knows wassup with you! In fact, you’re such an opp that when suckas be walkin down the street and see you they say ‘god damn, why they let that kid abuser free for?’”

I growled. “Shut up! You know that isn’t true at all so stop blowing my-”

“God damn, why did they let that kid abuser free for!” A random guy across the street called out.

My entire body stopped functioning the moment he said those words. Well... that does it; my cover is blown. Now how the hell am I gonna get home?

Just explain yourself, fool!

I sighed and slowly tilted my head up, sharing an equally inquisitive glance with the woman. Her inquisitiveness turned into frustration as she placed her hands on her hips. “Is that true?”

“Okay it is, but I can explain! I thought he was an alien at first because he had a black outfit on and blended in perfectly with the-”

“Did I forget to tell you he was black?” the gangsta piped in.

“...Really?” she asked skeptically.

“Gahhhhhhhh!” I shouted out in frustration. That was the last straw, and even I knew it! I started glaring at the man with the most fiery eyes he probably ever saw in his life, for he took a step back. “You know what, motherfucker?Eat a sack of baby di-” My sentence was halted as I saw his hand dive into his back pocket.

Holy crap, is he looking for the strap?

Bro, what else would he be doing?

“Did you just say what I thought you said? Repeat that please...” he said in a daring tone. Wow, now I get it. He didn’t take a step back because he was intimidated; he took a step back so he can revert to his shooting stance! Before he can even flash his weapon, I fleeted away in the opposite direction from him. I relinquished all my energy with that one dash of speed, but I didn’t care. I will not die the same day my uncle comes back!


Despite hearing a large click, the gun never went off. In fact, how I’m still consciously running is a mystery itself. I quickly turned the corner to make sure I was free of any straight bullets coming my way.

After running down at least six blocks, I finally pushed my brakes and posted my back up against a wall, taking the heaviest breaths I ever took in my life. My skin was literally tingling as I was still trying to comprehend how close I was to dying. I know I’m pretty quick but there was no way I could outrun a bullet! Maybe the woman stopped him from shooting me? If so, then it's nice to know not everyone lets their anger blind them!

But honesty, isn't this such a delight? It seems I have a stigma with a group of people because of the accidental atrocious display I put on earlier, even though I apologized! I slammed my hoof against the wall and dropped down on my haunches.”Shieyttttt,” I muttered in a faux southern accent. I thought the aliens were bad, but having beef with an entire ethnicity based on spurious claims is worse! I have to rectify this somehow! But right now, the main thing is...

“How am I gonna get home now?” I said outloud.

Just wait a half hour, go back to the same train station and try to manipulate someone else! Just make sure no bloods or crips are there. Matter of fact, just hitchhike; I would never go over there again if I were you.


Why are you still here for? I thought you left! Piss off!

You piss off.



Both of you need seem to have repressed emotional feelings. Please, lets us settle this with descriptive sexual words.


Author's Note:

40th chapter.