• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 13,175 Views, 439 Comments

Pony bound - Shortcourt

Losing your innate body isn't as easy as it seems, especially on earth.

  • ...

Mom Meets Mare

<<<<NSFW (uncensored)>>>>

I opened my bathroom door and peeked my head through to see if anybody was occupying it. Thankfully, no one was in there, meaning I can handle my business easily. The light being on had me assume that somebody was handling business. It was probably Dante, the one who can’t finish anything if his life depended on it.

I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Before I sat on the toilet, I accosted the mirror in my bathroom. Thanks to me being a douche, I now have no mirror in my bedroom, which means I have to go to the bathroom just to see my own appearance. Well, it doesn't matter anyways since I don’t care about my appearance. I hopped on my toilet seat and jumped on my bathroom’s sink. Once again, I slipped inside it thanks to my diminutive form. Or is it because the sink is too big? Surely I can’t be that small.

My hooves came into vision as I pulled myself out the sink. I turned towards the mirror and checked my reflection. The first thing that comes to mind is how much of a dropout I look like. Seriously, it should be a crime how messed up my mane is. Didn’t Katie brush it yesterday? If long hair is this hard to control, now I know why girls wear weave. I guess you can call this a learning experience. But, I never subscribed to learn about why females use fake hair as a farce!

Okay, if my mane is going to be a pest to me every day, I think it’s time for me to accept one of Katie’s offers. I don’t feel like going to her room everyday just to get my hair brushed. Maybe she can do something to prevent it blipping like this, if that is a word. Even though I detest the thought of Katie doing anything with my mane, I'd be lying if I said 'I won't profit'.

Wait, did I say myself?

Surely, besides the obvious fact that I’m not a pony. The pony just doesn’t represent me for some reason. The gigantic eyes are one thing, but the mane has me looking like some emo bitch who is isolated from people. Either way, I can get a little something done to my mane that will make me look more like ‘Shawn’

How about you get a buzz cut?
No. Don't even go there, mang.
I would look gay.
Fine. Oh, how about you get the same haircut Twilight got?
That would look really-
Badass? Yes, it would.
No, it would look really gay.
Hold up, why do you care? Aren’t you a guy in the inside?
Yes, a guy in a mare’s body. I’m not a dyke, so I’m not going to make myself look like one.
I don’t get it.....

I patted my mane. You know, I don’t think nothing really needs to be altered. I think a good brushing will settle everything for now until I make a conclusion.

“But then it will keep getting in my face…”

Well, I'm going to have to choose something. Really, world hunger would end if food dropped from the sky every time I flicked my mane out my face. I still have no idea how it gets there; must suck for real horses since they never put their hooves to their face. Do they? I have no idea; I will have to find out later on the internet webs.

At least you're not ugly.

I looked at my reflection intermittently. Despite my mane obscuring a small part of my face, the feminine structure of it was visible. The slender cheek bones and the lengthy eyelashes came to mind the most. The shape of my face also was curvy and extremely round, baring semblance to a basketball. My mouth fit the requirements of being a muzzle though, sticking out slightly while my nostrils were connected to my snout.

Brain was correct, I look good. Not to sound narcissistic or anything, but if I was attracted to ponies and this pony wasn't carrying my brain, I would nail this pony. Yeah, even I have to compliment my new looks.

It seems I'm just bound to be attractive. While I was a guy, I was considered 'cute' by a lot of girls. I thought of myself as average and there were people who probably had better looks then me. But, I think most of the attention came from the fact that I'm a white guy in a predominantly black school. Despite my skin complexion, I just couldn't cuff with anyone. It was probably due to my 'timorous' attitude when I first arrived.

Well, despite it being timorous, it was still decent. I guess I got such great looks because I'm such a great person. It really adds up since most of the ugly people *cough David I know have really shitty personalities. I think I have a good character. I'm receptive of people, patient, considerate, analytical, correctable, etc...

You sound arrogant at the moment though. Listing all your positives: What about your flaws?
Trust me, that would be a long list. But, it isn't infinitive like most people.
Hmm... true story.

Either way, despite my flaws possibly being galore, I still have a good head on my shoulders. Or in my case, fetlocks. Is it fetlocks? I'm not good with equine anatomy...

Anyways, me being good looking doesn’t really make anything better.
Why not?
Well, since I’m so hot, what’s the odds of getting hit on?
25 to life.
You will most likely get arrested for kicking stallions in the face. Hey, I’m speaking truthfully.

I coordinated my movements once again and paid close attention to my teeth. To my surprise, my teeth bared no resemblance to my old teeth. Not only was it animated, but it didn’t look sharp or feral. It looked bigger than my human teeth, but I’m not sure if I have more teeth currently than before. The front incisors are obviously larger in size, but it is still lacking something important to a human.

This isn't the teeth a canine would posses.

Okay, I never thought about this. Based on my equine teeth, I’m assuming the probability of me eating meat again is 0/100. Whoever made ponies did a good job at restricting them from ingesting meet; I don’t think I will see any cannibals of my kind of a while. Then again, who eats horse meat anyways? Well, if people did, then I don’t have to worry about that. But, I have to worry about surviving without meet for an unknown, estimated time of my life.

Speaking of meat, I haven’t eaten food in a while. Did I eat yesterday? Man, yesterday was such a blur.

You ate pizza, remember?
Oh yeah, now my bell is ringing. I had a slice of- wait a second! I only ate that?

Okay, me accumulating only one meal is definitely uncanny. I’m not big or anything, but that modicum of food usually doesn’t satisfy my needs. Funny, because I was quite hungry earlier that day. Actually, my stomach was shaking earlier that day. I mean, it felt like an earthquake was taking place in there, but one simple slice was enough to end it? Do ponies eat less then humans or what?

My stomach made a rumbling noise.

Hey mook. Are you going to get your head out your ass and feed me some damn food?

Oh, not this guy.

I put my hoof on my stomach and rubbed it. Despite me not having the ability to open my hoofs, I can still feel the fur of my stomach clearly. “Good morning to you too, Mr. Stomach.”

Geez, ironic how my stomach starts to talk the moment I talk about food. Maybe I was always hungry but never thought about it. The fact is: I’m starving vicariously and I’m starting to feel it... Well, I guess I should check if there is still more chicken in the fridge.

Andddddd you get nauseous when you’re next to chicken.
Since when?
Dude! Can’t you at least make an effort to remember yesterday?
I’m serious, man. I have no idea what you are talking about.
... really?
Would I lie to you?
Wow. Well, it all started when-
I’m just messing with you.
Oh, okay. I thought you had an aneurysm.
If I did, you would feel it too, correct?
Besides the point. Point is, you are allergic to meat.
Look, the smell is uncomfortable but it doesn’t mean I’m completely sensitive to it.
Alright. Let’s bet.
On what? You have nothing to lose or gain.
I can get bragging rights.
Fine. When I eat meat and survive, I will rub it in your face until you feel me!
Alright. Let’s do this you arrogant little cockroach.
You didn’t have to call me a cockroach...
Sorry bro. It just sounded epic, you feel me?

Well, on that notation, I guess meat is not out of the question. Now I can determine if a meatless diet is necessary or not.
Might as well start planning to eat hay for the rest of your life!

My stomach started to make noise again. However, this wasn’t because of food deprivation. "Oh yeah, I forgot." I said as my pupils diminished in embarrassment. I hopped off the sink and landed on the floor. While I was landing, I forgot to set my position and my face slammed on the floor.


I laid on the floor for a few seconds before I let a muffled scream out. For the second time in a two day duration, I fell on my face. I pushed myself up and rubbed my muzzle. "I'm so dumb."

I turned towards the toilet and sat on it. "Okay, now I just have to-OOO!" I

I grunted as my stomach began to empty gradually as seconds passed. I sat back and closed my eyes while I let nature do its work. As nothing came out anymore, I flushed the toilet. I yawned and got up.

"That felt good," I concluded as I dropped the toilet seat. I then went back into Spider- pony mode and hopped from the toilet seat to the sink. As I looked at the water control knobs, I scowled.

Okay, this isn’t anything new. Remember when I took a shower yesterday and had to use my mouth to turn the knob? Yeah, I’m not doing that again. Not only did I embarrass myself, but it felt dirty using my mouth on that. Even though this was a newer set, I still don’t think I’ll adapt to that type of life anytime soon.

But, pressing my hooves together won’t do anything as far as I’m concerned. It’s just gonna slip off or I’m going to fall on the back of my head while attempting. Either way, this will be easier if it was pony friendly.

Honestly, the hospital from yesterday was hell, but at least the bathroom had an automated sink. It saved me the trouble of *shivers* putting my mouth on the knob. Yeah, a knob where two million strangers touched it. The sad part is I might suffer this fate when I use a public restroom.

I blinked, "I should take a shower..."

Hey, this shouldn’t be so bad. I mean, I embarrassed myself infront of Katie yesterday because of my inability to use a shower; so maybe it’s time I learn. I have to admit, working on the shower didn’t end on a ‘high’ note; maybe that’s why I wanted to smoke after that.

Well, I should concentrate on the sink right now. I should really wash my hooves because it’s apart of good hygiene.

I placed my left hoof on the hot water knob and pushed against it. I’m on the edge right now, so I think I should just try anything at this point because yolo, right?

No, just no.

I closed my eyes and turned my hoof left. After I felt the knob progress, I opened my eyes and gasped. The water started to pour out the faucet and the knob clearly looks as if it was moved.

“Holy shit.” I deadpanned.

I put my hoof back on the knob and turned it left. “Wow...”

Okay, apparently I’ve been using my hooves wrong the whole time. I didn’t know I could move things like that! I mean, I never saw the ponies in the show pick up stuff in that type of fashion.

Then again, they do many mundane things we human do. I’m not only speaking of Unicorns and Pegasus, I’m speaking of earth ponies too. I mean, cooking with hooves? Yeah right... even that is too unbelievable for a cartoon.

I turned the knob all the way and put both of my hooves in the sink, letting the water wash the dirt off my hooves. I brought my hooves back slightly as the hotness of the water started to burn me to a degree.

I grimaced. “Okay, that’s enough water.”

I put my hooves back on the knob and repeated the process in reverse. Next time I need to be more conscious on how high I turn the water.

I turned my head toward the bath/shower combination in my bathroom. The purple curtains covering the entrance to the shower is enough to grind my gears.

You have magical hooves, remember?

Oh yeah, maybe they will work for the curtains, too?

I walked towards the shower and moved the curtains out of the way. After moving the curtains, I glanced at the side of the shower. Immediately, my spirit was demoralized because of the lack of the shower’s capacity. I never really thought about it, but I doubt I will be able to turn comfortably because of how long I am.

Okay, I’m not the longest pony, but I can tell turning is probably going to be a bitch. I never realized it yesterday because I was all the way in the front of the shower, but everything comes with a price I guess.

I looked at the towel rack next to the shower and searched for the dirtiest one. After spotting it on top of the rack, I used both of my hooves to grab it and drop it on the floor. This is helpful because now I won’t cause damage the floor with water when I exit the shower.

Since the towel rack is right next to me, taking a towel would be unnecessary. I’ll just take one when I’m done with my errand.

Okay, now that I’m finished preparing, here comes the more complicated part: How the heck am I suppose to jump over the bath tub’s edge without falling on surface of the tub? The height of the tub is pretty big as far as I’m concerned, so climbing would be futile.

Yeah, you’re gonna fall, but nothing will hurt. You’re only like what, 1 inch from the ground? It’s not like you’re jumping off a cliff, bro.

I sighed and hopped over the edge. I landed on all fours to my surprise, despite me not bracing myself for the fall.

I shrugged and used my hooves to drag the shower curtains closed. Even though I’m already naked, leaving the shower curtain open still pecks me for some reason. Plus, it will get all over the floor, which will garner trouble for me.

After securing privacy, I turned towards the shower’s nozzle and grinned. I’m excited to see the shower because today is the day I will finally master using it! Know that my hooves are magical, I can control it without ease.

I stood on my hind legs and bent the head of the shower down a little. I pushed the shower’s water dispenser close to my face and smirked. “Well well shower, it’s been awhile,” I said mischievously.
“This time, I control what part of me you shoot water at.”

Okay, not only is me talking to a shower like it’s a sentient being scaring me, but because I actually meant those words. Yeah, I admit, the shower was a small part of messing my day up, but it still was ridiculous. The worst part is Katie saw it. Do you have any idea how bad that is? If I was alone, it wouldn’t have that much of an impact; too bad the key word is if.

I eyed the middle silver tap of the shower pressed it. I then carefully put my hoof on the hot water control and rotated it on the right side.

A cold mist began to splash on my face. At first, I wanted to jump in shock at the sudden temperature change, but then I began to feel the hot water come in. I closed my eyes as my mane started to mat on my face. I have admit, this feels refreshing. I’m sure my dirty mane will become squeaky clean after I’m finished with the shower; plus I probably need to wash my face also.

Still, I usually use a washcloth to take a shower. What will rinsing do basically?

Hey, you’re still getting rid of those germs.

Brain has a point: I can feel tiny things in my mane fall out as the water continues to spray across my face and body After letting it wash for a few more seconds, I shook my body as my mane started to whip out my face.

To my surprise, the shower wasn’t as cramped as I thought. As I turned, my eyes gleamed open as I felt water hit against my flank. The hot sensation of flows of water made me stood I memorized like I was glued against the floor.

I started to moan in acceptance, until I caught myself acting out of character but in instinct.

My cheeks flushed.

Did.... I just violate my own body.
Yes, congratulations. Do you want a cookie?

Damn, this is awkward. I was hoping to have a good Rinse-and-out, not have a rinse inside my body! I don't think I have the courage to even try to look at my “thing”, so why in the world would I take advantage of it?

I shivered. “Okay, that is enough showering.”

As I turned around, I lost my balance and accidentally slipped on the tub's floor. I closed my eyes immediately, hoping the water doesn't barrage on my face.

I frowned as I indeed felt water barrage against my face. Okay, let me re-word it: I don't want water to get in my eyes because that will be a total bitch for me, considering I'm in the shower and stuff.

Alright, I have to play this safe. All I have to do is pretend I'm doing pushups, but instead of going back on the floor, I'm trying to recover on my feet or whatever you call it.

I gritted my teeth as I used my hooves to push me back on all fours. After succeeding, I continued being cautious by keeping my eyes shut and started to rely on my natural instinct to turn off the shower.

Of course, the off button is right in front of my face, but it's in the middle. I don't want to mess up and repeat the same process from yesterday. I guess it's time to use the 'feeling' trick.

Wait a second, what's good with me? The shower isn't directly on my face anymore! Wow, I've been beating a dead horse the whole time. I'm glad I caught myself, because I was dead-ass going to use the 'feeling' game. Now I can just turn it off and digress from the unnecessary physical action.

I opened my eyes and slammed the 'off' button. The water stopped instantly as the sound of the water sprinkling faded.

I sighed and put my hooves to vision. “Not bad hooves...” I muttered. “You came through great today. Maybe there will be a future for us?

Yeah, I miss my fingers, but I think me and my hooves will have a bright future. I mean, fingers are 'mans' best friend, but I'm not man anymore. I'm a pony, so I guess this is where hooves becomes relevant.

I sighed. “Things will never be the same after today...”

Actually, things wasn't the same since yesterday

On that note, I started to prepare for my departure from the bathroom.


“That was refreshing…” I cooed as I exited the bathroom. A relaxed look was still visible on my face as I came out the shower with no harm done. Okay, despite the accidental shower attack, everything was guicci. I overcame my shortcoming yesterday without the help of Katie or any other human; I did it with me and myself.

I feel slightly accomplished, but I also feel slightly relieved. Now that I know my hooves are ‘magical’, I might not have to relinquish everything from my niche. Like, I could still probably play video games or eat properly. Heck, I can probably use my phone!

Nah, let me not get my hopes up. There is no way my magical hooves just appeared overnight, I probably had them since day one but was too oblivious to even notice it. If it's really that case, then I guess there are some limitations.

But, I can still be grateful. Life can be a lot easier for me now that I have some control of my hooves. Taking a shower was evidence to that clearly.

Hey, maybe I can still play ball with these magical hooves? I mean, it's highly unlikely that I will have the same success as before, but it's worth a try, right? I should totally go and try that out!

You're too short. Come on, not to be blunt, but you can't play ball in your current condition.
That's why I said 'it's worth a try' brain.
Bro, stop playing with scissors and shit. Cut the crap: there is no use trying, you're only going to get angry when you find out you can't play anymore.
What ever brain. You're a pessimistic shrewd anyways.
Alright, bet.
Is that your solution to everything? Look, betting won't change my perception of you: Let's face it, you are right every once in a while, but advice is not your main asset. Besides, I got practice today anyways, you ass.

Fine. When you can't dribble between your legs because 'you're too small', don't start crying again, idiot boy.
Sexy ass!
So, I heard your brain is good...
Alright, you win.

Before I started to walk down the hallway, a familiar figure came in my view. It was the most unsuspecting/ not welcomed one either. The figure looked void of patience and primed to kill somebody. I’m guessing I took a lot of time in the bathroom.

I started to grin. “Hi Mom.”

I looked at my Mom for the first time in 14 hours. She is wearing a purple robe with matching PJ’s underneath. Her hair looks terrible: It looks like a mop that just came from cleaning the men’s bathroom. If she looks she just woke up, I would be shocked, unless she had a hangover. If not, then I now know I’m not the only one with that problem. Maybe that’s why the first thing women do in the morning is go to the bathroom. Wait, that’s what everyone does.

She blinked. “Hi Shawn?”

“So…uh... how did you sleep?”

Wow, that was a stupid way to start up a conversation. I guess this is where my anti-social side comes around and kicks my stomach. Middle school sucked!

Mom continued looking at me in awe. “What were you doing, Shawn?”

“I took a shower,” I stated coolly.

She put a hand on her hip. “Then why is it coming from one spot?”

I frowned. This question got me perplexed some what. What does she mean one spot? There are plenty of spots on my body, so she is gonna have to specify where the water is coming from. I remember drying completely without leaving a trace of liquid.

"I don’t know, where else would the water drip?”

Mom continued concentrating her eyes on me. Why would I say that so sarcastically for? This is a peculiar question, but it's still a question nevertheless.

“I know it shouldn’t just be dropping between your legs…”


Suddenly, I heard a small amount of water drip on the floor. It sounded like the water dropped directly beneath me. Yeah, no doubt the water came from between my legs.

My cheeks reddened instinctively. Shoot, I forgot to wipe down there. I hope I didn't wet the floor.

Okay, so I forgot to wipe somewhere. So what? Why is Mom giving me such an awkward eye?
Yeah, stuff like this happens, Mom. Sometimes the water starts to drip out your ears. Why is it related to dropping between my legs? Well, rudimentary would tell you that they both are the direct result of not drying properly!

Then again, rudimentary would tell me to dry properly. Okay, I'm guilty.

I sighed. “Mom, what are you implying?”

Mom returned a sigh of her own, but it lacked annoyance. “You didn’t do anything suspicious with the shower?”

Suspicious? What does she mean suspicious? I just took a shower and came out. I did come face-to-face with the shower, but I didn’t do anything out the norm. Is she trying to say I’m…


My eyes batted open. “Mom, what are you trying to say?” I questioned with apprehension in my voice.

Mom’s expression dried up and turned more hostile. “Did you masturbate or not?” she said more directly this time

My eyelids lowered as my stomach began to rumble again.

‘Why?’ I thought in my head.

Suddenly, I started to feel nauseous as my stomach was sending a mixed signal to me. For some reason, the thought of me using a shower is hot but also… disgusting. Why would Mom even think about me doing that?

Okay, I’m a guy stuck in a mare’s body; nothing suspicious about that!

Wait, never mind. Mom is totally justified since all Men are apparently perverts. I’m not really a pervert, but I always wanted to do ‘that’ in this body ever since I changed. Huh, that’s strange I never did it yet. I had the chance to yesterday when I was using the bathroom, but masturbating in public is illegal. Also, I never really was alone the whole day; someone was always in my presence.

But you didn’t do it when you were alone, you reclusive mook.

“I think I’m gonna-“

My eyes widened as I felt some waste build up in my mouth. I discarded my conversation with Mom and rushed back inside bathroom.

When I reached the toilet, I realized the seat was closed. FFFFFFFUUUU-

Really? I regret closing that seat! If I knew Mom was gonna say something as absurd as this to me; I would have skipped washing my hands!

But that’s just as disgusting.

After the substance started to build up in my mouth, I covered it with one hoof and put my hoof on the toilet. I jerked the toilet seat up stuck my head 3 inches away from the water inside the toilet.

Oh god…


Mom dead panned. “Oh. Then why were you acting so nervous if you took a shower?”

My mouth gaped open at Mom. I can’t believe she is gonna counteract me even though I reacted with disgust after she told me what she believed I was doing! I had to regain my composure just to tell her what happened, but her skepticism once again tips me in the tuck.

She is so persistent. Why do I always encounter persistent people? They either beat the talk out of you or they beat the crap out of you.

I was sitting on the toilet seat, giving Mom a vexed look. Okay, us having a conversation in the bathroom is weird, but she demanded answers right away. I just want to get this over with because I don’t want to turn something small into an affair.

I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t acting nervous.”

My left eye twitched slightly. “I was embarrassed that I forgot to dry! Oh my god, you are still gonna question me despite what just happened? C’mon Mom…”

Mom’s sighed. “Alright Shawn, you’re right. I’m sorry, I just over reacted for a second.”

This time, I give my own awkward eye. I understand she is a mother and everything, but she is bugging. There is no need to get so uptight about me doing ‘that’. I’m like, a teenage guy in the head and stuff. Even though I didn’t do that in a couple of weeks, it’s perfectly normal.

“Mom, me masturbating isn’t anything to worry about. Sure, it’s awkward, but it’s not a catastrophe.”

I raised an eyebrow at Mom. “I don't plan on doing anything to abuse them. But, if I did, why would it matter?

Mom put a finger to her lip. “So you don't care what happens?”

Care what happens? Once again, Mom's indirect way of speaking got my mind flipping like an acrobat. I know she is definitely implying something because even though this isn't my original genitalia, I still don't want anything to 'happen'. If you know what I'm saying...

I sighed. “Mom, you lost me again. Care about what exactly?”

“Do you want kids or not?”

I blushed in embarrassment.

That question is enough to break me. Me having kids? I know what that implies, and now I know why Mom was so worried when she saw me come out the shower. She thought I was playing with myself like I was clay, which wouldn't make me fertile anymore.

I get it: She wants me to have kids.

“Hell no! Not anymore!” I shrieked.

Mom flinched at my outburst. “Why?”

Why? Why? Obvious reasons, like me being called ‘mom’ for one. Yeah, that one reason covers a million reasons why.

I deadpanned. “Obvious reasons, Mom.“

“I thought you liked kids. You always fantasized about ‘Shawn Jr’.”

Ah, Shawn.Jr. Okay, I admit, I always wanted a kid. A son to be precise. I still do want kids, but I’m afraid of having them now because of the circumstances. Honestly, I never thought about this thoroughly. In a few years when all my friends will start their own family, I will have to live by myself. Why? Jessica wants kids too, and if we can’t make love; there is no relationship in the future.

Plus, I feel bad for Mom. She always wanted to be a grandparent, but she.. what am I talking about? She has two other kids. Yeah, I don’t feel bad for Mom anymore; fuck that noise.

“Mom, I don’t know I highly doubt it. I don’t want to deal with that pregnant stuff,” I sucked my teeth.

Mom looked at me sympathetically. “We will talk later. I need to take a shower now.”

I nodded and hopped off the toilet. “What do we have to talk about?”

“Well...” she circuited, “Remember I stressed you to be as manly as you can be?”

I nodded. “Yeah, you remind me everyday by complementing my six-pack. Why?” Yeah, that sounded too egotistical for my liking.

She smiled bleakly. “Well, I’m concerned about your femininity.”

My face dropped at the word ‘femininity.’ That word is the complete opposite of the word I use to describe my personality with. The ‘sister’ of that word I use to have physically. The sad part is I was so close to being a guy again in my dream. I mean, I had abs, my voice, etc...

“Didn't you say I'm your son forever...” I muttered.

Mom chuckled. “No Shawn, you're not. You're now my 'daughter' and I expect you to act like it. You're a girl now after all.”

Ironic, I remember Mom saying the same thing to Katie when she was younger, excluding the “now'. This is a classic line used to every girl who acts like a guy, I guess. I wonder if anymore gender swapped ponies' moms are happy like mine.

Speaking of which, I still don't know why Mom turned so happy yesterday. Especially since the U.N are a bunch of psychos. I'll have to ask her that later.

WAIT A SECOND! Didn't Mom say I will be her 'son' forever? What is with the change of emotions all of the sudden? Was that statement not genuine or what?

“Alright, I'm a girl, but that doesn't mean I have to act like a barbie,” I said while rolling my eyes.

I just realized I 've been doing that a lot more often. I never do that usually because 1. It's childish 2. On;y people with bad attitudes do it. I don't have a bad attitude.

Mom continued laughing. “Shawn,I don't expect you to. But, it's small things like your hair and stuff. ”

The correct term would be mane since I have hair all over my body, but whatever.

“Well, I was gonna have Katie do it...”

Mom shook her head. “Oh heavens no. Your hair is beautiful and has vivid colors, do you know all the things I can do with it?”

The way she says it scares me. She is probably gonna give me a Rarity type of mane and put a ribbon in it. Hell-to-the- no! This is why I like Katie doing my mane; she respects my privacy and listens to my demands. Mom on the other hand will certainly violate and force me to rock some sissy hair style.

Yeah, I need to get out of here before Mom turns psycho and gives me an 'extreme' make over.
If I start an argument with her, it will definitely happen due to me 'giving sass' and will even hype Mom up further. She already got wrong ideas in her head at the moment, so why would I augment that?

“I’ll think about it.” I said as I walked out the door apace. Before I completely exited it, I heard my Mom yell out “Don’t forget to shut the door.”

I bucked the door closed as a loud slam accommodated my ears. I squeaked. “Okay, maybe that was too hard.”

Well, this was an interesting morning. No, I’m not gonna talk to Mom later. I am who I am. Besides that, it surprised me that Mom was discussing these type of things to me. It’s so unusual because Mom cajoled me to enforce a strong heterosexual agenda. I would expect her to want me to act the same; It’s like she wants another daughter. .

But, Dad still treated me like his son. Actually, Dad was devastated when he first saw me. My gender being changed was more concerning than my species being changed according to him. Huh, I guess it makes sense; gender bias is still relevant in households these days. However, Mom broke down when I turned into a pony in front of her eyes. Honestly, I never thought she would talk to me about bearing children.

Holy shit, I just realized something; I had a dream about being a ‘mother’ and now Mom is urging me to be one. Okay, I have to be more meticulous than ever in the upcoming days. I have to make sure I surmount the estrogen, continue acting hard, and most of all, stay away from stallions!

Well, not Jessica. She might a sexual maniac, but I think she will be able to control her 'thing' while she's around me. Yeah, I'm positive Jessica won't be making any advances...

No seriously, I hope she doesn't. That would be fucked up if she does.

My eyes darted towards the steps. Before I can approach the staircase, my stomach rumbled again.

I still have no fo-

I punched myself in the stomach. “Hold your horses! I’m going now you impatient brat!”

I averted my full attention back to the stairs. The darkness of the hallway made the bottom of the stairs look like an abyss, which made me nervous. The combined factor of my nervousness made the staircase expand and appear bigger.

I gulped. “Stairs, we meet again.”

I know how to talk up stairs, but I fell down last time I went downstairs.

I turned my body around and gradually my left back leg up. I motioned it backwards and descended half of my body as the other half stayed idle on the stairs.

“Hey, this is easy.”

On instinct, I began to repeat my movements like a pattern. The rhythm of descending stairs has become apparent. I gulped and began to do it without thinking. I can't see how it looks, but my movements feel glib and unforced, like I've learned pony locomotion when I was born.

Wow, first I master a shower, not I master stairs? Damn, I'm on a role today. Looks like stairs and showers aren’t my worst enemy after all.

If you look at this on paper, today has been a pretty good day. Despite the scary dream, It’s off to a good start and I’m confident enough to say it will be better then yesterday.

Why? Well, usually my gloomy days start off bad. Today didn't start out bad.

If you discard the dream, then yes.

At least it WAS a dream. I jumped into a mirror yesterday, and I honestly never knew it was reality!

What would you do if the old man was real?

You have no idea brain...

You have no idea.

Author's Note:

I think Mother's day was the appropriate time to publish this chapter since Shawn's Mom actually gets considerable time to shine. No, I wasn't planning this to be on Mother's day, it's just coincidental I decided to give Shawn's Mom character development. I forgot to enumerate how her character hasn't fully been refined while Katie, Dante and Shawn's dad are developed enough to perceive.

So yeah, nothing much to say for this chapter. Next chapter is the final chapter for this Arc. After that, I will be going on hiatus because of vacation. So, happy mother's day!