• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 13,175 Views, 439 Comments

Pony bound - Shortcourt

Losing your innate body isn't as easy as it seems, especially on earth.

  • ...

ball is life part 2

“Heheehe… catfish…” A kid on the table in front of me chuckled, likely talking to the kid next to him who also shared a laugh. Yeah, this is funny to them now… but later it won’t be.

Anyways, if I’m supposed to introduce them, both of the kids were brown skin but one of the kids had a flat top and the other one had a medium stubble. The one with the 90’s haircut name was Tyrell while the other kid’s name was Andre. As for the table in front of me, it had six kids and two… ponies. Wow, coach was right! I mean, I know one of the them is Kaise, but the one I was currently looking at was a blue stallion with a black, gothic style looking mane. I screwed my eyes and peered at him with more depth, concluding that his eye color is a swirl of… blue and red. I can’t describe it, except one side of the ring around his pupils is red and the other is blue. I’ll call him Adam Lambert until he tells me his name, nah let me stop.

As for the other kids, they were… you know, I don’t feel like describing every one of these kids. All of them had different shades of brown/black/light skin, wore different outfits and different hairstyles. Excluding the kids I mentioned, from right to left was Brian, Kurt, Wesley, Dequean, and Tariq. As for the other pony, I have no idea who that is.

Now concentrating on the back row, from left to right was Reggie, Boris, and Malik. Nothing really stood out from these kids except Malik was extremely tall. Like 6’4-6’5. As a human I was pretty tall myself, standing at 5’10, but that kid is most likely going to end up as 6’7 or something when he is finished growing. I think I look like the size of a kitten when I’m next to him.

I looked on the left side of my body and couldn’t help but notice the odd bunch that sat at the table. It consisted of two kids with a… pony sitting in the middle. I know the kids were Diego and Michael who was Spanish and Puerto Rican respectfully. As for ‘Malcom’ in the middle, he was a grey stallion pegasus with a silver mane, which I thought was pretty diverse compared to us. I glared at him but he immediately caught on to my glaze and cringed.

I could have been a Pegasus and a stallion, but I had to be the earth pony mare, huh?

“Um, you good?” he asked.

My eyes tilted towards the ground slowly. “Am I good? Am I good? Yes, of course I am…” I lied through my sharpened teeth, the dichotomy of my sweet tone and demented face attributed another cringe to his face.

Coach stared at me as if I had a spider web next to me. “What was all of that for? Did you two fight or something?”

I shook my head while heaving a sigh. “No, coach, it’s nothing. I don’t even know who that is.” I pointed at the other pony who sat on the opposite table of me, “Neither do I know him. I’m really confused.”

“I’m Kells,” the United States eye colored pony answered. Oh, Kells, the one with the crazy hairline. At least his hairline is fixed now, heh. Also it’s worth noticing his name is really Kelly, but he prefers Kells since he thinks Kelly is a girl name, which is actually a uni-sex one. I guess when you have a curved hairline your thought processes are curved-


If my parents named me that, I would call my mom Dad and my dad Mom.

I twisted my head towards the Pegasus pony while arching my eyebrows. “And you are?”

“Kobe,” he said, no, mumbled. Don’t know if he talks like that intentionally, but his voice is madddddd low! He sounds like the bass from a speaker you would use at a party. Not even swallowing honey will help him. Man, you know it must be hard for him to sweet talk a girl. Imagine a bear saying ‘hey baby’, that’s probably how it will sound. It’s over for him, man, he has to text message for ever and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s mistaken as a cancer patient because he is-

Stop getting off track!

“Oh… what’s up, guys?” I curled my lips into a smile, secretly attempting to abbreviate my embarrassment. Damn, even after checking the availability of the team I still forgot about these two.

You know, I just realized that the three ponies all have a K in their name. It’s like… KKK. Oh hell no!

“Shut up, Shawn, ” Wesley snarled. I raised an eyebrow and shot him a glare so piercing it can –insert simile-. He sucked his teeth, “What? I didn’t say that.”

“Whatever, man.” I yawned.

“So…ya’ll both girls?” Andre asked out of nowhere. I glanced at Kaise for a moment and nodded, still feeling relieved I’m not the only one in this treacherous boat.

“I see you… you even got your hair braided into pigtails,” he joked.

“Hahaha, you’re very funny.” I sarcastically replied, “For your information, my Mom did this to me.” In fact, I don’t even think it’s that bad anymore.

“I didn’t ask that. Anyways, why are you here though? This is boys’ basketball.”

I paused and mused over that notion for a second. Why am I here… same reason everyone else is here. I still got the text message, so I was ‘invited’ if we’re being literal right now. “Uh… because Michael Bolton called me? I’m still on the team.”

“You right, Shawn, but maybe it has to do with the fact that you’re soft?” Kurt suggested snidely while leaning his head forward, making his stupid smirk susceptible to my eyes.

I returned my own condescending smile. “Coming from the person who got their head banged on a locker…” Of course I was referencing gym class where one time Kurt urged me to ‘shoot the fair one’, so with me being exhausted from playing ball to being tired of his shit, I slammed his head into his own locker without any questions asked. He walked away with a nose so bloody it looked like a mustache. I guess you can say I always had anger problems.

He gasped. “I wasn’t ready! I swear!”

“Oh yeah, I remember!” Tariq piped in while grinning, “Shawn tucked you over, b, how you gonna let that rock?”

Kurt sucked his teeth and directed a hard glare towards Tariq’s way. “How does my kids taste right now?”

“Alright, stop! Let me get to the announcement before you guys kill each other!” Coach shouted.

Even though our chemistry is looking ugly right now, it’s actually a veil for our brotherly relationship. We can joke with each other even when it involves threats and still be tight together. We’re a great team, you know? This is one thing I loved about school the most: Basketball.
Truthfully, my teammates were the people I could trust the most. Even though I’m not ready to tell them all my secrets, they are the closest thing to a humanized diary I can have. I mean journal!

“And I would get to it sooner if Shawn gets rid of that stupid grin!”

Huh, I didn’t even know I was grinning. Must have been the effect of my pulse rate rising from those sentimental thoughts. “Um, sorry…”

“It’s alright. Now, I have one question for you guys…” He murmured while he looked at Kobe in the eyes with deliberate intent, “Why the fuck are you ponies!?”

I blinked. “Coach, if I could answer the question I would, but I can’t answer that because this whole thing was a spontaneous-“

Coach put his whistle in his mouth and blew it until his face became masked in a red aura. “HOLD YOUR TONGUE, HOPKINS!” he literally screamed.

I don’t want to spoil anything, but I think it would be substantial to let you know that when coach blows his whistle, his personality shifts completely. He goes from a gentle spoken fellow to a no coffee day fella.

“Yessir!” I squeaked. Sorry, but coach freaks me out when he screams. Such a powerful voice for a bald headed man. Imagine Mr.Clean screaming, that shit isn’t funny.

His face sparkled disappointment for a second as he blew the whistle again, albeit much lower. “So, you’re telling me you all woke up like this with no idea what caused it?” he asked with his regular speaking tone.

“No, sir!” We all answered in unison.

He didn’t respond but authoritatively started circling the lunchroom while folding his arms behind his back. “Oh, really? Look, there are fifteen of you here but twelve of you get to play. Four of you are gone and Malik is still injured, so we are down to ten. Right now, we’re good, but… if this keeps up… you know what happens, right?”

Kurt raised his hand, which I find ironic because we aren’t even in a classroom. “Uh, yeah, we recruit new players, right?”

“SHUT UP KURT!” Everyone in the room chorused.

He snickered. “What? It’s a genuine question!”

Coach scowled. “There’s obviously a problem with that. Anyways, if this keeps up, I’m going to have to cancel our season.”


My eyes bloated at the sudden explosion of ‘what’. Someone was right next to my ear when he shouted that too.

While everyone in the room except me reacted by bickering accordingly, I was too busy soothing my dynasty ears. Not only that, It was foreseeable he was going to say that. I mean why else would he call us down here? We only have meetings usually when… we never have meetings actually.

“This some BULLSHIT, coach!!” Michael griped.

“Coach, there has to be something to compensate for this!” Malik jeered.

“That’s it…” coach uttered huskily while reaching for his whistle. Oh man, I know what’s going to come next. I primed myself and put my hooves next to my ear, ready to squash it the moment he puts that murder weapon to his mouth.

“Wait, coach!” Deaquan called out with his relatively high voice, causing coach to pause, “I think there is another way around this! Why don’t you just let me play every position and play 40 minutes every night just to make up for the loss of-“

“Sit down, Deaquan. Nice try, but if we’re down to only four players, there will be a problem. Are you trying to say you can make a clone of yourself? No, now shut up.”

His outburst propelled me to ask another question. “Wait, how you know we’re going to be down to four players?”

“Because it happens every day, retard. Like, 8 percent of the U.S. is ponies now,” Tyrell answered bitterly.

I scowled. “Eight percent? Where do you get your statistics from?”

“Uhh, I don’t know… the internet?”

“What site?”

“Wikipedia,” he responded confidently. Everyone in the room stared at him bewilderedly. See, benchwarmers can’t start but they can always start shit! “What ya’ll looking at?”

“We’re looking at you, but you’re too stupid to realize…” I retorted.

My scorn was followed by a clamor of ‘OOOOOOO’S’ and various instigating sounds. “Oh shut up, will ya! Ya’ll some grown ass kids and still making those dying cow noises! Grow a pair.”

“Correction: It’s you who needs to grow a pair,” Wesley retorted, actuating more dying cow noises from the kids.

I deadpanned. “That’s funny?”

“Maybe not, but it’s trueeeee.”

“Alright that’s enough!” Coach interjected, “You guys’ season is in jeopardy and ya’ll argue like a bunch of irate customers at Starbuck! Shut up!”

“Ashamed…” Kaise muttered.

Coach turned towards the white pony. “Shut your mouth, Kaiseshawn! Your season is already over anyways!”

The unicorn cringed. “How do you know? I can turn human any other day of the week, coach. I ain’t even mad.”

“You will be mad comfortable on that that floor doing 50 pushups if you don’t shut up!”

“…Yes sir…” she muttered.

“Anyways, Who has any idea what is going on and why? I would like to know why because I’m confused as hell.”

All the ponies including me shared a slacked look, which made me assume they are just as oblivious as I am. Dammit, I was hoping I can gather some information from them, but they aren’t talking at all! I don’t care if they aren’t certain, I just need the smallest details possible so I can try to piece things together. In attempt to buy time, I feigned a cough. “How about you guys start? Like, when did ya’ll become ponies?”

“I became one Sunday,” Kells said.

Kobe followed by saying, “I became one yesterday.”

“Wow, really?” I struggled to keep my eyes from blinking, “Damn Kobe, that’s really crazy. Everyone I know turned last week.”

“It’s ight,” he responded.

“Maybe it’s starting to speed up?” Reggie suggested.

I shrugged. “Probably, all I know is Kaise and I transformed Saturday. That’s when I started seeing it on the news.”

Coach raised an eyebrow. “When did the transformations begin, Shawn?”

“I’m not sure, but I just know J-“ I bit my tongue on instinct, cutting off any more words from coming out. I don’t think they’re ready to hear about Jessica’s condition. “Let’s just say someone I know turned into one Wednesday.”

“Wow, you probably have beef with someone, b,” Tariq muttered.

“I guess… but why would I have beef with an alien?”

“Just stay away from me, b…”

“And why is that?”

His face blanched. “Because you’re probably contagious, dummy. I’m not tryna turn into a cartoon horse and have my season end!”

“You ode chatting, my dude,” Kells answered this time, “I was around nobody and I still became one. Tell me why?”

“Word. I was just in my room chilling with my boo… oh wait, I don’t have one!” Kobe murmured. Everyone pervaded Kobe’s statement as funny and dissolved into laughter. “That’s funny?” he asked with wide eyes, causing the pitch of laughter to rise even more.

“Don’t worry, Kobe, you’ll find her someday...” Kurt said in between chuckles.

“Nah, that’s a dubb. Since I’m not so dark anymore, she better come look for me.”

“Yooooooooooooo!” Tyrell laughed so hard he nearly choked. Kobe needs to be careful, because too much comedy can kill you, whether it’s to your expense or someone else’s expense.

“Anyways, how’s Jessica doing, Shawn?” Michael questioned.

I stopped laughing. That was the most random question I ever heard and I hear random questions every day. “Good I guess? Why do you care?”

He sucked his teeth. “I’m just asking, don’t get crazy.”

“She’s fine…”

“That’s great, but are ya’ll still together or did she cut you off? Or did you cut her off? Or is she bi-sexual and-“

“Why do you care!?”

“Calm down, Shawn,” Coach said while shaking his head in disapproval.

I rolled my eyes. “Weirdo…anyways! This could’ve been happening all the way from last week, but I guess it was ignored since it only happened to a few people.”

A few people who were probably too scared to go outside…

“Why is this happening? Who is doing this?” Malik enquired, in which I shrugged in response.

“When I find out, I’ma bite their nipples off!” Kells growled.

My mouth hung open. “Too much information, buddy!“ I hopped off my seat and swiftly walked towards the other table, “Did any of you guys even look at the news yesterday?” Silence filled the room, which was accompanied by sporadic whistling. “No wonder you guys are so in the past, you don’t even watch the news daily," I huffed.

Neither do you. Ain’t this like the alcohol calling marijuana deadly.

“Wait! Actually, I peeped something on the news about a pony killing someone in a taxi,” Reggie said.

I grinned widely while shutting my eyes. “Well… that pony was me. Kaise was there too actually.”

“My fault, Shawn! You got your first body I see!”

“My son Shawn is a hitta!”

“You the realest, dawg.”

“I’m not getting you tight ever again… maybe loose but not tight.”

“My nigga.”

Those complainants and sarcastic chimes lasted for about 10 more seconds until I had enough. “Alright I get it! I killed someone, but that someone wasn’t a ‘someone’.”

“What are you trying to say?” Diego asked with a frown.

“I’m trying to say that…” I stopped talking and quickly climbed on the table. If I’m going to be the center of attention, at least let me look tall. Now on top of the table, I reverted to a bi-pedal stance and held my hooves up for much needed emphasis, “I killed an alien! Or you can say Kaise and I killed an alien…”

Once again, another sustained amount of silence passed. Judging by their reactions, it wasn’t from disbelief, it was more so from dread. They probably concluded that their lives are going to be the sanitation’s man favorite thing: Garbage.

“Do you catch on now? There is a cause for this, but this is bigger than what we think.”

“…Wow, so it isn’t an infection?” Boris asked.

My left eye twitched. Boris doesn’t speak much, but if he asks questions like this all the time I understand why. “No Boris, it’s not. It’s a scheme manifested by some extra terrestrial suspect.”

“Damn, my fault, Shawn! Killing an alien, huh?” Andre snickered.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s not about killing, man,” I declared calmly while dropping off the table, “Besides, we fought him as a human most of the time. And give credit to Kaise too, I wouldn’t kill him if it wasn’t for he- him!”

He glazed at Kaise but eventually let out a proud grin that. “Oh yeah, forgot about Kaise. Did Kaise fight him with that horn on his head? Or should I say her?”

“Whatever floats your boat, bro,” Kaise said.

“My sonnnnnnnnn!” he rubbed Kaise’s head enthusiastically, only for it to be slapped away a few seconds later.

“Yes, Kaise indeed did. In fact, Kaise left a gash in his head that was soooooooo bigggg it-“

“That’s what she said,” someone sneered silently. Since it was spoken so soft there were only a few kids that laughed, but I didn’t let it break my focus. “Anyways! We killed him but his body disappeared. I mean, the police came after to investigate but his body was gone.”

“I understand now, Shawn. You’re telling me you didn’t get arrested?”

I shook my head. “Nope. We were taken for interrogation but that’s all.”

“Oh, good. Did you tell the officers about that?”

“Yes, they are going to investigate even further. He might have disappeared, but his attire and everything was still there.”

“Did they find anything?” Diego asked, the interest on his face as apparent as a stain on a white pair of sneakers.

“I don’t know if they found anything suspicious, but I think his license can be some sort of… evidence. Like, I remember one time this bus driver got real nervous when I asked to see his badge.”

Coach paused for a few seconds. “What bus driver?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you!” I glanced at the ceiling for a second as I recalled my thoughts, “Like, Kaise and I tried to leave on the bus, but the driver said ‘animals weren’t allowed’.”

“If that was me, I would have killed him on sight,” Reggie said through gritted teeth.

‘No you woldn’t you adopted bitch !’

I wanted to say that honestly. I'm becoming irked from people interrupting me with their opinions and other shit no one cares about. In fact, let me cut to the chase. “Long story short, there are aliens on this planet.”

“…And you’re saying they can be the cause for this?” Diego requested clarification once again.

“Probably. I just know it isn’t a disease, man. So if it happens to you don’t be surprised.”

For the first time, no one made any remarks regarding my comments and stayed silent. I can see the distress on their faces, which makes me distress on the other end. Some of these kids really loved ball. Ball was literally life for them, you know? I loved ball too, but I wasn’t as dedicated as these kids. Still, I will miss it. It was like the eldest child in my family: I don’t pay much attention to it but will miss it when it’s gone.

“So… there is no way around this?” Tariq asked.

I shrugged reluctantly. I contemplated telling them my ‘brilliant’ plan. I would get flamed I think. I don’t want to be flamed, so I’ll just keep quiet and see what these flamers come up with. “Eeeeynope.”

“Wait, hold up!” Kaise exclaimed while getting off the seat, “Did ya’ll boys did not get the memo?”

“What are you talking about, b?” Kells murmured.

Kaise continued ignoring the rapid questions thrown at her and took a seat on the table I sat at. I peeped coach’s expression and immediately knew he was ready to pounce at this lost cause any second.

“Shut up and listen to me. What type of talk is this? Ya’ll so ready to give up already?”

“Huh?” everybody grunted

“No seriously, what?” Tyrell queried at the unicorn.

“I don’t know about ya’ll, but ball is my life, man. And I’m not going to be a cornball and make a real long speech because I ain’t the one you should pull up to for motivation… but-“

“But what? Where are you getting at? Can you speak english for once in your life too!” Coach lowered his head and rubbed his temple as if he had a headache.

Kaise sighed and hopped off the seat, “You know what we should do? We should make a pony league and continue to ball! We might all be ponies, but we will be able to ball at the end! Feel me???” Once again, the silence bomb discharged. Silly me for thinking Kaise would say something intelligent. “What’s wrong? Why ya’ll looking at me like that?”

“Kaise, with all due to respect… there are aliens out trying to control the world and you’re still worried about ball? Were you dropped when you were a fetus?” Malik slowly chided in a tart tone.

“I am aware of that, guy,” Kaise replied with a roll of the eyes, “This is a basketball meeting after all, what you chatting bout? What, you expect us to do something? Boi, we ain’t the damn justice league! What can we possibly do that-”

“Stop!” I broke in while squeezing my eyes shut, “You know what? I don’t care anymore, I’m gonna tell my plan! Ya’ll not talking bout nothing so once again I’m going to have to be the ‘point guard’.”

“Oh, is that so?” Coach answered cynically, in which I just laughed confidently, further promoting my seriousness about the situation. “Don’t waste my time, Hopkins. It better make some sort of sense.”

“Copy. Now, you see, this is what I think we should do…”
“What do you think?” I asked briskly after explaining my ‘brilliant’ course of action, which was a rehash of what I told Katie the other day. Coach gave me an eerie look, which extended towards my teammates.

“I sound dumb, don’t I?” I whispered while seeking the corner of the lunchroom.

“You’re a muttafuckin gerb,” Kaise muttered, getting slapped in the neck shortly after her rude comment. “Ouch!”

“Anyways,” Coach took a deep breath, “With all due to respect, I don’t think your brain is the same as it used to be. You act as if it’s easy, Shawn. You know how much security is in the White House? There can be guards surrounding the house waiting to catch some sucker anytime. Hell, Bloomberg can be plotting to sneak back in the white house anytime.”

He right he right, my planwas just an outline though, I can garuntee- wait what? How did he know my brain is different? And Bloomberg ain’t work at the freaking White house.
“Bloomberg worked at the capitol, not the white house.”

“Exactly. He could be still trying to get in there after all these years, which means the security is tighter than ever! Every failed attempt he made, he failed harder and harder because security got harder!” He practically spit on my face from his babbling, which greatly disturbed me but I kept it to myself.

“… That doesn’t sound right.” I faintly whispered, slowly swiping a hoof across my cheek.

“Anyways, I’m calling the meeting an end for now. There is nothing more to talk about, really.”

I scowled. “C’mon coach! Don’t knock it till you try it! I will need you more than anyone else, man, you got to do it for-“

“DO IT FOR THE VINES!” Boris exclaimed.

No, do it for deez nu- nah let me stop

“Anyways, coach… you gotta-“

“Anyways, I’m gonna end the meeting for today. We have a game tomorrow, and I wanna see everybody come to support us, even the ponies. This may be our final games, but we can end our season with a bang at least.” My teammates got off their seats and approached coach, standing in a formation that resembled a circle. “You know the saying, whatever happens ‘happens’. So, when it does, I don’t want to see no one bitching, alright?”

Wow, what reassuring words.

Everyone huddled up and held their hands/hooves out. The ponies obviously were below the mix, but they were still were a part of it. However, something in my body told me not to gather with them. How can I call them a team when they won’t even support my plan? What is teamwork without aiding someone when they need it? Just because we play ball means we aren’t liable to help outside of sports?!

“Shawn, get yo ass over here,” Coach brusquely requested.

“No…” I muttered inaudibly.

“What did you say?”

I didn’t repeat myself but kept my distance from him. I knew better. Yes I may be stubborn, stupid and I might have a mild case of schizophrenia, but I’m not retarded.

He sucked his teeth but didn’t move from the crowd of kids. “GATORS!!!” Everyone shouted while throwing their hands to the ceiling. I uneasily averted my head from them. Gators my ass... if they cared about ball so much they would help me!

‘We’re a basketball team, not the justice league.’ I replayed the words in my head until I understood the complete meaning of it. Let see, basketball players play ball, and the justice league kicks bad asses in a bad ass way. Plus, you can get suspended for fighting in the NBA. Too bad the police, closest thing to the justice the league, aren’t doing jack booty. Fuck the police, man!

“Shawn…” Coach called out

“What?” I said as I got out my stupor.

“Wait, one second. Everybody, you’re dismissed, but I need to talk to Shawn for a few seconds.”

The kids began to clear out the room, giving coach and me some personal space. Thank god. What if he blows the whistle and embarrasses me in front of everyone?

My thoughts vanished when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked at coach and noticed he was crouched on his left knee. “Shawn… I just want to say…”

“Say what, coach?”

“Don’t do anything stupid. I know your type, the type to do something stupid just because you believe in it so strongly. Remember you got injured last year but still wanted to play?”

“Oh yeah. I almost cried in the middle of the court when I sprained my leg,” I said pensively. I still believed someone connived that to happen. I was just running up the court then slipped out of nowhere, the hell? My shoelaces were tied, so I don’t want to hear anyone suggesting to double check my shoes…

“Yes. Something will happen like that to you if you keep it up. You’re already on bad legs, so anything you do will guarantee you a wheelchair.”

“I can’t stand this though...” I hissed.

“And you won’t be able to stand when you‘re in a wheelchair, period.”

“Ughhhhhh…” I groaned in sour defeat. I know he is right, but I still prefer my haughty plan. “Yes coach I understand, don’t do anything stupid blah blah blah can I leave now please? My Mom is going to have my head if I don’t be home at a certain time.”

“See, that type of talk right there almost got your head claimed! Don’t die, I need you…”

“For what!?” I cried out, “I’m not able to play right now, so why would you need me? Maybe if you helped me fight-“

“That’s the government’s job, idiot, I know nothing about fighting aliens.”

“Neither do I, but I can try. I’m not gonna be human anytime soon, so having me fall back is basically you giving up your season.”

His lips pinched. “You’re right, but you know how hard it is to secure a trip to Washington? The school won’t go through.”

“The school can eat a frank! We can do it on our own time! You already know by now I have money, man.”

He scowled. “You think everyone can afford to go to Washington?”

“No, but they can save up and-“

He pressed his fingers on my muzzle, swerving me from talking. “Listen boy, er, girl, you better not kill yourself, you hear me? If you get killed, I will revive you just to kill you again, you hear?”

“I guess…” I lethargically replied.

“Good. Now I better see you at that game tomorrow, you hear?”

“I guess…”

He nodded and removed his hands from my mouth, rising back on his feet. “Alright. I would say more, but I have to get home. My wife is lusty.”

Isn’t he 40 something years old? How does his wife have a sex drive like th- oh, she 25. I forgot coach scoops up young chicks.

Finding myself ensnared with no response, I waved coach goodbye and began to walk out the lunchroom. So, this is what this whole meeting was about, huh? Announcing our season is reaching its nadir, which I thought was obvious. This whole thing could have simply been announced on the school’s loud speaker… unless it’s broke. Either way, this whole thing was a waste of money that the school doesn’t even have.

You know what I’m gonna do? Schedule my own private meeting without coach and talk some ‘serious business’. I’m not gonna just let this go by day by day. I had a good life and I would love to go back, thank you very much. I’m sure many people has been deprived of their good life also.

How about the ones that didn’t?

I don’t know. I’m sure they will prefer their normal life better than this aberration. Fingers man, fingers.

You right… especially them lesbimales.

You’re nasty.

“Then again maybe coach is right… I’m at a disadvantage here,” I muttered, feeling my hoof rub against my chin unconsciously. I flinched and jerked the freaky appendage away from my chin. Holy doodle, these things really do work by their self! But yeah, this is a disadvantage. Maybe I should just kick back and relax and let the Nypd kick their works. I almost died yesterday… do I want to put myself in that position again?

My stomach made an uncharming rumbling sound that I literally felt. Actually, I’m not afraid of death, but I’m afraid of pain. “And I gotta use the bathroooooommm!” I whined while tapping my stomach. Good thing the bathrooms are right next to me, because I was about to make the janitor work overtime to clean these floors, haha.

I was about to enter the bathroom, the gender correct bathroom, but I peaked inside and noticed there were an abundant amount of girls in there. Yeah, I’m not that dumb. Obviously I will attract attention by walking in there, not because they probably know me (which I doubt) it’s because they will freaking gush when they see me. Like, you never seen a live pony before?

I’m sure they haven’t seen one that looks like you yet.

Well eff that, I’m going into the mon bathroom. It’s not like no one is going to say anything, right?

I’m not sure about-

Great! I’m going in!

I trotted inside the bathroom and truculently stopped in my tracks just to address the small crowd of boys looking at me. As seconds went by, their faces became even more incredulous. It got so bad to the point where I thought someone was gonna throw up.

“You’re not supposed to be in here…” someone random kid in front of me muttered.

I yawned. “Look, I gotta take a shit. If you have a problem with me using the bathroom, you can fight me right now.”

“I gotta problem… let’s get it.” I turned around quickly with no hesitation to acknowledge the poor weaboo that tried to test my-

Holy Eve giving birth to Adam’s apple, this is one big motherlover!

A giant, round, chubby faced kid who looked to be about 300 pounds cracked his knuckles and neared me. He had a small smirk on his face, but the smirk was just another violent gesture from him. The funny part is I know this kid very well and knows how quick he is to fight anyone he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know me currently... which means he can crucify me right now.

My eyes grew distant as my sudden trepidation turned my hindlegs into pistons. “Matter of fact… let me go use the little girls’ room.” Using my size as an advantage I dashed between his legs and ran out of the bathroom with alacrity, not stopping until I safely entered the ‘pink’ restroom. Well, getting attention in a positive way is better than a negative way I suppose.

I thought you weren’t afraid of death?

Correction: I’m afraid of pain!

Author's Note:

Last update February 4? Damn, that is probably the longest I went without an update during the story's life cycle. I really apologize as a mixture of writing block and in real life problems conflicted with the story's progress. I wish I can prevent it but these things are inexorable sometimes.

As for the chapter itself, I hope it was enjoyable. Yes, I agree last chapter was too short, but I'm straying away from chapters above 6,000 words in the future for less tedious reading. And yeah I changed the tag to mature permanently. The uncensored chapters created more work for me, which was unnecessary. It also conflicted with the main story somewhat, so yeah it's M now. In the future the story might be alittle more edgy but only when necessary. Once again, sorry for the wait.