• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 13,175 Views, 439 Comments

Pony bound - Shortcourt

Losing your innate body isn't as easy as it seems, especially on earth.

  • ...

Waiting sucks


After Katie and I finished talking, we both went to our respective rooms to prepare for school. I don't know how much time was wasted, but I hope it wasn’t much because if I get detention it's their fault.

Other than that, I'm completely prepared for school. I didn't even consider putting any clothes on since I can't fit anything. Besides, I think I can go without clothes. The weather is nice outside for wintertime actually. Though, I might need a winter coat in the future incase snow storms are incoming. Pony clothing will be a dream for many people-turned ponies, but that innovation will probably take awhile to lift off. A pony can dream, can’t they?

Speaking of clothes, Katie gave me a pocket book to hold my books and accessories. I wanted to protest, but then I remembered that this is the closest thing to a saddlebag. I needed something to hold my stuff in anyways and a book bag is too much. It will also look very awkward hanging one of the straps on my neck, where a hand bag on the other hand's main purpose is to go around the shoulder, or in my case, the neck.

I'm still skeptical about it. It isn't overly girly, but it is surely unconventional for just going to school. It was a white Louis Vuitton bag, which I remind you is very fashionable and pretty prestigious. Honestly, the design Katie gave me was older and plain, but it's still low key valuable. Even though no one in my school will steal it from me, I'm sure someone will attempt to. Seeing a small pony walk around your crib with a bag like that is a big ass profit if you're a hustler.

Even though there aren't as many crooks these days, I still need to keep a firm sight on it and make sure no one tries to steal it, because people are a mess these days. They don’t even pilfer small amounts of money but instead take the accessories. And the thought of wearing one of these things never occurred to me, but I'm totally open to the idea of flexing with it. Not in the streets of course, but to my friends. Yeah, I’m the self-proclaimed 'fly guy' of the school and need to maintain my image.

You're self-proclaimed though. The image is in your head.

Brain... brain... don't lie to me. Am I trendy? Hell yeah I am, but these new trends have been great. It augments my collection of the baddest clothes around, so I am confident enough to say that everyone shares my sentiments.

You're still trendy though, fool.


I turned around and saw Dante slouching on the couch while eating potato chips like a 40 year old fat ass with a receding hairline. Man, I forgot I was downstairs. I remember arriving, but after that, I just went broke and spaced out.

I glanced at the tv and saw bodies of athletes with jerseys running around and going hard balling. It looked like a recap show since the footage was purely highlights, but I still looked on because I never seen the game. Warriors vs Heat looks great on paper, and judging by the highlights, both teams showed up and performed to the zenith of their talent.

“Sup Dante,” I said, still focusing on the highlights. My eyes widened as a big and dominant body postarized a defender of the opposing team. I couldn't here the crowd, but their reactions were easy to decipher. They were like 'God damn, we're tired of this guy.' Of course, the only athlete in this game who can pull of that superb play is Lebron James. Wow, I was just speaking of hairlines and this guy popped up. Don't know if it coincidental or if he is just omnipresent, because an old poster of him when he was reppin Cleveland popped up in my room recently.

Man, that was good times. I'm such a nostalgia nerd, but you would be too if basketball was at its peak when you were still male. I guess the world is a liberal bastard. I won’t be able to play ball ever again…

“What's with the bag?” Dante asked.

“I need it for my books,” I replied while whipping my head towards him, getting a good look at his bloodshot eyes. Wow, those look worse when you're up close. Is Dante forcing himself to stay up or what? “I also need it for other stuff.”

“What stuff?”

I frowned. “Don't worry about that, man.”

Dante yawned and stretched his upper body. “Whatever. Who gave it to you?”


“We always been close,” I gave a small shrug of the shoulders. “It's just that we are connected a little more, you feel me? Like, there is just more we can relate to.”

I turned my attention back to the television. Luckily, Dante didn’t over talk me and I was just in time for the final score. The heat won, and I'm not surprised. Still, it was only 6 points though.

A cheeky grin appeared on my face at a stat that piqued my excitement. The most intriguing stat wasn't Lebron's triple double, but Stephen Curry's 43 points. I never saw him blow up on the score board like that before, but I always knew he was going to become efficient soon! Yeah, a lot of people doubted him, but I had fate for this boy since day one!


“Hmm,” I muttered while turning back to Dante. “What is it?”

“We still cool, right?”

“Yeah, of course we are,” I replied.

“I don't know. I think Katie is talking about me,” he said while scowling.

I dead panned. “Nah, don't be silly. She got over what happened, trust me. Plus, I played the game with you yesterday. What's the problem?”

Dante sighed. “Never mind. Remember Shawn, a bro is always a bro.”

It took me a few seconds to make that connection. Dante honestly thinks I'm going to ditch him? This is a little pessimistic for Dante if you ask me. “Dante, I hang out with Katie more then you because she helps me with things you can't. It has nothing to do with me hating you.”

“Yeah... but you see... yeah... and I appreciate your... uhh...”

I grimaced. “Dante, are you okay?”

Suddenly, he passed out on the couch, eyes shutting and light snoring transpiring. I stared hesitantly at his collapsed body, wondering how he dropped dead in the middle of a conversation but not when watching highlights of a basketball game. The hell? Why was he eaves dropping anyways?

I rolled my eyes. I’ll let it pass this time.

I moved the chip bag away from his face and giggled. “Sleep well, big homie,” I stated while patting his back. Well, he is very tired. No wonder, he is sleeping in a dreaded position on a living room couch, which isn't recommended to be slept on obviously. Man, I can't imagine the agony he had to endure all these months in this living room. If you ask me, sleeping on the couch is specialized training for a camel to increase the efficiency of their humpback.

But, who needs imagination when I am about to experience it on the first hand? Yeah, my reign with the bed was great and I would love to have it to myself for the rest of myself. You know the saying 'what would you do for a Klondike'? Replace Klondike with bed and you get a visual image of a blood thirsty yellow pony. But, being equivocal isn't going to do anything but make me look petty and show I have no integrity. Sure, Dante complained once in awhile about the bed, but he never outright made a bet with me.

I don't want the couch, but maybe I will have more luck then Dante. I mean, Dante isn't really tall, and he is sleeping on the long couch. But it's sooo old, and old material usually make you feel old.

I sighed. I'll think of something, I'm sure I will. It will just take some patience and compassion.

I removed Katie's former bag from my neck walked over to the shorter couch, jumping on it. Instead of lowering my legs in front of the couch, I descended and sat on all fours, emulating the way the ponies sit. I don't know why, but I like sitting like this for some reason. It feels more comfortable and native; especially in this body. I remember pleading that I will never sit like this again, but I kicked that thought out the window.

Wait! What time is it!

Thankfully, the channel is displaying the time on the lower left of the screen. I looked at the graphic on the screen and read “8:03” out loud in my head. Heh, 8:03. Isn't that affronting the time of detention?

Yeah, it is. You go, rebel.

I dead panned and put my hooves on my face in agony. I just can’t win anymore for some reason.

I dropped off the couch and wiped the fur on my chest lightly. “You know, maybe I should have drunk liquor during that party.”

“Who is drinking what?” Mom’s refined voice questioned out of nowhere.

Oh crap…

I turned my head around robustly to see Mom’s head on top level of the staircase. “N-N o one is drunk, Mom. I’m just remembering what someone said,” I lied through my teeth in an inaudible fashion.

“I hope so...” Mom said as her voice impended. I closed my eyes and put on the best fake innocent smile. It would be the appropriate time for a halo to go on my head, but I think that is stretching boundaries too far. Mom chuckled.“Wow Shawn,” Mom’s voice got my attention enough for me to open my eyes. Immediately frown after getting a gist of Mom. Now I know why it took her so long to get ready: Her clothing is superfluous.“You look so cute with that bag!”

I pretended to ignore the compliment, but i felt my heart fluttered. I have no problem being cute really since I was called that when I was a little kid. Man, funny how someone as masculine looking like me was put into an adorable pony body. Will I become this pony or will it be nothing more then a mask? I don't know, because my logic slapped me in the face a half hour ago when I admitted to being a female pony!

Speaking of hours... I know why your Mom took so long.
Look at her get-up.

I did exactly what my brain suggested and felt my left eye twitch. She was wearing a black cocktail dress with a mini-sweater over it, 3 stacks of jewelry on her neck, fashionable boots, and bright red lipstick was evident. Well, I guess her taking that long time to get ready is warranted because she looks like a Chinese doll. Still, is all of this necessary if we are just going to drive me to school? If we were going somewhere formal, this would be acceptable, but damn! Can’t she see my schedule is pretty restrained right now?

I shook my head. “Mom, why are you dressed like this?”

“A lady always has to look her best, Shawn."

She reminded so much like Rarity saying that. Without the fake accent of course.

I rolled my eyes. I love this woman so much, but sometimes she can be an oozy. “But, no one will really be seeing you unless you come in. Don’t you think this is gratuitous?” I asked.

“No, not really,” Mom remarked casually, but honestly. “Besides, if I do have to go in, I came prepared.”

Can we just hurry up? I don’t want to go to detention!” I forced a smile while grunting, trying to veil my impatience.

Mom blinked. “But, don’t we have to wait for Katie?” Yeah, it’s eight something and classes start in about 20 something minutes. If she keeps hampering us, the only way we will get there is by rushing, and we all know that rushing in traffic is like playing sports without tying your sneakers.

I grunted. “Forget Katie! Let’s just go and-“

“What do you mean forget Katie?” Katie said out of the blue. Jesus, I just have bad timing today, don’t I? Every time I mention some one’s name they appear amid the statement. If I knew saying something scandalous would summon them this quickly, I would have been abusing it. Katie’s body got in view. “Why is my name in your mouth, Shawn?”

I looked at Katie's outfit and tried my best to not face hoof. Katie was wearing a freaking loose grey crop top with a “swag” printed on it. Underneath the shirt was a black tank top with flame-like designs on the sides. She also wore brown form-fitting jeans with a blue pair of... I don't even know what those sneakers are. Looks like champion. Don't know how it took her so long to pick that outfit, but that swag shirt is cool.

“Never mind that, let’s go!” I shrilled.

“What's with the impatience?”

I surrendered and pushed my hoof to my face. “Dude, I’ve been waiting for you and Mom for a longgggg time. I have no patience and I hate waiting. So please cut the theatrics and get your butt in the car.”

Katie held her hands up in front of her face. “Okay okay! Geez!”

I averted my head from hers and bit my lip in frustration. “Damn, you females love making people wait or something?”

Mom giggled contentedly, but I could hear the mischievousness in her voice. “But, aren’t you a-“

Nope, not going there.

“Don’t … please don’t…“I said, cutting her off. “I’m a pony and I still don’t know why my hooves are magical all of the sudden.”

“Your hooves are magical?” Mom questioned incredulously.

“Ya, it’s like magnets,” I cooed while rubbing them on my face. I battled my eyelashes. “But, they still could be useless as hell.”

“Like how?”

“Like opening a zipper or opening a door. Magnets can’t open a door, no?” I said while I was walking towards the door.

“We have to get our coats!” Mom called out.

I frowned slightly, but didn't protest. They need a coat and one minute won't make a difference; I just need to get a deep breath. I didn't go outside at all yesterday, and some fresh air is the escape I need.

But, that fresh air will soon go away when I get trapped up in the tight confinements of school again. Solving riddles... interpreting quotes... struggling with trigonometry...

Trig is easy.
Then why couldn’t you help me with that test for?
You’re a mook, you know that?

While I was thinking, I felt a cool breeze of air hit against my nether regions. Heh, why does that remind me of something?

“Oh shit… I muttered while putting a hoof to my mouth. My cheeks felt hotter than an oven, and yours would too if you screwed up like I did.

I forgot to bring more of those diaper looking things…

I dashed back into the house, disregarding any suspicious looks Mom or Katie gave me. I ran into my room and jumped towards my dresser, standing on my hind legs in process.

Damn, I never realized how fast I ran. I didn't get tired either, huh?

I neglected my thoughts about my shrouded boost in speed and started to rummage through the top surface of my drawer, looking for a specific bag. There were bags of cottons, band-aids, and q-tips, but there is no... oh! There it is!

I grabbed a clear zipper bag that was filled with pads inside. I forgot Katie laid this out for me, but thank god to the air that went inside my butt.

I dashed back downstairs with my inhuman speed. It's not like the speed of light, but it’s pretty damn quick.

When I stepped back down the lowest level of my house , Mom and Katie were glaring at me as they stood bossy. There were equipped in their coats, scarfs and everything. I on the other hand am plainly naked and currently holding them up because I forgot to carry something necessary with me.

I glimpsed at the bag and then back at them warily. “What?” I said while putting the bag in the pocket book awkwardly.

Katie crossed her arms. “Thanks for keeping us waiting, jack.”

I dead panned “You know Katie, a wise man once told me a very wise phrase.”


“The oppressors are the biggest offenders.” I lied, trying to sound as frank as possible. Though, this is a pretty bad lie since I'm outright calling myself a hypocrite, and I never make people wait on me.And I never heard a man say that, so does that mean I'm the official source of that saying? Nah.

My throat thickened as I sighed. "Matter of fact, never mind. Lets just say I was rushing and forgot something important..."


Author's Note:

This chapter was supposed to be longer, but I decided to exclude it and add it to the next one since it fits the next chapter's theme better.