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Can't a guy just dress up as a named Pokemon Trainer and go through a convention on his own uninterrupted business? Pfft! Of course not. Something weird always happens at a con. For example, there's a guy who accidentally bumps into another cosplayer and wakes up in another world while in the form of the very Pokemon that is his portrayed character's partner.
Something about that last part doesn't sound quite right.
This fic may be borrowing from ideas that were implanted by exploring the internet a lot. Any relation to actual persons that happen to share certain names and personalities are completely coincidental and unintentional. There will most likely be violence. Some spoilers from Season 7 are imminent. All properties belong to their respective owners.
(Cover art by wormadam19.)

Chapters (11)

Damien Law was once part of one of the biggest villain groups in the USA. Key word on was. The first member went missing, now presumed dead. The second got stabbed while on his way to the store, and bleed to death.

It’s been five years since then. Damien has moved on. From all of the ‘work’ he did he has enough money to survive on till he dies.

So he decided to go to a convention dressed as a hero from Japan. What could go wrong?

Chapters (6)

The Venom symbiote finds itself in Equestria where it meets Spike an orphan who is outcast by the world. Together they will make sure that the galaxy fear them and tremble at their,very existence.

CROSSOVER: Spider-Man & Marvel comics

Chapters (7)

Spike is one day accused of a crime he didn't commit, as usual, nopony believed him except Fancy Pants because he and Spike had been hanging with each other. Spike still gets banished, but princess Luna believes Spike is innocent but they didn't have much evidence. Spike is transported to the badlands where he learns to fend for himself. He then slowly, builds up his own nation. The Crystal ponies starts hating their rulers and start violent protest around the empire. When they find the murderer of Fleur De Lis, everypony realises their mistake, but can they fix it?

A/N This idea just wouldn't leave my head. I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapters (26)

Heartfire. a tradition the Dragons had for years is shortly coming around the corner, Princess Ember explains to Spike while finding a mate for a dragon he will be Challenged for a fight. Ember sends her best guard to get Spike trained and ready for Heart fire.

Will Spike be able to get over his little crush on Ember and finally use this Tradition to ask her out? or will he be too late or will he have to use his claws to show her how much he cares.

Chapters (5)

After Spike's growth spurt, Celestia decided that its time for the young dragon to be taught what it means to be a dragon. So she contacts the distant universe of Avalar and asked Spyro to teach the young drake, which of course Spyro accepts. Now Spyro must deal with training a dragon who doesn't act like a dragon, keeping the populace of Ponyville under control, and fighting off the remains of the Dark Master's forces who have somehow followed him. Luckily he's got Cynder and Sparx alongside to help...right?

EDIT: Very late in saying this bu thank you everyone for getting this story to be featured. Means a lot to me.

Basically this is a T-rated crossover that takes place after the events of Dawn of the Dragon. I should mention that this story will contain spoilers for anyone who hasn't played that game. Of course, I don't own anything except for this story.

Chapters (39)

In a land far far away, a land very different from Equestria, there lived a Firebender by the name of Kurama. Unbeknownst to him, he was to be ritually sacrificed on his twentieth birthday to bring prosperity to his generation. In his final moments he cursed the world. However, he then awoke from the depths of oblivion into a strange world, the world of Equestria. Join him in his adventures to give his flames purpose as he makes friends and enemies beyond his wildest imaginations. In this tale of ridiculous pastel colored sentient ponies, what path shall he decide to take? well.. if he isn't driven to insanity first that is.

This is a HiE, Avatar the Last Airbender crossover. If you're not a fan of Avatar, I wont stop you from reading but a lot of the slice of life will be confusing to you. Enjoy!! (Beware of spoilers in the comment section)

Featured 12/12/15
Featured 1/25/16

Thanks alot guys.

Chapters (15)

After having nasty fallings-out with Rarity and Diamond Tiara, respectively, Spike and Silver Spoon each wander the town to clear their heads, and end up running into each other. Deciding to hang out together, the two develop a friendship that could become something more.

I originally wrote this story a handful of months ago. Now, going over it again as I repost it... I'm kind of ashamed, to be honest. I tried way too hard to emotionally touch the viewers, and it came out as sappy, contrived, rushed, and a bunch of other bad stuff. I apologize for unleashing this thing on you guys.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle and Spike save a dragon girl from a savage attack, and the girl is grateful, but her gratitude turns to suspicion and bitterness when she gets a glimpse of how dragons are treated within Ponyville. This sets off a long journey of challenge and discovery for Spike, and all of his Ponyville friends, that could change the fate of two nations forever.

Edited by CarcinoGeneticist

Chapters (20)

While foiling one of Robotnik (Eggman's) plans of world conquests, Sonic is unknowingly sent to Equestria and meets its heroes But he doesn't come alone; something else has followed him to the land of ponies. A power that could destroy the very land beneath his feet.

Chapters (35)