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Featured: 3/5/2018 at 10:28 AM.

Fifteen years ago, in the Year of the Dragon, Spike Draco was blessed with a rare gift — the Dragonfire. But at the age of five, he lost it, with his memories.

Ten years later, it has returned and Spike must be ready to defend his homes – Earth and Equestria – with the friends and the families from both worlds.

2/17/18: Rated T for some risqué scenarios, along with violent fight scenes that may be too graphic, and fan service.

6/8/18: Rated Crossover for a mixture of Them's Fightin' Herds, and other references.

Readers' discretion is advised.

Edit: The original cover image, should you be interested in Momlestia and Spike, can be found here.

Co-Author: alphasteel
Editor: DGJabberwocky
Pre-Reader: Beraxus

Chapters (114)

Spike Drake has started attending Canterlot Academy as part of a Co-Ed experiment. With him being the only guy in an entire academy filled with hot and sexy girls, will his teenage hormones drive him crazy, or will the boy-starved student body eat him alive?

Chapters (36)