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Spike needs to get out of Ponyville, and when an advertisement for an affordable travel package finds its way into his mailbox, he jumps at the chance. Little does he know that he isn't the only one who took the offer. What will come of his chance meeting with this beautiful mare? Friendship, or something more?

Chapters (1)

Applejack was out on the orchard going about her usual daily business. She is startled by some creature causing her to nearly break her leg. Unable to do anything for herself she reaches out to her friends for assistance. Unfortunately they are all wrapped up in their own affairs, all except for Spike. Applejack had always thought Spike was a respectable dragon with a good head on his shoulders, maybe more than she thought. Will she start to feel for the one of a kind dragon or will she drive her self to the edge to deny it.

Chapters (9)

Eddie Brock and a symbiote bond to make a creature called Venom, one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies/ reluctant allies. Despite their immense irritation, anger, and sometimes downright hatred toward him, both Eddie and the symbiote greatly value innocents. They will go to great lengths to save them, and stop others who wish to do harm upon them. This made Venom one of the greatest anti-heroes, and by some degree, could be trusted.

But when a "mishap" happens during one of their battles, Venom gets whisked to Equestria.
Now, Eddie and the symbiote must find a way back, if it is even possible. But how will the ponies react to Venom? Will Venom still defend the innocent here, despite being ponies who sometimes despise him? Perhaps Equestria could use a lethal protector...?

Update: April 23, 2020. Story will not continue in this fic. for more details, click on the latest "chapter", an update of the current situation.

Crossover of Venom

For those who don't know much about Venom or Spider-Man, you might be thinking I'm using a villainous Venom. I'm actually using modern Venom, who is an anti-hero. Reading the comics isn't required, but I will hint and/or reference them once in a while.

Also, I will go back at some point to edit the first couple of chapters. They don't include my best writing.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash's Spike

Love is a tricky subject. It isn't something that just affects one pony, or two, but everypony around them, It is something that affects everypony differently, too.

Spike and Rainbow are going to have to learn this the hard way.

How will their friends react to it the same. Will they all be happy for the new couple? Willthey try to break them apart?


Events from those stories have influenced this one. Some things might not make sense if you have not read these stories.

Chapters (13)

After finding her assistant missing again during her court duties, Twilight finds Spike with none other then Fluttershy and learns that the two have been a couple for a while. After overcoming her shock, she is told the story of how the two, unexpectedly, found comfort in each others embrace...

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Freshman Blues

With the days of Freshman year behind him, Spike is set to have the best summer ever with his sister, her friends, and his school friends. What adventures and fun await them all this summer is for you to find out.
Sequel to Freshman Blues Read that before this.

Chapters (14)

Spike has just started his first year at Canterlot High where his older sister Twilight and her friends attend. With a new school and new friends to make, will this outcast survive his first year or be overwhelmed by the high school world. Humanized.

Chapters (22)

A new chapter opens when The Legendary Purple Dragon Spyro and his mate Cynder discover that Malefor is alive and stowed to take revenge upon them. They then discover he opened a portal to a new world to gain new power and gain followers to praise him. Chronicler Ignitus informs The two dragons he must be stopped. Ignitus opens a portal Malefor entered. Spyro and Cynder awake in a new, unusual world. Along the way, they friended six ponies and two Alicorn princesses. Spyro, Cynder, and their new friends must now team up to stop Malefor before it's too late.

Chapters (7)

"I'm Spike, I currently live with my parents in which were constantly traveling until we decided to live in Everfree."

I guess you can say I travel a lot, recently I ended up at Everfree forest with my parents. Good news? Lot's of fights going on, I'll stay entertained kicking anydragon that wants to try and take me down. Grown Dragons, Manticore's and Ursa Major alike. Bad news? Outside the forest are some pastel colored ponies, they got in some trouble and turned to me. Me being the awesome badass I am agreed. Eh...

They're soft though, I don't like them all that much.



Just another side story in my brain! One where Spike wasn't raised by ponies! I'm currently working on an epic story, one that I'll need a lot of help and stuff with, I'll try to update my stories more when I can!

Chapters (5)

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. This Spike isn't a puppy though and must show the world that he isn't a pet but much more. Watch as Spike grows into his destiny as a protector of not just the wildlife of Equestria but the very balance of nature itself. Spike will have to battle against everything from, manticores, hydras, constellation beast, timberwolves, corrupt forest gods, and everything in between.

Featured 5/18/14

Chapters (16)