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Eager to try new spells that only Alicorns can perform, Twilight Sparkle asks her assistant Spike to assist her. Little do they know that this is an unlikely age spell. How does the gang react? But more importantly, how does Twilight react?

Cover picture ©Hoof Beat 2 (Another Pony Fanbook)

Takes place during the events of The Pinkie in Applejack's eye

Chapters (8)

Long ago in a distant land, Ivo Robotnik, the egg-shaped master of science, unleashed an unspeakable evil. But a brave blue hedgehog wielding supersonic speed stepped forth to oppose him time and time again. Before their latest confrontation reached its climax, the villain tore open a portal through time and space, and flung him into another world where magic and fantasy are everyday reality. Now the hero seeks to return to his world, and stop the mad doctor from conquering this one too. Along the way he'll meet new friends, new enemies, and just maybe something a little more. All while the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance.

Hang on to your seats boys and girls, cause we're breaking down the walls between dimensions.

Now on TV Tropes.
Cover art by BroDogz.
Sonic the Hedgehog universe, set directly after Sonic Generations.
MLP universe, set just before the end of Season 2.

Edited by, Jet Storm, Typoglyphic, Bok, and RobKuro85.

After some inspiration from from my good pal Gunflame, I'm throwing my hat into the ring for a good Sonic/MLP crossover. And I aim to give it the much needed improvement in quality that's so desperately needed with this particular crossover genre. I'll strive to make this one of the premier Sonic/MLP crossover stories on the web.

Thank you and enjoy.

Featured: 3/3/22, 6/18/23, 6/26/23, 1/1/24, 1/27/24, 3/14/2024

Chapters (16)

After having a fallout with Twilight, Spike discovers a whole a new world of dragon culture. However with this comes a dark enemy from his family's past that threatens not only his new home, but his old one as well.

Gaining new friends and powers, Spike and the Elements of Harmony go on one last adventure together as their countries ally and attempt to take down this new threat in a massive war. Only catch? The enemy has never been defeated before…

AU of The Rise of Spike the Dragon. Read before you judge and even if you dislike it be mature about it. Yes I got the original author's permission to do this story.

Chapters (5)

Spike has been rejected by Rarity after helping her for a very important client and a fashion show. He disappears shortly afterwards, leaving Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the gang saddened by his absence.

It has been three years since that incident, and the girls have gotten past the sadness, but still get together to remember the purple dragon every year. On this day, a new pony comes to Ponyville, and although he knows nothing of what his life was like, helps the group have more fun and fills part of the hole left in their hearts from Spike.

Idea for the fashion show goes to LordPlagus777's story Heart of Scales.

Chapters (10)

Hi! My name is Joshua, or at least it was before The Merchant got his hands on me. Now I'm just another Displaced. and to top it off the first ever time I fell in love... she was taken from me by outside forces. Now exactly one thousand years later, I'm reunited with the one i love with all my black heart.

WOOO FEATURED 8-16-17 thank you guys so much for all the support!

Chapters (17)

Dragons. Beasts of Fire and Fury. Of course, two things obviously come to mind when you think of these creatures. First, They're completely fantasy. Second, if they were real, then you would have to end up running away from them if you don't want to become their next meal. However, that's not quite the case for me, and I have a big friend who could say the same thing.

My name is Ken. You may see me as just an ordinary guy, but I'm not quite exactly what you may consider as "normal". I'm a Scalebound and I now made a pact with Revaan, the last dragon of his kind. From he knows of course. Now, we stick together and try to survive against huge monsters, manage my new life with a few friends from other dimensions and get along with the local population in a new world that I just happened to wake up in.

Oh, and another thing. That "population" I was talking about happens to be a massive group of ponies and various other species. Some who aren't as warm or receptive to seeing us as others are. Let's just hope we don't get on there bad side.

No promises.

Oh come on, Revaan! Seriously!?

What? It isn't my fault that I'm the size of a small building. I'm just glad that I didn't squish anything... or anyone for that matter

You and me both, my friend.

Displaced story based on the concept behind the Xbox One Exclusive; Scalebound by Platinum Games. With some added elements to it. The first few chapters might be... well, hard to understand everything going on, but once you get past that, things begin to clear up. Trust me...

Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Scalebound belongs to Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya
Takes place midway through Season 5 around the time episode 14 takes place. The narrative is first person and mostly takes place from Ken's Point of View. I want to thank Gale and a couple of other authors in the Displaced community who helped me come up with this. You guys are awesome.

This story will update when I have the motivation and time to get to work on it. I want to clear my to-do list of things to work on before we get there.

Chapters (48)

History said that one thousand years ago, the younger sister of two sibling princesses grew jealous of her sister's day when ponies shunned her night and that she was banished to the moon for a thousand years through the power of the Elements of Harmony. However, only half of the truth has been recorded into books and ponies' minds. There was one other who aided the princess in sealing away Nightmare Moon, who without his help and his ancient magical power, would've meant eternal darkness in Equestria.

Warning: There will be some swearing used in later chapters. Also, as I been pulled up a couple of times, the beginning chapters are sub-par. I'll go back to the chapters at a later date to fix them. But, or now, I ask you to continue reading if the first chapters are what's putting you off.

This is a fan-based story, Fairy Tail, MLP and any references all belong to their respective owners. I own nothing.

Featured: 6/09/2014 Best birthday present ever! Thank you all so much guys!
Featured: 30/11/2014 Wow. Seriously, wow. Not even five minutes after submitting it and you guys got it into the featured box again. Thank you all, seriously, it means a lot to me.
Featured: 8/09/2015 Again. Seriously, this is amazing. Thanks everyone or making into the feature box again.

Chapters (10)

An experienced thief dies before his time, leaving a mess that God must fix, the solution God thinks of is reincarnating him in the My Little Pony universe with the power of The Gamer.

Featured: 08/05/2019, 08/06/2019, 08/07/2019, 26/10/2019, 02/11/2019, 10/11/2019, 24/11/2019, 04/12/2019, 05/12/2019, 29/12/2019, 10/02/2020, 11/02/2020, 11/03/2020, 20/04/2020, 22/04/2020, 23/04/2020, 26/04/2020, 27/07/2020, Thanks, love you guys! Thanks for all the support.

Chapter with a - E    Are edited


The Fan Without a Face The mighty and elegant.

Twisted Colors -The almighty proofreader and BoyBlunder122 The powerful and wise.

A NEW MIGHTY EDITOR Dracochangewing,

And thanks to the mighty Vongoalyken for giving pointers

Chapters (17)

Just a little fanmade reboot of the show I decided to make. I'm basically gonna be remaking all of the episodes that I can remake, while also adding a few of my own original chapters. I hope all who read this take the time to understand the themes and messages it presents, and that just because it's a darker take on the original source material, doesn't mean it's bad. I'll make sure to balance it out with light hearted moments as well, so it doesn't seem like it's always taking a shot of grim dark stuff. And yes, Spike is the main character of this story. Twilight's the dueteragonist, and the other Mane Six are still main characters. I just wanted to try something new. I hope you all enjoy it. Also warning for farts in some of the chapters, but it's NOT a fetish story, as that would mean there were farts in EVERY chapter.

Little side note: Actually read the story before liking or disliking it, or at least post a comment stating constructive criticism so I know you actually read it.

For those who wanna read more after season one, please comment below whether I should make that a separate story from this one, or make season two a part of this story. Whichever one gets more votes will determine whether this story gets an 'On Hiatus' status, or a 'Complete' status, and also part of how I'll do season two.

I'm sorry it's been so long since I finished season one. I've just been more motivated to write other stories I'm currently working on. Hopefully, once I finish writing some of them, I'll have the motivation to write season two. All hail gay princes and epic character arcs!

Chapters (20)

Back home from "The Sandbox", one soldier tries to rebuild and restart his life. Though broken and depressed from battle, he is unsure about his place in life. Still living inside the bottle, he discovers MLP:FiM, which gives him hope and motivation to carry on. But his trip to the Central Library one day is what seals the fate of this soldier's future.

A small salute to those who have put themselves on the line and those who are going to.

I love the feedback and i'll try to respond to everything

Chapters (30)