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An ancient evil is about to rise from a third alicorn, and our only hope lies in the claws of a young dragon. Will he be able to stop this evil? Or will he die without telling the one he loves how he truly feels.

Chapters (28)

Part 2: Demon Days

Ever since Dante and Vergil’s fateful clash at the Gates of Tartarus, demons have begun running rampant all across Equestria. Now The Elements of Harmony must join forces with the ever estranged sons of Sparda and hunt down the demonic Tartarusians if they hope to restore order to their once peaceful land and return the demon twins back to their world. All the while, a shadow from Celestia and Luna’s past looms dauntingly over the unsuspecting kingdom of Canterlot.

The demon days that lie ahead for Twilight and her friends will bring with them a bloody storm that threatens to resurface the long forgotten, if not slightly altered, history between Equestria and Tartarus.

NOTE: The events of this story take place AFTER the following in their respective order:
- Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
- Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
- The Season 2 Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Concept Art and Image made by DROLL3
Pony May Cry Part 2 Title Card

Proofread by Nightmare_0mega

Chapters (29)

It was a few days after Pain's devastating attack on the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
Half of the town was completely wrecked, but eventually Pain was stopped, and luckily there were no casualties.
This was thanks to Naruto Uzumaki, now hailed by the townspeople as ‘Hero of the Leaf’.
Things were really looking up for him, finally being respected, rather than shunned and hated by the citizens.
However, all this becomes meaningless when a mythical creature appears at his doorstep, and somehow kidnaps him into another universe.

Now a stranger in a world full of colorful ponies, Naruto tries to conceal his identity until he can find a way to get back home.
But with a millennium old evil soon making its return, he might find he plays a much bigger part there than just an unintentional visitor...

Please review after you read it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!

AU tag is there for a reason, even though it is not obvious at the beginning.

Many thanks to SkittlesJesus for providing me with (yet another) epic cover art!!!

Many thanks to my editor Viper Redbird!!!
The story is currently undergoing fixing of mostly grammatical and punctuational errors.

Chapters (36)

(Naruto and Equestria Girls crossover) With his dying breath Madara Uchiha unleashed a powerful justu sending Naruto in a completely different world. With no way back Naruto must learn to accept his new life while studying in the ever colorful Canterlot High.

Chapters (17)

Every weekend when the library's closed and no threats to Ponykind are around, Spike and Twilight enjoy their nights with munchies and some flicks. This time though, their choice of cinema encourages some interesting discoveries between the long-time friends.

(Image is cropped from Frist44's work on Derpibooru.)

Chapters (1)

What would happen if Spike was born earlier than in the show and was raised by dragons instead of ponies? What if his teacher told him to come with him to meet with Celestia and the recently returned Luna. How will the princesses and Elements of Harmony handle a blunt, sarcastic, and strong young dragon. And how would this affect a certain shy Pegasus who is afraid of dragons.

A.U./Anthro/ Slow FlutterSpike

Edited by Starblade

Chapters (7)

Spike, banished from Ponyville for a crime he never committed, turned from his friends, he walks through the Everfree, were someone he never expected sent him on a new adventure and life.

He was called Spike, but now he will be the Dragon Assassin.

Note: kinda like an assassin's creed crossover

Assassin's creed belongs to Ubisoft
Mlp belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust

Chapters (15)

I've always loved my six best friends since we were just kids. But now that we're older they're acting differently to me, and I find myself acting in a similar matter to each of them. Our feelings for each other is becoming much different. Will our friendship remain true as we go on with our lives? I wonder.

Cover art courtesy of Duke Moon II

Tropes Page here: The Girls of My Life

Chapters (45)

Once again Spike is left alone at the library while Twilight is away. Bored and tired of always staying inside he decides to go to a night club with a friend. While there he meets a mare that shows him to loosen up and live life to the fullest.

Chapters (6)

Spike the Dragon has lived in Ponyville for a few years. Everything was as close to perfect as perfect can be, until Spike was accused of a crime that he did not do. He was sentenced to be exiled from Ponyville effective immediately. The dragon could hardly believe his fate as all the ponies he had been friends with turned on him so quickly. Even the mane six turned at his pleas. Only the CMC stood up for Spike, but being still young, no one took their word seriously. Now Spike goes on a Journey for a new home.

Also my pal theMyth assisted with this story by contributing ideas and editing pieces.

Chapters (16)