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As I opened my eyes, what I saw in front of me shocked me. There are 6.....creatures staring at me with curiosity, probably because they have never seen anything like me before. I know they are females. Need proof? All I have to say is, Boobs. 'Nuff said.

(Anthro Ponies)
Hi guys. Hope you enjoy reading this!

(On a different note, THANK GOD THERE'S AN ANTHRO TAG NOW!)

Chapters (13)

Morality. It's something that everyone knows, yet is subjective to each being. So, when ones way of life is threatened, their morality is put into question and they need to defend themselves, most would go to extreme methods. But what if the weapon that they make gets their own sense of morality? Forged through fire and blood, was a warrior, made to be the perfect fighter. However, he was left incomplete. He wanders, trying to find something that could make him whole.

Note: Sex is implied, though not detailed. Death and minor gore is prevalent from chapter to chapter, though nothing graphic.

Cover by Tyotheartist1 on twitter and instagram

First two chapters have been rewritten as of January 2023

Chapters (30)

Throughout most of his life, one question had been on Spike's mind since moving to Ponyville with Twilight. Who were his parents? It was something that he didn't think about too much, but was a question that happened to come back around whenever Twilight and her friends talked about family.

One day, a couple of dragons that claim to be sent by their queen arrive in Ponyville. At first glance, Spike thought that they were diplomats sent to discuss important matters with Twilight. Something that he doesn't usually take part in since he wasn't really experienced in such matters.

However, things take a bit of a different turn. For the dragons weren't looking for Twilight... They were looking for him.

It was about time I tried to write a story with Spike the dragon.

There's supposed to be a sad tag on this story but I have too much already.

Chapters (33)

( Chapter proofreading by: Pinkiepierocks and MD stephen51991 )

Yen Sid, receives a message from an old friend of his asking for the assistance of a Keyblade Bearer. Dark and mysterious happenings have suddenly started appearing in Equestria. Sora is sent on a mission to take care of the situation starting by looking for the world's key hole and locking it. As a request on Yen Sid's part, Sora will also remain there for a year to train and unlock abilities he never knew he had to prepare him for 2nd attempt at the Mark of Mastery and become a Keyblade Master. However, he will need the help of his new friends to activate it until he can learn to do it on his own. Of course this doesn't mean he'll be the only one getting something out of this exchange. His friends will be gaining some new powers along with him. The question is, will they be able to take on the Darkness that is slowly making it's presence known to Equestria. One thing is certain: Things are gonna get crazy with Sora and the Elements of Harmony.

I do now own Kingdom Hearts or My Little Pony nor do I own any pictures that you see in the story.

I do not own the background music, and it is optional for the reader to play them at certain parts of the story, you are free to not click on them if you feel like it. they are there basically help with the atmosphere of parts of the story.

Chapters (57)

Sometimes friends come in all shapes and sizes, and can come from the most of unlikely of places. but having friends from parallel worlds, well that's diffidently a new one. so what would happen when a Pokémon trainer on the way of winning a Pokémon league, gets teleported to Equestria, well I can tell you that things get weird, funny, and an adventure for the trainer to find his way home while helping his new friends deal with an invading wave of darkness and hunger.

now to give just a little context for you my readers, this fic takes place roughly a month or so after the start of Season 1 of MLP: FiM, but it will deviate in having story elements tweaked.

another bit of info I wish to give you is that while the Pokémon do have their 4 usual moves, in this fic, they will have some normal type moves for basic attacks. so something akin to Pokken Tournament. also Matt, the trainer will also take part in battles and fights (which honestly all trainers should have some level of skill in:ajbemused:)
-as for the team of Pokémon:

Camerupt (the Eruption Pokémon - Male)
Type: Fire/Ground.
Ability: Solid Rock – reduces damage from super-effective attacks.
Mega Ability: Sheer Force – removes added effects to increase move damage.
Moves: Eruption/Earth Power/Yawn/Lava Plume.

Lycanroc (the Wolf Pokémon/Midnight - Female)
Type: Rock.
Ability: No Guard – Ensures attacks by or against the Pokémon land.
Moves: Rock Slide/Counter/Payback/Play Rough.

Mienshao (the Martial Arts Pokémon - Female)
Type: Fighting.
Ability: Inner Focus – the Pokémon is protected from flinching.
Moves: Detect/Bounce/Blaze Kick/Force Palm.

Kingdra (the Dragon Pokémon - Male)
Type: Water/Dragon.
Ability: Sniper – powers up moves if they become critical hits.
Moves: Smokescreen/Hydro Pump/Twister/Icy Wind.

Probopass (the Compass Pokémon - Male)
Type: Rock/Steel.
Ability: Sturdy – it cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Moves: Lock-On/Zap Cannon/Magnet Bomb/Rock Tomb.

Alolan Ninetales (the Fox Pokémon - Female)
Type: Ice/Fairy.
Ability: Snow Cloak – Raises evasion in a hailstorm.
Moves: Ice Beam/Confuse Ray/Dazzling Gleam/Aurora Veil.

Chapters (20)

Dracule Knight is labeled as the most deadliest man alive, and marked as the strongest person on earth. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy, dracule lives life in excitement and action where ever he goes. So when a random portal transports him to equestria things get a whole lot more interesting for the warrior. instead of freaking out and wishing to go home, dracule takes the whole thing as a stroke of luck. being in a world full of magic, and creature only to believe were myths excites dracule to higher levels. sadly equestria is facing a slight problem, a monster problem. good thing someone's there to take these monsters on face to face, it doesn’t matter if your a monster, demon, ghost, zombie, you name it. Dracule will take you on and beat you down with a smile on his face. And lets not forget the sweet ass powers dracule gets that will help him in the long run.

Chapters (10)

One night, Princess Celestia was gazing at the moon, remembering the incident that happened less that a thousand years ago when a bright blue light suddenly appears before her. Once the light dies down, a small blue creature and seven mysterious gems that have an incredible amount of power remained. Seeing how young the creature is, she decides to care for it for a while only to see it as one of her own. After seeing how fast it could move she decides to name him Sonic.

Please note this is my very first story so please hold back on the hate.

(Cover Art by PhantomSavior)

Chapters (50)

The universe can be a strange and dangerous place. Once you think you've understood almost everything, you are blindsided by something new that changes your viewpoint on everything you had seen before.

In the land of Teyvat, no one knows this better than Albedo, the Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt. As the Captain of the Investigation team for the Knights of Favonius, it's his job to go out into the world and investigate things that cannot simply be understood. Whether it be changes in the behavior of monsters or the ruins of a lost civilization, Albedo's job is turn the unknown into the known. For every effect, there must be a cause or reason behind it.

Yet, Albedo is more than just simply an alchemist. He is also a teacher and more notably, an older brother. Even though she isn't related to him by blood, he see's the little spark knight named Klee as his younger sister. Despite all of the times that Klee had gotten in trouble and end up getting 'grounded' by Grandmaster Jean, Albedo still cares for her and when he isn't busy, would spend time with her and make sure that Klee didn't cause too much trouble whenever she goes out to play

Though, one day, when the two of them venture to the ruins nearby Starsnatch Cliff, they find themselves caught in a rather bizarre circumstance. Now stranded in a unfamiliar world, where magic is present everywhere you look, the two of them have to rely on not just each other, but the residents of the world if they want to make it back home to Teyvat.

As long as Klee doesn't try to blow anything up, everything should be fine... right?

A crossover story with the game Genshin Impact involving the characters Albedo and Klee. This idea kind of emerged as a 'what if' one shot, but after giving it some more thought, I thought I would try to take a crack at it.

Credits to everything shown
MLP by Hasbro
Genshin Impact by Mihoyo
Takes place in between season 8 and 9 for MLP and after the Dragonspine quest line in Genshin Impact, but before Windblume and Midsummer Island Adventure. I'll try to be consistent with updates, but some things IRL might have these updates be a bit more spread out than usual.

Reached Popular stories tab and featured temporarily on 02/5/2021. "Klee thinks you guys are the best!"
Featured again on 2/10/2021. "Da-Da-Da!"
Featured once more on 3/26/2021 as well as 5/11/2021

Chapters (45)

The last nine hundred years haven't been kind to Spike.
Unable to live in pony society at his current size, Spike sets off on a journey to find the spell that can revert his rampant growth. But he's not the only one searching for the cure.

From a lost library buried deep under the frozen north, to the seedy depths of a starlit metropolis, to the desolate surface of the moon, Spike will go to any length to reclaim what time and biology have taken from him--if the journey doesn't kill him, first.

A story about coming to terms with yourself. Also an entry for the May Pairings Contest

Chapters (7)

The Mane 6 have led a pretty fast-paced life ever since they all came together, but recently, things have been pretty laid back. The most recent world-saving feat had been accomplished by somepony else, and all has pretty much been quiet since then. It sounds nice, but Rainbow Dash quickly grows bored and demands adventure! So they all quickly come up with an idea and pack their bags, but when they embark on their new adventure, something goes horribly wrong, and they end up getting puled into a world very different than the one they're used to.

Chapters (8)