• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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This story is a sequel to Forgotten: The Frozen North

This story is a sequel to What A Long Strange Trip (Ending 2)

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria only to discover everypony she knew is now ancient history.

Cover art: G5 Sunset by mira.veike@derpibooru.org

Chapters (38)

This story is a sequel to Anon’s a Villain Again

Well, I believe the title says it all. It’s been a couple years since his last conquest, and Anon decides to conquer the world because he made a bet with Celestia. This time, he ain’t McCluckin’ around. Welcome, to the finale of this trilogy.

Featured on March 17th, 2021

Author’s note: Y’all, I’m sorry this didn’t come out exactly when the last one reached 500 likes, but I didn’t think it’d come this fast, Jesus.

Chapters (5)

Anon is a villain. Not a particularly good one, but... he’s a villain. Let’s see what stupid shit he did this time.

A one-shot inspired by “If movie Villains didn’t waste time”

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Anon’s a Villain and Wins

So, villainy was profitable the first time. Anon managed to wrangle up revenue from properties he owned, but due to how every pony was still a little pissed, they got some dope lawyers and kicked him out of the country. Thankfully, he’s still got his squad to back him up as he decides to come out of retirement and be a super villain in the Crystal Empire instead... that is, until some jackass tries to do it first.

This time around, there’ll be like, three chapters and an epilogue.
Warning: naughty no-no words.

Featured: January 7, 2021

Chapters (4)

Everyone always tells Twilight that the ones who love us never truly leave us.

But that's a lie. It's always been a lie.

Things that live must also die. It's simply the cycle of life, and that cycle doesn't care about love or the pain it causes.

Until one day, that cycle is broken by a forgotten figure from her past: a little tortoise who's not so little anymore.

This story is, first and foremost, a gift for the incomparable Mushroom, who clearly must be some sort of undiscovered species of fungus dog since we definitely don't deserve her. I have it on good authority that this story gave her Many Feelings, and I hope it gives them to you, too. :)

This also won first place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting '2021 Gift Fic Exchange' contest portion, which is neat.

Cover art commissioned from the lovely Shaslan!

Chapters (1)

NCR Ranger Veteran,
BoS Knight,
Lucky Bastard,
Courier Six,

Six, (Anti)Hero of the Mojave Wastes, has been called by many names. But no name rung truer at that moment than idiot. A random quest out to the West, and what does he have to show for it? A new body, and a new world.

1k views as of 4/20/2020
2k views as of 4/24/2021

Chapters (8)

Three months after the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows, the cloud city of New Pegas has emerged as one of the great powers in the wastes, a fully independent city run by a mare named Eden and a pre-war computer program named High Horse. The two have successfully driven back the forces vying for control of the great pre-war city and have begun to work towards lasting peace in the region.

However, one day, Eden receives a letter from an unknown sender, pleading for her help in the unexplored Equestrian Northwest. Her quest takes her across the continental divide to the sunken city of Tall Tale, where she finds an impossible mare and a threat that could destroy her fragile peace... as well as everything else in Equestria.

This story takes place in the universe of Kkat's Fallout: Equestria, and thus contains spoilers for the ending of that story.

The story has new cover art! Drawn by the wonderful Hakaina.

Chapters (7)

In years past, every time Equestria was forced to defend itself, the nation found itself having to rely on its champions in order to defend it. Yet when the latest threat rears their head, all but levels Equestria and leaves two out of three princesses weakened, it's guardians are going to need more than just a little help when it comes to tackling a threat still lurking in shadows. So diving into Star Swirl's old tomes Celestia and Luna scrounge up enough magic to call forth a mighty warrior from beyond the boundaries of reality.
Meanwhile on Earth, seven months following the arrival of the Green Mist, a young man finds himself wandering into the city of Canterlot City.
Revision of Displaced: Fallen Kingdom

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to The Mystery Mystic Machine

Fortuna is a mystery - literally. Anon has no idea how old she is, who made her, or how she ended up in a scrapyard - still, despite all that, he continues to discover things about her. It feels like every day he's finding something new she can do, oftentimes with disastrous results, and the list of her abilities keeps growing. Fortunately for him, even if he never uncovers all her secrets, he's happy to have made a friend...

Artwork by AnonTheAnon

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (4)

This story is a prequel to But Would Anything Matter?

Littered around Ponyville are stains of blood, an’ more an’ more bodies. Ponies I knew. Ponies I called friends. Ponies who will, dependin’ on how much of ‘em is left, probably get up and do the same to anyone else left alive. I wish I could stop it, but I can’t bring myself to desecrate their bodies like that.

Everypony who was able to evacuate is gone, I think, an’ all that’s left is me an’ Dash an’ the other… the other things that are lurkin’ about.

Written for a Quills and Sofa’s Speedwriting Panic. The prompt was Fangs!
Thanks to Emotion Nexus for prereading.
Cover art is a screenshot edit made by yours truly.

Chapters (1)